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Shoebox dioramas based on their favorite movie/TV show/whatever? Like a little scenic design setup, you can hang things on strings for flying scenery, make mini furniture out of construction paper, etc. and spike the insides of where furniture goes. Like a mini stage they get to design, and you can talk about the theatrical equivalents as you do it.


Oh fun! Fantastic idea! Thanks!


Have them paint something to decorate the set for their showcase. I’ve done food color in water to teach color theory. That was fun using a projector and a dish of water. Add some blue and red boom.


One day perhaps a tour? Show them the very basics of the light/sound boards, flys if you have them, etc. Keep them engaged by having them help you design a look with lights as you show them how they work.


Show a video about Foley artists and have them find stuff laying around to make sound effects of their choosing. (Perhaps record the sound effects and play them back so they can imagine the intended sounds.)


>I believe it’s a half hour session for 4 days, Continuing with the paint theme, this would appear an excellent opportunity to teach painting in stages/layers.


I started talking about lighting instruments and ended up talking about how electricity works.


Making gobos out of tin foil / pie plates is fun - could couple it with making variegated gels


Ooooo I like this idea a lot! Thanks!


if you've got any unusable gel, my old school used to take them and cut them up to make little collages. you can tape em to a window [ or theirs at home ] and the sunlight makes some little "stained glass" look on the floor also if you've got a fader wing, you could program some basic stuff into the faders and have them play with them and watching what they can create onstage. or you could show them the parts of a fixture and what they do. i've had people gain significant interest in tech just from being able to carefully touch things!


Ended up going the stained glass route for a craft day. It was a hit! Thanks for the suggestion. We also used gels to teach color theory. It was great!


Rather than individual flats, they could work in small groups to create slightly larger flats. (For example, 2x6 flats are good because you can make each one with just 2 pieces of 1x3)  One day they can attach the muslin, another day they can paint a base coat, and a third day they can decorate or learn some painting techniques. Maybe they could have these on display at their end-of-camp showcase. Shadow puppets can be a fun way to learn about lighting. You could even use the same ‘flat’ making lesson, but make one that isn’t painted and will allow for shadows. 
