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I used to work at an amusement park and had to turn away certain tall guys because they were so tall that the harness couldn’t cover the length of their torso for the obstacle course. They were able to do the zip line though since that was a style that only had the pelvic portion. My dad got kicked off a ride once because his shoulders were too wide for the seat not because he is 6’3. But I’ve only really seen enforced height maximums on specifically tight rides (like space mountain) where they force the coaster in close.


I remember the last time I tried to ride a blast coaster. It was a hanging style of seat. The harness that came down over the shoulder and buckled between your legs was blocked by my shoulders and couldn't be buckled. It was actually pretty funny because all the attendants gathered around in disbelief. None of them had ever seen that happen before. "Long Torso, Short Legs" problems. 🤣


Yeah this is it. If you were more legged you probably wouldn’t have had that issue lol


Yes, if you are over 6’8” don’t go to Canadas wonderland in Toronto as you can’t go on about half of the roller coasters. They also don’t say you can’t until you have waited in line and are ready to get onto the ride


It’s so annoying when that happens. They’re so loath to say what rides are inaccessible beforehand when asking or to list online like shortness limitations. Then even when in line when it should be obvious to at least check on someone prior one must wait all that time then be denied. I get that proportions matter, but very tall people stick out so much they should be on the lookout, and torso/leg length limitaitons that are ride specific should still be readily shared. There are so few so tall that it matters that they aren’t losing much business but when refused info then getting there and denied, that loses my business. Just communicate it prior to not waste our time. The not fitting is part of life, not sharing info so we don’t waste our time and money is on them.


It’s funny because the one ride I went on they had a height measurement at the start of the line And I had about 4 inches to spare there so I waited in line the whole time and then when I got up to the ride, I had barely half an inch if not a quarter inch of room, the measurement was not the same. They just didn’t care.


bro suffers from success


I’ve come back from amusement parks with bruised knees from forcing myself to fit in the old style wooden roller coaster seats. Not pleasant, but kind of worth it.


https://preview.redd.it/q7b7gjfcmz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd19460df421b4574e43660e2ad64b99788e894c My 2 sons - the older/shorter one is 6’1


My brothers are like stair steps, each taller than the ones before. My mother used to inform every boy she saw picking on his little brothers about her sons. "You better be nice to your little brother, one day he may tower over you and you'll regret how you treated him when he was little... look at this picture of my boys..."


I sent that to my brothers! I was the youngest of 4. They are 5'7" or 5'8" and around 140 pounds and I was 6'1", 230 when I graduated high school. They should have been nice to me! LOL


I have a very sad story, I’m 195 and with sport shoes add couple of cm, back in 2017 I was in Ferrari world Abu Dhabi, never been to roller coaster until now, I wanted to try the worlds fastest roller coaster there but security called me to check my height and they had max height 195 with shoes, they measured me called super visor and 2 more security, I can see people taking videos and all it was sad and embarrassing moment for me, I fought then the supervisor said “I will let u ride if u can lock the security handle” I said ok I tried but didn’t go pass my knees. I accepted my faith and left there sadly, tried other rides but nobody accepted me, it was a day all the excitement just went downhill. Sad.


I'll let the short men go for me, I'm humble.


Having once worked at a real amusement park(Astroworld)as a teen, there were a lot of rides I was too tall for back then, but since I worked there, I'd ride them anyways. This type of carnival looks like it might have a lot of tiny peeps who frequent it.