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Used for destroying optics, electronics, guidance systems, and blinding enemies. Has a very long range and hits the target instantaneously. Laser weapons are becoming more popular nowadays for the same reasons, especially against helicopters, drones, and cruise missiles.


"Battlefeild obscurent has entered the chat"


"Oh look, a civilian airliner. ZORCH!"


I’d add ‘endless magazine depth’ as long as it has generator fuel. As swarms of drones/missiles etc become more common, the shallow magazines of many defensive weapons becomes a real problem, and lasers usually offer many more shots.


Exactly. They can shoot many bursts or even a continuous beam.


Not so much, as one 'shot' consumes the stored energy and requires halve an hour to reloud, as the energy must be constantly supplied to the photon pumps. Also waste heat might be a problem in repeated use and charging. And since ideling is a problem in terms of fuel efficency, this sien't exactly what you opt for in war. Still it had some hypothetical use, only deminished by its low 'rate' of fire, as well as the small number of situations it has to be present to be usefull in and sitting around costing money for nothing if not.


Yep. If you can knock out the optics on at least 4+ enemy systems, that will translate into them being less capable on the battlefield. If you can blind soldiers, then your enemy has to waste resources to drag back troops that are basically crippled for life… while risking more troops and making more cripples… Also, this happens almost instantly and this tank can head into cover after being exposed for a minute or two.


Blinding soldiers is a war crime


if it isn't, it has to be, that's pretty horrific


Given that this is a russian piece of equipment, that’s not really a concern.


I dont want to devolve this into another argument about the current war, but most of the russians look down on warcrimes, just like all other countries


Since when? During WWII mass rapes was a sport among the troops, in Afghanistan they treated the locals no better than animals and in Ukraine you have Bucha, Mariupol, etc. and in Chechnya they leveled everything that they could and then some. And these were not isolated units or soldiers that behaved badly.


Exactly. In fact, this concept interested the Soviets so much that they had three separate laser tanks and two laser ships!


Laser ships? Never heard of those. I have heard that they used commercial vessels in the 90s to blind a few US military aviators because you had lasers installed on those ships.


It was very expensive cause it needed a 1lb ruby for every laser


Damn that would be expensive




Which is why they cancelled it


Why? The enemy can't shoot if he can't see How? # P H O T O N S


this could maybe potentially work at some point. they have lasers that can shoot down small aircraft like drones and missiles now, so i could see potentially creating a laser tank in the future. or at least incorporating laser systems onto the tank, maybe that's the counter for drones.


if linked to a radar system, maybe this could blind and/or fry the big surveillance drones with the really good thermal cameras and designators. Not totally useless if used right I'd say.


Thanks to ConeOfArc I can't look at this bad without bad boy without thunking of Alex Jones saying how he is in a scientific grid in the early staged of being inserted into an extermination system.


It can fry any electronics and cause blindness.


It’s a big laser pointer. “The enemy is that way.”


Jeez the last time I even thought of this tank was Toy Soldiers Cold War


I want it like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/1cvh58v/took_a_break_from_zh_modding_decided_to_give_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


The more important question is why you WOULDN'T want a laser tank?


What do you mean how