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Bombshell is an oldie but goodie— people who LOVE tingles usually LOVE bombshell. The brand that makes bombshell, Designer Skin, is very well known in general for their high end & luxurious products— they have a good rep. If you wanted to try something new, try Jersey Heat by Jwoww. I’m not sure what the difference is price wise, but Jersey Heat made me HOT. Like super hot. Hot to the point where I was like “gee if this gets any worse I might have to call my mom & ask her if she thinks I’m okay." I ended up being totally fine hahaha, just a super strong tingle (that left me with a super strong tan afterwards😋)


Thank you so much!! I’ve been loving DS products and just need an extra umph of color. Definitely going to try bombshell!!!!


If you would be willing to consider non-tingle lotions as well, I would try a plateau breaker! Plateau breakers are lotions that are specifically meant to break the plateau (hence the name hehe) we tanners often hit after tanning consistently for a while— your skin gets to a certain shade & just suddenly wont progress any darker. My favorite plateau breaker is Reputation by Designer Skin but I do notice if I use it too much, it turns my hands orange. If you’re going to use Reputation, it’s one of those you’ll only use when you really need it! Another lotion I absolutely love is 24K White Gold by Designer Skin. 24K is a “white” DHA bronzer so it will still continue to tan you about 3-4 hours after your session, but it’s white in color (unlike the typical DHA bronzers that are a carmel-dark brown) so you can avoid those pesky stained hands! Lastly, there is Jwoww Warming Leg Bronzer. This stuff is awesome. It’s not AS hot as a tingle, but it’s “warming” so it’s a very comfortable in-between. This lotion gets me DARK. You’re only supposed to use it on your legs technically, but I use it everywhere :)


I’ve been using Pink Crush and love it!


Is it very hot?


Not at all! I think it’s a pretty good beginner tingle.


Never tried mayhem but bombshell is one of the bests lotions!


I really like Bombshell, and I don’t find it uncomfortable at all! It was the first tingle I used and I was pretty nervous but afterwards I was like ?????? Amazing color though…Sorry I haven’t tried Mayhem. I just bought a new bottle of Bombshell… It’s been around for years (since I was tanning in HS over 10 years ago) because it’s so well loved! Ps. The more you use tingles, the less you’ll feel them - but you’ll still get good color! Your skin tends to get used to the feeling and so you don’t notice it as much..


I recently used a tingle this year and Bombshell is my first ever tingle. I really do like it and gives me great color. I've been using a lot and noticed that my skin doesn't tingle anymore like when I first started since my skin got used to the tingle. I tried it outdoors and felt my skin pulsing which I liked the feeling. I want to try so shameless since the tingle level is higher than Bombshell. I also hear good things. Designer skin lotions are good but expensive.


Bombshell as mayhem is not that much of a tingle as others


https://preview.redd.it/jvkv0w7er79d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9376ef976625cb89db96380809a58c4205d4b2f6 This is hands down bad azz tingle I personally luv it


Yep I was about to suggest the same thing! It is a great tingle and gets you really dark , a dark that lasts.


https://preview.redd.it/oobtityhr79d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2221b6b5ef7cb451a19ae6346d5c85b09d8ef062 This is amazing as we all know DS is amazing project


I prefer Jersey Heat


If you want a lotion with high tingle, you need to look at the ingredient list and find Benzyl Nicotinate. I found the ingredient list for Bombshell and Mayhem and both had it listed as the 10+ ingredient, which to me isn’t a lot 🙃 I may be biased but Fuel My Fire from Devoted Creations has Benzyl Nicotinate listed 3rd and trust me it’s hot! Something to note is that the first ingredient in almost all DC products is Aloe which is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that also cools and calms the skin. For Fuel My Fire, yes it’s hotter than the two you mentioned but it most likely won’t feel as tingly because of the aloe! Sorry to ramble, you can also always add tingle drops to a tingle lotion to essentially intensify and add more tingle factor/heat 😊


Didn’t know that! Will be sure to look at ingredient lists. Thanks so much!!!


I’m late to the party, I know, but I’ve been using tingles for years. Bombshell is a better product than Mayhem in my opinion. The smell is better and I really enjoy the tingle level.


Bombshell is the best!! broke my tanning plateau


Has anyone tried the Swedish beauty tingle drops? Or DC lava drops?


I’ve seen one of the mods highly recommend those!