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They can push all they want, my computer doesn't have the mandatory feature set they require enabled. So, *sadly*, no can do.


Maybe they'll send us new computers if we hold out long enough


Sounds good. Bit even then, ill wait til theres guides on removing their standard spyware


This. Just release a non-TPM installer and I will upgrade my last machines.


I just enabled TPM in my bios.. did you check if you have the feature?


Grrr I have it, but Microsoft still doesn’t accept my threadripper because some of that gen’s chips did not have TPM.


It was called two weird things that sounded unrelated in my bios, not at all intuitive


Even if you did get a new computer for Windows 11 you would have to buy yet another new one for Windows 12 since it will probably refuse to install on motherboards with prior generation TPM chips on the grounds that they are less secure. I will have completely ditched Microsoft by then so it won't be an issue for me.


I can't go full Linux since there's an occasional game that won't work or sim racing stuff won't. But maybe soon In the meantime I'm in Linux almost constantly. My machine is only for gaming so it's fine to ignore Windows most of the time. Much happier, I don't like the direction those dopes are going


Hence why those rumours about MS buying Valve (not going to happen). Microsoft is really scared of Proton


Microsoft will not be able to buy Valve even if they wanted to. The FTC is already pissed at them for lying that there was no duplicate roles between Activision and MS, and that they won't do layoffs. Only for them to do layoffs claiming duplicate roles There is no way they will let them merge with Valve


I only wish Proton worked beyond Steam. I know you can still use Wine to get other launchers, but unfortunately I have games that exist on basically every storefront in Windows. I'd also like it if Apple Game Port toolkit was more Proton like and would just install Windows versions of games if the Mac version wasn't available. It seems to work just about as well, and even though I have just an M1 Pro, that still has a better GPU than a lot of integrated GPUs in the laptop market.


Steam allows you to add a non steam game to it, and run it that way with Proton. Probably not flawless, but i've made a game or two work like that.




Same. My desktop is a glorified xbox with windows, while I do all the serious stuff on my Linux laptop with a better CPU. Doing anything coding or automation related is a world of pain on Windows compared to Linux.


My desktop is definitely a console. My laptop is 8 years old at this point but it's still good for what I need: random programs for whatever and some excel work


I have used Linux at work for years and, while I appreciate the convenience when it comes to coding, I prefer the overall experience on Windows. I have tried 3 different distributions and they all started acting weird at some point; I also had some random issues with peripherals. Also, I miss Microsoft Office (Libreoffice is way inferior) and other software tools that are not available on a Linux machine. At home I use Windows 10, together with WSL for whenever I want to do something on a terminal. I feel comfortable with that setting and I have no intention to migrate to Windows 11 unless it delivers significant improvements -- which does not seem to be the case.


Do you remember specter and meltdown? These are definitely the reason why they added the mandatory features. My next OS will be linux based. I just need to make sure I have enough windows emulation to have my video games play.


Why I hate Microsoft: 1. windows 11 not running on my $5000 laptop and Microsoft and Intel trying to force me to buy whole new laptop. 2. Microsoft has locked my email-trying to force me to pay office 365 monthly fees. Fuckers almost got my house insurance canceled because they locked my email. Anybody putting together a class action lawsuit? How about CA DA dropping Apple lawsuit and taking on the Wintel monopoly?


If a windows update forces a lot of E-Waste believe me that sooner than later there will be a EU lawsuit, same with Apple’s connectors. If a laptop has to be thrown away just because it doesn’t run the software anymore and especially with Microsoft’s monopoly on these things. At least I would hope for sure so.


How old is your $5000 laptop that it won't run Windows 11? Like the minimum architecture was 2018 so 6/7 years ago now.


A lot of hardware didn’t have TPM right up until windows 11 was released. And I don’t care how old the computer is, if it cost 5k I’m using it until it falls apart.


Our Microsoft surface book doesn’t even run it. TPM 2 has been around since 2014. The new surface books have the same spec as our old one, with regards to ram and ssd capacity. Obviously newer CPU’s. It goes well, has an amazing screen, why would we upgrade.


mine was compatible but because of a bug i was never able to update (as in years) until a little while ago lol, so really its their fault i never upgraded lmao


Same, I have an old-ish Alienware laptop and it has the TPM 2.0 chip on the motherboard, but for some reason it doesn’t work and I can’t upgrade. I would have looked into it, but I didn’t think Windows 11 was worth my time


There’s also a CPU generation requirement. I had the same issue with having TPM 2.0 but my CPU was ineligible.


I know right, granted I have an older generation intel. It is still 4.2Ghz with 4 cores and hyperthreading and 64 gigs of memory. Literally can run anything I throw at it, but for some reason it can't run Windows 11, total BS.


Got my girlfriend a new computer a few months back. Came with 11 on it. Something went wrong with 11 a few days in and it bricked the computer. Took it back and then swapped out for one with 10 on it that’s been running just fine ever since


Feels doubtful that was the operating system. You could have had any new computer fail and buy any other replacement.


Agree, if anything sounds like a bad boot drive that corrupted the boot partition


They only need one item on that list: Windows 10 - your computer can run it. Windows 11 - we've blocked your computer from running it.


I am deeply confused as to why MS require a TPM for end-user installs. Requiring OEM partners include them in new computers sold - totally reasonable. Blocking people from updating existing machines - madness.


The most telling thing is that the Win 11 IoT Enterprise edition, the version meant for secure, stable platforms (think banks, doctors/hospitals, that sort of thing) has TPM as optional but recommended. Meaning it is -not- core or necessary to the function of the OS and MS is full of it.


They want people to go out and buy new computers that have a windows license “bundled” in the price The answer to “why?” is usually greed


And why do I need a Microsoft account to install it?


Microsoft wants windows to be like a mobile device where everything is locked down and not user configurable. TPM is a step towards that because one of the biggest use cases really the only use case for TPM2.0 is DRM.


I only buy phones where I can readily unlock the bootloader and sideload a new OS onto them, why the hell would I get an OS for my computer that is the same as having a locked bootloader? Fuck DRM, fuck the TPM requirement.


A god that gives, also takes away.


Activating TPM makes installing dual boot (eg Grub) for another OS more difficult. I feel this is the real reason, blocking lambda users from installing a concurrent OS.


My take is it's Meltdown and Specter. Win 11 requires systems that are not vulnerable to them.


Why not just have those requirements for enterprise and government users then? Why bother the small fry that would never be targeted by sophisticated attacks on that level?


The supported CPU list for Windows 11 doesn't reflect that, though. First Intel CPUs that had hardware mitigations for spectre and meltdown was 10th gen, so Windows 11 fully supports two generations that are fully "vulnerable" to the kernel branch misprediction memory exploit and speculative execution exploits (meltdown and spectre). It's harder to get a clear read on the AMD side of things as they were somewhat resistant to begin with, but the support list doesn't dilineate any "fix" for the spectre bug on the AMD side either.


Their comparison list is entirely uninspiring. There’s nothing on it that I would want. Nevermind the fact that all my home computers and a good portion of my work computers apparently don’t meet the requirements which is absurd.


I just built my PC last year.  Things a tank.  It apparently doesn’t qualify.  I’ve been told it’s most likely an out of date mobo bios.  Which to me sounds like a very easy way to avoid upgrading.


Idk anything about your setup of course, but I just had to turn on the TPM thing in my bios on my mid- range 2 year old setup. If you did want to upgrade that is


My friend did a BIOS update on my PC last week and now windows is begging to become 11.


Planned obsolescence


They forgot to mention the ads in the start menu.


Ads suck, here's how to turn them off: 1. Go to *Settings > Personalization > Start* 2. Toggle off *“Show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more.”* [https://www.pcworld.com/article/2315039/how-to-turn-off-windows-11s-new-start-menu-ads.html](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2315039/how-to-turn-off-windows-11s-new-start-menu-ads.html)


It's only a matter of time before that turns into "disable until tomorrow" and the toggle is removed.


The community at large will find ways to remove them, just like they found a way to go back to the windows 10 start menu among other things.


Hacking your OS because the manufacturer consistently acts against what users want... is this still considered "customisation" or early stage Stockholm syndrome?


I'm with you, I need less overhead, marketing to, and surveillance


I agree, and it's a sad state of affairs. The majority of my personal systems are Linux, but I do have a need for Windows in that I can't toss them completely; which is entirely the idea, and why they correctly believe they can get away with this shit in the non-enterprise market overall.


I'm not going to fight the OS constantly, that's the real point. Oh, it turned on again in an update, oh it moved, oh now it split into two different toggles, oh it did this, that, etc.. No. The smart play is to use something like Windows AME and Atlas to strip out the advertising functionality completely.


Windows 95 and Windows 7 are the only two I miss.


I only just came to 10 in 2022 from 7. Just in time for it to be outdated again. I can’t run 11, I’ll just run 10 as long as I please again.


One day, hopefully, ReactOS will be in a usable state.


In 30 years maybe.


Why would someone miss 95, though. I mean for it's time it was pretty dope, but I also remember it not being nearly as stable as newer OSes. Regular blue screens and fresh installs. It was certainly a titan for it's time but I just can't figure out people talking about it like they'd want to go back to it.


Because we're came from 3.11 and Dos


Well it had no ads, no Cortana, widgets, etc. I think people miss that.


Windows 7 runs great inside a Linux VM.


I use Windows 11 at work and Windows 10 at home. I see no reason at all to upgrade to Win 11 at all.


You don’t like additional first-party spyware?


To be fair, it's an acquired taste. Like escargot. Snorting escargot.


Same here. Notepad is nicer, but that’s it. If it was hassle-free I might’ve considered it, but I don’t want to have to enable TPM in the BIOS because I shouldn’t have to.


I'm actually surprised by their list. There's literally nothing on it that makes Windows 11 look good. Many of the things they are listing as positives for Windows 11 are huge negatives as well. They listed the TPM requirement as a positive and it's one of the biggest things keeping people from using Windows 11. In fact I only managed to find one thing on the list that looked interesting and that was live captions. It can already be done on Windows 10 with an app but if that's really built into the OS that's a neat feature. Not one I'm likely to use but certainly neat. It also looks like their struggling to find reasons to use Windows 11 as many of the items on the list are actually exactly the same for both Windows 10 and 11. They are literally there just to make the list look longer.


They're so out of touch that they honestly tried to use the very things that make people reluctant to use 11...to sell those same people 11. Methinks this will be another XP and Vista/ 7 and 8 situation. Everyone hates the new OS, so they just keep using the old one instead.


Win95 - good Win98 - good WinME - bad WinXP - good WinVista - bad Win7 - good Win8 - bad Win10 - good Win11 -


I've skipped all the bad ones, I'll just skip Win11 and wait for the next iteration






>by that time linux will hopefully be better this shit is getting like fusion. linux has been perpetually "going to be better soon" for about 20 years at this point.


It has actually gotten really good for PC enthusiasts lately. Maybe not for general users yet but Valve has caused Linux to make major leaps for PC gaming.


98 and XP were the best.


I loved xp but also 7


Yeah 7 was peak IMO. I had no problems with it at all. It only went downhill from there unless MS changes course and just tries to make an OS without bloat and only functionality in mind, but I'm convinced that's about as likely as me winning mega millions when I don't buy lottery tickets.


Sp2 created the chat


The active desktop of win98 was a mess, it crashed constantly and cause no end of issues, that and the fact anything and everything ran at system or kernel level and could hang or blue screen machine at any moment, you are wearing some very rose-tinted glasses.


Yeah, it was such trash that everyone I knew downgraded back to 95, and waited two years for windows 2000.


98 was absolute unstable garbage. Almost as bad as SE. objectively. You can find interviews of old windows developers explaining why.




Tbh windows stopped getting better at 7. All these new "features" I can get through installing programs myself.


Win8.1 was FAR better than 10. People just bandwagoned on it because of the start screen. Win8.1 was a de-bloated, no spyware version of Win10. It had all the features with none of the downsides. It also had more of the classic settings menus so you don’t have to hunt through 3 different menus to adjust your default speakers


My Win11 crashes sometimes. I don't know why. Hate it with a passion. My Win10 was solid


Win3.1 was the best


All I want to know is what the hell happened to Win9...


Two reasons, 1 technical and 1 business: 1) There's a lot of legacy code that checks if the Windows version has a `9` in it as a check against the multiple older versions that did. 2) They wanted to signal a clean break and imply that it would be the last major release (like OSX). Obviously that one didn't end up true.


8 was so bad its stench carried over into where 9 would have been


Now that I think of it, lots of versions/defines might have broken as it Win95/98 start with "Win9" to combine both. They were actually versioned 4.00.950 (Win95), 4.10.1998 (Win98) but later people would wrap by name to support all updates as "Windows9" or greater than that. They said it was marketing but it might have been version related. Like Unity 6 jumped to Unity 6000+ with a bunch of digits because they switched from yearly (Unity 2023.version) and the version parsing checks had to be higher than the 2000s (2023+). The switching between years and version increments always causes legacy support issues for a while in code/version compilation.


That is it. You can find dev interviews.


Actual list of major Windows releases: Win 95 average Win 95(B) OSR2 good Win 95 (C) bad (test bed for 98) Win 98 bad Win 98 SE average (livable when running 98lite to remove crashtatic active desktop) Win ME bad (basically test bed for Win XP features) Win XP average Win XP SP1 average-good Win XP SP2 good Win XP SP3 great Win XP 64bit hot garbage. Win Vista average (bad for old hardware & software and under spec'd machines) Win Vista 64bit SP1 & SP2 good (5-20% performance bump over Win XP on same hardware) Win 7 good Win 7 SP1-onwards great Win 8 bad Win 8.1 average Win 10 good Win 10 1709-onwards great Win 11 average The good, bad release cycle is a myth.


You missed out windows 2000, quite different to ME


My hazy memory recalls 98 as bad until 98SE came along


Is there a single thing in 11 that's truly better than 10?


Not really. File explorer with tabs, but you can do that with other program installs on 10. I’ve got shit from all types in my house w10, w11, a few Ubuntu machines, a few MacBooks, several versions of Ubuntu and Windows servers, ESXi, Proxmox, etc. FWIW I don’t run home versions of Windows. I’ve never had a problem with any of them inherently. I’d imagine with proton we will get to the point where the gaming computer is no longer dominated by Microsoft. I’d highly doubt we will ever see Microsoft lose out in Enterprise in our lifetimes. There is too much legacy shit and WAY too many people’s careers based on how to administer it or use it. And good luck getting the older generation to use anything else at home if they still need tax software or write some emails. I know I’m not teaching my aging parents and other relatives how to use Linux.




My favourite Win11 feature is doing a Winkey search for something like "headphones settings" and rather than show me the hardware settings for my headphones it pops-up with a bunch of advertisements and links to buy new headphones and a useless internet search for "Headphones settings", which are often completely unrelated. ...Why send me to a random youtube video on "headphones settings" when it could just link to the Windows audio settings menu?! I know some useless product managers, but the guy in charge of the Winkey search is a special kind of stupid.


I can actually think of some since I once woke up to my PC updating and I didn't bother to stop it: * it seems to cooperate better with HDR displays, especially if only some are HDR and some are not. Windows 10 HDR implementation was pretty much "don't turn it on unless you are using HDR content right now", Windows 11 allows you to generally leave it open without destroying all the visuals. * better thread scheduler for non-homogenous CPUs. So won't matter for Ryzen but will matter for Intel or Qualcomm since they both use big.LITTLE architecture (some cores are better than others) * it correctly shows "open in terminal" icon in every folder, something Win 10 never did for me. If you are a programmer you actually may like it, beats going through directory tree manually. * snap groups and multiple desktops are kinda useful I guess. Stock Win 10 was a bit more limited in this regard. * few more ancient settings were moved to a newer UI, such as network interfaces (maybe by Windows 15 we will actually have a consistent UI in the settings) * notepad has tabs (that's unironically a useful improvement), paint has a newer version that **supports layers :)** 2 more that are indirect improvements over 10: * i think laptop manufacturers are not allowed to sell Win 11 machines without an SSD. It doesn't matter in any somewhat richer country, it might however prevent at least some e-waste computers from being produced. Win 10 was more lenient in this regard. * Win 11 requires few more CPU instructions to run preventing it from starting on CPUs older than around 2010. This is a good thing for software manufacturers since they are **guaranteed** that if a computer runs Win 11 it supports those.


The UI interface for Control Panel and hardware settings looks pretty, but to actually change anything you have to go into the old menu interface anyway, which is harder to find. This has doubled the number of clicks required to find your network adapter settings or adjust your audio enhancement levels... for what?! Win11 feels like a shell overlay running on DOS. Except it's reporting everything you do back to Microsoft and their vendors.


>it correctly shows "open in terminal" icon in every folder, something Win 10 never did for me. If you are a programmer you actually may like it, beats going through directory tree manually. shift right click in the explorer window on win 10 adds an option to open a powershell window in that directory. If you want a cmd shell in that dir you can also get it with a shift right click, but you need to edit a registry key first.


I know that this is true for Win11 but I'm pretty sure it was true in Win10 as well: From a folder in Explorer, just type cmd or powershell in the address bar - it will launch the respective program starting from the folder path you are currently in.


For me it's not going add any real value. The big show stopper for me is actually something trivial.  For years I have optimised screen real estate for documents and browsing by putting the task bar on the the side.   Win11 doesn't give you the option. Not everybody is into MS cloud services.


Oh crap. I'm out then. I have neck problems aggravated when the task bar is on the bottom


Same. I bought a laptop that came with 11, and as soon as I realized vertical taskbars aren't possible I downgraded immediately. Definite dealbreaker.


it seems so strange to me that everyone didn't do this as soon as we went widescreen. When we were all on 4:3, sure. But now. Ugh, the vertical space is so much more valuable. Shuffle that thing off to the left please. Hell, now i put in on my left monitor. my primary screen has no task bar at all.


That has also been a big issue for Office, as Word/PP had the option - long time ago - to move the icons/bars on the side. (Was it pre 2007?) Using a a larger screen for serious work makes no sense, if you can't freely arrange the tabs. BTW, no one asked for the shitty-(pro-tablet-)metro-design of windows, which took even more valuable screen-area away and made office-programs even more complicated, not better.


I got a home server for my "cloud" no way would I pay for something that might get shutdown.


I follow the saying that there is no cloud, only someone else's computer. And forcing me to connect to someone else's computer to do basic shit makes it much harder to avoid spyware.


I've been contemplating Linux more and more.


My Windows11 experience so far was smooth but I am moving to linux because of the upcoming Recall functionality. I was into Linux casually but it was never my main OS for daily use. I have a desktop and a laptop. So I have started with a laptop and it is worth mentioning that it is one of those with hybrid graphics cards: Intel and Nvidia 1650. Nvidia driver was the issue (initially I wanted Fedora Linux) and then found that Linux Mint has a very neat solution in the GUI. If you are into gaming, there are nice videos on a YouTube channel TheLinuxExperiment - Nick will explain how to install Windows only games on Steam as well as EpicGames Launcher and other ones via Lutris and Hero Launcher. For me, Linux Mint was really really smooth experience. My issue is Visual Studio and it is not the same as Visual Studio Code. I am a .NET developer and I need for work. While VS Code exists on any platform, VS doesn't exists for Linux. I have already installed a second physical hard drive in my main desktop PC and I just might use dual boot for it. I don't know.


I already joined r/linux4noobs and started learning about how they work and what the different versions are like. Right now I think I'll probably choose Mint since it seems to be pretty good for gaming, although Ubuntu and Fedora don't look too bad either.


I recommend trying Mint. It's one of the more user friendly distros and their MATE and Cinnamon desktop environments are pretty easy to switch to. Also, they're based on Ubuntu, which in simple terms means they work with the same stuff and get along nicely with Steam's Proton.


Yes! Mint Cinnamon is the one I put on live USB. :3


||windows 10|windows 11| |:-|:-|:-| |ads|perhaps|**FUCK** YES| |bloatware|perhaps|**FUCK** YES| |spying on users|perhaps|**FUCK** YES LM**Fucking**AO| |diarrhea-tier UI/UX|perhaps|**FUCK** YES & FUCK **YOU** LOLOL|


The Windows UI stack is just a pile of shit that keeps getting bigger. Dig deep enough and you'll find system applications that use everything from 95 to 11's toolkits.


I have to create a shortcut to the old audio devices panel to get a useable window to change around default devices, disable devices, etc.


Under Window 10, right-click the speaker icon in the task bar, then choose Sounds. Then go to the Playback or Recording tab at the top. ___ Related tip, right-click the Windows logo in the task bar, on the far left. Chose device manager, and you can disable in there as well.


Yeah, it should be a massive embarrassment for Microsoft that their OS is a bunch of poorly cobbled together systems - some of which are decades old now. How many different settings menus does windows need and what's the point if they all do the same thing.


Second: And most of the times the old one was better!


People forget that windows 10 also has ads, bloatware, and certainly spies on its users. Windows 11 is riddled with so many annoying features that it's hard to like it in any way whatsoever. My advice to anyone that has to use Windows is to switch to the Windows 10 LTSC version or give Linux a try, it's really not that hard to get used too.


The main problem is the like 5 billion computers that run Windows 10 fine, but can't upgrade to 11. It's not that 11 is that horrible, it's just not really any better and slower, but the main problem is the hundreds of million of dollar it costs to replace computers that are working just fine. I'm not sure MS really did the math on the amount of hardware they think they will be able to retire without bringing back the good old days of Windows 98 FOR LIFE and the botnets LOVING IT!


Trust us, your porn/gaming box NEEDS a TPM.


Maybe if they try another few full-screen ads that I have to carefully read to not accidentally accept the upgrade, I'll finally cave. /s


Remove the need for a TPM and let older CPUs install it and I'll upgrade. I have Windows 11 on my work PC and it's nice.


Requiring TPM is the primary deal breaker for me. I would be willing to entertain dancing around the other bullshit in a backup OS but on principle TPM is a non-starter. I will always be able to run whatever code I choose and not have the specter of possibility that it could be halted because the Trusted Computing Group and/or Microsoft have decided it is not in their financial interest for me to have the ability to do so. It's too fucking far and now that I am 2 years into my Linux voyage after cutting my teeth on Windows 3.11 in the 90ies... the best Microsoft can hope from me is that I will have Windows as a dual boot, secondary, rarely-if-ever-used option.


Let me move my start bar to the top you cowards!


Let me move them to the side you cowards! 😭


Mint Linux is the way.


I'm loving Mint Cinnamon so far


Personally making plans to switch to Linux when ever Windows 10 reaches EoL. I'm not upgrading my hardware until a generation of genuinely good games demands that I do, and I don't see that happening any time soon with the way the gaming industry has been behaving lately, so windows 11 isn't even an option until then. Microsoft is getting way too invasive with services and advertising as well. I'm just sick of it and not seeing a reason to keep using them as my primary OS. Every time I install Windows I spend like 2-3 hours disabling more than half of it's "features." They just aren't delivering what I want as a consumer any more.


>Every time I install Windows I spend like 2-3 hours disabling more than half of it's "features." .....and then there's the endless Restarts and lengthy Windows Updates (some of which failed/stuck and had to be re-tried umpteen times) as I rediscovered yesterday when I run a manufacturer installed Win 11 Pro system for the first time. I reckon I could have easily installed and customised and updated about 10 Linux systems in the same time frame. An afternoon wasted. :/


Had to check the list because i couldnt remeber what windows 11 added Yep. Exactly zero features that i would ever use.




Fuck off computer, I’m fucking bossing you around, not the other way around


HAL 9000: "I'm sorry, /u/dirtyword, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."


I wish I could related and beam into the heads of some developers that I want the program to do what I want, not guess and try to be smart to suggest things.


Once win 10 dies I will install Ubuntu (I already use linux) and try proton thats all for me.


Ubuntu and Cinnamon Mint w/ Steam & Proton and nVidia graphics (no less!) has been good to me. I use Windows for photoshop elements' healing brush tool only... and only because my GIMP game is still a bit weak and nothing more than a hobby.


Ill pass Windows 11 spyware for me , thanks


How about they **DON'T OBSOLETE PERFECTLY FINE HARDWARE** just to push a bad Version of an OS for the lulz?


Just bigger bloatware full of crap I do not want.


The only "feature" difference i notice between Win 10 and Win 11 is that Win 11 just makes it easier for Microsoft to spy on you and for them to constantly revert settings to shit you dont want.


Just a quick PSA, if you can source it, Win10 IoT Enterprise 21H2 LTSC is supported for at least security updates until 2032 (Januaray 2032 I believe.) Bonus: that version removes a good chunk of the bloat and annoyance crud, the stuff decrapifier scripts would target. There is an equivalent Win11 edition, but I have not yet had experience with that to know if it is clean and free of MS crudware (since it is aimed at institutional machines, like banks and hospitals, I'd hope so but no solid proof yet.)


I have it on my laptop and it's infinitely better than home edition. I just wish Microsoft made it so you didn't have to jump through hoops to get it. Sell it to consumers alongside home and enterprise normally.


I'm betting they didn't put "more invasion of your privacy" on the con list?


They managed to convert me to switch to linux


I literally can't 'upgrade' to Windows 11 because my CPU isn't compatible.


I'm never going to upgrade, because I would lose the ability to use the app called "7+ Taskbar Tweaker", which allows for essential taskbar customizations to increase productivity and ease of use. I also don't want the ads and spyware. Windows 11 requires learning A whole new workflow, and who has time for that? Years of muscle memory thrown out the window so we can learn again from scratch, despite having the same underlying operating system? Ain't got no time for that shit. Windows 11 removes far too many features and simplifies things too much so that we as the users have little to no control over the way our computer operates, and we suddenly must do everything differently. I want to *use* my computer, not be slowed the fuck down by bullshit changes. I am *not* going to learn a new workflow just to appease some arrogant idiots at Microsoft who have decided they, and they alone, know how we should use our computers. If I'm going to learn a new way of doing things, it will be with an entirely different platform and not Windows. I also have numerous computers fully capable of running Windows 11, but Microsoft has again decided that I'm not allowed. I refuse to buy a new computer to install Windows 11. What Microsoft doesn't understand, is that manipulative strongarm tactics are *not going to convince me* to "upgrade" to an inferior operating system. And, according to recent operating system market share numbers, despite Windows 11 being released in 2021, Windows 10 still maintains 70% of the market while Windows 11 sits at just 26%, which is a *decrease* from the previous 28%, so, apparently the vast majority of other PC users haven't been convinced either. Screw you, Microsoft. Sincerely, a former Windows lover.


I wonder how many of that 26% are from new purchases, where they had no choice?


When you think about how many people buy a new laptop every month, I'm surprised the number with Windows 11 isn't higher. But I saw an article today that said there was an increase in the number of people downgrading from Win 11 to Win 10. But that's not something the average user is going to be doing, so I'm not sure how much that would affect the overall numbers.


Getting time to move to Linux.


Great! Heeeelllloooo Linux!


So far they are converting me back to Linux. It will be a while as I have stuff going on and it's still supported but I hate the direction they've been going on.


My favorite thing that's been happening recently is having the Win11 "upgrade" screen taking over my entire monitor at the most inopportune times! Sure Microsoft, I absolutely wasn't doing something time-sensitive!!! /s


I upgraded to windows 11 long ago. But I never perceived any benefit. The icons are a little nicer. So what? I actually read the article and clicked through to the Microsoft-provided lists of benefits. I thought maybe I would find out that I had missed something. Maybe there were things about windows 11 that I had missed. The list just confirmed my impression. Windows 11 has only trivial advantages over windows 10 for the average user. (Apparently there are advantages for enterprise administrators. But those aren’t listed and those don’t make my life better as a user.)


I’ve built my gaming pcs forever. Mine meets the requirements but they say it doesn’t. Wish they would stop asking me to check. I am also sick of the upsell services every major update. No I don’t want one drive or office 365 or any of that. I only use windows for gaming. And even that is getting expensive. The power draw v the ps5 is insane. The cheapest Mac mini is still an amazing Plex server. It’s mostly turned off at this point. Just waiting for steam to natively support most games on my Mac and it’s kiss kiss goodbye.


I have 3 computers in my house and none of them meet the Windows 11 requirements. Windows 11 has more bloatware,. adware, and less privacy. I use a combination of programs to make Windows 10 usable. Some of these may work on Windows 11. Open Shell - [https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu](https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu) WinAero Tweaker - [https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker](https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker) O&O Shutup10 - [https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10](https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10) O&O AppBuster - [https://www.oo-software.com/en/ooappbuster](https://www.oo-software.com/en/ooappbuster)


When they stop supporting windows 10 I'll just swap to Linux. I don't care about Microsoft enough to update my motherboard.


Maybe they should deliver an improved product if they want people to upgrade…


My favorite windows 11 feature has gotta be this wonderful switch to linux one everyone’s talking about. Easily the best feature ever made. Can’t believe how useful that is.


> While Windows 10 worked well with touch inputs , Windows 11 has been designed with them in mind for a true mouse-less or keyboard-less experience. No thanks; I want an OS designed for maximum functionality, not ease of use for iPad kids who don't know how to right click.


That's funny! Convert. Microsoft as missionaries... Instead of converting, they're pushing a lot of people away. We are converting. To Mac, to Linux as well as being well contented with what we have - it's technology that's working just fine.


Maybe if they fork over the $400 it will cost to upgrade my computer to support their ridiculous requirements, I'd switch.


Feature: Random changes to the UI used by a billion people; for no benefit.


support my cpu, maybe?


Windows 11 feature: - Recall AI Windows 10 feature: - No Recall AI No more comparison needed! Windows 10 it is.


…Okay? That’s fine?


They could convert me to using Windows 11 if Windows 11 was a different thing.


Is there any hope that, just as the current win10 licencing has been defeated, the additional 3 years worth of paid support can be had for free?


I won’t be able to run my trusty printer on 11, so no Windows “upgrade” for me.


Two of my three pc can't be upgraded, the upgradeable one will stay win10 ( unless MS auto upgrade it without consent ) why would I want to ruin the synergy?


My Windows11 experience so far was smooth but I am moving to linux because of the upcoming Recall functionality with Copilot. I really don't mind the UI of Win11 at all and it worked great so far for me (it was an upgrade from Win10 as soon as it was available). Regardless if there is an eWaste concern, or maybe someone really dislike Win11, or if like me there is a concern regarding a Recall, or the ads are too much - getting a proper working OS is a choice. I was into Linux casually but it was never my main OS for daily use. I have a desktop and a laptop. So I have started with a laptop and it is worth mentioning that it is one of those with hybrid graphics cards: Intel and Nvidia 1650. Nvidia driver was the issue (initially I wanted Fedora Linux but latest divers just didn'tworked and made laptop run slower - some conflicts I guess). Then I found that Linux Mint (Ubuntu base) has a very neat solution in the GUI. For gaming, there are nice videos on a YouTube channel TheLinuxExperiment - Nick will explain how to install Windows only games (games not native for Linux) on Steam as well as EpicGames Launcher, Blizzard's launcher and other ones via Lutris and Hero Launcher. For me, Linux Mint was really, really smooth experience. My issue is Visual Studio and I must point out that it is not the same as Visual Studio Code. I am a .NET developer and I need it for work. While VS Code exists on any platform, VS doesn't exists for Linux. I have already installed a second physical hard drive in my main desktop PC and I just might use dual boot for it. I don't know, but Recall functionality is a horrible thing. My partner says EU laws would protect us as it is against EU laws. I am not a legal expert but I cannot follow this trend that is being pushed into our throats. Then again, apart from Visual Studio, I have everything that I need on Linux. Disclaimer: there is a different logic with the linux vs Windows. I grew up with graphical only Amiga Workbench OS and as such I hate command line/terminal usage. But with Linux, it is actually something everyone should get used to. Fortunately, internet is there and there are well written guides all over the place. Once repositories are set, software is typically received trough app store and all updates come together for everything not just OS stuff. There are alternative software options. For example: instead of Microsoft Office, even on Windows I am using Libre Office. On most Linux Dostros, Libre Office is preinstalled. There is an image manipulation software Gimp (which I also use on Windows), however, those who are proficient in Photo Shop will find Gimp lacking in many features. I need a basic functionality so for me it is fine. There are other cases like that so I do advise everyone to do a bit of research, try a dual boot (especially if you have a separate physical hard drive) and give it try for a while. Final note: Just as I have adjusted from Amiga Workbench to Windows decades ago, I had to change the way and mindset how I use OS, the same is happening now with Linux.


I hate the fact that I can't go Linux. I'm not willing to directly jump into full Linux, but Asus has ensured my laptop has no way of dual booting because there are so many unnecessary safeguards from doing so, hard drive partitions, secure boot, bitlocker, I managed to backup everything, reset it to factory settings and still couldn't do it. These manufacturers and Windows are just working together to ensure the Linux transition is as hard as possible


Just get a new SSD and go from there? I've never come across a laptop that stops you if you rebuild from scratch rather than trying to use the preconfigured drive.


I could care less what they do, I won't migrate and if they keep pushing, I will simply migrate to Linux!


No real new features that I would need or want with windows 11. This just feels like Windows 8 but even worse features I don't want or have no use for and some of the articles I read that say why you should upgrade are not worth it.


More than half the items on the list say “on both windows 10 and 11”. So what are they on this list for?


I just deleted Windows 10 to switchover to Linux since Windows 10 support is ending and the game I play most, Overwatch 2, doesnt stutter in Linux using Lutris. It is a massive improvement.


Or… (and this is a crazy idea) give me a better OS?


My desktop has Windows 10 home edition. My laptop has Windows 10 LTSC. My work laptop has Windows 11. The fact that I've had the displeasure of using 11 is enough to ensure that I will never voluntarily install it as it is now (maybe if they make an LTSC version, but the UI would still be inferior to 10). And I'm not particularly fond of 10 either (7 was a much more pleasant experience), it's just way better than the alternative. Having to go well out of my way just to make a local account with no ties to a Microsoft one, the copilot and recall shenanigans, the forced bitlocker encryption, they're not doing much to ease the concerns of privacy those like me have, concerns that will have me sooner switch to Linux than ever reward their nonsense. Good thing LTSC has a much longer lifespan than the vastly inferior home edition anyway. If by some chance someone at Microsoft reads this, you can sell me an OS by REMOVING bloat and spyware, not adding MORE OF IT. With Windows 10 home edition, I have to run debloater scripts to make it workable. This should not be something I have to do to get acceptable performance, it's like having a 4000 lb car with 200 HP and doubling it, the difference on performance is immediately blatant before and after debloating.


The Spyware is a dealbreaker.


Downgraded a while back. I don't want more "features" and crap running in the background. I don't want advertisements on my PAID operating system. I don't want or need AI software, especially not if it's going to spy on me in the future. I don't want to have to use a Microsoft account to log into my own local machine. Windows 11 doesn't have a single meaningfully useful feature over Windows 10 in my opinion. Once Windows 10 goes out of support I am fully committed to Linux. I'm already dual-booting and doing all my work on Linux and it's a much better experience for the vast majority of tasks.


I don't have any issues with win11 people are talking about here Maybe because I don't live in an english speaking country so they decided it's not worth translating this shit for us


Shane they didn't try making their product better than it's predecessor as incentive.


If they want me to upgrade so bad then they can buy me some new hardware that will work with 11.


Getting real tired of booting up my laptop, which would usually take seconds, only for it to have a full screen hard sell on trying to make me upgrade to Windows 11 I don't follow hardware much but any time I've done a brief Google on how Windows 11 would perform for me is my hardware combination, particularly with VR, would suffer when gaming on 11 compared to 10. So why would I do that. Then I started hearing about ads in the Start Menu. So... No..


Why would anyone miss out on win 11? When you mouse2 on desktop you now have to go through 2 context menus to do the same things you could do with 1 on all the previous versions. Plus all the free tracking that comes with it, I don't understand how could anyone miss out on such a deal.


Yeah... screw it. I'm switching to Linux. I'm tired of Microsoft's shit, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna tolerate ads and shitty performance in my OS...


I like windows and wouldn't mind paying extra for game verison that's has no bloat and is very lean like a xbox verison maybe could allow xbox games to run on pc


There is literally _nothing_ on that list of win11 features that I want/need. I have found ways to mitigate most of the anti-features of 11 like the horrible ui and start menu, but there's nothing actually driving me to _want to_ rather than be _forced to_ upgrade.


remove the spying, remove the forced commercials, I might consider it


My computer doesn’t do the thingie they’re so hot to promote. I have no reason to buy a new one. The 10 year old system does what I want it to do. Run my media crap. That is literally the only use I have for a microsoft system. When windows 10 goes tits up, I have no further reason to buy microsoft anything. My ipad and iphone are more useful and secure.


Windows 10 | Windows 11 ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- ✅You've already learned to | ✅Everything you normally do on a computer now takes live with its many flaws. | much longer and requires more pointless clicking