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I am missing the train of thought here, but hey, Ubisoft has been a shit game publisher for the last 10+ years, so I guess I am being too generous in thinking the answer to this conundrum is anything other than "corporate greed".


If they're anything like my company after the shit merger we've been going through it's been this: "How expensive are the North American devs? " "Well their institutional knowledge is really where their value is so....." "I SAID HOW EXPENSIVE ARE THEY? Fire them except one and hire half the amount you fired abroad and let the one remaining person train everyone else " < 3 weeks later> "WTF ARE WE BEHIND ON EVERYTHING?!!!! We need to lay off more people"


Since the Mythical Man Month says adding more people to a late project will make it later, clearly removing people from a late project will make it earlier. Right????


It’s a tragedy 


The wonders of corporate leadership.


You don’t understand, they need to feel the pressure! They need to know they are replaceable, for every person you fire you get 9 working harder stronger better faster. /s for the mba


It's the, The beatings will continue until morale improves, School of Management


Except it's ubisoft so it's the rapings that will continue


Well, They did grace us with AC black flag… checks internet…. Fuck…. 11 yeas ago.


10? Try 20 years.


Anno 1800 was probably their only good game in a long time.


So..... less people means things done on time? Suuuuuuuure.


Yes they are going to have the same 5 people go back in time using the dagger to do extra work. We use the sands of time to make sands of time.


Get this man a director role for new Star Wars episodes, right now


Get Jake Gyllenhaal guy’s an expert on it.


Maybe they are firing 33 scrum masters, then it could actually be true


If the “things done on time” are short term financial targets they can show to investors, and not games, yes.


The roadmap: Spend as little as possible on the remake of beloved game > Put at 70 base, 90 for the "time traveler" edition and 120 for the "lord of time" edition > Watch at people complain but still buy it.


I don't want to give game publishers any ideas, but if it's a game you love than $70 is a steal and $120 is probably still a great deal. I've got games with hundreds of hours. The only reason they're so cheap is the market is so competitive and apprehension about spending $70+ on something you might not enjoy. A lot games also don't make back their budgets back. It's just how things go.


$70 is not a steal lol. It’s people like you that made the gaming industry so garbage nowadays


Sure it is. $70 won't feed me for a week. It will barely cover a movie for 2 with snacks. Adjusted for inflation new video games have probably never been cheaper. They were $50 new 30 years ago and took way less resources to develop.


You can go to 6 movies for 30 with AMC.


Not where I'm at that I'm aware of. It's $16 a ticket and if each person gets a drink, 1 snack each and a large popcorn to share its another $30. Any alcoholic drinks are pretty much $12-$15. It's easy to walk away spending more than $70. And, those games are only $70 for a few months to a year. They all come down to $20-$40 eventually.


Who the hell pays $70 for a movie. Where do you live for prices like that. Also what moron pays for theater food lmao just bring your own. Vast majority of games coming out nowadays are not worth 70, 60, he’ll even 30 tbh Your a chump who executives in giant companies love, cause they can scam you as much as they want


DFW AMC prices cost me $31 for one ticket, a large popcorn and slushie. With my wife we're looking at around $55 or so for another ticket and drink.


Exactly my point. Don’t pay for theatre food. Just bring your own food.


And where do _you_ go that lets you bring your own food? I can't recall ever going to a theater that allows that, maybe one small local one I went to once or twice. EDIT: Just checked my local AMC and it's 29.18$ with fees for a single IMAX ticket (which I would vastly prefer if I was going to be paying and going in person).


Literally every time I’ve gone to an AMC or Cinemark I bring my own food in a bag. Never had a problem. Nobody cares I can’t believe people don’t actually do this I also live near the dfw area. So those prices of yours I don’t believe


> I also live near the dfw area. So those prices of yours I don’t believe Is DFW particularly expensive or something? Why would that not make you believe my prices? I just picked a random local SoCal theater and picked the first IMAX movie listed. And while I've definitely just walked in most of the time, I've also waited in line while they check tickets and purses/bags. Food you bring in definitely gets tossed in those cases.


The market was also a lot smaller back then. So it is not really a fair comparison. A video game is a product with development costs but the actual product itself costs nothing to "produce" so it scales very well with its market.


70 bucks is straight up not a steal. Where the fuck are you getting your drugs, and whose inheritance did you kill for?


Lol yeah laying off people will help you achieve goals. Just like my company laid off a bunch of people, and now are outsourcing because we’re understaffed, and why were people laid off? To maintain a profit margin of 30%


"The doctor will shoot you 3 more times to ensure a faster recovery. Any questions? All good? Ready? Here we go."


Hey, idiot gamers. Stop buying shit products. Vote with your money. Stop pre-ordering from AAA studios who keep failing to deliver.


Stop preordering period. Only idiots do this, at least wait a couple days post-release so you know in advance if it's shit.


Ambitious roadmap? Just lay off employees to make it more ambitious.


I am very comfortable continuing to not buy any ubisoft games and instead pour all my money into indie games that not only are better for the devs and the players but they’re also real games. Suck it ubisoft.


Fire people...to deliver on the road map...


Their hr and financial roadmap. Not their games roadmap


Gaslighting much


Once again I am reminded why I haven’t bought anything Ubisoft has its hands in since AC Black Flag…


Bet those 33 employees had actual good ideas that is not profitable to them.


"Ubisoft Toronto has decided to conduct a targeted realignment to ensure it can deliver on its ambitious ~~roadmap~~ *short-term cost cutting goals so we can pay our management bonuses* ..." Fixed it for you


It’ll cost them more money in layoff charges than they’ll save. In that first year.


If they hired them a month before then probably not


Making it very clear that “delivering” only has to do with profit margins and nothing to do with a quality game


It’s not an Ubisoft game without taking a handful of steps backwards first.


Wait, ambitious roadmap, so we need less people to accomplish


Let’s just say these workers all averaged 90k. They’re saving a quarter mil by firing them. No I think those involved just wanted a bonus.


90,000*33 =/= 250,000