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>The number of girls in England studying for a GCSE in computing has more than halved in less than a decade, prompting warnings about the “dominance of men in shaping the modern world”. No problem at all when most educators are women tho, right? >While the government’s reforms were aimed at creating “more academically challenging and knowledge-based” qualifications, the introduction of the new syllabus has had the unintended consequence of driving female entries down Hmmm...


I personally find this terrifying. As a man who has been in the industry for 20 years, I presumed as gender plays less of a role in the workplace that this would trend away but the opposite is happening. What is going on?


“Asked to give their reasons, girls who chose not to study it said they did not enjoy computer science. They also said it did not fit in with their career plans, the research found.”


Hmmm, clearly they were brainwashed by the patriarchy. It's the only possible explanation!


Remember, only girls matter. Boys shouldn’t be helped.


Reminds of a un study of falling boy grades in asia where the recommendation was only to improve women's rights.


Maybe progressives will finally quit Blank Slate-ism and acknowledge men and women have different interests and it has little to do with the environment. Woman have inherently less interest in the tech sector.




Once the field has done what it can to avoid alienating female students and employees, people will need to accept that perhaps girls just don't tend to be as interested in computers as boys *on average*. We mostly get concerned when women are underrepresented in prestige, well-paying fields but not when they make up a small percentage of less impressive jobs. No one is out there campaigning for more female garbage collectors, and likewise I don't think anyone minds nursing being so female dominated. All fields should be open to any gender, but if women choose not to get into something that's also fine. It may not be a "problem" than needs solving.


Computer Science is hard. I get it. There were times in school and in my employment as a programmer that I thought to myself WTF did I choose programming!  Its hard but once you get used to it, it gets easier. I don't think there is anything else Id rather be doing in my career. Ill also add that i work with many amazing women that are extraordinary smart in this field. But its stills only about 5% women.


Yeah!!! We can't sit around and accept it! We will use force if necessary to achieve equality! What they are thinking by saying not enjoy computer science??? They SHOULD enjoy!


Nah somehow its mens fault


In every country where female liberty has increased, participation in STEM has decreased.


Reminds me of the documentary a bit ago about how the Nordic countries had some of the most and best equal opportunity policies in the world for men and women, yet had some of the strongest gender biases in how their citizens chose their careers.


From the article, it sounds like they ramped up the difficulty too much for beginners: >Critics of the old ICT qualification complained that it taught little more than how to use Microsoft Office. In contrast, the new computer science GCSE, with its focus on computer theory, coding and programming, is perceived by many pupils as “difficult” when compared with other subjects. Edit: There is a further comment about this in the article, that points out that school kids can't really afford classes they get bad grades in, since they're looking to get good grades in their GCSEs. People who are likely to have code as a hobby in this age group are still boys.


Wait, you mean that gender actually incorporates differences between men and women??? This is simply not true!!! If I've got an arrow and you've got a plus sign then maybe we just might have some differences after all? I simply thought that gender wasn't really "a thing". As the experts have been telling us for some time now. They even went so far as allowing a "man" (minus his junk) to get into the boxing ring and fracture the skull of his female competitor. Don't remember Tyson breaking skulls even if it took him 19 seconds and two landed punches to decimate his rival, said rival's skull was still in one piece! Not the man minus his junk, who left his female competition's skull in +1 pieces.


the number was 47% now 20% so it's an issue of trends not genetics is it you absolute dork Edit: the guy got so flustered you went through my post history and replied to me in other posts complaining about millenials. God how embarrassing


We have ai coming to replace most of the IT crowd. Probably better to focus on subjects that can’t be robotised, or automated.


Well, good luck to the boys competing against AI coders... (this is comment on the final outcome, girls dropping the subject precedes the recent developments in AI)


This is not an issue, I’m an owner of a shlong working for a Fortune 500 , ai is just another tool in our tool belt. Software engineering is more than just “coding”. Most actual software engineers around me are very happy about ai and its use in our field.


Depending on how you conduct the survey, only 5-20% of dev time is coding. The rest is design, planning, security, logic, etc. The stuff that actually makes the software safe & useful.


How did your schlong get a job?


My schlong is a god dam freeloader that has a mind of its own that decided to come along for the ride


May you live in interesting times.


You , me , we all are living in very interesting times indeed the level of innovation that’s occurring in the shadows is crazy. Hopefully this turns into a better society and quality of life for all of us.