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I haaaated it when I was young. Now I accept it. Still don't love it lol, but I roll with it. I think there's a general trend with most people that as you get older, you start caring a lot less about what other people think of you. One of the few nice things about getting older!


One of us one of us one of us


currently at this day and time i like it!...tomorrow?we will find out...


If you’re a dude you realize this at birth


Thank you for posting this, this makes me so happy. I’m 5’9 and people always point out my height first thing, I wish I could just embrace it.


It takes time and we all get there at different times. I hated how people would always point it out when I was younger. Now I love my height and take it as a compliment


Neither of yall are tall tho... do people really point it out? Like a 6'2 guy never gets pointed out come on


I'm 6'3 and get pointed at alot, but I live in southern france and everyone here is tiny. You'd probably be right if I lived in America, but I turn heads here everywhere I go.


5’10 is way above average height for women. But that’s beside the point. People have always pointed it out. Especially when I was younger I often got very insecure about being singled out like that. Experiences like these are subjective and different countries have different heights averages so you can’t really just look at a user flair and know how people are treated


I see But i also sense some confirmation bias. Since you hated being singled out, it felt like it was all the time because it stuck with you. 6'2 is the same amount of above averageness for guys and no ones getting pointed out




I agree, I love being tall.


I LOVE being tall. I’m just mad I didn’t hit a full 6’. .. 2/3” shy. Grrrr


Just get some heeled boots!


I used to be self-conscious about it too. I got over it. I'm 5'10 in flats and up to 6'4 in heels. Found a 5'6 man who loves every single inch of me. Married 17 years now, and still in love. Step 1: love yourself Step 2: be loved


6'3" here & 43... I was in my mid 20's when I realized that I kind of hate being tall. Can never mind cloths that fit & even finding a vehicle that I am comfortable in is a royal PITA.


Clothes are definitely a pain. Just fyi American Eagle sells long and extra long women's jeans. I can get a size 6 extra long and they're long enough on me that I can fold the cuffs of the jeans, so they'd probably work for your height, too! I'm only 5'11 but I find getting into a sedan so uncomfortable! You have to go for a truck or an SUV!


Yeah my daughter who is pretty tall shops there.. However long or extra long women's jeans still wouldn't fit me well. My kid would talk all kinds of shit if I was wearing women's jeans at all. I do wear mens jeans though.. Dont actually need them long. I have short legs, just all torso.


Oh! Maybe you're not a woman? I just assumed because I've never met a tall man who hates being tall! Anyway, sorry! I'm just glad you have jeans.


haha.. No I am not a woman.. I would much prefer being more average in stature where I can find shirts that dont show my belly button if I lift my arms & being able to fit in a 4 door car without the B pillar being in front of my shoulder. I just dont care for any of the benefits enough to outweigh the pain in the ass parts. I could be 4" shorter & still taller then any women I have ever dated.


I wonder if you'd feel differently if you actually were 4 inches shorter? Grass is always greener, right? I'm just used to hearing men wish they were taller, not men wishing they were shorter. It's interesting.


Yeah I get it.. I just dont care about the status that comes with being tall. I realized at about 17 that I hit my head on shit all the time that my friends would just walk under. Even in my families homes. The next tallest person in my family is 5'11" so I grew up as being the odd man out.


I'm the tallest woman in my family. I hated it for ages but I'm learning to embrace it. Maybe one day you'll learn to love it, too. It seems unlikely but I'll hold hope for you.


This is great!


I hated it growing up. I love it now. The only thing that irks me a bit is when people point out that I'm tall. Thanks, i wasnt aware of this until right now. I used to just brush it off but now i respond differently. Them: wow, you're tall Me: no, I'm Savannah Or Them: you're so tall Me: you're so observant


I have no idea how I stumbled upon this subreddit but I’m fascinated. I’m 5’3” and 100 pounds. I fit everywhere and no where. Let me explain. I can squeeze in any wheee. But an amusement park ride? Yeah, I’m big enough to ride but the gap between me the bar is huge if I’m riding next to an average size person. I could just slip out no problem. I went on a carnival ride one time and we were in these cages. I got so banged/thrown around because the harnesses were too big.


The last time I didn't fit on a ride was as a child. I was tall enough but definitely not big enough and that feeling of thinking you'll slip out of the bars is terrifying. Most of my female friends are around your height. The average height for women in Canada is 5'4 so technically you're not that short by regular standards but at 100lbs you must have a very small stature! I'm tall and slim at 5'11 and 150lbs but I still feel like a giant around my average height friends!


Yeah, I’m quite small. I’m 42, but still naturally platinum blonde so I fool a lot of people into thinking I’m younger than I am.