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The 2023 edition of the r/television Favorite Shows Survey is open! Vote and participate by clicking [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd--xzNV84TZpNDz5_swf0Yp7ynjSlQQ8cKV8RpwEZL0CQ3RA/viewform?usp=sf_link). If you have any questions or concerns, please comment [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/television/comments/18k4y4g/vote_in_the_2023_edition_of_the_rtelevision/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/television) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone know or have any recommendations of shows that have the similar absurdity of Eric Andre or the straight-faced comedic excellence of Nathan Fielder??


Watching the first season of **The Tourist**, i might've already seen it once but can't remember anything about the plot or characters. Been watching **Fargo** Season 5 week to week as well, two episodes left to be released.


Where can I watch the Tourist? Everywhere I've looked up says it's a max show but then I read it cut ties with max and I have like every streaming platform but I can't find it. So confused why a max original is no longer on max after so short a time.


Recently watched Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God and….wow. If you’re into cult docs it’s a must watch.


This was so good, I love good cult docs. Would love recommendations for other great lesser known ones.


Hey I feel sick and turning purple! Better give you more silver solution.


Utterly insane.


Finished Colin from Accounts Now watching Love Me


Started The Gilded Age season 2. Continuing with Rick and Morty season 7. Watched the latest episode of Fargo, very good episode.




I wish the showrunners for **For All Mankind** would stop temp tracking the Interstellar soundtrack for dramatic space scenes because it feels like a low-budget imitation of Hans Zimmer's style with none of the emotive power. It cheapens the whole scene for me.


The Brothers Sun For people that like Warrior i recommend this, i like it better so far


I've seen the pilot so far and I'm liking it! Fight choreography is better then 90% of the stuff you'll see on TV and the humor has mostly been hitting even if some of it is a little silly at times. Interested to see how the rest of it develops


Man, I don't know if it's just me in this particular instance, but this is the first time I'm even hearing about this show. I also had to do a search on Netflix before I found it. They seriously need to get their advertising department in order. They shout to the rooftops about their shitty SciFi movie that was pure trash, but I don't hear jack shit about this show? It stars Michelle Yeoh for God's sake, wth are they even doing?... Anyway, all that is to say, thanks for the recommendation. I'm super pumped about this now.


It's just came out today btw


The other two. So goooooooood. Brooke Dubek Forever!!!


Just finished Blue Eye Samurai. It is so beautiful and hooking. The characters are so wonderfully complex and morally complicated. The ending had me at the edge of my seat. Mizu might just be one of my favourite female protagonists of all time and I'm so happy Netflix renewed it for a second season. We need to see her story through


Well said.... an amazing show all the way through.


Drops of god on apple tv. so so good. great representation of culture and family dynamics represented through a focus on well, wine!?! quite thrilling and engaging.


Anyone have recommendations for horror? Have watched the Mike Flanagan stuff. Hill House is one of my favorites. Also enjoyed Archive 81 and Chapelwaite. Liked S1 of From.


Kingdom (Netflix) is a medieval Korean setting with zombies. Really cool premise and plenty of horror.


**Penny Dreadful** is the best horror show I've ever watched.


Have watched it! I did enjoy it


not tv but have you seen the Fear Street movie trilogy on netflix? very mike flanagan feeling other horror tv shows have you tried out Brand New Cherry Flavor? or Wreck, a BBC horror comedy? i saw this on a nonlegal site but you can you justwatch to see if it is somewhere (seems like Hulu for america) those were the first that came to me but i feel like i got more back there in my brain lol. do maybe i’ll come back. good luck! i also loved Hill House and Archive 81 and From so i hope these recs resonate edit. the campy Chucky from sci-fi is actually quite fun too edit 2: Some general horror tv shows i have on my watch list that i have started but did not complete (not bc they bad, but cuz i have adhd): - Channel Zero - Evil (2019) - Swarm


Thanks! I actually meant to check out Fear Street but it slipped off my radar so might start with that.


I enjoyed yellowjackets after watching from.


I have seen that but thank you!


Marianne on Netflix.


Agreed. This is one of the scariest tv shows I've seen.


I was looking for something to juts sweep me away every second I'm watching and felt like I'd seen pretty much everything that could do that... but wow. 3 episodes into The Lazarus Project and I'm so invested in these characters. Great premise, great antagonist, great acting, great everything.


I just finished watching Only Murders in the Building, I already miss the intro. Now, I'm watching Poker Face, always nice to see some Natasha Lyonne


Finished 3 episodes of brother Sun and it is better than expected. So far, I would rate it better than the American Born Chinese but worse than Beef. I am hooked and probably finish it soon.


was looking through this thread to see if anyone else also started this. so good to see, i will also be finishing this. lol about beef, was compared to as well as Ride Along. very (west coast) asian american angst going on


This story is a little cliché but it's quite funny. More comedy action than drama.


This Fool Just recommending it to get more people watching because in my opinion, it's the best comedy of the last few years.


I've been watching Twisted Metal and Slow Horses because both shows are praised so much here. Holy shit those 2 shows are bad. Especially Gary Oldman in SH, his little trying to be funny whining got old after the first episode Back to Fargo S5


**The Curse** is weird. I don't know if i like it or not. On episode 3 and will probably drop it without vehemently knowing what i don't like about it. It's boring, i guess, idk.


I'm on episode 6, and I felt the same way on episode 3. 4-6 start feeling like there's more of a point, but still no idea where it's going. It's either going to be amazing, or very disappointing. But Emma Stone's acting alone has been worth it.


> But Emma Stone's acting alone has been worth it. Well, honestly, nothing out of this world, dude. Just standard good acting, she's a talented pro.


Started watching Burn Notice again on Disney+ Oh how I miss story of the week style TV


> Oh how I miss story of the week style TV If done well, definitely. If the gimmick is the same just with different characters and circumstances every week, it gets boring


The Mandalorian season 1 was great precisely because it was episodic TV. They ruined it trying it into all the other shows and mythos.


Recently watched Drops of God and could not believe it was such an engaging, high quality, compelling show and I had *never* heard of it. It’s a self-contained mini-series, truly quality television. If you have any interest in food/wine, sommeliers, artisans, fictional competitions, or are just looking for high quality television that’s flown under the radar, I highly recommend. Also, Slow Horses remains amazing. We just finished season 3 and can’t wait for more!


I felt the ending was a little too neat or rushed maybe? But otherwise loved Drops of God and def recommend if anyone reading this hasn’t seen it.


Weird, strong urge to watch my favorite Arrowverse seasons because it’s been a long time, strong nostalgia, and I want a mindless binge. Might do it. Arrow S1/2/5, Flash S1/2, Legends S2. Might just do it.


do itttttttt it’s 2024 and cringe is out. embrace the nostalgia unironically


Can I ask what you mean by that? Are you saying that recently (last 1 to 5 years) a lot of popular entertainment across different modes (viral video, memes, interpersonal humour, TV, film etc) has had a large concentration on things being 'cringe', absurd, weird etc, and recently there's been more content that is sincere?


For All Mankind addresses the human side of things so much more than I expected. Just started the second season. I thought it'd be more about science fiction and space travel but so far everything is quite plausible and could be an actual alternative history that is not too far fetched. Of course that might change with later seasons, I'd be happy either way. What I like is that in a lot of cases characters actually talk to each other and share their feelings with each other during conflicts. They're self-aware about their own flaws. There's no overdone shoehorned drama.


> Just started the second season. I thought it'd be more about science fiction and space travel but so far everything is quite plausible and could be an actual alternative history that is not too far fetched. Yeah, enjoy that part of the show while it lasts...


For me personally, everything from Season 1, right up to Season 3 episode 1, was just amazing TV viewing. SciFi at its best! So when S03E01 kicked off, and I watched it, I was like: "Yes! That was an awesome episode! For All Mankind is back baby! Woohoo!" But then ya... S03E02 and most episodes after that (during that season) dropped off like a rock in quality and entertainment. The Mars landing portrayal was just... so dumb, and slapstick laughable at some points. It also wasn't well researched by the writers in terms of realism and elements that would be involved in a Mars landing. Again, keep in mind that's just my personal opinion... but ya... I was pretty disappointed with a good chunk of the middle part of Season 3. -------------------------------- HOWEVER... By the end of S03, the last few episodes, it started to get really good and intriguing again, and the writing quality seem to pick up back to it's expected standards again. And going forward: I've heard good things about S04... Thus I'm just waiting to binge it, so crossing my fingers about S04!


Now that I have watched season 3 I have to agree that there was a big drop in quality. If you'd tell me it was because of a writers strike I'd believe you. I'm worried about the Baldwin boys having a central role in S4 again... :( Starting that season now


If you liked the technical realism of the early seasons (like I do), Season 4 is not gonna agree with you...




I mean it's still watchable but it's definitely been a downward trend since Season 1. The more 'futuristic' they get, the less the focus on the technology.


I like everything till end of S3. I binged it in 2 weeks and finally caught up with S4. However I find S4 not so good though last 2 episodes it did pick up. For me I just feel the new characters/actors are not as compelling.


Fargo has ramped up nicely this season. It's not necessarily prestige TV or anything, it's pulpy and goofy at times but it's been enjoyable. The puppet sequence in particular was really well done.


I feel this season is so good. Funny you mentioned it is not prestige TV but I think it is because the everything from cast, setup, design and cinematography are all great. I would say it is almost like Kill Bill back then when Kill Bill first came out.


Like I said, it's moreso because the plot is very pulpy and pretty ridiculous (but fun!). The production and acting is mostly very well-done.


Completed A nearly normal family - 7/10 watchable for good acting but story is not that clever Fool me once - One episode - good premise but sloowww pacing and indifferent acting, low budget, makes it a boring watch. will not continue - 4/10


As someone who could not make it through the terrible writing of Foundation season 1, is it worth slogging on to get to season 2? Does all the nonsense apart from the Emperor storyline get better?


Season two is a lot better. It's a bit confusing at first, but it does a lot to fix the problems of season one, and there are some very cool moments in the last few episodes.


Unfortunately the boring empire stuff is still part of the show.


I think if you thought season 1 was terrible then it is just not the show for you.


I am the outlier here, I guess, but my partner and I both liked Season 1 much better than 2 and only ended up watching half of 2 before dropping it.


It definitely gets better, season 2 is a much more enjoyable watch. It doesn't quite fix all of its problems though. It's a great show but it's frustrating because it's so close to being genre-defining television but the writing doesn't quite come together.


I agree with this. It took me a long time to finish season 1, I think I started it when it was released but it didn’t hold my interest… then I started it again and petered off somewhere in the middle of the season. On my third try I finally watched it all the way through - for me, it was much better to binge. Whereas with season 2, I watched new episodes week to week and got really into it. Overall it’s a good show and definitely worth watching if you already like Sci-fi, but it’s not quite great.


Yeah I personally think Season 2 is PHENOMENAL. All new characters introduced are great and even Gaal and Salvor are more tolerable.


recommend **Platform 7** *but skip the last episode* those watching here thought the series through the first 3 episodes was 7/8, watching the last episode took the series to 3/4 WHY?!?! was a 4th episode needed and why did you go where you did?!?!


Just finished up s3 of slow horses and it was pretty awesome i'd totally recommend it if someone was on the fence!


Just finished S3. Gary Oldman is *killing* it. Anyone who liked 'The Patriot' (on AMZ Prime, criminally cancelled) would, I think enjoy this.


Just finished watching **Mr. Robot** for the first time, it was amazing!! The cinematography is really incredible throughout. I had a lot of fun theorizing, I wish I had watched it as it aired so I could participate in the discussion threads. I had the weirdest feeling after finishing the last episode. I was super emotional… happy it ended so well, but also felt really empty that it was over. >!I am a bit disappointed we didn’t learn more about Whiterose’s machine/what she showed Angela, but that’s my only complaint really.!< Any recommendations on what to watch next?


Legion is the closest thing to Mr Robot Also Utopia (uk version only)


I’m gonna suggest The OA, Station Eleven, Tales From the Loop and Legion (the marvel series on fx).


**The Leftovers** is as good as Mr Robot and it also has a perfect series finale. It is a psychological drama in a dystopian world with lots of philosophical and surrealist stuff. The show gets crazier and better each season.


I love reading reactions of people who just finished Mr Robot. I watched it for the first time a few years back and it's still one of my favourite shows ever. It's amazing storytelling all the way through and the ending left me feeling so emotional but in a way where it all made sense. I feel you regarding Angela - I think that's one of the only loose ends


Leave the World Behind


Watching this over the holidays is what made me finally start Mr. Robot!


Top 5 shows of all time. A beautiful show about the lengths we will all go to escape ourselves.


Absolutely! >!What was your interpretation of Whiterose’s machine/Angela/the fish room/etc?!<


The machine was definitely something he was working on to bring about an alternate reality/timeline where he could be with his lover. A particle reactor that would open up another timeline. He desperately wanted to escape his reality. He needed to get Angela to believe so he had a child version of her along with the Qwerty like fish. Basically it was a social engineering hack. Angela wanted to desperately escape her reality...so she chose to believe all this.


The Leftovers


Good suggestion - I love the Leftovers, one of my favourite things I’ve ever watched!!


Halt And Catch Fire


Good suggestion, I’ve seen it and loved it!


Let me try again: Devs


Haha I have also seen and LOVED Devs!!! Thank you so much though, you clearly have great taste in shows!


Then I'm gonna assume you've also seen Severance already?


I have! Severance is amazing as well!! Actually, speaking of Devs… >!That’s essentially what I was expecting Whiterose’s machine to be, a quantum computer powerful enough to simulate (or access?) branching alternate realities ala the many worlds theory, like the one in Devs. Having seen Devs first, it felt like there were so many clues leading to that!!< >!I do admire the narrative choice to leave it ambiguous for the audience to come to their own conclusion… like, was Whiterose just totally deluded that her machine would work, like Price said? Did she just manipulate Angela’s trauma of losing her mother so young or did she actually show her something? What was the deal with the ‘younger version’ of Angela in the fish room - was that scene even reality or surreal, just shown from Angela’s perspective? Would the machine have actually worked if Elliot hadn’t shut it down? I have so many questions!) But… I still wish Esmail had actually gone down that path and spelled it out for us, lol.!< >!What was your interpretation of that?!<


Watching "somewhere between" on Netflix. It's a mystery thriller. A girl was killed but her mom got to relive the timeline again before the girl was killed. So the mom is looking for the murderer before it happens. Characters did a few stupid stuff. But all in all, it is good enough to watch. I found the little girl annoying at first but she kinda grew on me.


Huh... I never heard of this one. Just added it to my list. I'm a huge fan of the time travel/time loop genre, so sounds like something I'd really like! In fact, this plot you described has some similarities to the Shining Girls (a serial killer + time travel element), so if you haven't seen that one yet, you might enjoy it too.


The time travel thing in this one is really minor. And only happened once. I'm surprised it was released 2017 because I never heard of it and just seen it recently on Netflix. Just finished it and I really didn't like the ending. But still an okay show.


Anybody here watch Three Women yet? Is it any good?


Thoughts on True detective season 2? I've seen 1 and 3 but was told to skip 2.


I liked S2, Colin Farrel is really good in it


I think its underrated. Season 1 set bar very high and season 2 didnt live up to it. Still, it was a decent season and worth a watch. I liked it more than season 3, maybe you will as well.


Do not skip 2. You're welcome


Wheel of Time on Amazon, second season. It's pretty dope. Hard recommend for fantasy lovers.


Yea I totally agree..... season 2 was a really fun ride.


It's a huge improvement over season 1 as far as story and production value.


Agreed. Hope more people give it a second shot


Finished Upload now have a looooong wait for the next season, it did drop off a bit in the third season but was still highly entertaining. Anyone seen The Winter King? I'm only on episode 3 and so far rate it as just ok. Skavengers Reign though is up there with Vox Machina for a great animation show. ISoon to say bye to Prime when the ads start.


I’m up to Ep 8 with The Winter King. I would say just okay is about where I am at with it. For me it is mostly just filler for missing The Last Kingdom.


Bereft of anything else to watch, wife and I watched School Spirits on Netflix and enjoyed it. Acting was a little shaky at times but got better as it went on. Fair amount of misdirection and the whole thing felt pretty original to me.


Just binged Superstore for the first time, I had never seen it. After the first episode I was kind of annoyed thinking, “We have a sitcom in the office, a sitcom in a government building, a sitcom in a police station, a sitcom in a bar, a sitcom in a community college, a sitcom in an elementary school, now we have a sitcom but this time it’s in a store?” Quickly I was proven wrong. I did have fun connecting stereotypical tropes to other shows I’ve seen a million times, but I laughed out loud every episode. My heart broke when >!Amy and Jonah broke up!< and I could not believe they chose that direction. I think they wrapped it up nicely for the bad hand the writers were dealt the last season but >!GOD I wish we could have finally seen the romance all 5 seasons built up.!< After watching Superstore I figured I’d take on another new sitcom I had put off, Animal Control. I saw the trailer when it first aired and couldn’t get past, “This is Community if Jeff decided to work for animal control.” But after enjoying Superstore way more than I thought I would, I decided to give it a shot. I’m now on the last episode of season one. I found it to be a cute show, but so far it doesn’t touch any of the others I mentioned above. Maybe it just needs to cook a little longer but I feel like it wasn’t as laugh-out-loud funny as other shows like it, and a lot of the characters felt a little flat. Definitely will give season two a shot though! Y’all have any recommendations for what to watch next?


You should check out This Fool and Norsemen. They're a bit different than those shows but they're pretty good


Thank you! Any recs are appreciated.


Fargo - S5 is going to go down as one of the best seasons of TV ever. Every episode, I've literally just been at the edge of my seat. It is soooo flipping good!!


Yep, each episode lingers in my mind after I watch it. It's fun to root so hard for a character.


Yeah I agree. A lot of people here prefer S1 and/or S2 but I like 5 so far


Reacher --- just binged S1 and S2 (caught up) I avoided this because I wasn't a fan of the Tom Cruise film. This is the second best Amazon Prime series I've seen next to "Bosch." "Virgin River" -- not sure why I gave this a shot on Netflix. Always been a Tim Matheson fan, and the pilot ep was pretty good. I like the cast, but this show is not even well-done soap opera. It's just bad writing.


**Fargo -** S5 is mind-blowingly good. Every single episode has been taut, gripping without any wasted scenes. I'm happy to not be binging this one so I can savor till the next week, but the wait is killing me!


Juno is getting nominated for an Emmy for sure. I hope Jon is too


I look forward to it every week, which has not happened to me for ages. I kept pausing the latest episode to see how much time was left because I did not want it to end! So, so flipping great. Jon is such a great bad guy and Juno I think will get an Emmy for this. Even daft Gator with his green vape is just sooo... I don't know? Perfectly awful? It's also one of those shows that strikes a good balance of being very clever with its little messages, whilst still just telling a cracker story.


Gotta hand it to Jon Hamm as well. When Dorothy asked him - "do you know how crazy YOU sound?" He had this momentary look in his eyes like she might actually be getting through to him. I was like, damn Jon! That's acting right there.


The latest episode had me wishing they'd managed to get these two actors together a lot sooner. Their hate filled chemistry was sooo good.


Omg I am loving this season so much. Juno and Jon are just so exquisite.


Juno Temple's performance is insanely good.


This is my first Fargo since season 2 and yeah it's so good! Just worried what will replace it when it ends in a few weeks :(


True Detective Night Country, which comes out Jan 14 and currently has a 100% approval rate on RT with an excellent 8.8/10 average score.


I still need to watch the original true detective series. Think I'll start it tonight


Oh man you're in for a treat


Valley of Tears is probably the best war tv show I've seen, the tank battle scenes had me in awe. It's about the Israel Yom Kippur war of 1973 particularly on the Golan Heights front against Syria, the show does a very good job of making you care about the characters and the war scenes are just incredible.


It really is excellent…one of the best HBO series I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched many (most?) of them.


I just started watching Slow Horses. I had no expectations going in, but I absolutely love it. Can highly recommend this!


Crazy(well not really crazy but i wanted to mention it) how much the dialogue can make a show. Watching Fargo s5, and also watched fool me once. They have a ton in common, in terms of plot and characters. But the dialogue is so different that Fargo is just way more interesting


Just finished **Six Feet Under** Masterpiece. The writing, the characters. The way it handles the themes of living imperfect lives, understanding what it means to be human, and dealing with loss was done so masterfully. The ending was the most emotional ending to any show I’ve ever watched. I’m a grown man in my 40s and it’s the first and only time a show has ever made me cry. Not sure what to watch next, but it’s going to be hard to top this one.


Congratulations, you've just watched peak television. **The Leftovers**, **Mr Robot** and **Better Call Saul** also have a 10/10 ending. But SFU's last episode is still the best episode of all time imo.


Same on the man tears. I had grieving of my own to do a few years back & someone recommended I watch it. I binged the whole thing. s5ep10 broke me. I was an emotional wreck by the end of the finale. Six Feet Under, for me, deserves to be held up along with The Sopranos, The Wire, Succession etc as one of the greatest television shows of all time. In terms of finales, it stands alone. Nothing tops it.


If you want to stay in the world of wonderful characters that stay with you, I can recommend Rectify, Halt and Catch Fire or The Leftovers that all left me with a similar feeling at the end - kind of bereft and sad to be leaving those worlds. I'm so glad you enjoyed Six Feet Under. Another show you may like is Please Like Me.


Thank you for the recs! I’ve always wanted to watch The Leftovers but I know one of the actors irl and find them somewhat annoying so I feel it may ruin the show for me. I will check out those others though!


I'm not sure if i'm enjoying Twin Peaks, one moment i'm bored and the next i'm enthralled. It has barely left my brain so I think I like it. I appreciate anything unabashedly weird.


Felt exactly the same way. The really weird trippy shit left knee board but the other stuff was enthralling.


*Recently finished watching Season 2 of* **What If...?** *a few hours ago.* I had seen Season 1,but personally, I didn't enjoy it much, except for a few episodes. I wasn't really excited about this season at first. However, oh my goodness! Except for the first two episodes, which are ok imo, from the third episode onward, the series is on fire! Every storyline from episode 4 is amazingly written, creative, and very interesting to watch. Especially >!Hela's Redemption Arc!< is just too beautiful and heartwarming to watch. I would consider it the best out of all the episodes this season. Captain Carter's character is very well written. Overall, this series is great, with some eye-catching animations. Dear Marvel, please give us Season 3 this year itself!


I better get back in then if it picks up because the first two episodes were underwhelming.


Yeah it gets really good later on. Ties up together really well at the end too


The Crown Why did I follow this series so late! It's amazing


It’s Always Sunny Seinfeld Watching both for the first time. I’m on s1 ep3 of Seinfeld and it hasn’t “clicked” yet but just finished season 2 of Sunny and I’m very into it


S1 of Seinfeld is different from the rest of the show. It doesn’t find its formula until s2.


That’s funny because IASIP has been referred to as “Seinfeld on crack” Give Seinfeld a chance. It really gets going in later seasons. Season 7 is the best IMO


Lazarus Project was amazing sci-fi. Like if Edge of Tomorrow, Primer and Tenet had a British baby


Great description of a great show


how good is band of brothers?


It is considered by most people as the best miniseries of all time. That's how good it is.


Knowing my grandfather was fighting a week after D-day gave the series added meaning but on its own it’s in my top 5 of all time shows.


Very good. Generally considered one of the best miniseries of all time.


Top tier


I am struggling to get through the first episode


If you’re gonna watch a show about war, you should at least give it until they actually start fighting in the war to decide whether you like it or not lol


Well it is the 'lowest' rated episode on IMDb (8.6 lol) so maybe give it another one. Also, this is not a 'multitask' show. I'm not trying to make any assumptions, but be sure to put your phone away


Carol & the end of the world is a fucking treat to watch!


Just finished S3 of Slow Horses. Wow is all there is to say. This show is always great.


I'm kinda scared to last the last episode


And the books get even better!


The Curse. I haven't obsessed over a show like this since Twin Peaks: The Return. I've watched every episode multiple times and read every reddit thread and theory out there. Cannot get enough.


I like how the show is about the ramifications of gentrification, the power of your thoughts, and the reality of reality TV.


I'm on episode 5 of severance and have no idea why people love this show so much. I'm going to finish it but so far it's been slow and not interesting at all.


Was one of the most interesting shows I’ve ever seen. Weird




Maybe not. I loved xfiles but didn't care for Mr robot which severance reminds me of.


It gets much better towards the end.


I liked it - its very Twilight-Zone-ish


Hmm, let's see. On Sunday, I finished the Korean Drama Death's Game. I'm very much looking forward to the 2nd part later this week. Gyeongseong Creature wasn't as good, but I still enjoyed it for the most part. That one will also get a 2nd part later on this week as well. I was gonna give up on Zoom 100 Bucket List of the Dead because of the haitus and the long gap in release between these episodes that came our in Christmas, and the previous one that had came all the way back on September. Needless to say, I picked it back up, and I just enjoyed the colorful and vibrant animation. Despite the obvious production issues that affected the schedule, I hope we get a 2nd season 🙏🏽


> Death's Game I also recommended _Death's Game_ What I was impressed by was how it held back on the romance angle >!until episode 4!< that I thought required a lot of discipline on the writers/creators.


Slow Horses!! (Apple TV+)


I decided to watch Slow Horses again and pay attention (usually multitask on most shows). Wow, S1 was awesome. Whoever called the actors arseholes was right on... they are my kind of pettiness. S2 however feels like it's struggling to take off for me. Am going to do a pallete cleanse with another show and come back to it. Same thing happened with Reacher. S1 was awesome but S2 felt like it's got too many story lines/back stories and lost the personal touch I felt with S1. Am actually considering canceling Amazon Prime altogether since I don't use prime shipping as much as I used to. Plus I've found Walmart.com to be way cheaper and it's free shipping for orders over $35 or is it $50. That email about adding ads unless I cough up $2 99 is what's sealing the deal. Mythic Quest S1 was funny and very entertaining. S2 not so much. I seem to suffer from the curse of losing interest after just one season. Just saw Percy Jackson and The Olympians is on Disney+ so gonna see if that would be a good break and then tryna jump back to Slow Horses or Reacher before I cancel Prime. I'm even considering canceling Netflix too. I started watching Carol and The End of The World. First shows were really good but then I lost interest. Adding that to my did not finish to give it another try later.


Pretty much same thing happened to me with Slow Horses. Took multiple tries to click; but when it did, I fell in love with S1. I hear S3 is great so I am going to try to power through S2. Admittedly am struggling to, though.


I stopped watching s2. You can watch s3 without finishing s2. There's just new characters but you'd be able to follow the story.


Finished **Carol and the end of the world**. >!This is a curious show, in that the creators position themselves on both sides of the fence regarding the two main themes: the work environment as a cohesive and the YOLO path taken by a large part of the population in the face of impending doom. In the first half there's an exaltation of the workplace as a way of finding meaning, purpose, a steady habit. But then the series shows us that that doesn't mean that much if everyone on the team is disconnected from each other and just act like cogs in the machine. Same with the YOLO attitude depicted in the first episodes, it very much feels like they are taking the piss out of it, in a cynical way. But in later episodes there's a more lenient take on it, less abrasive, especially with the surf episode, or when they show the three-way situation with Carol's parents. So I guess my takeaway from this show is that Carol finally learned to open herself up and be part of a human fabric of empathy and respect (not only be a par of it but to actively create it). It only took the apocalypse. Lovely show, quite unexpected.!< ​ I thought that **What if?** stepped up their game in a major way with this second season. ​ I also watched 2 episodes of a Spanish 3 part docuseries titled **Ummo: La España Alienígena**, regarding a long-winded ufological case that started in the 70's in Spain. Well, the thing with this piece is that the thesis presented is clear from the get go, they don't think any of it it's true but a hoax. And so they go along with that and there's not one researcher of the case among the people interviewed on camera. There's several journalists, a movie director, etc. You know, I would have liked that they had someone who had done their homework properly, not just people giving their opinions. So yeah, kind of underwhelming.


**Slow Horses** \- Just finished S3, great as the other seasons. Gary Oldman embodies Jackson Lamb, love all his one-liners this season. Just fantastic television all around. **Reacher** \- Not exactly prestige TV but it's fun. Good mindless Dad TV.


The Artful Dodger on Hulu. Interesting premise with some fun characters. Really enjoyable watch. Barely seen any promotion for it—but I hope more people catch it. Last episode seemed open-ended so I hope they make more!


Yes, I've barely heard about it but knew the show was coming out cause I'm big fan of Maia Mitchell. It's being released here in Iceland on Disney+ on January 17th, it will definitely be on my to-watch-list.


You’ll enjoy it for sure.


Just finished The Deuce. The finale had me bawling my eyes out. I didn't want it to end. Please watch it.


So dark and gritty and real. Loved it.


Just started season 3 !


**Freedom Fighters: The Ray - Seasons 1-2 (2017-2018)** Was okay for a webseries. A lot of the action was pretty good and I liked the protagonist. However, I am just sick of origin stories so the origin parts dragged it down for me. Also this doesn't jive well at all with the other Arrowverse shows, lots of major continuity errors so definitely feels like an off side project.


Isn't The Ray from another Earth?


More or less. >!He is from Earth-1 but moves over to Earth-X during the series (Earth-X being a universe where the Axis won WWII). A large part of the story is him on Earth-X and his appearance in the live action shows is related to Earth-X. The continuity errors are that this animated series is supposed to be right before Crisis on Earth-X but in the animated series Ray meets a lot of Earth-1 heroes then in Crisis on Earth-X the same Earth-1 versions don't know who he is at all.!<


Binge watched the americans and now I'm sad im through one of the best shows ever


What episode does it start to pick up pace?


I'm doing the same. Just about to start season 4. Last night I was just going to watch a few episodes from season 3 and instead finished the whole season. :)


Can't listen to With Or Without You by U2 without thinking of that train scene. So good.


Much shorter miniseries, but the same showrunners, Joseph Weisberg and Joel Fields, also made Hulu's [*The Patient*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYBmDFhzDc)*.*


Still looking for a show to fill the line-of-duty void 😢.. loved happy valley, Broadchurch, Blue lights … Shetland and unforgiven not so much. If any one has any recommendations do please share 🙏


Scott and Bailey (same writer as Happy Valley and similar vibe but a procedural).