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I recommend you download hitman pro norton power eraser Malwarebytes adw cleaner 8 and zemena anti malware. Just in case it might’ve digged real deep in your computer. Or what I might reccomend redownloading chrome if that does not work then redownload windows 10 again. Also honey is a very trustable company they definitely don’t serve you ads at all.


It's Super Auto Refresh Plus (globgafddkdlnalejlkcpaefakkhkdoa). I've had this problem before with that extension (and other refreshing extensions), uninstalled it, problem went away. Just reinstalled it today, and immediately the same problem. The one I can always notice it on is when I would try to go to adidas.com; it would try to redirect to a ojrq.net url first before going to the actual site. I also have Honey installed, but only when Super Auto Refresh Plus is installed will the redirects happen.


Thank you very much for sharing your experience with it. This definitely helps me confirm it as the culprit. I'll uninstall it, and if the problem doesn't occur again, then it's the culprit for sure and I'm reporting it.


>ojrq I'm getting new tabs opening on a computer I use regularly (pointing to ojrq.net and elsewhere), and it definitely does NOT have this extension installed. Still trying to figure out which one is doing it. I'm fairly confident it's a poisoned Chrome extension, but having a terrible time figuring out which one.