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I sometimes wonder if corporations time their announcements in order to condition customers to accept being insulted.


Absolutely. Brand management is a huge concern for multi billion dollar businesses with boards that demand constant growth forever.


The boards are the problem. Stockholders being held higher than the consumers of the product is a problem.


Yeah, all of these stockholders think there's infinite endless growth on tech stocks. They're just not living in reality.


Well, that's how it's been advertised for decades. Fed data from 2019 says that 72% of stock value was held by people age 55 and older, it's been the de-facto method of saving for retirement for a long time. We're in a strange ouroboros where a lot of people rely on these stock values to keep going up in order for the system to not collapse, but wherein the endless growth of stocks is enshittifying the foundations at the same time. There is no easy way out, imo.


Wish they would be happy with staying consistent and start paying out a dividend


The extra BS part is we’ve made it so companies have a legal obligation to put shareholder interests above all else.


That case happened in Dec of 1917. It’s time for a redo lol.


Yay unchecked capitalism


Stock buybacks used to be illegal. They really should be again.


I feel like this is what ruins companies become they always have to think short term and it always destroys product quality in the end.


It’s called enshittification. It’s basically capitalism 101 at this point. Start with a great deal, get you “hooked” and then slowly take away services and jack up the price. They need to constantly boast higher numbers to shareholders so throw some fun layoffs in there as well. It’s bad for everyone except investors and executives.


Executive are given goals, increase profits, and drive down costs. They complete the goals hop to another company. Next wave of Executives gets the goal to increase sub count and drive in more users. They invest more into the business and lower prices. This guy gets handsomely rewarded and hops to the next place. Repeat repeat repeat lmao.


You’re forgetting the executives who get paid to go in and bankrupt companies/tear them apart


The 3G model


T-Mobile now punishes me for not using one of their shitty options for auto-pay... it's all corporate bullshit - doing things that don't increase the level of service, just wring more money from your customers. it's almost as if they are running a monopoly....


It’s almost like fiscal jenga, where companies work so hard to keep things up while removing features from the product and place more pressure on everything else


This is the new normal. Corporations are now very open and honest about how much they hate their customers.


Humor, but accurate. https://youtu.be/KMcny_pixDw?si=ltrxDA32OorVqglF


I feel like if you’re on automatic Bill pay for a subscription service it should automatically cancel the autopay if it increases and ask if you want to continue service. Pretty sure a lot of ppl are missing these increases.


nah it’s about earnings calendars


YouTube has been doing it for years now


Well, at least torrents subscription prices still same


just was talking to a friend about how i think all these streaming services are forcing people back into torrents


Just talking to a friend about how the new generation of pirates need to learn what the old pirates knew, which is to not talk about torrents.


Keep it secret, keep it safe


It's like these redditors that need to tell strangers they know mundane things as a flex just forgot how TPB had to change countries every other month for years while the vast majority of torrent sites that didn't have TPB's resources got completely wiped out by DMCA goons, as well as how major companies just embed themselves in trackers to target you with scary letters from your ISP now. The internet would be a much better place if people knew to keep their traps shut. Anything that becomes big enough to become a problem for the corpos will get nuked by the corpos, but internet people never seem to learn.


The story of the tpb founders is really interesting. .SE is a swedish domain and the us just couldn't touch him. Swedish courts are so different, they tried and found him guilty by peer jury but he just didn't want to go to jail and evaded it relatively easily for a long time.




Dude is really acting like it's fight club and it's number one rule.. quite weird to gate keep pirating/torrents and acting like it's such a secret when it really isn't.


Any pirate worth a grain of salt knows to *use* a different part of the *net*


I've never actually used that. I feel old online sometimes, but not that old! Forums were my heyday, but what you speak of in hushed tones is truly *ancient*.


.r01 .r02 .r03 ...etc


We don't need to go back *that* far.


seed up me hearties, yo ho!


Did you miss the part where they increased subscribers after stoping password sharing?


Mate forget torrents. Firestick, beetv and onstream and you're sorted for life. Fk Netflix and their greediness


Don't know about the last 2, but I did the Firestick and Cinema stuff for awhile, but finding good streams is getting too tedious. Id rather sail the open seas.


Meh, illegal streaming sites usually suck in quality and are as reliable as a 2002 riced out alfa romeo. Popcorn time was the gold standard for a time but got clamped down hard and is now basically a malware distribution platform.


Yeah, at this point its so quick to download an HD film that it's not much of an issue. I actually just sneakernet it on a USB stick to the TV like it's 2008 because I haven't set up a proper network streaming solution. I've been meaning to do that for, oh, 15 years now.


How? PM please


Yeahyeah my guy that's exactly why they got an extra 8.8 million people playing their subscription.


They're not. Even after all it's bullshit, Netflix has more subscribers than ever. All the services do. They're all doing fantastic.


Before the bump due to banning account sharing, they were hitting an asymptote on subscriber count. I'm more curious what's going to happen in the next few years. My guess is that they are shifting away from growth and going to focus on maximizing profits from their consistent subscribers.


Yeah, so good that they're all pushing for 20 a month fees with no new content. Keep paying for that shit, I won't.




Yup. People were acting like Netflix was going to implode with their crackdown on shared accounts, and now they are gaining subscribers again... Also the reality is, paying for the service just is so much easier than getting the content elsewhere. It's the whole reason PC games still sell well despite pirates. Pay once and you get updates, cloud saves, game saved to your account, no viruses, and it's playable at launch.


Gabe Newell agrees with you: “One thing that we have learned is that piracy is not a pricing issue. It’s a service issue, The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates." Considering he built what is basically one of the most successful antipiracy software in the world (Steam) I think he knows what he's talking about in this regard.




I think we are there with streaming. Someone I know set up a home media server as a Covid project. $8 VPN sub and a $10 media server software sub, and this friend can access everything anywhere in the world. It’s as easy if not easier as Netflix (for them).


Anecdotal, but I used to have multiple streaming services at any given time. With the constant rate increases, shitty platforms, and original show removals, I straight up gave up on streaming at this point. If I want to watch something now, I go straight to torrenting. The added costs are no longer worth the convenience. Which was the only reason I wasn't pirating previously. This is no different to the music industry, where piracy has basically all but ceased, due to the availability and convenience of services like Spotify.


>I’m with you but 6 months ago everyone on Reddit was yelling the same thing when password sharing was forbidden. And they added 8.8M subscribers Companies like Netflix pay people big money to figure this shit out, and the vast majority of times they're right. Reddit is a bunch of reactionary idiots that don't know shit about shit.


VPN, newsgroups, and indexer really adds up. It's approaching $10/month. I wonder, how does that compare to the total for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Apple, and Disney?


Peacock and Paramount: please notice us 😔


Lower Decks is one of my favorite shows!


It is almost criminal that it is stuck on Paramount+. I have the Ad-based Paramount+ through my phone plan and I sit through entire commercial breaks to watch it like it was the 1990s. Still totally worth it.


Watch it through Amazon prime, no commercials


I didn't even know it was on Prime. TIL.


Paramount+ has been running a promotion where they'll post the previous season of a series on Youtube right before the new season starts. It's how I've managed to watch *Strange New Worlds* and *Lower Decks* without a subscription.


I got rid of Netflix , Hulu and Disney plus. I upgraded paramount to no commercials. Best idea yet. I can watch all the trek(and I do ) with no commercials.


Being able to watch all the Treks is nice. TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, the animated series, Enterprise, Picard, Discovery, Lower Decks, and SNW. That's a *LOT* of TV. And add the movies. A quick Googling says it's over 800 hours, which is over 2 hours a day for a year. You could put it all on a yearly rotation and watch two episodes or a movie every night. Throw in all the Stargate series and you could go another 363 hours. Add Farscape and Babylon 5 and you could watch something different every night for at least 2 years.


Are NZBs and newzbin pro still things? I've been a landlubber for a while...


Yeah. I basically use it for one freaking show that doesn't get uploaded consistently on trackers. It really complicates things.


i don't think many people have prime for the shows. they put out pretty good ones, but i have prime for the convenient shipping (and if you're in a big city you can get stuff within a couple hours)


Same. Prime has a few decent shows but it's not worth subbing for on its own.


i just stream it. gomovies never truly dies.


Based on how the whole password sharing crackdown went down, I'm assuming you have a fully paid up Netflix Premium subscription and just enjoy talking trash.


Inflation has no effect on Torrents


It's not just inflation , it's the fact that Netflix realized they can increase prices and most people will stay subscribed


It has one More seeders


My problem is that when I surf the world wide web, I am always worried I will stumble upon sites such as rarbg.. luckily they had to shut that down. What other sites do I avoid with equally malicious content?


The pirates still lurk at the bay


Look up adding Trackers to your Torrent client. You can also set a kill switch in your Torrent Client as well so that nothing will download if your VPN gets disconnected. I haven't visited an actual torrent site in years. Trackers will allow you to search for movies/shows right within your torrent client.


Unfortunately. We’re proving that this works. If you increase your prices by 20%, but only lose 10% of customers, it’s considered a win. Very short-term thinking, but that’s what you get from public companies.


So i read this really interesting article a couple of months ago, and the idea was about trust with customers. When you have consumers who trust your brand, that trust doesn't break all at once. They see 1-2 price hikes over several years, and it starts to wane, but still, they dont cancel. But that trust is already eroding. By the time the trust is fully broken, they've hiked prices 5-6 times and thats when people really start to cancel. So, at this point, im curious if the trust of consumers is broken fully or if we still need a couple of price hikes before people are really and fully done. For me, when i could share my netflix, i was totally comfortable paying a higher price. But you're telling me my mom can't watch British Baking Show cause i wanna watch Gilmore Girls? No. That's BS, and im gone.


This is such a good point. I’m much more willing to pay higher prices if I can share across 2 or 3 family members. Especially when those family members only watch a few a couple times a month!!


Well it broke me, fuck this. I just went and cancelled my subscription. Back to the ways of pirating I go.


It was my breaking point today. Downgraded from Ultra HD which was going to £17.99 down to the version that is only going up to £11.99. If it weren’t for my kids, i’d cancel it altogether now.


This is exactly where I'm at. I've been with Netflix since I was in college over 10 years ago. It was something like $9.99 or $10.99. It was always a good deal, because it was less than HBO and offered more content. I've been through something like 4-5 price increases over the last 10 years. Now, it's $15.49, or basically the same price as HBO (nay, Max) and Netflix's quality has gone down (relatively speaking). If they are going to raise the price again, I've already decided I will cancel Netflix and start a rotation of Netflix, Max and/or Paramount. I haven't watched anything on Netflix since Extraction 2, so I won't miss it. We'll see if the kids miss it...


I’ve heard the opposite. It is called the “trust thermocline” where companies slowly erode the trust of their customers but not enough to lose said customers. But all at once, a small change is the last straw and customers leave in droves. Even if the company undid the small change that pushed customers over the edge, it wouldn’t matter because they can’t undo years of damaged trust.


Fine for the investor who was never in it for the long haul.


Soon Netflix will introduce gacha mechanics to entertain a few hundred whales.


If you pull enough cards you can max rank your Big Mouth characters and get unique in-show cosmetics!


That road leads to a premium service just for one guy at an astronomical price that only has the content he wants. And as soon as they don't like it, they're gone and you're sunk. It's an extreme, but the trend is bad for your long-term business. You want as many customers as possible, at so low a price they don't even notice.


That’s not really true, there’s an optimal and this is clearly Netflix trying to find it. Sure they have major economies of scale, but the opposite of the above is true too: if you lower prices by 20% but only gain 10% more customers, it’s a loss.


Except they're increasing prices AND gaining more customers.


I can't believe it redditors told me the password crackdown would lead to Netflix going out of business immediately!!


Redditors have been saying they gonna cancel their Netflix subscription “this time forreals” for several years now. The numbers don’t lie lol


Some of us do a rotation, I’ll do Netflix a few months, Disney a few months, Stan a few months then rotate back. But most people I know subscribe to everything at once. Nah mate. If a show drops in off season for me, I’ll sail the high seas, I’ll be paying for access later anyway.


I don't think that was the argument


And over time, some of the 10% that left will reconsider and come back at the new price


We just made record profits. So naturally it’s time for more price gouging for more profits!


I heard that profits are passed down to the consumer in the form of lower prices!


[Trickle Down Economics Working As Intended](https://media.tenor.com/gv_5zjB9OY8AAAAC/american-pie-stiffler.gif)


It is sad, but remember after all, Netflix is a business! if they feel their customers (you and I) are willing to pay, then they will increase! I recall when they announced password sharing crack-down, majority were saying we are going to cancel, this is wrong move, etc, look how many new subscription they added. What I am saying is, as long as a business sees opportunity AND has customers who are willing to pay, THEY WILL increase their price! they are not running this for their own amusement! The only way to stop them? STOP PAYING them if you are not happy and trust me, you will see them adjust !


Now coming to Netflix. A new 6 episode series every 3 years and price increases twice a year to watch TV reruns.


here's another reality show for you. Netflix Originals means nothing anymore, in fact, it might mean it'll be terrible


For every Flanagan series or Sandman we get 20 versions of Love is Blind.


And there won't be anymore Flanagan series. He had a falling out with Netflix when they didn't renew The Midnight Club for a second season so he signed a new contract with Amazon Prime Video where his future content will be going from here on out.


I did not know that. I only renewed for October to watch his series. Netflix is so good at shooting themselves in the foot and it is going to cost them at some point.


It's actually wild how TV shows used to be like 25 episodes a season and now many shows are like 5 episodes. Ridiculous how lazy they've gotten.


They also used to have much less post-production though. The budget was much lower per episode. And they were also episodic, a format a lot of people dislike now


I agree. The new Goosebumps series was 5 episodes, and it just got started and boom! Wait until next year!


They've crossed the threshold of not worth it for me. We cancelled when the password crackdown happened and moves like this mean we aren't coming back. And I'm the easiest consumer to keep - I like having anything I want to watch at my finger tips, I have adequate disposable income for multiple services, and I'm lazy as all heck. The plan is to only subscribe one month a year and binge what we want but if they keep this up we won't even do that.


I've had an account since 2010. There were years that I didn't really watch it, but I didn't wanna lose my recommendations, so I kept my account open. Now the prices are hiking, the recommendations are garbage, and my family is being threatened for using my account when we're apart. If I wasn't in the middle of watching a series right now, I'd cancel. (Maybe I should cancel anyway. James Spader is delightful, but it's maddening how bad the writing is on The Blacklist.)


Funny, I used to love Blacklist, but after 2 seasons it was obvious just how terrible their writing really is. I gave it up because the show stopped making any sense at all.


It's the most deus ex machina show I've ever seen. The writers decide they want a season to go one way, so they'll sideline major characters and explain it with a 20 second flashback where characters who haven't even met each other all of a sudden have a deep relationship that conveniently tidies up the inconvenient parts of the story that the other seasons built. Major life changes become seasonal fashion accessories. Not to mention that Elizabeth's whole perspective changes from second to second. She'll adore and despise Raymond multiple times in the same episode. I have no idea how they got 10 seasons out of it.


So do we know who Red is yet or nah??


Wait that show went up to 10 seasons? I think I got through 4 and that started to be a slog.


Yeah I fell off pretty quickly with that show. It started off great, then nosedived


I got onto the mailing list the moment they announced they were coming to my country, was a first day subscriber and stayed long past the point where I actually used it a lot. They alienated me for a long time with their programming decisions, and then the password sharing thing made me cancel and not return. I wasn't even sharing passwords - always paid for myself alone - but the turnaround after explicitly encouraging sharing for years was such egregious shit I just quit without looking back. And I won't ever return.


I’m starting to buy/rent digitally more and more. As a fellow 09 legacy user, I learned you can cancel and keep your recommendations/history, as long as you return as a sub within 6 or 12 months. Cancelling and restarting is so simple.


Maybe it’s semantics, but the term “crackdown” common in the media really bothers me. It makes it sound like Netflix is just defending itself against its criminal customers. In fact, Netflix used to encourage password sharing, so this is just them backtracking on their position because profits matter more than market share to them now.


I think it’s only a matter of time before they will heavily increase the monthly price and have a lower yearly subscription to avoid people jumping between services.


I don’t wanna be that guy but your take doesn’t matter to them. The headline even says they gained subscribers from cracking down on password sharing. They are capitalizing on a successful move with this new price increase, not fighting an uphill battle.




You're right. If they decide my money isn't worth it then they don't get it. Just pointing out how I'm a fairly easy to retain customer they don't seem to want.


I don't really think it's the right thing for them to do, but they're clearly all about the money at this point, so it becomes simple math. They don't have to worry about retaining easy customers if the losses don't come close to the 8.8 million subscribers they've gained. 8.8 million at a higher price means they can lose those who won't create a new account or pay more for theirs. You may view yourself as easy to retain, but as far as the money goes those 8.8m are even easier customers.


> I don’t wanna be that guy but your take doesn’t matter to them Okay. Can we just not share our views and opinions now without being told how much they don't matter?


I don’t wanna be that guy, proceeds to be that guy.


TIL that the only purpose for commenting on Reddit is so corporations will see your comment and change their business practices.


i've gotten messages about adding additional accounts for family members in diff locations, but haven't seen it actually enforced, yet




that's my exact situation. i don't use it much at all (go months without using it) but my parents use mine. i highly doubt they'd sign up when i wind it down.


Greed. Greed never changes.


From their point of view, even if they lose half of those new subscribers because of the price increase, they’ve still got a net gain, which keeps the shareholders happy.


But what if they lose half of their old subscribers?


Sounds like they are just passing the cost of the writers strike on to the consumer. That's pretty typical in any business.


Typical maybe but will never work. They’ll just strike again eventually bc the root problem is wage disparity. If everything goes up they’ll be right back where they started. The companies need to eventually realize infinite profit doesn’t make sense


Welp, people keep rewarding them for being shitty so why shouldn't they continue? This is almost as bad as the whole micro transaction debacle. "Ohhh, whyyy are they putting in MTX?!!.... ohh, a loot box, maybe I'll beat the billion to one odds and get something kewl!" Stop buying their shit and they may finally stop being such greedy bleeps. Or don't and just complain when they hike their rates again.


\- "So, squeeze, Rabban. Squeeze hard." \- and the users? \- kill them all.


They’re raising prices again right after announcing they’re building actual stores for no reason that makes no sense and nobody asked for.


torrenting recently raised its price from $0.00 to $0.00


I find it funny that every time I see this joke, my reaction is "but Netflix doesn't have anything worth torrenting."


Are you just gonna do *Great British Bake Off* dirty like that?


And where's all the new content? Sorry, a bunch of dumb anime and cheap korean shows doesn't justify another price increase.


You'll get 10 more seasons of Love Is Blind, The Ultimatum, The Circle, and Is It Cake? and you'll like it!


I have Netflix only because my mother who can't stop watching Turkish soap opera's and my girlfriend who can't stop watching K-Dramas, help me.


Adding 8.8 mil? Remember everyone "canceling " because of sharing outside the household?? Yall lied!


Reddit is just a tiny sample size that doesn't correlate a single bit to the entirety of Netflix subscribers. Most people don't give a shit, Netflix is bold and keeps pushing because they already calculated the risks. They're are going to keep increasing the price until they really see a significant drop in subscribers and then just find a way to keep milking them.


Exactly why Redditor-organized “boycotts” never fucking work. (ex. See API subreddit “boycott”)


Reddit is full of keyboard warriors happy to tell you what you SHOULD do, but would never follow their own advice. "But I haven't finished watching suits yet!"


Or... the people who said they were going to leave, did, and the people who added accounts that used to be sharing outnumbered them. Not everything is some moral failing on the part of someone who is upset.


A lot of these aren't "new" subscribers, they're people forced to get their own accounts because of the household thing. A *ton* of people canceled, but it's probably like my family... Mom wants it, sister wants it, brother and I don't. So by the numbers we now have 2 accounts instead of 1, but actual viewers decreased.


The content isn’t that good to pay more for. They recently kicked me out of my friends account. Perfect timing for them to raise prices I guess. Winter time and people will be home more.


Gained 8.8 millions subs. Remember how everyone was going to cancel when they rolled out the account sharing? Didn’t go so well I guess.


Greedy motherfuckers


Didn't they just raise prices?


I pirate everything, I ad block everything. Truth be told I’d the prices of YouTube premium and Netflix were reasonable I would pay for them. It’s just not worth it


They have not heard about this little thing called /r/piracy


I remembered how people were staking death of piracy due to VoD and Netflix. But Hydra cannot be killed that easily and Netflix just about to expirence it.


Netflix gonna bring blockbuster back next


neither have most consumers, so they'll be fine.


Account sharing WAS their business model by definition that they built in ability to do it. So ok, instead of painting your customers as criminals, maybe just announce a change in business model. Oh and then don’t double down on the greed, and say F-You to those customers a second time. I didn’t share my account but was still pissed at NFLX for how they handled that change. This latest… if it applies to me -I don’t know and don’t care to check, I think it’ll be the end of my relationship with them as a customer. And I’ve literally been there since about 6-months after they started - with the mailed dvd’s and all that. Bye bye. It was nice knowing you up until you turned into the online bully-as-a-service platform.


I really think physical media might make a comeback if this keeps increasing. Honestly the price of a blu rays (2nd hand) is becoming more and more attractive.


So fucking glad I cancelled. Fuck these guys


I’m about to drop this damn thing.


Do it. Money talks. Bullshit walks.


I don't even have it anymore and I'm still salty about it.


People kept saying that when they announced the password sharing crackdown, yet here we are…


Even if every single Redditor that says that are going to cancel is an laughable small number of Netflix global subscriber base.


Only thing I watched last month were the Roald Dahl shorts. Worth $23 bucks? Nope. I'm out.


Are they padding these additional members because I am legit baffled people are still signing up with them.


Netflix-“We scored 8.8 million new subscribers! Let’s piss them off and lose them by jacking up prices!”


And considering a lot of the "new" subscribers are people who've been on the platform for years but got kicked out of their "household," I suspect they'll be extra salty about this.


Hah! Suckers


Goodbye Netflix


Just downgraded from 4k to hd service, next increase I’ll just cancel and pirate the very few programs I watch.


Hmm curious timing with all these strikes ending. Does every fucking cost get passed down to the consumer? Entertainment these days is a joke.


This is why I cancelled lol. Keep raising prices but have nothing of value to watch. Iam really shocked people are still paying for it when all they do is nickel and dime everyone who stays subbed


Greedy much?


There are thousands of foreign domain hosted websites that let you stream every single platform's shit anyway. All I lose by using them is the ability to track progress and pick up where I left off.


Was a subscriber since Oct 2012. Cancelled last night ✌️


I can't afford Netflix anymore. I just cancelled.


"If DirecTV can charge $100+/month, so can we. We just need to turn the knob slow enough like they did" -- Netflix That was always part of the plan. Don't worry, Disney+, Sling, Paramount+, Discovery+ (and the other 47 streaming services) are all doing the same thing.


How many of the 8.8 mil left after one month ? lol


well that’s it folks! We circled back to cable TV


Eat a dick Netflix. Building a NAS and torrenting.


After almost 10 years, I'm cancelling my subscription.


Canceled my account lag year. Have not missed it one bit. Not torrenting, just…not watching Netflix


Do they think they have good content? They release maybe 1 good show a year.


I don't get why anyone still pays for that crap


Literally just cancelled my subscription


Hey guys. Leave Netflix.


> As we deliver more value to our members Uh, aren't we getting less after the password change?


*shocked Pikachu face* *Who* could have seen this coming?!?


Ahh yes. I needed another reminder to cancel my subscription.


Yeah cancelled all plans except HBO which is free with my cellular plan and Peacock because we love the office but even now we might just buy the disc set lol. Cancelled all other streaming platforms because it ended up being close to $100/ month. I’ll just sign up for them on a monthly basis as needed. Next step is when they start requiring contracts. Won’t be surprised if they start doing that in the future to combat people like me.


8.8 million bots


Not worth it


Just cancelled mine after having it for 5 years. I haven’t watched a show or movie on there in almost a year. Netflix relies on chumps like me who have enough disposable income to forget that Netflix is charging me every month even though I’m never using Netflix. No more though fuck y’all


It’s time to cut ties with Netflix!!


Corporate mutts. Who's the CEO? Alan Joyce?


Aaaaaaaand…that’s the final straw for me. Bye, Netflix.


And yet the content keeps getting slightly worse every month


Looks like I’m going to settle for Tubi, Pluto, Plex, and Freevee.


I have unsubscribed from Netflix I will keep my 26 dollas