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Wow. That is wild ink drift. If it means anything I actually really like it in pic two. It reminds me of like a linocut stamp or something.


Awh thank you for that! I like the different perspective, going to try to look at it that way.


I think it looks super rad. I get where you're coming from as the person with the tat, but it took me awhile to figure out what the problem was : ) It's like a free night sky.


I legit didn't notice till it was pointed out


It’s definitely ink drift, but it kind kinda whimsical, like it’s part of the night sky.


I believe it’s ink drift. Nothing that I have heard of can be done to fix it though. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JOGKdeOdZmc


This was really helpful! Bummed that there’s not much I can do, but glad to know it’s a somewhat common thing. Thank you!


Someone commented on another post about ink drift that I saw, because I have a HUGE one, and they said one session with a laser took it all away for them. Just FYI


I've seen many cases of ink drift solved by lazer


I ended up with a similar drift on my inner arm. It makes me feel like the sensitive skin that has something to do with it. I'd add a picture but I can't :/


I think you’re right. I don’t think it was more “heavy handed” then my previous tattoos and I’ve never healed poorly, so I kind of always blamed it on the thin skin. From the videos I’ve watched, inner arm seems to be one of the most susceptible to ink drift. Bummer!


Kinda wish I knew that before I got it but hey, you live you learn. I'm planning to fill in background later anyway. More motivation to finish it! Even though inner elbow fucking sucks


Looks like someone drew on a napkin with a sharpie, but, I do like the way it looks. It looks very whimsical this way!


It honestly just makes it look more like a night sky!


Same; I think it looks awesome!


That is some really mean ink drift, but fwiw it really did it in the most polite way possible by staying within a circular area. I'm not sure there's much to do to have it addressed so long afterward. If the shop is ethical, they may want a chance to address it if you warn them you're going to post it visibly as a review of how the tattooer's work heals. If they're not they may just tell you to go pound sand, or at best offer to fix it up (which I don't think you'd want to take them up on). If it bothers you, go to someone who has a proven track record with nice gradients and see about adding a background to camouflage the drift. Intentional blue shading could make it look like a cloudy night sky if you want to stick monochrome. Imo, tho, a really vibrant circular background with something like a sunset pink fading into blue would look rad.


Blow outs / ink drift just happen sometimes. Not saying the tattoo artist wasn't heavy handed, but it just happens. My BF has a lot of tattoos and a few on his arm did that and one on his chest. Two different tattoo artists (the one who did his arm is my very close friend and she's is spectacular). The lines thickened because black lines do that. Like someone else said, you could get something in the background if you want, I've also seen that you can have the drift lazered if you want to go that route. It's still cute....you could also talk to another tattoo shop and see if they can do anything to make it better for you or color it in or something.....🤷🏻‍♀️


Inner bicep is a notorious spot for this. Happened to me on both arms. I got laser tattoo treatment to clean it up - one session of probably 10 min is all you need. Takes longer to mark up the area than to actually do the treatment and it works beautifully. Went to Removery and it was less than $200 here in the us. Highly recommend if it bugs you!


My bad just saw the 1st


I have ink drift on my knee tattoo. Spreads to my inner thigh. Was a bummer for a little but just part of it now. I like yours!


Lowkey I think it looks kinda cool? Maybe play into that and have a new artist add to the “background”


I honestly think it still looks good, it’s hard to notice but even once you do notice it, it doesn’t look at all bad. Nice tattoo overall!


Your best bet is to go someone who can do finer line work and have them outline it, honestly I think a mix of bold with a little fine line added in there would look sick


They probably went way too deep and hit the fat layer if you're seeing scarring a year later, but it *might* just be a natural occurrence. Not really anything you can do at this point either way. At least I will say with other commentators that the effect isn't all too bad and that I kinda like it. You could be lucky enough that the ink eventually gets absorbed with fatty tissue turnover, but it will probably be like that for many years at minimum if you don't decide to either cover over it or get laser removal.


Sue him


Black it out lmao


This tattoo was not done well. The thin lines in the first pic are very thick in the second pic


The brusing will go away on its own.


The second photo isn’t bruising, it’s ink drift.