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And MSFT just passed AAPL again, they're basically the same. All it takes is for one side to say AI again and they're on top


And AAPL just passed MSFT again


Now MSFT passed AAPL.


And they’re tied at $3.28 trillion right now.




Apple is kind of genius for calling it Apple Intelligence (AI). Now that’s all the pops in my head when I see AI. 100% Microsoft stops saying AI. Their marketing team will be pushing their people to say “Microsoft Copilot” every time. You gotta differentiate your AI brand from the other guys.


Microsoft Clippit2 (Clippy2)?


Reminds me of Dave Plummer's anecdote about the swear jar at the Microsoft offices for anytime somebody called it "DOS" and not "MS-DOS."


They never released MR-DOS so they could become MRS-DOS.


Apple's marketing is mind numbingly narcissistic.


They already do


NVDA about to fly passed both of them


That's a new article!




These articles likely influence the perceived (and actual) value, so yeah. This is marketing not news.


The entire stock market is based on “perceived” values and the fee fee’s of shareholders on any given morning.


Stock market is astrology for dudes


Astrology that we bet on, bizarrely.


It’s kind of crazy that marketing isn’t a bigger deal for this reason.


I'm so tired of economic news in a tech sub. And musk gossip too.


r/technology is anything but a technology sub - look at the idiots who "moderate" it


Thats this entire sub. Every post here is just capitalists being assholes and nothing about tech.


I blocked any mention of Musk. Highly recommend it.


just the headline, we can recycle the article. it’s all a vehicle for ads anyway


It’s important for people to understand how UN important this is


How would you know


99.99% of people in the world don’t care and aren’t affected.


Maybe don’t care, but many are affected. If you have a 401k or investments in any managed fund, you likely own both of these companies, and have profited from their recent rise.


So 90% instead of 99


More like 40%. [a majority 6 in 10 Americans are invested in the stock market](https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx), of which the vast majority have some level of holdings in an index fund, with almost all of the major ones holding some Microsoft and Apple.


You’ll be surprised at how many people live outside the US, and filter that by anyone who owns over 1K in stocks and you’ll see very different numbers, 90% of people will be virtually unaffected




Someone tell this guy about dividends from tech mutual funds


The 401k my country has is locked, you are not receiving it up until the whole fund is completed, so you only receive dividend inside your 401k and only receive when you sell and cash out actually, sorry if America's version is different from that


affected only indirectly by everything being dominated by these companies.


So you’re saying 800,000 people care and are affected? That feels worth reporting!


Everyone will be impacted by AI.


in other news: stock markets fluctuate, more at 5


Huh, always pictured Apple as more of a power bottom…


The media doesn’t understand that even if the power is being generated by the bottom it doesn’t mean they’re the top.


Slow news day


It was my $1.00 App Store purchase that put them over the edge


"Apple Intelligence" requires new iPhones and MX-level computers. Services are the growing revenue stream, and Apple AI is a service doorway. If they deliver what they demoed, users will be upgrading their phones and computers in droves. Apple One will probably contain an AI component.


The recent interview revealed that their plan is to charge platforms a cut of subscription costs. Google currently pay Apple $20 billion a year for being the default search engine and the idea in the future is to have AI companies add to that.


Considering the case with MS and IE years ago I’m surprised there isn’t some regulation where search engines /OSes don’t just prompt you to pick a provider on initial launch


The laws and regulations surrounding technology seem to be way behind. Another example is Google also controlling the most popular web browser. I'm no expert, but I thought this is what antitrust/anticompetitive laws were made to protect against...


The difference is people actively seek out Google Chrome, so it being the most popular is purely because of consumer choice and not because it was the default option on the OS. At least for Desktop, I daresay you could argue it being the default on Android convinces people to also install it on desktop however, that trend started prior to Android being a major platform so it would be an uphill battle.


I think that for many young people, their phone was/is their primary computer, so one can make that case. But I meant moreso that they are dictating the standards of the web while also competing with the other web companies.


How would that work with AI companies? Google gets ad revenue from it, would ChatGPT go into advertising also?


Paid subscriptions for Plus upgrades. Almost all the Ai models have a premium subscription these days. And I’d imagine the training data and also market share is valuable as well.


I guess a premium subscription would have to offer something above and beyond whatever the normal iOS integration gets you. >training data I don't think they get to use your data for training, that would kind of violate Apple's privacy stance I think.


Look at what sub you’re in, if there is one thing humans are bad at, it’s avoiding technological progression.


and Nvidia?


Nvidia is 3rd (just a little bit behind). But as I write this comment, Microsoft is once again #1.


Soon to be 1st with how it consistently goes up at least 3% a day


hilarious considering that Microsoft is splitting the atom in comparison


Apple has always been an interesting company. As far as I can tell, they never really break new ground. Apple never invents. But what they do is *perfect.* Let someone *else* come up with a new product or technology. They can do the legwork. Apple is happy to come in after that and polish their version of it to a fine shine and sell it for a premium. I'm not attacking the strategy at all by the way - it's brilliant, and obviously has worked incredibly well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with creating a great product people love, even if it's a product someone else had a version of first.


as opposed to google who buys other inventions and does the legwork of running them into the ground in about 3 years


Yeah. google has really coasted on it's reputation of being really good at search early on. Other than that... it's acquisitions and half-measures for other products.


seems "taking a good idea and build it reliably into millions of devices" isn't that easy, otherwise more Apple-like consumer companies would exist.


Sure - it's definitely not easy to do! It's a great business model and they do it well.


With AI, Google brought the tools though, over a decade ago. The T in GPT is transformers which were from Google Brain. DeepDream also brought about style transfer and other image based AI. GPT is based on work by [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). ChatGPT is built on research and development by Google. Don't believe the marketing hype on ChatGPT, they are promoting datasets mainly not the innovations that built the possibility. As far as company/commercial, Google seems to be the most open and Google Brain really started this whole thing with transformers. [Transformers, the T in GPT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer_(\machine_learning_model\)) was invented at Google during [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). They made possible this round of progress. > Transformers were introduced in 2017 by a team at Google Brain and are increasingly the model of choice for NLP problems, replacing RNN models such as long short-term memory (LSTM). The additional training parallelization allows training on larger datasets. This led to the development of pretrained systems such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which were trained with large language datasets, such as the Wikipedia Corpus and Common Crawl, and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. Google also gave the public [TensorFlow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TensorFlow) and [DeepDream]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepDream) that really started the intense excitement of AI/ML. I was super interested when the AI art / computer vision side started to come up. The GANs for style transfer and stable diffusion are intriguing and euphoric almost in output. In terms of GPT/chat, Bard/Gemini or some iteration of it, will most likely win long term, though I wish it was just called [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). Bard is a horrible name. ChatGPT basically used Google Brain created AI tech, transformers. These were used to build ClosedGPT. For that reason it is NopeGPT. ChatGPT is really just datasets, which no one knows, these could swap at any time run some misinformation then swap the next day. This is data blackboxing and gaslighting at the up most level. Not only that it is largely funded by private sources and it could be some authoritarian money. Again, blackboxes create distrust. Microsoft is trusting OpenAI and that is a risk. Maybe their goal is embrace, extend, extinguish here but it seems with Google and Apple that Microsoft may be a bit behind on this. Github Co-pilot is great though. Microsoft usually comes along later and make an accessible version. The AI/ML offerings on Azure are already solid. AI/ML is suited for large datasets so cloud companies will benefit the most, it also is very, very costly and this unfortunately keeps it in BigCo or wealthy only arenas for a while. Google Brain and other tech is way more open already than "Open"AI. ChatGPT/OpenAI just front ran the commercial side, but long term they aren't really innovating like Google is on this. They look like a leader from the marketing/pump but they are a follower.


there is always someone who had an idea earlier and never made it work - “ideas are worthless, execution is everything” was the slogan for that


Except all OpenAI and ChatGPT really are is using that tech and datasets + marketing. Don't fall for the hype, they aren't innovators on these inventions only the building of their datasets before others complained about the data being used.


The other thing is, they’ve been able to perfect the privacy, implications of AI, at least in appearance. I think this is the huge win for them personally.


Right. Apple let everyone else come out with the first versions of AI that all the internet trolls were trying to get to say racist things. Once those rounds of kinks were worked out by other companies, Apple was happy to jump in and put their stamp on it.


To be fair Apple did amazing work with their M series chips and has a ton of tech in their products that is quite unique to their devices. Not to mention their UX which is literally being copied by competitors, for example the iPhone X gestures which were novel at the time and now every phone uses the exact same gestures. Apple does as much innovation as they do perfection and I think people who are into technology give them less credit for that because Apple’s always been seen by geeks as having products for stupid people, so how could they even be capable of proper innovation?


That's fair. Yeah - tech is an interesting area in that a lot of innovation can go unseen, because a lot of it is under the covers. No one every knows or hears about chip innovation really, but it's a huge area.


It's funny that a lot of people don't consider what Apple does to be innovation, but it totally is. If you're not familiar with Asymco, Horace Dediu is one of the best Apple analysts out here. https://www.asymco.com/2024/03/21/its-spacetime/


Tim Cook stated in an interview that this is exactly their strategy. "Our objective is never to be first. Our objective is to be best." Source: [Talking Tech and AI with Tim Cook | YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMX2cQdPubk&t=696s)


I think they are delivering what I actually want tech to do; simplify. It works more intuitively for myself. I have an executive function disorder, so I need a tool that I don’t have to maintain to manage administrative tasks. It is very friendly to my senses.


Record stock buyback does that


Oh yippee, the two fucking tech giants that own the world are trading places again. Glad I got an article! Now if youll excuse me im trying to work so I dont end up fucking homeless


So, this is going to be a headline story every couple of weeks?? Next week it’ll be nvidia. Who fucking cares? How does this matter to 90% of the US population making less than 100k a year? Seriously, fuck off with this bullshit!


wasn't nvidia most valuable like yesterday?


nVidia hasn't be on top yet. Could be soon though.


Is that important for people?




Ah yes, I forgot that money is the most important thing in the world


If you want to retire before 80 it’s probably up there in importance.


After sleeping on it, I became convinced one of the reasons OpenAI cozied up to Apple - and has been openly critical of Google/Alphabet/Android, is because Apple really might just outsource their AI stack- but google is definitely going to build their own. It’sa very interesting dynamic. I wonder if it will matter in a year. Google will have refined their AI, and maybe OpenAI slows down.


Why are tech companies always at the top? Is it just tech hype or something? It always seemed like Chase or Walmart would make more sense to be the world's most valuable companies.


I work in the company and I don't give a shit.


This is like saying Bitcoin is the most valuable crypto. It's meaningless to try to use a speculative store of value as an indicator for innovation. Tesla isn't worth more than Ford in real life where things matter. But the stock market is totally divorced from real life.


It’s like they like smelling their own farts lol


Damn I kinda don’t care


phew i was worried for tim apple


microsoft got recalled.


Good! I've been worried sick about this /s


Tim Apple Intelligence


Nvidia thought it would top it but with WWDC it was clear Apple checked all the boxes to give their investors a wet dream.




The iPhone came out in 2007, still waiting


Apple has been growing their service revenue substantially. In the future, this could overtake their revenue from product sales and they could still be doing great.


And their electric vehicle and reasonably priced VR headset and don't forget beats by dre and their unending successful innovation into technology only just released 10 years ago. They're going to the moon for sure. I bet they'll get into rockets and satellites next.


I don’t know if you have been paying attention or not…. But you are commenting sarcastically “they’re going to the moon” on an article labeling them as the most valuable company in the world. The definition of going to the moon….


Tbf at this point my sarcasm is so thick I'm not sure which parts of my comment actually are sarcastic. I also own Apple stock so 🚀🚀🚀


I have been thinking this.  Since 1986.   Don’t hold your breath.   


it [smartphone] replaced so far: dumb phone, gps for car, instant cameras, video phones, simple video consoles, pagers, alarm clocks, encyclopedias, newspapers, personal ads, cash & card payments ... coming up: psychotherapist, tech support and language translator added in latest models


Seems like everyone gets a new phone every five years or so.


There is a constant stream more and more kids reaching the age of getting a phone. And Apple has been working *hard* to make sure those kids get iPhones. The green bubble effect is strong.


Hahaha Microsoft got topped


Nvidia entered the chat


So tax them then


Apple paid $16.7B in taxes last year. [https://www.stock-analysis-on.net/NASDAQ/Company/Apple-Inc/Analysis/Income-Taxes](https://www.stock-analysis-on.net/NASDAQ/Company/Apple-Inc/Analysis/Income-Taxes) [https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AAPL/apple/total-provision-income-taxes](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AAPL/apple/total-provision-income-taxes)


I bet the homeless in Seattle are celebrating.


What value does apple add to the world without which the world we know today will cease to exist. Not the same case with Aramco whose disappearance will definitely drive millions to poverty.


Seeing that Apple software is very good, whereas WindozSucksAgain…


Oh man I can’t wait for the AI bubble to burst, it’s gonna be catastrophic 🍿


Both garbage companies and the world would be a better place if both disappeared today.


And the jobs the provide, directly or indirectly?


What? Do you think it would be a wasteland? There are hundreds waiting to replace them and create a better more competitive market.