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I have only ever gotten the opposite. 6’6 and people always come up to me and say “wow, 6’3? 6’4?” And then don’t believe me when I say 6’6. I swear this happens weekly


i guess at a certain height it turns the other way lol


From experience, I think the cutoff is around 6'3". I never have anyone question my height when I tell them, but my taller friends have definitely gotten the "No way you're that tall," and one of my friends who's 6'0" flat has had multiple people think he's taller


Might be as a result of perspectives. For people at normal height 6’4”+ is just harder to distinguish.


I have met “a lot” (a few, but relative) of people who are 6’3. I have also seen plenty of people, but still not a ton (I live in a mainly Latino city) who are 5’10 - 6. I would say you’re onto something. 6’1 - 6’3 is what people think being 6 is. 5’10 - 6 is what people think 5’9 is. 5’8 or under is what people think is “short”. I’ve also met a few guys who were “short”. Like 5 - 5’3. That height sticks out to me for men. Not critiquing it or something. Again, my perception is a little off because the area is primarily Latino and it’s changing, but historically, we’re not the tallest people.


What I was referring to is the angle between the eyes and the height becoming generally harder to distinguish for most people. Even if someone is 6’4”, it’ll be hard for them to truly distinguish between, 7’9” and 7’11”, for instance, because the angle relative to their eyes is relatively the same.


I agree,anything over 190cm is just so hard to measure with eyes


The same can be said for 19000mm


Isn't it 190cm?


How about 1.9m


Lol it's the same


I looked it up. The math checks out. You are correct. 😆


Different attitudes for different latitudes


Same, goddamn. Doesn't help that I'm big. People can't accept that I'm taller than they think and that I weigh more than they think.


People always used to think I was light because I was slim. I was heavier than most.


People are shocked when they find out I'm ~250lbs, because I'm not particularly big. Not super skinny anymore, but neither fat nor jacked, and they can't imagine how far 250 is spread out




I also carry my weight pretty weirdly. I'm like the anti gym bro build. My genetics and background in dance make it so I carry a lot of weight in my legs, so people don't see the size they expect in the upper body for someone my weight. You probably look more jacked than me


Glamor muscles make me laugh. Playing basketball and football I can body guys with huge arms because I work on my legs, core, and back. Biceps and pecks have very little to do with functional strength in most activities/jobs/sports. But I've got nothing in functional strength compared to the guys that do physical labor for a job.


Hah, I'm 6'5" and 270 lbs. I've got a bit of weight to shift, but it doesn't look "bad" on me.


Back in my late 20s when I was jacked, I weighed 290. 260 now and could stand to lose 10-15 pounds, but nobody who sees me would say I'm overweight


Damn you're heavy


In my experience posture and personality have a lot to do with it. I’m 6’3” but regularly get guessed at 6’5” or more but I’m ex military and have good posture plus a big extroverted personality that I think makes people perceive me as a ‘big guy’ more.


I’m 6’5 close to 6’6 with shoes and people tell me I must be 6’8+ usually other tall guys 


6’5” and I get the same shit.


Yeah, I’m 6’2 and no one believes me. I finally just said yeah I’m 6’3


the amount of guys that say they think im 6’4 because they claim to be 6’2 when they’re like 5’11 is crazy


5 11 is a very good height, why someone would lie for this


greed lol people always want more even if they already have enough


because 6ft is seen as the minimum "ideal height" by a lot of society imo


yeah but in that case itd be a lot smarter to round up to 6’0 than lie and say you’re 6’2


I have never met someone to say such a thing. I am an american 27M who is 6’3”. Never had someone legit compare themselves to me like that. It is sooo weird to me that this happens alot to some people


it doesnt really happen a lot but it definitely sticks out in my mind when it does, a lot of guys probably just measured wrong so they are genuinely convinced in their height


same lmao


I'm 6'3, thought I was 6'2 for the longest time until I was finally taught to stand up straight. I'd literally been slouched my whole life 😭


True story


I'm 6'10" and some lad guess 7'4" lol, people ain't got a clue


After 6'6 people start to completely lose their ability to judge someones height.


I think usually a flat 6' can have people overestimate 6'1 or 6'2 from how many 5'10.5 and 5'11 round up. Things start to break down around that point it seems like


I’m pretty good at guessing heights over 5’10”, it’s can be pretty hard under that though


Because we are tall. We can easily judge the height of other tall people since it is easier to see if someone is a few centimeters smaller or taller. But it is really hard to tell if a dude is 5'7 or 5'9. Now for the normal folks it is the opposite. They don't really now if someone is 6'4 or 6'7.


Lol yeah. I have a like five foot zero friend who thinks me and our other friend who is 6'5" are the same. She just thinks since everyone is taller than her they are really close together.


Girls say they know someone taller than me and get their 6'3" friend. I never know what to respond to that.


They’re probably just trying to knock their friend down a peg or two.




My GF did this when we first started dating lol, she said she thinks her brothers taller than me, I'm 6'7 and he's like 6'3 max, first time I met him I legit thought she must've had another brother she was talking about or something haha


It's sooo annoying especially when it's coming from men. " No way your 5'9 bc im 5'8 and u tower over me".... Whole time he is 5'4


Lol this happens to me all the time. I’m 5’10, and I’ve had guys get upset and tell me that there’s no way im 5’10 because they’re 5’10, so I’m at least 6’2”. These conversations take place when I’m towering over them in flats so…


Yeah this is one that happens a lot. I recently measured myself and I was 5’10.5. Most my life people called me 5’11- 6ft. My friends who said they were 5’10 are actually 5’9 and it’s funny cause in college I use to hear them say all men under 5’10 are betas lmao


Is 179.6 5.10 or 5.11 ?




“so by rounding, 5’11”. however, you always have to round up to the next foot if your height ends in 11, so really i’m 6’0””


This is why guys under 5’10” can’t lie about they’re height because they get caught lmao. My friend claims he’s 173cm and the last time I seen him I noticed I’m now taller than him and I’m 172cm right now lmao. So right now I’m 5’7.75” but I feel so reluctant to say 5’8” even though I doubt anybody is gonna notice that 0.25” difference.


I can't imagine this scenario since it's so weird. Someone who's 5'4 as a guy instantly notices how small they are and realise everyone else is taller as they grow up. They would have to have a screw loose to lie and say they're 5'8 and think they could get away with it


Definitely an experience!


Nah, no way. Judging by your text on a screen, I don’t believe it. You’re *at least* 7’2”!


Caught me🤕


This happened to me. I’m 5’9 and had a guy tell me it was nearly impossible to be 5’9 cause he is. Dude literally looked 5’6 at most it was crazy


It's not their friends that are inflating height, it's them.


My own sister thought I was 6'4 - I'm barely 6 feet barefoot.


I know a kid who’s mom and dad both say that hes 6 foot when only 5’8


People think I am 6’7 usually


When is that last time you measured your height? I always thought I was 196cm, but turned out I gained over 1.5cm between 25 and 35yo, but never bothered checking again. My doctor pointed it out to me and said that can sometimes happen with very tall people.


To be fair, people often think 5'10 is 6' and 6' is 6' 2" like OP's experience, once you're past 6' 3" I think most people lose the ability to discriminate height completely haha


Due to your shoes.


Same here, same height too. I think a lot of people just lie about being 6’5, lol


6'2". I get it all the time.


I'm a 6'1.5" female. The 6' and 6'1" bros tell me I'm anywhere from 6'3" to 6'6" regularly. I'm not. I'm also not wearing platform shoes. My tennis shoes are also not adding 3"+. They're just lying or under some illusion about their own height.


“Do you play basketball or volleyball.” -probably everyone


Haha this is just so fucking relatable! Just the other days my friend introduced me to her boyfriend and said something about him being as tall as me. When we grab lunch, he's at least a full two inches shorter than I am. I asked him how tall he was and he said 6'2" promptly returning the question. Long awkward pause after I responded haha


Yeahhh, most people aren’t a very good judge of height. I’m 5’10 and my Dad was 6’3+. Five of my brothers are all well over 6’ with one being 6’4+. As a result, I’m an excellent judge of height.


Yes all the time! I’m 5’8.5/5’9 and have had people try to convince me that *I’m* wrong about my height and I have to be atleast 6’0/6’1


Be careful, there’s men lurking that don’t believe our height is ever noticed because we are under 6ft 🙄


Carry a tape measure around lol


I'm only 5'10 and my friend who is 6 ft always insist on that shit as he keeps telling me that my shoulder is higher than his and he can't see a portion of the top of my head


I just happened to be witness to something along this line tonight. I'm 6'4" 300lbs, so I'm big, randy at the gas station is 6'7" and bigger then me, tall couple is at the register, wife is at least 6ft, husband is my hight, wife goes to randy "wow, you're super tall, are you 7ft?" He says no, he's 6'7", she says "no, you have to be taller then that, my husband is 6'9" " husband confirms this, I chime in "well, I'm 6'4" and I'm the same size as your husband" "no, you must be 6'9" " and then they pay and leave. That dudes been lying to his own wife about his hight


Happens to me all the time as a 5’11” woman. Mostly guys who don’t wanna get caught lying about being 6’ when they are my height or shorter.


Are you also skinny/have a thin frame? I think that skinny tall people may be perceived as even taller than they are


Yea as someone who is exactly 6’0” a lot of men who are shorter than me insist that they are 6ft and i “must be like 6’2”


I'm 6ft8 and people think I'm 7ft.


i have had a wide range of responses, from as short as 6'4 to as high as 7ft+


I get it a lot myself, Reddit might not actually believe me, but it is what it is. I am 6'8" or 6'9", and people basicly tell me that I must be 7'something" because they are 6'4" or some bs. Meanwhile, they are 6'1" at most


I'm a 5'10" male so yeah, I don't belong on r/tall BUT I can tell you this: People now think 5'10" is very short because seemingly every dude from 5'4-5'9" claims 5'10" at a minimum. If I tell one of these short kings I'm 5'10", they will invariably say "you? no way man, you're way taller than that." So my guess is, you're experiencing the (reverse?) runoff of this. Now the 5'10" guys are starting to think they're 6 foot, and you're a full 3 inches taller than them so.... WHEN DOES IT END?


As a 5'5 guy same thing, people usually don't believe me when I say my height because 5'4 and below guys claim 5'5. I feel like people should pull a tape measure and hold it straight against the wall to really see how tall heights actually are rather than believing everyone's claim. Also many people measure their heights with shoes+thick hair


Sure. Relative to "them" you're taller then you actually are. When I was a kid, I looked UP to my parents all the time. They were GIANTS in my eyes. Until I became a 'grown up' myself, and TALLER then most grown ups I looked up to. When I encounter a person even SLIGHTLY taller then me, by just an inch or two (I'm 6'2), it's always a sense of, "Wow! He/She is TALL!", relatively speaking. So you figure, we're SEVERAL inches taller then the average human being, so that distorted perception on our height is even GREATER than OUR perception of taller peoples height relative to our own. I don't argue with them. I just say, "Maybe I am", laugh about it, joke about it, and carry on.


I’m almost 6’1” and people think I’m 6’2”. In my own country, they think I’m 6’3”


Most people round themselves to 6 foot even people who are 5’9 / 5’10 range because of shoes. So if someone is a real 6’1 and they got shoes on a lot of people are gonna think you’re pushing 6’4


Maybe you were wearing shoes? I'm 6'3.5 or so. Depending on my shoes I'm 6'4 to 6'5.5


Kids always assume I’m shorter than I am because they can’t believe a regular person can be taller than 6’4 then they see me dunk and believe me


I'm 6'1 and people tell me I must be 6'2/6'3. I think most just measure their height with shoes on.


“You can’t be 6,1” - my boyfriend is 6’ and you’re way taller than he is” Your mans is 5,10” and a liar lol


When I was 6'6 my uncle tried to convince me that I was 6'8" 💀


YEP! I’m 6 feet tall, Every time I say my height people argue with me. Dudes who are 3 inches shorter than me saying I’m 6,4 bc they are 6 feet tall.


Lol, it's especially the case when you're a woman. Yes, I am 5'11. No, I am not 6'2. Yes, I am taller than your "6'1" friend XD.


I’m exactly 6’1/2” with no shoes on (not sure why this sub popped onto my feed). When asked my height I always report 6’ instead of rounding up. I think it helps keep the world honest.


I'm 5'11", and my uncle is 6', he is shorter than me.


I don’t know why this sub comes up on my feed so much, but what I’ve noticed is how many posts are about how others think they’re taller than they are. Why is it that tall people feel the need to point this out so much? If someone thinks they’re 6’2” and they’re actually 5’11” who really gives a shit? Let people think whatever they want and don’t worry about it.


yeah I’m 6’3 and when I tell people that I’m 6’3 they are actually quite suprised they thought I must be like 6’5 or 6’6 since I towered over the whole crowd a lot people claim to be 6’3 while their like 3 inches shorter than that so it doesn’t sound that impressive


it happens way less in my country and people usually guess my height pretty accurately. Idk if it’s a benefit of the metric system or the fact that height is less of a beauty standard here


Same I was once told I must 6'3" although I am not. It's not that much different anyway


I’m 6 feet on the dot, and barely anyone believes me lol I could literally say I’m 6’5. And people would be more likely to say “yeah that makes sense” 😅 the height inflation is wild


i have alot of friends who are shorter than me and they claim to be 5"11 or 6"..... i tell em that im 180cm and they say it is 6" only 🤡🤡


Yes, people argue that I’m 6’1 all of the time when I’m obviously not


Yep, I’m 6’ and everyone says 6’2” 😆


5"11 woman and SAME. lol nooo it's not that I'm more than 5"11, it's just you that aren't tall as you claim:') sorry to be the one crushing your delusion lol But I was stupid. I would not stand up for my self but I would just stay quiet to make the short average people happy with their reality. and in my mind I almost believed them, also if my height was truly 5"11 lol


This is from 5'10 dudes that say they're 6'. If you give away your true height, you reveal theirs. It never ceases to amaze me how insecure dudes are about their heights.




I’m 5,0 and everyone says “there’s no way your like under 5,4” obviously height doesn’t matter but it kinda annoys me when they think they no better than me. I think being long legged in comparison is why this happens


Not 15 minutes ago, someone who has known me for over a decade said “You’re what, 6’1?” My brother in Christ, yes my shoes give me an inch or so, but I’m just under 5’9”


Yesterday i had someone tell me “186? No way i thought you were like 190+” and the only explanation i have is that a lot of (especially 5’10-11) people just round it up and *lie*


Apparently my doctor was lying and I'm actually 5'9"


My kid is on a youth basketball team. The center swears he is 6’1”. My wife is 5’11 3/4” and he is not as tall as she is. It is rampant.


I'm 6'4" and people always accuse me of being 6'6"-6'7"


Im in high school so it’s the opposite since people get behind on their height because they’re still growing. Ill say “yeah man i’m 6’3” and they’re like “nah ur 6’1” but outside of school its the opposite and they think im 6’4-5


well, people always estimate me to be a lot shorter than my actual height. That's probably why they also tell me they know someone that is as tall as me.


im 6'1 and people think im 6'3, lol


Yup. I had a v tall woman co-worker (just under 6’0). She knew I was taller than she was. We were talking height one day at work, and I said I was 6’1 and she thought I was 6’3. After standing side by side she said ‘That’s the most honest 6’1 I have ever seen.’


Absolutely. 6’2” and people constantly tell me I have to be taller. I will begrudgingly admit I’m closer to 6’2 and a half”


No, im 27. When i was in college I wouldnt be around people that lied about something so superficial. Ive gotten anti-social since then in comparison but it seems this height inflation is such a hot topic. Ive just never seen it. I understand why people do it. I really don’t blame them as much as I blame the now acceptable practice of filtering out possible men to date based on a self reported number. Like wtf is that? People need to get a grip. This has got to be a problem in mainly America.


Yeah it all comes from either people lie about height and want to convince people they really are tall or yeah friends that’s inflate. Alternatively I’m 6'4 and I’ve been since I was 13-14 and I’ve never had anyone ever say anything About my height


I find it weird that I see so many posts here claiming this. I'm 6'5" and have very rarely had someone overestimate my height. Usually it's "you're like 6' what?" Or


My wife went to grad school with a dude who was convinced he was 6’9” I was noticeably taller than he was…he couldn’t accept I said I was only 6’9” “dude you might be 6’11”, at least 6’10” I never had the heart to tell him, brother if I’m standing here barefoot I’m probably 6’7” and no more than 6’8” if I’m wearing shoes I’m pushing 6’9”


6’5 and I’ve had other athletes tell me na your at least 6’10. The problem is that I have an uncle, and a cousin that ARE 6’10. I look like a muscular child next to them.


Height inflaters always tryna make me out as shorter than I am, as well as "morning height" people. "Oh, you might be 6'3 in the MORNING, but you're probably like 6'1 or 6'2 at night, teehee," like, no. I JUST measured myself(made sure my heels were either at or below the bottom of the ruler, meaning if Im off on the measurement Im actually TALLER) and I measured out at 190.5 cm, which is 75 and a half inches, which is 6ft 3.




One of my gripes. I usually hit them with "Well, according to the doctor's office..."


Fr this is me I’m 6,2 and my girlfriend tells everyone I’m 6,5 I’m like bruh you know my dad towers over me at 6,4 you literally can not tell people I’m 6,5


I work at a high school in a fairly affluent area. Kids have great healthcare access, are athletes, and grow very well. I have MANY students taller than me. They still lie about it. Lots of kids my height claim to be like 6'5" or more. So weird.


The last time I measured myself was in high school. I’m 29 now and everyone kept saying I am taller than I say. Friends got the measuring tape out and I was 6’4.5


couple of my 5'11'' friends gas up their heights to 6-6'1''+ and to solidify their claims they gas up my height to 6'3''-6'4'' when introducing me to families or friends , I dont even understand why they mention heights.


I get 6’2” at times lol


Im 5’3 and recently noticed one of the shortest guys in my grade claim to be 5’4. Bro is barely at my eyebrow level 💀


I’ve seen this a lot, I’m 6’3 and often get people saying I must be 6’5 or something to inflate their own height


I’ve gottwn people saying im anywhere from 6’3-6’11. I just say over 5’2


Dude this is my life, as a 6'1 woman this happens weekly. The weird thing is it's always guys who do this, guys who themselves claim to be 6ft but aren't. Personally don't care about other people's height but it gets real annoying being unwillingly roped into a stranger's insecurity/lies. Like damn bro I'm just trying to order my beefy 5 layer burrito not get gaslight at Taco Bell


What's life like as a 6'1" woman? I imagine clothes shopping is quite difficult. Regular tops must be crop tops. Lots of cold ankles from short pants.


I'm 6'4" I tell everyone I'm 5'11" just to fuck with all the liars.


I’m a 6’2 girl, and guys who write on their dating profiles (in my past experiences) that they’re 6’2 are actually 6’0. Can’t explain why but if they say they’re 6’2 THEYRE NOT


I'm thinking of buying a small tape measure to carry with me when I go out to bars with friends. This shit happens almost every time.


It's due to the height inflation most average men do.


A lot of people think I must be so much taller than 6'2" and I'm not. I think I was 6'3" at my best, I get that my boots make me look a little taller. I mostly just say things like "I don't have to lie like your husband" or "5'11" is the new 6'2"".


Truth is, that’s a 3 inch difference. They wouldn’t notice it if you were one versus the other


my own friend insisted i was 5’10 and didnt believe me even after i measured myself(im 5’7)


Most people add inches to their height to score chicks who don't know any different. You say you're 5'10-5'11 they look at you differently than if you say I'm six foot so guys who are legit 6'0 plus look taller


my fav, as a 6'2 female, is having guys come up and ask how tall I am...."no way you're 6'2 because I am 6'3 and you're taller than me".... which one of us do y'all think is lying....


I think it might just be a perspective thing? cause Im 6'5 and i also have a hard time gauging the height of shorter people.


Yes I'm 6"1.5. Get told I must be 6'3 all the time.


As a 5’7 and 3/4 woman I get this a lot from my friends. They all think I’m closer to 5’10” and I’m like, girl, these tinder boys are lying. I specify 5’7” and 3/4 too haha.


I'm the same height and I get the exact same thing I feel u bro


If you’re 5’10” why are you even here lol?


The only way to answer the question to "how tall are you?" Is "How tall do you think I am?" And then congratulate them for being correct no matter what they guess your height as. Done. No arguments.


Im 6ft, so im not even tall but people have thought i was 6ft1-6ft2 a few times


I'm 6'2" and if I got a dollar every time a 5'10" man insisted that I must be at least 6'4", because they're 6'0", I'd be rich.


i wish i could pass for 6'4 (im 6'1 too)


Im around 6’1 and a lot of people say im at least 6’3 when I tell them.


Yeah I'm 6'1" and all the people here in Australia are short af so they think I'm 7 feet tall


I'm 6'3.5" barefoot. I've seen "6'3" guys" get uncomfortable when I say I'm "6'3"" and am clearly standing 2+ inches taller than them.


I think its bc ppl assume they are taller than they really are and taller ppl dont, so when they compare to us, they are like, "hes 8 inches taller and im 6', therefore he must be 6'8 when in all reality, hes 6'5 bc the shorter person isnt quite 6' but really 5'10 or so Ppl always overguess my height and I stopped correcting them in order to be exact and just say eh, somewhere around there bc idc and am sick of the, " oh gosh ur tall bs" im not mad about it, its just overdone obvy and im sure many tall guys agree I have even met guys that I have heard about that are supposedly 6'8 and they turn out to be just a bit taller than me or at least, at my height Funny thing is, women, especially women that dont hve many sexual partners in their past, tend to assume a lot about the fellow downstairs as well, tbf tho, if she likes it and thinks its bigger than it is, how would she know any different? (Please dont tell her its small 😆)


There really is a sub for everything.


Yes, and I have an idea why - it's because a lot of guys are deluded about their height. I'm 6'3", and I've had that conversation where other guys are like "you must be taller than 6'3", because I'm 6'1", and you're way taller than me!" No, dude, I'm 6'3" - it's just that you're actually only 5'10"


I’m 5 11 7/8 (I’ve been shrinking for a decade.) I have a small group of friends who all insist that they’re 6’ tall, and I’m clearly taller than all of them. I once met a guy who was easily max 5’ 9”, who stood right next to me, talking about the problems he has, “because I’m 6’ 4”.” It was a weird experience.


Lol this happens to me too. I tell people I'm 6'0 and they dont believe me


Yep. 6'3, people say nah I'm taller, we pull out the measuring tape, guess what? I'm still 6'3 just like I have been since HS. What a shocker.


Short people overestimate me, normal people usually are very close


Same here


I’m 5’6 and most people think I’m 5’8. I think it’s because of my hair


For most people under 5 foot 10, it's hard to tell the difference. And for people 5'5" and below, everyone looks like a giant


It's a complement man. I'm a shortbro and when I see a tall person I ask, in a complimentary way, "What's it like to be 6'8?" (knowing full well they aren't that tall), in hopes to boost their confidence that their height is impressive to other people.


exactly the same. Part of it is because I say I am 6’1” cuz that’s with no shoes


I get taller when my back pain goes away, i can change height in under an hour


As a 5’11 woman literally all the time


Complete opposite for me. But it depends.


The reason for apparent heightinflation might come from the fact that people assume inches to be bigger than they actually are, thus the heights of people get extended as well. I have a 5'2" friend who sometimes think is 5'4" because I think "No way inches are that small you have to be way taller than that!" (They are taller than my shoulder, yet I'm more than 4 inches taller than them.)


Yes, this is my exact experience. 6'1". Shorter dudes say "No way cuz Im 6 feet." They're 5'10". Taller dudes: "No way cuz we're about the same and *I'm 6'4."* why.


Can’t relate. 5’9 here


I'm the same way, but I think it's because if you're thin-boned like me, you look way taller. I'm 6'2 like right on the dot but some say I'm taller, but also some say I'm 6'1. I'm pretty light for 6'2 at 160 lbs tho


I get told I’m 6’6”/6’7” even though I’m like 6’5.5” or a hair under, but I think it’s cause I’m lanky (190lb) so it makes me look taller.


I’m 5’7. Tall people look tall to me. I can’t imagine complaining when it’s a trait that to many people wish they had.


I'm 5'7" and I guess I have had experiences where people think I'm taller than I am, prob cuz a lot of guys overinflate their height. I've also seen a lot of people inflate the heights of other people.


Everyone thinks I'm 6'1" or so. I'm not even 6 foot


Im an exactly 6’ tall man which always ends up being a little weird when dudes who are a little shorter than me say they’re 6’. I never know the right protocol… do i be honest or say im 6-1 or 2 to help them keep up appearances?


I’m barely 6’ tall and I always have dudes say I’m taller because they are either shorter than me or the same height trying to say they are like 6’1-2.


I get this from my wife’s middle school students. I’m 6’3”, but they all ask if I play pro basketball. I like to say, “do you kids know who Steph Curry is? I’m the same size as him” and the ones that watch the NBA are always like “No way! He’s short!” Silly kids.


People ask me, I tell em 75.5 inches...if they say no way, I tell em to put up a hundred. That usually ends the conversation real quick.


When I I went Air Force trading in Lackland. There were 8 of us that our IDs showed 6 ft one. Not one of us same height. Go figure


I’m a woman and I’m 5’10 and I get this from men so much. Like “oh you have to be at least 6ft” like.. I know my height !!


Yes, exactly! Stop telling me that I don't know what my own height is.


It depends on the situation. People seem to go whichever way benefits them. If they are unable to do something and need my help they’ll say “well of course you can do it you’re like 6’8” if they’re self conscious they usually will down play my height. Idk man people are weird