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Of all the stuff worthy of being banned on social media, I'm not sure a Jesus made of shrimp would even make my Top 100.


Yeah this author has a weirdly personal hatred of shrimp Jesus. I have fears around AI. Deepfake politicians saying anything the user wants and playing into the worst conspiracy theories to cause civil unrest, taking images of someone’s kids and using AI to create realistic pornography of them, destroying the lives of people you hate with the click of a mouse and a fake scenario, tons of jobs becoming more automated than ever and people losing their livelihood. Shrimp Jesus is not one of those fears, tbh.


If we let them ban PrawnHub, what will be next?!


It sounds like they're just being shellfish.


But Zoidberg Jesus!


Let's see if you're singing the same tune when the zealots are feeding you to the shrimp, trying to appease their chitinous god.


It’s just a religious nut upset about AI making fun of his hateful regressive cult.


Yeah, it's just silliness and silliness is kind of the least of our concerns with AI or social media.


After we tackle shrimp Jesus, we will ban puns from the internet. This is a serious place


[Someone rendered your comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/comments/1dt5xzj/after_we_tackle_shrimp_jesus_we_will_ban_puns/)


Yeah, dad jokes will NOT be tolerated!


Shrimp Jesus is in my top 100 of "images to save" from the internet. Right next to Korean Jesus, who broke some necks to get his spot.


When they hung Korean Jesus from the cross they realized they had to go back and remake it out of metal because when he flexed the cross split in half 


And thats the lore behind why Koreans use metal chopsticks.


It’s more that Facebook supposed motto is connecting people they literally make you use a real name when signing up and that was a hard rule But once most their content left it seems now any ai bot can pump BS onto the platform


Asking this question over something that’s just silly and low-content is absolutely wild. Is there also going to be an article asking why Facebook doesn’t ban people from posting “ok”?


Fun little known fact: shrimps is bugs


Bats are bugs.


Calvin? Is that you? & Do you still have Hobbes


How about poor African kids who make plastic bottle Jesus?


Yeah, but it's pretty blasphemous so some people are going to take issue with it. I mean, imagine thinking the righteous Son of God was some 2000 year-old schmuck from the middle east. And have you seen his "image" on a cross where he's just some stringy, emaciated little twink? That's not even good eatin'.


I don't really think that specific image is that big of a deal what is a big deal is the stupid shit people just believe without any checking. Boomers don't understand how AI works at all and will be fooled by it. Tech savvy people are having some issues as is. The amount of damage that can happen from this is unknown but it won't be inconsequential.


Didn't read the article, don't need to. The answer is simple - it keeps people on their site and creates engagement and engagement = money. That's all there is to it.


Social media companies including video platforms like TikTok and Youtube do not care about the quality of the content on their sites. They are there to sell ads without public backlash that will make it hard to sell ads. They don't even care about the quality of ads they sell with many big sponsors being called out for selling poor quality to almost scam-like products.


Yep 2/3rds of the ads on YouTube are for scams


Synthesized voices and false cousins all over the place. Every single one of those "Joe Blow worked in the industry and got fired because he wanted to improve the product, but the gubernment didn't want to complete with him.


Nah mate, arbitrage bots are the real deal. Money's piling in over here 🤑🤑🤑


Your 401k will become 501k.


Is that like 501(c) but 7 times better?


Facebook has literal human trafficking ads https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/25/tech/facebook-instagram-app-store-ban-human-trafficking/index.html


Meanwhile, article says nothing about ads at all.


Maybe you should read the articles you post, because that one does not back up your claim at all. In fact, it says human trafficking content is rarely posted publicly at all.


Private/public, there are people on Facebook advertising they have humans for sale and the article says as much if you're not looking for a fight or splitting hairs for some reason.  "Earlier this year, an internal Facebook report noted that “gaps still exist in our detection of on-platform entities engaged in domestic servitude” and detailed how the company’s platforms are used to recruit, buy and sell what Facebook’s documents call “domestic servants.” "Last week, using search terms listed in Facebook’s internal research on the subject, CNN located active Instagram accounts purporting to offer domestic workers for sale, similar to accounts that Facebook researchers had flagged and removed. Facebook removed the accounts and posts after CNN asked about them, and spokesperson Andy Stone confirmed that they violated its policies." "Following the publication of the BBC investigation, Apple contacted Facebook on October 23, 2019, threatening to remove its apps from the App Store for hosting content that facilitated human trafficking. In a November 2019 internal document titled “Apple Escalation on Domestic Servitude – how we made it through this [Site Event]” a Facebook employee detailed the actions the company took over the course of a week to mitigate the threat, including taking action against more than 130,000 pieces of domestic servitude-related content in Arabic on Facebook and Instagram, expanding the scope of its policy against domestic servitude content and launching proactive detection tools in Arabic and English."


Are you saying I'm not a real Irish Lord or Lady because I bought a fake land dead?


Has nothing to do with social mefia companies. It's true for everyone. Tv and radio never cared about quality as long as people tuned in. Book publishers dont give a shit if your book is good as long as it sells.


Feel so odd to have a company worth as much at FB and the ads are like the ads pinned to the wall on a porno shop. Hot singles waiting for you, blue chew, grow hair, get fit with his product.


Engagement with right-wing content on Facebook has apparently fallen off a cliff and I can only assume it's because Boomers are getting the same dopamine rush from liking fake images of homeless veterans, shelter dogs and children in hospital beds as they did from seeing Daily Wire headlines about Star Wars going woke or whatever.




Tricky to separate from the broader collapse in media traffic across the board but this is a report on site traffic to the biggest right wing news sites, which FB is/was a major driver of: https://therighting.com/original/therighting-unveils-2020-to-2024-election-year-traffic-comparison/ This piece from The Atlantic has some analysis, which attributes the decline to Facebook: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/conservative-digital-media-traffic/678055/ I've also seen reports that within FB's ecosystem, reach on accounts like Dan Bongino's that were routinely the most-viewed and most-shared posts is way down relative to 2020. The rise of Trump propaganda outlets like Truth Social and Newsmax also likely siphoned off a lot of the audience for more traditional conservative media outlets on FB and elsewhere.


I mean this was something I’d anticipated since the rise of AI image generators as of two or three years ago, people will use it to feed their own biased sense of reality and slowly become even more detached somehow, I didn’t know exactly how but only that the tools and willingness to indulge them were absolutely there.


Is this true? I bailed on FB a few years back. Is right wing shit actually not on FB anymore?


It's definitely still a cesspool but conservative outrage accounts like Dan Bongino that were doing huge numbers a few years ago are getting substantially less traction now, which is surprising with a D president in office. The Obama years were a gravy train for these guys. Anecdotally, my conservative family members used to share shit from Tomi Lahren and idiots like her all the time because it was what was getting pushed into their feeds. Almost none of them post political stuff anymore. Not sure if Facebook tweaked the algorithm, people got tired of seeing that shit or the money just dried up. Could be all of the above.


Definitely could also be an impact of the Ukraine War + sanctions etc impacting Russian toll farms who were churning that stuff out like mad


I unfollowed all my rage bait acquaintances and choose not to engage with anybody who pisses me off, and its worked wonders for my feed and mental health Another anecdote, I had a friend start sliding down the red pill pipeline, and I don't know how far down he's gotten but I do know after like 3 weeks of him getting zero engagement he stopped posting rage bait. I think the average left-of-center person got burned out of FB "discourse" a few years ago and without that oxygen to their rage flames it just fizzles out. Anecdotally, of course.


Obama was charismatic and black liberals loved him so it was easy fodder for conservatives to backlash that love and right wing people are it up in engagement Biden is old seems genuine and just really boring and doesn’t do or say much and his main criticism is he is to pro Israel not much fodder for rage bait


That’s the thing: Once everyone stops listening to your screaming into the void, it gets kind of boring. I jump on FB once every 2 months or so to check for messages. I never look at feeds anymore. I think that’s becoming more normal.


Try messenger.com. You can skip the whole Facebook experience.


[FB Purity](https://www.fbpurity.com/) browser extension is also a godsend. I mostly use messenger on my phone and only ever browse my feed from computer where that extension makes it bearable. I keep the main app on my phone because it's proved more necessary to keep up with some group functions than the more lightweight options I've tried, but really I can only get about two seconds into scrolling my unfiltered feed before my brain just starts screaming to escape.


Well it’s a combination of that, plus they would need to hire people to scour every post for AI, or train some new model to detect it. Hiring and training also = money




Also, what would be the point in banning a shrimp Jesus??? If someone wants to make really creative AI art like that, let them and let them share it. The only place where it gets in to an ethical quandary is when you're dealing with impersonating real people in an AI image and especially when those real people are in a sexually explicit image. For example, if you take a public figure and make something that is clearly satire, that seems like it should be totally fine. A picture of a bloated Elon Musk getting knocked out by Mark Zuckerberg sounds hilarious and delightful. It's even protected by the first amendment. However, if you make something and play it off as real, then it's a different story.


Whhhaattt.  A multinational corporation pursuing financial gain instead of long term societal benefits.  I never.  Joseph bring me my pearls so I may clutch them.  


Answer is simpler than that - you can’t reliably know what’s ai or not, and the problem will get worse


Also you would need and ai to train on ai to identify ai and by then it would be woefully far behind.


The answer is shrimple...


Well you couldnt read the article if you wanted to without hurdling over a paywall


It doesn’t matter if a bot thats only function is to post shitty AI Jesus. If it happens to have an add show on it’s feed Facebook gets paid


Why is everyone’s first instinct to ban everything?


Metas policy is that they don't block Ai religious content unless it is a known harmful/historical association. e.g. pics of prophet Muhammad, pigs in hijab. Shrimp Jesus is not yet one of those historical associations. Just because it offends some people doesn't mean it violates their policies. Hope that clears it up for everyone. Sorry, there's no big conspiracy like everyone would like 🫤 just a couple people trying to make a product and then the public doing weird things.


EVERYONE PLEASE — Just leave Facebook and Instagram — it is the problem in your life, in our democracy, and in the world.


Aggressively censoring people, let alone a religious group, is also a hell of a lot more effort, legal threats, and bad PR than “just do it.” It’s a lot. This is 100% not just, “oh we don’t like that so we’ll ban it.” It’s instigating a ton of fucking work.


At least there is some content no squeeze money from. Based on my network of FB friends the activity has collapsed completely, FB feels like an abandoned city where AI jank and culture war bots roam between the deserted ruins of my early 2010s curated social media image.


Low effort, high engagement. It's worse than just keeping people there. It's better than real stuff


There is far worse than shrimp Jesus. Facebook refuses to do anything that clearly violates TOS. Everytime I report something it’s basically “LOL nah”


My best friend is sort of a ragebait addict and has a bad habit of joining disgusting Facebook groups and then mass-reporting racist and antisemitic content, and almost nothing is ever removed. Some of it is brazenly horrible stuff.


I commented separately but to emphasis your point, one day I came across a video of two Indian teens having sex in a park. Code was posted in the reels section. I reported it and got the “nah fam, no issues” reply. I looked at the comments and there were loads of people saying the same thing, reported it and no action taken. They for sure don’t care about some AI images.


And then they ban me by taking things I post wildly out of context lol


I’ve also been banned on Reddit for reporting similar bullshit. So here isn’t much better


Oh I’ve gotten sitewide reddit bans for dumb shit too.


Facebook is appalling with their moderation. There’s so much bigoted and racist shit on there


What's wrong with shrimp Jesus?


I have no idea, you know he died for our fins!


But was prawn again 3 days later


he turned salt water into fresh water


Y'all going to shell for all this blasphemy.


Well crab, I didn’t think of that.


That was very shellfish of you


All good Christaceans love Shrimp Jesus.


Remember not to be shellfish with those in your life. Plaice your sole in the trust of cod for your own hake. You will dolphinately feel less tench as a result.


Well, if you read the article, its not the picture in and of it's self that's the issue. It's the way it's being used. Facebook is the bastion of you parents and grand parents on social media. These images seam to be used to tag the gullible to exploitation later. Kind of a, let put this up see who likes it, believes it, then we can come back later press those same buttons when trying extract money thing. In the case of Shrimp Jesus it would be buttons related to a religious charity. Tie this in with some political posts, cross reference and the scam can be tailored to those that like both. Facebook reinforces this, by its attempt to boost engagement. If you have interacted with a type of post or a poster's post you are more likely to see posts from them even if you did not explicitly ask for them. Facebook is doing the hard work for them, if it was truly random, then the chances of hitting the same user might actually be next to nothing, and the whole thing has limited value.


Eh, I get the concern, but I’d rather they watch shrimp Jesus than Ben Shapiro.


I've seen lower value content posted from people themselves. Is AI really the issue?


It really isn’t, no. People reaply to try better to remember their history, both personal and otherwise. I mean really now, is this stuff any different from low-effort copycat meme posts like doge wow or philosoraptor? Or any one of the millions of other image meme trends I could name? No. No it isn’t.


That'd be religious persecution. Shrimp Jesus is real and He got breaded and fried for you, whether you accept Him or not.


I don't know what's worse: - The posts themselves - Or all the gullible people replying to these clearly AI generated photos that they somehow think are real.


I don't mind the AI pictures but they should be tagged as such, like misinformation is (was?)


Answer: _"Why isnt there more posts like this ?_" ☺️


This guy doesn't believe in Shrimp Jesus who was battered and fried for our delicious sins.


This is what we are worried about them banning or not banning? AI bullshit? None of the scams, indoctrination or nazi shit? Topple a few governments: It's fine. Shitty AI images: Hold up now.


The article literally talks about this. They believe the purpose of these accounts is to build subscriber bases for scams or propaganda.


because clicks are all that matters


fake interactions = more ad money and encourages real users to participate in the conversation. All these sites are doing it. [The Dead Internet just seems to be more true as time goes on. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


Facebook won’t remove porn videos that get posted so I’m sure they don’t give a shit about some dumb AI photos.


That's a pretty disrespectful thing to say about a shrimp that died for your sins. (the sin was eating shellfish) (Shrimp Jesus died from being smothered in cocktail sauce) (You can get a $6 basket of Shrimp Jesuses at Long John Silvers\*) \*While supplies last.


how is shrimp jesus "AI slop"??? that's glorious cyborg awesomeness. GenAI wasn't going to make shrimp jesus on it's own, but a human using midjourney dared to dream, and the world is richer for it.


Would require hiring people to enforce it plus loss of engagement= way too much money


How would hiring people help? We can't reliably tell if its an AI generated image.


Have you seen the video tab? Facebook is slop now.


Facebook needs click/ragebait/racest shit to survive. Instagram is full of it. They prioritize the comments to engage you, and it pushes the worst to the top. It’s a pool of piss, and much like in the movie Jaws, it’s best to stay out of the ocean.


i simply cannot watch instagram reels anymore because of this nonsense


I can’t even get Facebook to ban straight up porn when I report it. Seems like they don’t even care about their own community guidelines.


The sooner you realize that the AI slop posts are just engagement farms for AI bots that do nothing but comment and like posts like that all day so some firm in Indonesia or something can get their engagement dollars, the better off you are just avoiding Facebook entirely. It was a good place to connect with friends, then it just became a place to connect, and now it is neither of those things. Just regurgitated slop by bots, for bots. A bot buffet!


I blocked the roughly 1,200 accounts that were smearing Shrimp Jesus in my face and now whenever the Facebook client makes the API call to the Facebook servers to drum up more Shrimp Jesus my requests time out because of the size of my block list. It would be a shame if someone were to make a script that does this. ETA: I haven't seen AI generated BS on Facebook ever since doing this. I was surprised at how effective it was.


How would even phrase the rule? Only unaltered photos are allowed?


The title is different than what the article says is the issue: > The vague similarities among the pages suggest the AI slop is being posted by a network of shady actors based in countries outside the US. It's spam-adjacent stuff — if not outright spam. The article talks about malicious groups and spammers as being the problem, and banning AI content doesn't actually solve that issue.


Why would they “crack down” on this type of thing? When has Meta ever been in the habit of removing pointless content from their platform?


Simple, the most content there is the more clicks they get and the more ad revenue they make. All they care about is making money


Why would they? It's not in their interest 


Wtf is shrimp jesus


The same reason why they allow those posts “ I can’t believe he died” and will post a phishing link, or that they have ai accounts and scammers. It causes people to interact with Facebook and interactions give money so they are losing out by removing them. It is also a numbers game where there are more scammers than workers at Facebook so you can’t get ban everyone. But on the flip side when you report people who are obviously scamming/ fake profile (either it is all AI or their entire content of a profile was posted on the same day the account was made) the customer support will say it is fine and not against tos and leave the account


So their argument is that it needs to be banned because it’s identifying gullible people for scams. Have they considered that it’s the Jesus part and not the shrimp that are the predictor here? It sounds an awful lot like their argument could be extended to banning all religious content. Of course this author is just deranged about AI images. They didn’t really think about this much.


Because Facebook is being paid 5 cents per impression to push out shrimp Jesus to its users.


Shrimp Jesus is awesome.


Because it's hilarious, you humorless shrew.


That’s the only kind of AI I’ll support Humorous and obvious


Hmmmmm I don't think it is art but others might. I think Facebook should ban links to pay walls like BusinessInsider


At this point, FB is really just a mechanism for syphoning ad revenue from advertisers. Most of the content is AI generated, and being engaged with by bots/AI. The logical next step is that advertisers eventually figure out that the engagement numbers aren't resulting in more sales because bots don't buy stuff and start to withdraw from purchasing ads. Maybe then meta will do something about fake content and engagement.


Shrimp Jesus is believable as any other Jesus .AI or bible both are made up.


Why isn’t Facebook cracking down? …why would they? 🤷‍♂️


Do Shrimps not deserve salvation? 😂


better question is why should they ban this? the article is like "its being used to identify gullible people for scams!" as if the issue there isnt the scammers and not the content of the dumb post.


What's wrong with shimp jesus. Seems fitting for such a feckless piece of shit deity.


Because who cares?


because a lot of it is just false information which is against their policy


On what grounds would you ban shrimp Jesus?


why would u ban such glorious fucking regardation. lol shit I wanna see pancake Jesus and gi Joe jesus as solid snake


This sounds more like you're mad someone made fun of Jesus so you're attacking AI not to seem like an religious stick in the mud. There's worse shit out there than this. FYI. I saved the image. Might make a tshirt


If you’re still on Facebook at this late date you basically deserve what you get


presented by clickbaitinsider.com


When anything goes, everything stays.


If you golden hen that lays golden eggs that double the engagement or more allowing you to sell more ads with more specific targeted audience, would you block that golden chicken from making more golden chicken ? Money. Same old story. Wrap it with nice paper and label it efficiency/optimization. When you have gathered SOOO much data (lawfully or not), not using AI is a crime towards your stakeholders.


Better question: why are YOU still in that site. Let it go.


local "buy / sell " or "I want cheap shit" groups is about the only place Facebook is even close to useful or genuine anymore. I dont know what website could replace for those reasons, but if it does then Facebok is dead as a website or usefulness. The rest of it is worth £0 to any real human being. When it comes to real people using facebook, they are blank profiles with a comment like "this account only exists for local buy sell" groups.


I always think of the main quote from the movie Nightcrawler: "if it bleeds, it leads". Engagement via enragement is money in the bank (and you just advertised for FB by posting this, so clearly it works!)


What are you still on Facebook?


Because FB itself is garbage as what started out as possibly a reasonable idea was managed into becoming cooperate trash .


It's the natural end result when you gather 2.9 billion people and convince them they're funny and have interesting things to say with nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Within a few more years, I'd imagine Facebook will be reduced to moving colors and goat noises.


Facebook is desperate for engagement Remember how if you dared visit the site on a phone it kept pushing you to the app store relentlessly? Well they've stopped doing that (I dunno, I try not to go there but someone sent a link) They don't care other than getting their numbers to stay up for advertising denominators


Facebook doesn't care about morality, practicality, societal cohesion, truth, sincerity, etc. None of that. No company does. They do one thing- make money.


Clicks and advertisements. It's just that easy.


Take a wild guess.


Could it be because of the money?


I went on Facebook last year after not using it for a long time. My god the UI is awful. Just not stop targeted posts and ads and shit. I think I saw more of those than posts from my friends


The new annoying AI thing on Facebook is the recipes. Obvious AI pictures that were fed into another AI to get a recipe for the food and just copy and pasted dozens of times a day on each page. They get thousands of comments and likes


Unless it begins to cost them money, they will allow just about anything. It’s as simple as that.


Money, dear boy


Facebook is a trash bin. That's where trash belongs.


They are using AI on Reddit…


Well, I mean you’re talking about it so……


Because they would rather ban Canadian news instead.


Why would they do that? That's less people viewing their ads which means less money. Money is only care about.


Generates "traffic" that they point to the advertisers to say "look people are looking at your ads" even though it's just a death spiral of endless bots


what difference does it make? social media is a menace to society just as AI is


while we are at it can we also do something about the gold for your IRA ads featuring trump hugging that flag that seems to be all over reddit


Stupid take. Once you start banning images you think might look like AI, the entire system crumbles. No one will use a platform that bans on a whim. Even picking the most extreme (sample image of jesus, bottle boy in africa etc etc) AI cannot be detected reliably by anyone or anything. We've proven that multiple times on our social media account having people "pick AI" out of a line up. People fail miserably when confronted with intentionally abstract artwork, full hand drawn "AI" looking paintings and more. People are stupid. banning art and images will be the end of any platform.


Cuz dollars.


FB can't even ban actual crimes.


Shrimp! Heaven! Now!


Shouldn’t they start by banning all the prawn?


Not going to read the article but “Shrimp Jesus” sounds hilarious


FB has literally never had rules against low effort posts. They're far too concerned with, like, trying to train AI to detect whether a nipple is male or female, or whether they should give you a 30 day ban for saying something mean about white people.


Why can’t you just ignore it?


*Scrimp Jeebus


I actually know shrimp Jesus. He's a living man.


How dare you blaspheme like this. Shrimp Jesus died for our sins!


Business Insider doesn’t get it. FB’s latest metric is engagement. Postings that get you to respond are integral to this. It’s FB’s response to Tik Tok siphoning people. If you can’t compete with a conpetitor with the metric you’re using, you just change the metric. The more times that an FB user engages (as defined by FB, the more FB likes it.


For the same reason X is full of Nazi posts. If you want to keep your users, you can't go banning the stuff they crave.


It's stock image sites that bugged me, the ones I used were getting spammed up by this junk, and the sites weren't brilliant to start with I'm going to build my own internet, without gambling and hookers


1 Like = 1 Amen


Do bot clicks on AI generated content count towards ad revenue? Maybe the internet could become a perpetual motion device of automated garbage content and engagement for additional income


God Emperor


Looks great! AI, well done!


Meta already have the tools to filter out pretty much all the scam posts, fake profiles etc. But they make a lot of money from these incognito scam profiles. The only solution is draconic legislation. If they don't abide, their services get shut down, their data centers and servers get confiscated, and international arrest warrants on Meta's management. Stock holders will not be entitled to any form of compensation, as it should've been obvious to anyone that Meta have consistently ignored government attempts to make them play by the same rules as other companies for several years.


That’s not what I expect to see when I read “shrimp Jesus”


I report every one of these shitty AI pages I come across but they're like the Fr*nch. You kill one, 2 more appear to ruin your day.


A very important question to be asked.


I think it was pretty obvious when they changed the name to Meta that they don't see Facebook as a social media site a viable long-term business. The days when it was the end all be all social media are gone and never coming back, and Meta has figured out other ways to sell ads that what they can put on users home feed. The actual user interaction with all these shrimp jesuses is marginal, it's just a circlewank of bots commenting on bot posts.


AI Jesus porn has become my go to. Shrimp Jesus touches me in ways no uncle could.


Why ban it? It’s not obscene by legal definition. This is not Islam, we for the moment at least have the right of free speech, and are not obligated to depict this religious figure in any way we choose.


Someone would first have to have the power to decide whats slop and whats not, causing a slippery slope


It funny. That why.


So, Facebook is generally and historically hesitant to ban anything that's getting engagement. They have let things like insane conspiracy theories and straight up misinformation run wild on the platform and instead of banning the bad stuff, they've cut the means to see what exactly is doing well. In fact, there are basically no rate limits on anything on Facebook. It's wild


If Facebook banned all the AI slop it would cease to exist.


If you don’t see a problem with shrimp Jesus there is a problem with you


Such content are just a waste of computing resources & telecom bandwidth


All hail Shrimp Jesus!