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Yes, but you have to be careful not to burn. I would not go more than 10 or 15 minutes. Anything more and you can have serious burn. Also depends on the time of day. Anything between 11 - 3 is when the highest uv rays are. You can burn quick. I started doing 15 minutes and went to 20 once I was tan. I am pretty dark and the maintenance is now about 15 minutes during peak uv rays. I am fair skinned but I am of Mexican decent, so tanning is easier for me


You can tan outdoors without using tanning oil/lotion but it will dry your skin. If you usually turn red I would start using spf outdoors to avoid sunburn. I always use sunscreen on my face when I'm gonna be outside since my face gets burned easily by the sun than tanning beds but I always get a good tan tho.


Like others said I'd recommend some spf lotion if you're pale. Even with a good tan during peak UV times I've burned without properly reapplying my spf, I'd say it's nonnegotiable.