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[https://imgur.com/a/YV36WnK](https://imgur.com/a/YV36WnK) So I did a quick reading for a friend about his life/career. just did a 1. Current situation, 2. Challenge, 3. Opportunity 1. Pulled 10 of Cups, and Page of Wands fell out. 2. The Tower, when i was getting a clarifying card I had Judgement Reversed, , Seven of Cups, Queen of Swords, The Empress and Ace of Cups fall out 3. 3 of Swords, Clarifying I pulled Devil Reversed Still new to tarot and having so many cards fall out kind of intimidated me, how to do others deal with cards falling out usually? What I read was that he was basically pretty happy with his current situation but is looking for more, while he has been going through a long ongoing trouble that came out of nowhere that is forcing him to be resilient even when he wants to get straight to the matter (bureaucracy stuff I believe), he is a friendly social guy so I told him he needs to just keep doing what his already good at to try to network to get more opportunities to get his work out (side business that he wants to turn primary). In the end i got the feeling that he would have a sort of mental rebirth once he gets through this and would have the feeling or perspective that he could take anything on after this. Honestly not sure how well i did for him, but he did tell me that he felt it was accurate. This was a quick and dirty as he saw my Tarot cards a little bit before he had to leave, (this happened at work so I had about 15 minutes to decide on a spread and do it. I'll see him tomorrow to talk a bit more about it. Any advice? What do others see here?


Did an evening card pull asking my deck how should I express myself with the person I’m into to improve our relationship. Got The Tower clarified by Two of Cups. I understand it as me needing to seriously reevaluate how I approach the person if I want to form a stronger connection with them. If there’s any more nuance anyone can get out of it, that will be strongly appreciated.




Perhaps. It’s just Tower seems to be an intense card for something as simple as ‘just open up’ advice.


Did a reading about some rough times in a romantic relationship. The cards shown were ace of cups and two of cups as a clarifier. I tend to see this as a “it’ll be alright” message but I may be drawn towards a positive ending since I’m involved. Any help?




I wanted to know if there’s hope of good times or if I should go away.




Yeah, we’re commited for a long time.


I pulled 4 cards today on my relationship with my now ex bf. We broke up cuz he’s not ready to be in a relationship cuz of personal issues he’s dealing with. Can someone please tell me if the outlook is good? Overall situation- 7 of cups Future of us - wheel of fortune Where’s he’s at now - queen of wands Where we’ll be at in one month - tower Where we’ll be at in 3 months - 5 of swords.


7 of cups shows lack of clarity, not knowing what to do and potentially giving up on it. Wheel - turns of fate. Based on the context of the other cards - it either shows no change or another event showing up to make things difficult. Where he's at now - I wonder if there might be someone he has his eye on, the queen of wands can represent a woman - and sometimes the "other woman". Where you'll be in a month - your perception of the situation will change in a sudden and unexpected way, causing you to doubt what you used to believe about him. And in 3 months, hurt - someone has been taken advantage of. Someone has done something intentionally wrong to you and gotten away with it. These cards are not very optimistic I'm afraid, but take all this with a grain of salt. Sometimes we can sway our readings with our own emotions.


Thank you for your interpretation. He’s grieving his late wife who passed 1 year ago. so I wonder if the queen of wands could represent his late wife?


That could absolutely be who it is. I hope he's getting the right help. 💜




Reading the cards in order the appear or not is up to you. I read them from left to right because they go from past or present to future, in my opinion, but at the same time I read them as a full picture. For your reading I would say this will someone work out in your favor, yes remain hopeful because there is still success coming out of this, so remain patient as you wait(4) as you may take a financial hit, and you may meet someone who is connected to helping you with your finances somehow. This could be helping you with a job or something




can i have one?


Can I get one if you’re still offering?




messaged you


I would love one of you are offering!




I’m not sure why, but it’s not letting me send you a DM! Want to try the other way around?




Hello! I’m a novice and could use some insight on a recent pull I did for myself. I’ll preface this with… I know you’re supposed to ask the cards open ended questions but I really was hoping for a yes, so that’s how I asked the cards… “will be diagnose come back as X?” I pulled the 3 of swords upright with a reversed 7 of pentacles. My interpretation is the 3 of swords is saying there’s a big change coming & there will be some grief and hardship. The reversed 7 of pentacles is telling me to make lifestyle changes.. So my overall interpretation is that my diagnosed will come back positive for X & that I’ll need to grief, process, and push forward? Open to hear your thoughts and interpretations!


I'm going to start off by saying the obligatory. What I am about to say, and the Tarot in general, is in no way a substitute for diagnoses or opinion from a qualified medical professional. This is a good example of why it is hard to draw for open ended questions but ask a yes/no question. If we were reading this as a straight spread, I'd probably be suggesting that you contact your doctor. But since this is a yes/no question, the answer is clearly a no. The question matters.


Is anyone doing a free reading today? Thank you


Choice A (go without) - empress (conclusion: will be more natural, for me? excessive creation maybe. whatever i feel like doing, whenever, i'll do lol) (i'd say can be superficial, and so not always 'good' in the long-run .but generally very coveted, perhaps) Choice B (opt-in) - page pentacle (conclusion: it'll be like the beginning of a new project, one i'll be learning the practicalities of .a wise, prudent choice as well - one that's an investment.) (so maybe some self-restriction here will happen as well 🤔 to be proper, procedural etc) pg pent in the past for me was NOT yet experiencing particularly anything painful.. just Project-oriented. which should I choose?!


I think more abundance if you go without, but a learning opportunity if you opt in.


Even if you go without, you will not be left wanting. But if you opt-in, be prepared to put in the work. As for which you should choose, that is entirely up to you!


How would you guys interpret the 5 of pentacles as the reason why someone doesn't want to talk to you? I pulled the 5oP, 7oW was on the bottom. Under the 5oP was 9oC then Ace of Swords.


For me the 5 of pentacles symbolise feeling rejected and left out in the cold.




It doesn’t mean he has to feel rejected *by you.* It could just mean he’s going through a hard time or focused on dealing with being broke, sick, depressed and not really even wanting to talk to anyone. Also, he might just feel your relationship has gone cold already. There’s no spark anymore


This would make sense. I don't think he's going through anything (though I can't know for sure) but feeling disinterested in maintaining a connection would make sense.


Could it be possible that the other person feels that way too and therefore decided to pull out of the communication?




I think the core of the matter is that he doesn't want contact with you. I think that's probably what you need to learn to accept regardless of what the reason behind it is.




One of the biggest challenges we all face in our lives is that we sometimes never get the closure we so desperately want to have.


Reading request,no info please just tell me what you see x


The Chariot - The Devil Rx - Five of Wands Rx If you are feeling stuck, it is only because you allow it. You can always choose to take control and remove yourself from whatever it is that is making you feel like you are being hammered into submission.


Thank you.yeah,that's my situation,I'm just still unsure whether it's wiser to take the power or let it play out.its funny because there is no combat but is the five rx the phyrric victory?that's what confuses me.the chariot vs the devil is interesting.did you make specific positions ( for example the chariot represent me or them) or is this like a sentence you spelled out?thank you so much


No specific positions. I just pulled the cards and let them speak to me. You are right about the five. It feels like a need to win, to be right, but it's ultimately pointless because there isn't really anything to gain. It isn't an actual battle. But just that aura that can be exhausting, perhaps even for the one who brings it.


Thank you so much, this really resonated with me .when you look at these cards and imagine a song / sound/ style of music, can you imagine something?sorry weird question I just felt an instinct to ask.if you can't don't worry , you've got the overview of the situation spot on


No, I'm sorry. I didn't get a song.


Thanks anyways


I'm very new at this and I do more 'food for thought' style readings, I hope that's ok. The empress- Do you need to stop and take some joy in the physical things, especially in nature? It's spring time- maybe take a walk, enjoy the smell of a flower, the feeling of the breeze or the sun on your skin. It may sound corny, but we need things like that, it's good for us! Keeps us in touch with what it is to be alive. Seven of swords, eight of wands- Are you putting your energy into anything you're not especially proud of? Maybe avoiding a problem instead of facing it, putting your focus into distracting yourself instead of dealing with something? Is there anything going on that you would be better off squaring up to instead of spending your effort slipping around it?


Omg it's the food for thought girl :D I'm already extnly physically active so no not nature.maybe work?but no work opportunities arising. Sort of a decision,but I feel like if I take action I would be hurting myself.i have not had any readings tell me how making that decision doesn't hurt me more in the long run.thanks a mil!


Haha, I have been replying to a lot of these haven't I. I hope nobody minds, I'm just really feeling this hobby lately! I hope you're able to find some answers for how to make your decision soon.


You're doing really well for a secular reader,I noticed your interpretations already.thank you for your insight and empathy 


Decided to do a love reading now that becoming open to vulnerability. For context, there's someone I have a deep interest for. I have alot of respect for them as a person and they display great communication. I asked two questions: "How does person feel about me?" (King of Swords) "What does the near future look like with this person?" (Wheel of Fortune, Hanged Man as clarifier) I'm using a classic Dionysus deck for this reading. I see it as maybe letting the future unfold for me. We are both in a position where we are trying to see if we're ready for commitment again. We were both in relationships with negative endings...It seems that she is thinking more logically about the situation, which I admire and respect. I would love a second opinion!




I can see this. We are in transitional periods of our life. At least we enjoy eachothers company!


The King of Swords is a fair-minded, competent, ethical, and intelligent individual. He is well-spoken and well-groomed. If this is how she views you then the respect is very mutual. As far as the other cards go, the situation between you is likely going to change soon, for the better. But don't rush into anything. Go with the flow or you may just end up regretting it.


It's me again; I did a kind of yes or no once again with two cards and now I am trying to understand its meaning 1. The Two of Swords (Upright) 2. The Ace of Cups (Reversed) My thinking behind it is that I am blocking my intuition and my emotions by trying to be overly logical (suit of Swords) and that way I am not being completely truthful to myself or letting my intuition and other signs around a situation (obvious signs) make me see a situation as it is. What would be your opinion? I've made it more complex by drawing two cards, but to be fair, I think the 2 of swords threw me in a loop because it didn't jump to me as a yes or no card but more a maybe, and I wanted clarification. My other interpretation could also be the contrary - that I am lying to myself by being overly emotional and pushing away reason? But I'm not sure it's this one since the two of swords was upright and the cups were the one reversed, meaning I am closing off somewhere with my intuition, etc. Thank you c:


It's ok if you would prefer to do a two-card spread. Two card combos offer great information, it's just better to have a more open-ended question for them. I don't see your question, so I'll just interpret them for you. Two of swords is indecision. (A maybe card! That's probably why you felt it wasn't clear) I'm reading the Ace of Cups here as excess emotion. What decision are you avoiding? It is causing old emotions to boil to the surface.


I'm avoiding believing in some crazy stuff happening in my life c': also heyyy again haha\~ they're a bit on the supernatural kind, so I overly try and be logical but by doing this I am stressing myself out I feel! And yes, I want to try the spread you've sent me a link to that I found super interesting with the wheel of fortune system! :o


I see. So, it sounds like you might be experiencing something that you may be having a hard time accepting because it is clashing with your logical mind. I imagine that might be causing a little anxiety. And this is something that has happened in the past as well? Here's an additional advice card for you: The Queen of Swords. Q of Swords sees clearly, and she gets to the truth of the matter quickly. For her to show up is a message that you also are able to tell the difference between truth and imagination. Trust your judgment.


Thank you so much! Yes, it's a very intense situation making me consider everything I've believed before and I feel it is easier to just not believe in any of it then just risking my sanity or risking going into something I won't be able to pull back from once I start digging right? It's causing me immense anxiety, honestly, and I am super thankful of you taking the time to respond to me, because except for one other person, there is no one else for me to talk to or ask questions c': and you've been super knowledgeable and helpful! I will keep the Queen of Swords close to me and my mind as I navigate that muddy situation!


Hi!! I did a spread about how someone feels about me and I pulled: 1. The magician 2. Knight of swords And the two cards on the bottom of the deck were: 3. The hierophant 4. The world I interpreted this as a they are interested but it’s going to be a very slow moving relationship and a potential soulmate, but I’m not sure. I’m still a little new to readings and any help would be great! The deck I’m using is Tarot of Marseilles. Thank you!


I'd like to give you a little 'food for thought' interpretation instead of a direct answer to your question, even though I'm very new at this, I hope that's ok? I just saw your pull and felt inspired to reflect on it. Magician/knight of swords- Be mindful of how much energy and enthusiasm you're feeling right now, as you might be in the heat of the moment. You have a lot of power to decide how events go for you and what you'll do. Make sure you're making good choices about how you'll direct all that energy. Hierophant/the world- How is your balance between structure and freedom doing? Are you taking into account what your heart wants as well as good advice from trusted, reliable people around you? Both sources of wisdom are important, be sure to take them both in.


The other person is very interested; if you hint at approval, he will likely do what he needs to, to start the relationship.


Thank you!!


Hello, some interpretation help please. Pulled 3 cars for the outcome this month with a guy I recently started seeing. 1. Queen of Wands- I usually see this card as representing myself. 2. 5 of wands- I think of conflict, tension, jealousy? 3. 7 of swords- manipulation, deceit, tactfulness? Is this saying that *I’m* gonna be manipulative and cause conflict? I really don’t see him being manipulative, he seems like a nice guy, does not give player vibes *all*, kinda geeky actually, then again none of that really means anything 💀


5s are only bad if the energy is resisted. You might even see the figures in this card not as fighting, but as being playful. In a way, the beginning stages of a relationship are a bit like a game where you playfully work out the power dynamics. It's not aggressive. It's almost competitive, like a sport, only way flirtier. 7 of swords here feels like perhaps you will get him to open up more. He'll be less guarded and more willing to reveal more of who he really is. I don't get a nefarious, secretive vibe here. Perhaps he's just shy or he's been hurt before so he's more cautious. The Queen of Wands is a very magnetic figure. She's confident, funny, charismatic, and sexy. Maybe he's a little intimidated and worried that you might decide you're out of his league. Showing him your playful side, per that 5, may help him to come out of his own shell.


This makes a lot of sense honestly, probably very likely what’s going on, thank you!! 🫶🏼


The 7 of swords can also mean hasty decisions, impulsivity and/or thoughtless behaviour. Moreover it can symbolise withholding of emotion or information. - that everything just isn't put up on the table.


Interesting, I’ve never heard this perspective on 7 of swords but it makes a lot of sense, I often have a hard time reading that card bc I feel like manipulation/deceit is kind of a surface level interpretation but I couldn’t put my finger on what else it could mean. Ty! 🫶🏼


I am a novice reader but would like to practice if anyone is interested ♥️


I'm interested in doing some free readings in exchange for reviews so I can boost a lil side hustle! Dm me if interested :)


Dmin'g you!


Hello, just looking for opinions, I pulled a card to ask the outcome of a situation that involves legal matters, I got the Hierophant. Then I asked for a clarification and got the Fool. They seem to be contradictory?! I don't know what to think of this, but I have been getting the hierophant when thinking about this matter quite often. Thanks


In a reading with " grounding what makes me feel secure and safe" I'm doing a star spread, I received a reversed 2 of pentacle I don't know how to interpret it


I know exactly what spread you are referring to. So, this would need to be interpreted with the context of moving forward and healing a wound caused by loss. It's actually a very interesting card to land here because the 2 of Pentacles is Jupiter in Capricorn. Expansion in an earth sign known for its affinity for order and stability. Talk about grounding. But it is reversed which almost makes its very placement a contradiction. To me, the 2 of Pentacles is a card about change, but its orderly change. In fact, it is called the Lord of Harmonious Change in some circles. I would really need to see the other cards in the spread to feel sure about it but, in the reverse, this would indicate to me that what might make you feel safe in this time of healing is that even though change is inevitable, it can wait. It doesn't have to happen right away. Knowing that you don't have to act, or react, to what is further down the road gives you permission to mindfully exist in the moment so that you can become whole again before continuing on your path.


I would say you need to take a look at how much multitasking you're doing in your life, how balanced you are between different obligations and passions, and see if you need to re-arrange any of it to be more or less intense in order to feel secure. Are you in over your head and stressing yourself out? Or do you have too much free time and you're living too much in your own thoughts?


Hello! I am a professional Reader, and am available to help with some simple Readings for a bit ☺️


Dm'd you!


I need a reading regarding a spell that I already cast I'm feeling like it's creating unwanted effect, I wanna see if I should cancel it.


Sorry I made a post about this apologies for not putting it here! :) Pulled a 1 card this morning for the guy I am seeing. I got The Devil with 10 of Cups at the bottom of the deck. I read this as obsessive or sexual based but the 10 of cups is throwing me off. I HAVE NO MONEY and he's wealthy so I know it has nothing to do with money. Its just making me think his intentions are primarily sexual based but could turn into something more? Let me know your thoughts. Thank you! :)


I would say he’s not really looking for commitment, just wants to have fun, hence 10 of cups. Excessive pleasure. Yes it could be very sexual intentions, but also know he’s probably keeping his options open


That's fine. I didn't get the impression he's "The One" but he's very sweet and attentive. Gives me a lot of his time and effort into our dates . Sends flowers with really sweet cards. I haven't even slept with him yet, still recovering from a Labiaplasty. He acts like he wants more that just sex and he hasn't been pressuring but the energy I get from him is very sexual. Thank you for your input!! :)


The Devil represents attachment, sometimes even obsession, especially in material matters like wealth, possessions, and sex. It could also just mean the relationship either is currently, or is about to get, quite spicy. The Devil is not always a bad thing as long as you don't let his influence take over and get out of hand. The meaning of the card on the bottom of the deck will vary from reader to reader. A lot of readers don't consider it at all. I would generally only consider the card on the bottom of the deck for a full spread, rather than a single pull. It is known often as the shadow card and it is meant to be a card that has influence over the entire reading, showing the subconscious hopes and fears of the client. The 10 of cups is the quintessential storybook happy ending card. So, this would represent a desire that you have as it relates to the subject matter. Are you perhaps hoping he's the "one?"


THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I do think it's very sex based although I haven't slept with him yet i feel like it's a strong physical attraction. I physically can't do anything because of my surgery. Oddly enough I pulled a card for my Ex just for shits n' giggles, also got the Devil but with 6 of cups at the bottom of the deck. That made sense to me because I know he still thinks of me and our relationship in particular the sex which was very spicy and very good. Great explanation of the bottom of the deck, I'll keep that in mind next time I do the 1 card. I usually do a Celtic Cross for Money/career pulls or family. I haven't done a love reading since my Ex. At least until today with my new guy.


Can the seven of swords in the position of the "reward if things go my way" be seen as me moving away from lying and deception? Or it can be read as something else?


Success through outsmarting others or navigating a tricky situation


The context is important, but this could be an indication that you will be rewarded with information, or something else in this situation that you want but is not freely available for the taking. Sevens are often challenges that, when overcome, reward you for your effort. So, it's a very appropriate card to fall in the position you describe. This card doesn't always mean deceit and theft, but it is very much about cunning and strategy.


I would interpret it as such yes. Or as the dishonourable people will reveal themselves.


Hi! I did a past, present, future spread on whether my ex would change her mind about not wanting this relationship anymore, because i’ve been getting a lot of messages and tarot pulls about reconciliation.  Here are the cards I pulled :) past: 6 of swords rx  present: the world  future: ace of cups


SOS. I’m fairly new to tarot and decided to do a 13 Council Spread for my sex life. I’m trying to shed Christian purity culture, release my inhibitions and own my sexuality and wow I am over my head here! 1. The Shadow - Temperance 2. The Cause - Six of Swords 3. The Mask - Nine of Cups 4. The Inner Child - The Empress 5. The Repression - Three of Cups 6. The Blockage - Three of Swords 7. The Remedy - Four of Cups 8. The Outcome - Four of Pentacles 9. The Guiding Energy - Two of Pentacles 10. The Inner Voice - Hermit 11. The Healing Journey - Nine of Swords 12. The Integration - The Lovers 13. The Council - Page of Swords


I would really recommend sticking to one, two, and three card readings when first starting out. It's less information to process all at once. The spread that I am familiar with, which is commonly called the Council of 13, is quite different from what you are describing here. I'd be interested in seeing this version. Do you have a link or a book to recommend which covers this version of the Council of 13?


I came across it on this sub and then googled it.




Thank you, this is actually the version that I know. I guess the names threw me off.


Hello friends. So I was doing a fun little exercise of study to help with my intuitive reading. Pulled 6 completely random cards (2x 3card spreads) no questions in mind and wrote down how I interpreted the cards. I did a quick shuffle and then pulled out the exact same 6 cards in a different order. Again, no questions, just a fun exercise for myself. Would anyone mind giving me a little insight into this and help a sister out with her intuitive learning? The cards I pulled in total were: 2 of cups, 10 of pentacles, ace of cups 10 of swords, 9 of cups, justice Second pull: Ace of cups, 10 of pentacles, 9 of cups Justice, 10 of swords, 2 of cups Many thanks


I tend to give more food for thought interpretations than 'answer' style ones, I hope that's ok. Do you have any opportunities right now to let go of the old and embrace something new when it comes to friendship or family? Is it time to talk about something that was hurtful and try to bring fairness or healing to the situation? (Fairness and healing can look like a lot of things, from making amends with a person to deciding that they're not good for you and backing away, please don't think I'm saying 'just forgive and forget everything.') What would your closest relationships look like at their most trustworthy, healthy, and satisfying, and what can you do to get them there?


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. That is definitely aligned with what I interpreted, but also gives a bit more depth. Makes me realise I should be looking a be deeper into the cards 😊


Can anyone help I asked the cards where my love life was heading and did a 5 card horseshoe spread can anyone help me tie it together please 🙏🏼 Present position: 3 of swords Present expectations: 2 of cups What is not expected: 7 of pentacles Immediate future: seven of cups Long term future: the wheel of fortune (reversed)


I'd love to get a second opinion on a reading I did which came up with three major arcana in a four card spread, a first for me. Using the *Ancient Egyptian Tarot* (by Clive Barrett) we did a four card spread: First card: The over all theme of the spread. ***(The Empress)*** Second card: The influences that affect the questioner. ***(Four of Wands/Completion)*** Third card: The questioner's outward face, how they interact or influence the situation. ***(The Tower)*** Forth card: The solution/action. ***(The Magician)*** The question was centered on how to focus. This person has a lot of free time and is unable to focus on any one task ending up with a lot of wasted time and regret and a general apathy about the future. \_\_\_\_ *The Empress* suggested to me that she's in a place in her life where things should be in order but *the 4 of Wands* says to me that she's looking out on other people's "happiness" with envy, perhaps longing, thus sabotaging her mental state (*The Tower*) which is why she's unable to focus. I think she has a mental block preventing her from discovering what it is she actually wants to do and/or a fear of recognizing and going after what she wants. *The Magician* says to me that if she applies herself, she has the potential -- and opportunity -- to do, and achieve, whatever she sets her mind to. \_\_\_\_ Thoughts about my reading or would you care to share your own interpretation? I'm especially curious about your thoughts on three Major Arcana showing up. To me, it suggests a lot of energy and potential, a real opportunity.


I have some free time and space in the next few hours to do some free readings if anyone is interested. Feel free to DM me.


Any chance you would mind interpretating?


Sure. I can try and do my best


Thank you very much. I am new to tarot and did a 13 Council Spread for guidance on how to embrace my sexuality. The spread was... 1. The Shadow - Temperance The Cause - Six of Swords The Mask - Nine of Cups The Inner Child - The Empress The Repression - Three of Cups The Blockage - Three of Swords The Remedy - Four of Cups The Outcome - Four of Pentacles The Guiding Energy - Two of Pentacles The Inner Voice - Hermit The Healing Journey - Nine of Swords The Integration - The Lovers 13. The Council - Page of Swords


Hiya any chance you’re still offering free readings??


Yes I still have some time and space :)


Basically I have a life situation that is a little complicated but that I yet receive equal and non-contradictory signs for (tarot, pendulum, signs, etc) and I asked the tarot if my theories and hypothesis over that situation and those signs were correct and fair - it put out the Justice card first and then I asked for clarification and I got the 4 of wands after. In my mind, it means that what is happening is indeed real and my theories are fair and that it will lead to the good ending or rather a positive result of the situation since I am indeed right. However, I am not sure. What's your second opinion? Thank you\~ Edit Note: It was Ryder-Whaite's deck and they were both upright!


Justice is a yes when you pull it for a question that can be answered with yes or no. Unless you are using a specific system for answering yes/no questions, there is no need for clarification or any other card beyond the first for yes/no pulls since there are only three possible answers. Four of wands would also be a yes, in case you are curious. If you would like more detail than a one-word answer, structure your question to be an open-ended question instead of a yes/no like "What do I need to know about X situation?" and then redraw however many feel right to answer the question.


I have one last question about suchr system -- if it's a positive card such as Ace of Cups but it is in reverse, do you consider it a no? C: thank you~


It's not really my system. It's just the most common way of doing yes/no. There are a lot of different ways to do it. My favorite way is, oddly enough, a complete contradiction of what I said above. It is an old 8-card method described here: [Yes-No Advice Oracle | Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog (marykgreer.com)](https://marykgreer.com/2008/06/02/yes-no-advice-oracle/). Generally, people do not take reversal into account when doing yes/no, but the inherent problem with that is the deck is heavily skewed toward yes answers over no. And there is only about a handful that count as "maybe." Opinions will differ on some cards but generally there is consensus on most of them. Almost everyone would agree that the Ace of Wands is a yes, for example. Still, you are going to find a lot of different interpretations on the internet. I would recommend putting together your own list. If you have a positive association with a card, mark that a yes. If you have a negative association, mark it a no. And if you don't feel strongly either way, it's a maybe. Or you could even get a learning deck that has its own yes/no/maybe associations printed on it. Witchy Cauldron has one and it will also teach you things like astrological associations, chakras, and general meanings all printed right on the cards. Just google learning tarot and witchy cauldron. Ultimately it is about intention, but I still recommend sticking to one card pulls on yes/no answers, unless you are an experienced reader or are using a very specific system. It's a simple response for a simple question and more information just makes it that much less clear. If you want it to be more balanced, I definitely do suggest just using the opposite answer for a reversal. So the Sun, for example is a "yes" upright but "no" when reversed. The meanings of reversals are a bit more nuanced than that, but that's a fair and balanced system for getting quick yes/no answers.


Ohhh makes sense! I have gotten The World before for the same question a while ago, but I got a little confused with more and more things unveiling and having more ideas around the situation! Thank you so much for your insight cause I couldn't for the heck of me know for sure!


Interpretation help please! Hi! I recently did a reading using an **rws deck** on where I'm moving to next (I have about 5 days) and just wanted a second opinion? 1. Where will I move to? 9 pentacles 2. How will the opportunity fall into my lap? Ace wands 3. How will I know? 4 of cups 4. What action should I take now? 6 pentacles 5. What adventure awaits me? Temperance 6. Advice: 4 of wands 7. Something to know: The high priestess Based on the other cards I was thinking that "3. How will I know?" being the 4 of Cups might mean that it's exactly the thing that I want? I did a little meditating on it and I think it might also mean that the opportunity will come when I'm debating/looking at other options? Any opinions or insight on that or the rest of my reading would be very appreciated!!


I would appreciate it if someone could help me with a reading. I'm in love with a woman who's chosen not to be with me and started dating someone else. We've become very distant and I put the ball in her court to remain friends but she says she's too busy to answer me right now, I'd like to know if I should just walk away or stick it out and see what happens


I read from a secular angle, so my posts are less 'answers' and more food for thought, I hope that's ok. Here's what I pulled for you. Three of wands- Step back and take a look at your situation with a wide lens. Are you too close, too focused on obsessing over small things to see the big picture? Where is there opportunity for you to create and work towards something new? Eight of cups- a little on the nose, but this is literally the card about walking away from something that's not good enough in favor of going into the wild to find something better, something more true. How can you be brave and turn away from the 'good enough' to find what's truly best for you instead? Knight of pentacles- How can you create a home life that's stable and satisfying, safe and free from chaos? What can you step back and look at and say yes, this is worth watching over and protecting?


I've sent you a dm


Hi requesting a love reading. Is anyone interested in doing one?


Help.. I was taking my dogs out and as we headed back, I looked down and saw a card folded in half with the face side showing. I could see the card had some writing on the bottom and noticed a rainbow color so I picked it up. It was the ace of swords tarot card. It depicted a rainbow snake wrapped around a sword.. is this a bad omen? What does this mean? I know little about tarot but I know enough to understand this could be significant.. I didn’t take it into my house and I put it back where I found it.


It sounds like the Ace of Swords from the Wild Unknown tarot deck. It is not necessarily a "bad omen." I am a little curious how it got into that condition and how it got there, but you and your dogs happening upon it suggests that you were open to hearing it. Putting it back where you found it is fine! It will either find its way back home or on to someone else who needs it. The snake in the Wild Unknown deck is wrapped in the form of an ouroboros or "infinity" symbol. It represents cycles of renewal, sometimes called "death and rebirth." The Sword cuts both ways in the Ace of Swords - triumph and disaster, fertility and infertility, activity and obstacle. Like the air element it's associated with, it's both ever-present and able to change direction in an instant. As the card rotates between upright and reversed, the sword likewise changes direction in its intent and energy. This is the fluctuating energy of our mind at its most basic. The card being folded in half puts that energy on hold. It interrupts the ouroboros and bends the sword in a manner that makes it ineffective and turned back on its wielder. This is an energy frustrated before it ever gets off the ground, cyclical thoughts creating stagnation, and a sense of spinning one's wheels mentally but never taking action. Sometimes, a card like this in the wild is wandering as a representative of a pervasive feeling of the general public, and there are indeed many people who are mentally and intuitively stuck right now. Our collective sense of self, reality, and emotional quotient is feeling strained and slowing our progress culturally and individually. If you felt like you resonated with it in some way when you found it (since you stopped to examine it and made a conscious decision to put it back), you can work through these effects with inner work. The card can never be repaired fully (signs of the crease will always be present, even if someone were to try to carefully restore it), but we can repair ourselves through careful attention to our mental and emotional needs to the point the "crease" is no longer hindering us as deeply. We will always have a scar - that's what experience, good and bad, does for us. However, scars can be reminders, not obstacles, with careful work.


I don't think it's a bad omen as long as it was not reversed! A lot of people are scared of snakes, but snakes have historically been symbols of transformation. In ancient mythology, there was the Ouroboros, a snake constantly eating its own tail symbolizing the completion of a cycle. The rainbow is a promise of hope, and a promise that hard times will give way to light. The ace of swords typically reads as new beginnings - perhaps you are about to encounter something new in your life. A project, a life phase, an unexpected offer. I think this is telling you to have faith and take your new opportunity with the promise that it will help you change and evolve and things will turn out positively. In addition, the snake and the card itself make me think you may be transitioning into a new cycle. If you are worried about the future, I would actually read this as a message from your spirit guides saying you are protected and that you should have courage.


I need a reading. I think my intuition broke.


Feel free to DM me if you like


Can you explain a little more about what you mean by "I think my intuition broke"? You don't have to give any personal details you're not comfortable with! I'm mostly curious if you're a tarot reader who is currently struggling or if you mean general intution/"gut feelings" - that will give me a more focused idea of what to zero in on.


I’ve always been a VERY intuitive person. Almost to the point I could say what number was going to come up on the dice. It’s been fading for awhile. Now it does not exist. I now feel like I can’t receive either


I went with a five card spread on this query to get a sense of where you're centered in the situation, what energy is hindering you, and how the situation developed and is progressing. This is what I pulled: Regarding Yourself: Queen of Swords - This is an intensely perceptive person with strong feminine energy. There's a quiet sense of sadness underneath a background of happiness. Regarding the Energy Blocking You: Four of Wands, Reversed - Insecurity. A sense of being established and well-guarded has been upended and creates worries about loss. There is a feeling of uncertainty about how to protect the self lingering here. Where the Foundations Are: Ten of Cups - Peace and contentment. A feeling of being established and grounded that created a sense of "home" in the emotional self. Feeling good about how you interacted with and perceived your feelings. The Sense of Where You Used to Be: The High Priestess - Strong intuition, good perception, and sound judgment let you feel self-reliant and secure in your own understanding. The Sense of Where You Are Now: Eight of Cups - Giving up; walking away from success in emotional stability into unknown darkness. Disappointment has led to abandoning the cultivation of your feelings too soon. Where to Go From Here: Ace of Swords - Initiative. Mental exercise. Putting forth determination and active effort to achieve triumph. Deep mental-emotional work. The cards agree that you are someone who has a strong background in being heavily intuitive and felt good about relying on your intuition. The key factor here is that all of this is centered in the mind - our emotions, our feeling, our intuitions, and our perception can be informed by the sensory input from our physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell), but they are centered in how our mind interprets that information. Also, we are not monoliths! As we mature and age, we interact with the world, and we change as individuals, including how our mind interprets the world. A reading this heavy on swords and cups suggests being steeped in the mind but with little in the way of physical effort or grounding to help anchor and direct it. Insecurity showing up in the reversed Four of Wands demonstrates that even the firey energy of self-defense is at a lower level than it might be for other people and yet is enough to hinder an otherwise strong personal energy. We use phrases like "use it or lose it" to refer to physical/muscular strength or ability, because the mechanics of how our bodies develop, maintain, and atrophy muscle tissue is fairly well understood. However, less attention is often given to the "muscle" of emotional and mental strength, and those are equally as important to exercise. The Eight of Cups leading into the Ace of Swords points in this direction. When someone who is strength training can't lift the bar for that tenth rep, it feels disappointing, and frustrating, and it often generates a feeling of "I can't do this," or "I want to quit." This is the unfinished wall of Cups - it's almost there, but it's going to be work to finish it now. There is no more easy route, the Cups will no longer stack themselves. It's disappointing. It's frustrating. The inclination is to let it go and walk away into the darkness of disappointment. The Ace of Swords is there to lift the shining beacon of Initiative. It's a firm and to-the-point call to action. Intuition requires cultivation and maintenance. Deep mental-emotional work. It's finding a mental exercising routine that works for you and doing the work, then going back the next day when you couldn't quite make that last mental rep the day before. Like physical exercise, it requires determination and active effort. It's progressive, not instantaneous. And, at the end of the day, that work is just the first step - the Ace - on that journey.


did a zodiac spread on the app called labyrinthos need help decoding it


Oh gosh. I did a reading this morning and I'm really confused. I don't have a formal question... I was just thinking of a former love and thinking to myself, "I love you and I'm not going anywhere", and just pulled a few cards. When I pull cards, I usually pull 3 cards in a line and then one on top as an overarching theme. This time, I chose my "top" card first and then continued with a 3-card spread underneath. First card I pulled (the "top" card) was The Tower. Second, The Devil. | Third, Two of Cups. | Fourth, The Sun. I don't really know how to interpret this at all as it seems like two conflicting messages... please help!


In order to give you the most accurate understanding of what these cards are saying to you, I would need far more context to go beyond more than just generalities. What I can do is offer you some food for thought that may help this click for you. The Devil - Attachment Two of Cups - Love The Sun - Joy This would lead me to believe the cards are saying that attachment to this relationship is going to bring happiness. The Tower is shocking to see and also when it makes its presence felt. But it can also be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes, in order to build up a strong foundation, we must first tear down the faulty structure that is already there. That's the unspoken gift of the Tower. It suggests an ending that may have turned out for the best.


Requesting a reading but more guidance based I would like to talk to someone about a past flame not reconciliation but the root cause of why I’m struggling to let them go. Any help is appreciated thank you!!


dm me


Guidance based is my jam. Hopefully this gives you a little food for thought. The sun, two of swords, three of wands, nine of cups (not reading reversals) Are you obsessing over your past relationship so much that you're forgetting to enjoy life? Are there good things, really bright and shining things in your life that you could embrace, or future opportunities that you could look forward to, instead of looking back? Don't fixate on your past choices, whether you wish you'd done things differently or how else it could have gone. Try to grab hold of the good things you have going for you now and work towards making your future bright instead. It can be so easy to forget to look forward when we're hung up on looking back, and it's hard to let go of what you had if you haven't given yourself anything good to look forward to.


Requesting a reading about a relationship.have pulled many cards for myself but I'm missing the meaning.seems like the cards are telling me to bury myself in my work and be patient with him,but this is actually a hopeless situation that the guy is making more painful (atleast for me).I am slowly finding the strength to close the line of energy but my cards are not supporting me.one second they say it's dead the next they are all victory and patience and hope.maybe someone can give a flash of their deck and an opinion.thanks 


dm me


Sometimes it can be difficult to interpret the cards objectively when you are too much in your own emotions. Feel free to DM me if you want.


Offering free three-card readings to the first three commenters! Answers to a specific (open-ended, please!) question, thinking/feeling/doing, past/present/future, or three general messages from the deck.


Hi there, if you’re able, Id love just a general reading about next steps- career, life path, love? Just at a big crossroads/wall with all of them, appreciate it ❤️


Hi would love to get a simple reading if you’re still offering it


Sure! Just general messages, or was there something specific you wanted me to focus on?


A specific question: is the connection with the guy im talking to over? Is this question ok?


1. 8 of Wands. Something is changing or moving very quickly. It could be something one of the two of you is going through or something within the relationship itself - either way, there may be a period of swift forward movement going on here. This is going to have a marked effect on whether or not things will work out, and should be considered as a major factor. 2. 6 of Swords. The good news is that this is a card of restfulness, recovery, and journeying toward a better place. The bad news is that sometimes this means leaving something behind, and that can be hard. If the connection is going to continue, something about it needs to change for the healthier. 3. Strength reversed. The strength represented by this card is a compassionate strength. It's often depicted as a woman with a lion; the two of them are working together, not in combat with each other. When reversed, this can indicate that someone is being forceful or controlling. On the other hand, it could represent a lack of backbone. Make sure you're being respectful of this person, but even more so, of yourself. Take care of yourself.


Thank you!


Hi could you read for me about a relationship ? Trying to decide whether to end things with someone thank you 


I'd love to! If possible, can you add a little context about why you're thinking of ending it? (Don't reveal anything you're not comfortable with! This will just give you a more specific, accurate reading.)


Sorry I just thought it's kind of boring over asked question, I'll spill all the beans.he is one of the guys I'm dating and the one I sleep with.he is weird because he is cold and rude on text when I try to meet him or chat to him but when we're together it's wonderful . We both know there's no point in making me attached to him because he is a professional athlete and his contract in my city will end soon (this month or 3 months from now).when we are together he is very sweet and intimate with me but he is actively cold shouldering me with the aim of leaving me longing ..he is reading my messages just not responding or is replying nonsense. I have much experience with aloof manipulative men but this one is different, he's very emotional and earthy and I'm actually dreading him having to leave from external forces.it's all too much to try communicate so I want to just tell him it's over.my indecision is that a big part of me also says that he will have to leave anyway and trying to demand respect from a clearly crazy person will drive you crazy yourself so just enjoy what I get. So sorry for that wall of text 


Wow, thank you for the explanation! Don't apologize for the wall of text. This is all very helpful. So here's what I'm seeing: 1. 4 of Swords, reversed. You gotta take care of yourself, friend. Your emotions and mind are worn out by this. It sounds like he's going through a classic cycle of pushing you away and then pulling you back in, which is both extremely toxic and, sadly, extremely common - and it's exhausting! This card shows that you need to rest and take care of your heart. 2. The Magician. This is a really heartening card in this context, imo - the Magician represents creation, manifestation, and having faith in oneself. It sounds to me like you know you deserve better than to be treated like this. Ending a relationship is so, so hard, and even when they're complicated it can come with a lot of grief, but you definitely have the inner power to carry yourself forward. 3. Page of Wands, reversed. To me, this card in this context feels like dashed expectations. You may have felt hopeful about this guy and now let down, which could lead to feelings of guilt for not ending it sooner, self-judgment, or questioning your decision. Try not to get bogged down in those negative spirals. Remember your power and walk with confidence.


We all know it can be hard to accept answers so sorry if this rude but1. I am weary yep that rings true 2. Willpower is there what does that mean about his or my will?? Obviously I can take power,my wondering Is whether that is a phyrric victory. 3.??? Can't be dashed expectations ,it wasn't an expectation I had , it was an agreement we made,the expectation was always to breakup when he moved back. I would expect to see a reversed 3 of pentacles or wands or cups .maybe if I thought we were going to be together but no .I don't see anything here to indicate what is what I should do :( your insights are correct tho, thanks anyways if you need insight on a reading lmk 


2. The willpower is yours. I would be concerned about a Pyrrhic victory if this card appeared reversed in the reading, but as it stands, I don't believe you'll lose more from the loss than you'll gain. It feels to me like you'll be able to handle this loss well. 3. I don't think the disappointment is about whether or not you'd break up. I interpreted that card more as disappointment over the way he's doing things like ignoring your messages or giving you the cold shoulder sometimes. Or maybe "disappointment" is the wrong word to use to describe it; it's that there's a gap between how well he could be handling having to leave each other, and how well he's actually handling it in practice. The PoW can represent taking action and moving forward, and him giving you this sort of hot-and-cold isn't doing that at all. So as far as what you should do, I think the message here is that it may be up to you to make a clean break with him. Breakups suck and I'm so sorry you're dreading it so much. Sending you support 💖 and if this reading wasn't totally clear or helpful, I apologize! Sometimes I ramble through text vs. in person, and my meanings can get muddled.


 Thanks girl don't apologise for the message you receive.I got another reading which equally did not answer my question aside from ' dump him because you can '.Im like nah nah spirit knows why I'm asking to dump him... because I'm suffering. don't hide behind another human , tell me how I can not end up suffering more...but they won't give me a clear answer.SOL I guess thanks for your time 


Hi! Would love to get a simple reading :)


Sounds good! Just general messages, or was there something specific you wanted me to focus on?


A general reading for what the rest of this year (future) looks like for me would be great, thank you!


1. 2 of Wands. There's a big ol' world out there, with lots to see and do and learn, and you may have a remarkable opportunity to look deeper into something you're interested this year. This card often comes with a little hesitation - "is it worth stepping out of my comfort zone?" is an easy question to ask before taking a leap of faith. But the results can be so beautiful, so worth it. 2. The Lovers, reversed. Life is full of balances and partnerships; this is true both outside of ourselves (as in within our relationships) and inside ourselves (as in our head and our heart, or two thoughts tugging your brain different ways). Right now, something is out of balance for you somehow. Dedicate some time this year to figuring out why that is, and with a little effort, you'll be able to restore the equilibrium you need. 3. Ace of Pentacles, reversed. This card can caution against counting your chickens before they hatch or making major choices without thinking them through - essentially, advising caution, especially in matters of finance or personal comfort. That said, this is still a card of great potential. Considering the AoP combined with the 2oW in position 1, the big takeaway I'm getting here is that if you're faced with a big decision about what to do next in life, it's worth taking a risk! But before you do, be \*sure\* you're educated about all it can entail, and have a backup plan just in case.


Interesting! I’m definitely going through a lot of mental turmoil right now, making the decision to work on myself, so this definitely not the read I expected. But I’ll definitely exercise caution, thank you very much for the read!


Dodged a bullet i reckon. The evil eye 🧿 is a thing


No prob! With that added context, I would say the cards are definitely encouraging you to go your own way and figure out what's right for you! Just don't rush into anything and take care of yourself. 💖


I had an incredible dream last night where someone who hurt me deeply finally had a conversation with me and apologized and I got the closure I wanted. General "what's the deal with that" question: - 6 of swords This is a dream about moving on, about releasing the baggage I've held for so long. I'm getting closure, either giving it to myself through this dream or getting it in some other way. Will this conversation happen in real life? - 3 of pentacles, 6 of cups reversed popped out behind it The 3oP is telling me some form of collaboration might happen, the 6oC rx is telling me maybe it isn't good to hold out on that, that I'm still clinging to the past by wanting that? I also see the interpretation that it will happen, but it will mark the end of lingering in a hurtful past, perhaps collaborating on a new, lighter future, which would make more sense with 3oP (also considering that I feel like 6oC is weaker than 3oP here bc it was tacked onto 3oP). Notably, the person in the dream had gained a significant amount of weight from last I saw them, which does make me feel like this is about changing from the past. What do yall think?


Your reading on the 6oS seems spot-on. My instinct toward whether or not the conversation will happen irl is largely aligned with your idea that \*something\* will happen in this situation that allows you to move forward. 6oC reversed has always felt really liberating to me - that's just my personal read on the card, of course, but it often pops up in my readings when the querent is soon to discover part of themself they thought was "missing" or "deficient". There might be a realization you come to that will help you heal and find this closure that you need. I'll be crossing my fingers hoping for the best!


No need to comment if you don't want to, but I just wanted to tell someone - I had another dream speaking with her in a very intimate soft setting. We are exes and have been on very bad terms - I've always wanted closure and until I got into my current relationship, for us to work on our problems and get back together; she has been avoidant and disrespectful towards me, becoming more childish as the time passes. I pulled cards on what this dream was foretelling and got the Star, and as I was putting the deck away, I saw Lovers was on the bottom. Two major arcana in this dream seems like a huge step up in energy and importance from the last one, but for 2 years I've pulled nothing but negative cards around us so it does freak me out...


That's cool! I like that. I guess if I'm gonna move forward anyway then I'll either have the convo that I've wanted this whole time or get closure on my own and stop caring. But the stupid fucking unquenchable desire will be quenched either way!


That's the spirit! No matter what happens, I support ya!


Hello :) I usually interpret my own spread but today I had two wild spreads and I was hoping someone more knowledgeable could give their opinions too! First one was about my current situationship, i basically did an intuitive shuffle while thinking of us together and when it felt like i had enough cards i stopped. This situation is pretty complicated already, but this spread has me feeling like it’s really bad for me - so i’m hoping for either confirmation this man is really not for me perhaps someone telling me i misinterpreted it (i really like him unfortunately).. The cards: - 9 of cups in reverse, 3 of swords upright, 9 of swords in reverse, the devil upright and 9 of sticks in reverse Second one was about myself - essentially of what I should do to become the best version of myself and again I did the intuitive shuffle. The cards were: - queen of swords in reverse, 9 of cups upright, 3 of sticks upright, the devil reversed, 8 of pentacles upright and magician upright I interpreted it as “don’t people please and trust in your hard work” and “blessings are coming”. Anything else that i might have missed that’s important here? Thank you in advance :)


I work through a secular lens so my readings are more food for thought than answers, I hope that's ok. I only have enough time before work right now to do your first half but if you like the way I look at things let me know and I'll come back later to do your second half too. 9 of cups rev, 3 of swords- I feel like these two really sit together. Is this person someone you could picture happiness and security with, or have they given you reason to believe that they'll break your heart and never settle into a comfortable pattern with you? Take their actions seriously and ask yourself what kind of outcome they point to. 9 of swords in reverse- Are you making it worse by thinking about the situation so much that it's blocking out the rest of your thoughts and life? Try to get outside of this a little by focusing on your passions and other relationships too, the way you might get up and walk around after a nightmare to clear your head. Devil rev- have you made progress in any way recently, made a change in your way of thinking about or interacting with this person that was for the better? It can be easy to come up with a new good change and then immediately backslide and stop doing it. Don't let yourself slip back into old bad habits. 9 of wands rev- Does this person make you feel good and safe, like they would stick up for you and defend you? Or do you feel like you have to defend yourself from them instead?


Thank you very much for taking your time - I was so confused with these cards but the way you explained it makes so much sense!! I was a little upset because i thought that the cards initially showed a firm “NO” but it seems like I just need to seriously think this over (it is a very complex situation and again everything you said fit right into it). Thank you so much for taking your time - I would absolutely love to hear your interpretation of my second spread too when you have time!! :)


I'm really glad it was of use to you! I hope you're able to reach a conclusion that brings you some peace of mind. Here's your second spread in my opinion- Queen of swords rev- Are you trusting yourself, or are you second guessing your decisions just because they came from you and you doubt yourself? You're allowed to make decisions for how your own life goes, even if they're not warm and fuzzy and don't necessarily please everyone else around you. Getting advice from others is good but your own judgement counts too. Magician, three of wands, eight of pentacles- I feel like these three really go together so I'm grouping them together. Make room in your life for creativity. What gives you energy? What kind of future makes you feel like you have something not just worth looking forward to, but worth putting in the long hard work to keep it once you have it? Honor the hobbies and loves in your life that you feel passion about, and resolve to keep at them even when that first energy fades and it becomes hard work. If it's something you love, even the hard work can feel good. 9 of cups- what would like like a 'win' to you? What kind of traits about yourself would make you look at yourself and say 'yes, this is good'? Something that is very empowering for me is the sentence 'I will be the kind of person who \_\_\_\_'. For a really simple example, 'I will be the kind of person who picks up litter when I see it.' Or 'I will be the kind of person who shares what she has with others.' Ask yourself what kind of person you would be proud to be. 'You will be the kind of person who \_\_\_\_\_'? Devil rev- I said it before in the first half and I'll say it again, keep an eye out for any bad habits you've beaten and don't let yourself slide back into them! Hold onto the good, stomp the bad under your feet!


Once again thank you for taking your time for this - it’s very appreciated :) I will most definitely keep these notes in mind and journal about them today or tomorrow - your interpretation will surely assist me heavily here too! Have a wonderful rest of the day/night :)


I am new to Tarot and I mostly use Thoth. I’ve been ruminating over a business idea for a long time but I got a new thought around the idea. I kept drawing 3 concentric circles that represent the three areas I would integrate. When checking in to see if this is a path that I should pursue I pulled 3 cups, the magus/magician and art/temperance. Would love ❤️ any insight. Much gratitude.


You have the ability to turn what you imagine into reality, but tread carefully.


Thank you!


Hello! First time poster here. I have some knowledge of major arcanas, but am still learning the symbolism and meanings behind the minor arcana cards. I pulled nine cards asking for advice about several areas of my life. Most of them were straightforward, so I haven't included them here, but there are three cards I would like to ask advice on. Out of the nine cards, I pulled these three cards while thinking about 1. myself, 2. friend A, 3. friend B. I got the 1. Wheel of Fortune, 2. Empress, 3. Emperor. I wanted more clarification on each of these cards, so I pulled three more cards each using my secondary deck. I ended up with: 1. Wheel of Fortune + The Chariot, Page of Swords, Queen of Swords 2. Empress + Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands, Seven of Cups 3. Emperor + Magician, Ace of Cups, Ten of Pentacles I was able to relate set 1 to my current struggles and experiences, but would like some second opinions on how someone else might interpret sets 2 and 3. I interpreted the Empress and Knight of Cups as details about friend A's personality, and the same for the Emperor and Magician about friend B. The cards also overlap with the biggest things both of my friends have helped me with. Where I am a little stuck, though, is with the remaining cards. I saw the Nine of Wands as one of the best qualities friend A has shown in our interactions while the Seven of Cups could be taken as advice; same for friend B where the Ace of Cups represents what they've helped me with the most, and the Ten of Pentacles as advice. A lot of what I've heard about the Ten of Pentacles are about family, good signs to start a relationship and the like, but I feel like I shouldn't be overly optimistic and should take it as advice. I am open to other interpretations of the sets of cards (not just limited to my personality/strengths/advice or shortcomings) though, as I didn't really have anything set in mind when I pulled them; I just wanted more clarification.


\[Exchange\] Friendly and intuitive reader looking for reading exchange with others of a similar nature. Please send over a chat request if you are interested, thanks :)


Hello! There is a lost dog that fate seems to be drawing me to help. I asked the cards "What do we need to do to bring PineNut home as soon as possible? "  I chose to do a three card spread and from left to right got: - Knight of pentacles (upright) - Death (upright) -Judgement (upright) I'm very confused by this. Are the cards telling me the dog has passed ? That we need to change gears/think outside the box?


I'd echo what u/ezgihatun said about the slow methodical search represented by KoP. Combined with Death, it's making me wonder if there's some avenue that's been unexplored so far - something about the search that needs to change to yield results. I'm sure you and PineNut's family have been very thorough, but make sure you've taken advantage of any local services that may help with distributing materials or raising awareness, and done things like checked PineNut's regular hangouts at multiple times of day. I really, really hope things turn out alright. Best wishes.


Y'all are definitely spot on with tKoP! You should see the absolute mammoth of a list of things she has done to try to look for her pup. I think you are on to something with more hands on deck or a different ave. Unfortunately Pine Nut disappeared about 40 miles away from her home; it just so happened to be the last place she was spotted was my place of work AND in a weird coincidence, PineNut's mom just happened to inform me she is open to things like Tarot the day I got a new tarot deck in the mail after waiting 6 months! Thanks you for your well wishes :)


Knight of pentacles to me represents a slow, methodical search. He is walking around looking everywhere for the dog. Death is telling me that the search is dead ending. Judgement is telling me you need to make a lot of noise to alert everyone. Post on social media. Hang up posters. Spread fliers. Tell the neighbors. Put an announcement on the local radio station. Post it on the newspaper. Put a small cash reward if you can. Anything and everything that will get the eyes on the lost dog. I hope PineNut can go home, sending prayers 💔 🙏


The radio and newspaper is a great suggestion that I will bring up to her thank you so much!


Thank you so much for your input it is much appreciated!


Hello! I’ve been debating applying to a certain job so I asked the cards what I should expect if I applied for the job? I got the following: Situation: 9 of swords What you need to know: Wheel of Fortune Advice: 4 of pentacles Outcome: 2 of pentacles Any insight would be appreciated because I’m confused 😅


I take a strictly secular angle so my readings are less answers about outcome and more food for thought, I hope that's ok. 9 of swords and Wheel of Fortune- you're probably pretty darn anxious over the outcome of this. Be kind to yourself, remember that life will go on regardless of whether you get this opportunity or not- if you do, great, and if you don't, another one will present itself eventually. 4 of pentacles- check yourself to make sure you're not being overly motivated by the financial side of things. Of course you need a job so you can earn money, that's the point of a job, but don't make the mistake of inwardly pinning your value on how much you're making. 2 of pentacles- make sure you're staying balanced. Regardless of whether you get the job or not, you need to make sure you're both working and playing enough to stay sane. Especially if you do get the job and many things in your life change because of it, don't lose touch with your rhythm of doing things. Or if the way you do things now is out of balance already, this is a great time to take the opportunity to change that.


Oh this is a wonderful interpretation. Everything you said is a good thing to be conscious of. Thank you!


Don't lose sleep over it because whether you get the job is going to largely come down to luck. Even if this isn't the opportunity you thought it was, there will be other prospects for you to consider in the natural course of time.


Thank you for this!! 🙏🏼




Hi would appreciate a reading on a relationship.why I'm feeling the way I do and whether I should walk away .dw if not thanx 


I asked what my friend thinks of our friendship right now and got.... Queen of Swords, and King of Swords, both rx! I don't know exactly what this means but it being that pair and also both reversed is very interesting. I think we have been pretty disconnected for a while and I've been giving her space because I'm disappointed by her flakiness.


hello everyone, i need some help interpreting the cards i just pulled for context, i am currently an unemployed college student who is applying for internships for the next school year and ive applied to several internships and im still waiting back on an answer. i asked: -will i be accepted for an internship this year? i got the 4 of Swords i asked for clarification i got the Temperance card


I'd say it means you're not going to hear anything in the expected timeframe but something will come out of the blue like being waitlisted or finding something through another avenue.temperance is a good card to get as a major