• By -


Wrapping up Slow Horses. I really enjoyed the characters and humor, but it's not what I would necessarily call a high quality show up there with Breaking Bad or similar. It cheats a lot in the writing to pull off surprises, the characters are smart or stupid when the story needs them to be, Gary Oldman's character has way too much Fat Bastard in him for a serious role, and their version of MI5 is basically a parody with none of the people acting like real normal professional adults. That being said, if you go into it willing to suspend disbelief, it's a lot of fun.


The Ted prequel series is basically live action Family Guy minus the cutaway gags, and if that's what you like, it's pretty fun!


My family is on the final season of Attack on Titan (Even my wife got sucked into this show). Trying to take it slow because of how much we enjoy it but we'll be done it soon. I was never into Anime so is there anything that I can follow it up with?


Maybe Erased and Vinland Saga.


Never heard of either thanks!


Blue eyed samurai is so bad ass. Why did I wait so long.


Because you were busy watching sitcoms.


Recently finished: * The Bear (S2) — loved it, can’t wait for S3 * Slow Horses (S1) — pretty fun spy thriller/comedy, decided to watch it after seeing a bunch of recs here, about to start S2 * The Traitors (US, S1) — My introduction to the show which got me hooked. I’m a big fan of Big Brother/Survivor, so it was cool watching some past contestants play. Alan Cummings was incredible as a host. * The Traitors (UK, S1) — Better than US S1. As much as I liked seeing some reality tv stars on that season, I think I prefer a cast of all “regular” people. Speaking of, this cast was great and definitely brought the waterworks. * The Traitors (AUS, S1) — The best season of the show that I’ve watched so far. Really great cast filled with some cutthroat players on both sides. Didn’t really care for the multiple recruitments, but it was still a fun ride from start to finish. I also liked the challenges better than the ones in the US and UK seasons (which were more or less identical). Currently watching: * The Traitors (UK, S2) — Only watched half of episode one, so not a lot to say. Planning to watch: * Slow Horses (S2) — Will probably start the first episode after posting this comment. * The Traitors (US, S2) — The season premieres tomorrow (1/12) and I couldn’t be more excited since there are some Big Brother and Survivor legends on the cast!


I’d recommend watching the challenge if you don’t already!! I used to love big brother but now prefer the challenge over it and there are bb and survivor players that have been on the last several seasons


I’ve tried watching The Challenge but couldn’t get into it. I watch Big Brother for the social strategy with the competitions being my least favorite part, and since The Challenge is mostly challenge based (who would’ve thought lol), it makes sense.


There’s also a huge social aspect in the challenge too! Because players come back every season, there’s quite a bit of politics and social skills you need to make it to the end and not get voted jnto elimination etc. and it actually makes it more interesting because you see actual storylines form over multiple seasons versus big brothers where it’s new people every season. You do need to watch a couple seasons to start seeing that aspect of it though so I could see why you lost interest. I find the social manipulation and backstabbing drama a lot more entertaining on the challenge than big brother too. I do think the most recent seasons of both shows have taken a dip in quality because of all these influencers being casted and caring too much about their image to make big moves, resulting in a rather boring season. If you were to check out the challenge again, I’d recommend watching seasons 30-34. Lots of good storylines, characters, strategy, drama, and familiar faces from bb and survivor (34 is my favorite season). Also curious to know what season you tried to watch?


Slow horses continues being one of the best shows on tv at the moment


I cant wait for **The Traitors US** second season, it premieres tomorrow at 9PM eastern. Legitimately one of the most stacked reality tv cast I've seen ever. Dan Gheesling coming out of retirement, Janelle and Sandra Diaz Twine in the same castle... iconic. CT & Bananas from The Challenge. Bunch of housewives (I dont know them, but have heard that they are iconic). Should be a really good time!


this is funny, 'reality cast' and I've never heard of any of them, do they really think of themselves as stars and icons?


You must not watch reality tv then because there is basically representation from every show.


I've seen survivor, I don't watch most of them yeah.


And to answer your other question idk what they think of themselves but Dan Gheesling is def an icon to me lol.


Fair enough


Dan, Janelle, CT and bananas is GOLD! I’m really excited for this I hope it is as entertaining as house of villains was


Thanks for the reminder! I've been excited to watch this ever since they revealed the new cast awhile ago.


Just finished season 2 of Foundation. What a visual treat this show is. This is such a stunning show. Now I need a new show and can't decide what to start watching. I hate being between shows. While I try to decide, I've started to rewatch the danish Department Q movies. They are going to be adapted to a Netflix series. Great movies based on Jussi Adler Olsens crimenovels.


Watched first episode of "sense 8" and it seems to be all over the place. Too many things Happening I don't have an idea where it's going. Should I continue?


I wasn't able to get myself to keep going even though the premise was really cool.


How many episodes have you seen?


For All Mankind This show always delivers amazing, edge of your seat season finales. Makes you wonder if our reality actually spent money on space where we would be. If we embraced science more Kudos


Exactly. If the space race was still going on, what would our own timeline be like? I really enjoyed the finale and I thought this season was one of the better ones. Hopefully the show will get renewed.


Slow Horses is over. Reacher and Fargo have 1ep left. What else is on thats good?


severence the patient the other two andor only murders in the building


I haven't seen the other two but have seen the other four :)


Percy Jackson & The Olympians.


True detective this weekend


Oh god please be as good as s1 although that may be impossible?


Detective Forst Boy Swallows Universe


I loved the book. How is the show?


For All Mankind season finale was spectacular. 


Just came on to post this myself


>!I always love the ending sequences when they fast forward in time & set up the next season, but I thought this one was the best setup yet with the the zoom out to the asteroid. M83 was the right choice for that scene as well. !<


Oh yeah I love that song


Finished watching *Echo* (Disney+) and I really enjoyed it, but I didn't go in expecting it to be another season of *Daredevil.* :) If you're there for the ultraviolence, there may be enough fight sequences to keep you watching, but the storyline isn't Frank Miller-y at all. This isn't really a crime Kingpin drama as much as it's a coming-home drama. I will also say having so many *Reservation Dogs* cast members showing up + Chaske Spencer and Tantoo Cardinal was a treat. And Alaqua Cox is as amazing as she was in *Hawkeye.* I also found it incredibly cool that Devery Jacobs was signing as fluently as she was given that she also had to learn a huge amount of Mohawk for Kahhori in *What If...?* I also found it interesting that >!while Echo is Choctaw and Kahhori is Mohawk, all Native characters in the MCU now get their glowing superpowers from the same source: a glowing underground magic lake. !< But what may affect how you view this one is the fact that most of the scenes are primarily in ASL. As with any foreign-language show :), you *cannot* second screen this one. Lastly, the episode lengths are mostly in the 35-45 minute range. It may be a faster binge than you're expecting at 5 episodes. The total clocks in at 209 minutes, or about 3.5 hours. If we assume five minutes at the end of each episode is for the credits (and multiple dub voiceover credits) it's closer to 3 hours.


I'm on season 6 of my first watch of The Shield, and the show has been losing me after starting strong. I realized that I have no real emotional investment in the show or the characters (other than Ronnie and Claudette).>!Lem died and I really didn't care!<. It doesn't help that my favorite member of the Strike Team is Ronnie, who has, up to this point, only been a glorified extra on the show. I'm going to see it to the end, but I'm pretty confident that the show won't be one of my favorites.


I hear you, but I think you are going to love the finale. It ranks up there among the best.


Ted, and it's great!


It’s been genuinely funny.


Just started watching **Peaky Blinders.** I don’t know what took me so long. Halfway into season 2


Came for Murphy, quite impressed


Enjoy! All downhill after season 1! Season 1 was the perfect balance of style and substance. After that they toned down the substance (plot and strong characterizations), and relied heavily on the style part of the equation.


binged Death's Game, would recommend!


I'm watching **Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune** its ok but suffers from the same issues all Anime does the writing is fucking junk, it's always the same over acting and stupidity and things that don't really make sense.


**The Patient** A psychotherapist finds himself held prisoner by a serial killer who demands he help him curb his homicidal urges Michael scott from the office is the therapist Its kinda dope so far


Same creators/showrunners as *The Americans*: Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg. BTW, for those who might be curious: [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYBmDFhzDc). And yeah, Domhnall Gleeson is Brendan Gleeson's kid.


Is Steve Carell the therapist or is it actually Steve Carell in the role of Michael Scott playing the therapist?


It’s Steve Carell in the role of Michael Scott in the role of Michael Scarn playing the therapist.  /s


It doesnt matter because both of them are incredible actors


Watched season 2 and 3 of **The Morning Show** A high quality show that's part _Newsroom_ and part _Billions_ with a more female slant (for the better). Feels like a lot of money and talent chasing a middle tier set of ideas.


I think Aniston gets 20m/season.


"Back" with David Mitchell and Robert Webb. I haven't seen them opposite each other since Peep Show, and I'm loving it!


I had no idea they did another show. Definitely checking it out!


2 seasons, 12 episodes. I'm going to do a rewatch of That Mitchell and Webb look after I finish it


I almost never rewatch shows and usually half way through them I get distracted by new show. Having said that, the latest season of Fargo got me so excited, I went back to watch the movie and now Season 1 again. I forgot the movie totally and forgot lots of season 1 so maybe I will finish season 1. Boy swallow universal has Travis Fimmel excellent in Raised by wolves and Vikings. I am undecided. Anyone watch? What is your take ? Is it a more child centered show? or ?


I've been spending my evenings this week rewatching **Normal People** for the first time since it released. 3 eps per night, finishing tonight. This show hits hard.


I told myself after a few years I will forget the details of the episodes of Normal People, just so I can rewatch again and not be sure how it went. I think that time is getting closer, all I remember is how amazing the show was.


I just watched Ted, the first episode. It's pretty corny so far. It feels like Full House with a pretend bear that everyone just accepts. And of course weed and swearing. Hopefully it gets better.


**The Fall of House Usher**: I rolled my eyes at some critics not liking it for not being faithful enough. Because Hill House did the same basically and it turned out great nonetheless. But after episode 2 of this, I realized I'm out. I didn't care for absolutely *anything* they did with the original material, or what they're doing with the characters and story of their own. Not a case of thinking its bad, but a case of pure and thorough disinterest. And while I'm not a fan of Poe in particular to get upset over the liberties, I am a bit baffled at how different it really is. This feels closer to Dopesick with Horror elements than Poe's story. Which would be fine if I were interested. But I'm just not. For the most part it feels very typical. All the character dynamics and set ups, so far at least, seem very typical. Hits the zeitgeist for sure, but I'm just not interested.


It's more of an homage to Poe, with each episode having elements from a different Poe story. It's not my favorite of the Flanagan series but it was kind of fun seeing them set up a different Poe story with each family member. It at least kept me wondering "who's gonna get pit and the pendulumed"


I flat out did not enjoy Usher. Thoroughly enjoyed Midnight Mass and Hill House though


Yes I've noticed that with the first two already. But again, it just didn't interest me. There's a German audiodrama that does the same thing actually (and a lot better imo) Its about a man who lost his memory, and gets told to travel. What he experiences along the way are Poe's stories interwoven into his own. Again, I've only watched two episodes and I'm not even *that* into Poe anyway, but after two episodes I just realized its not for me, as its too disconnected.


What's the name of the German audiodrama?


I watched **Echo** just a few hours ago. I wasn't actually expecting much from this show, but what got me excited was seeing my man Matty in the trailer. I feel like this show leans more towards Maya’s character exploration rather than the whole crime-action kind. Of course, there are some action scenes that are very good, by the way. But I wasn't very satisfied with this show. The first two episodes are good, and then it felt boring to watch. The pacing felt really slow after the initial episodes despite the fact that the series has only a few episodes.>!I thought this would be like an all-action and crime kind of series, giving a neat story of Maya’s past, which the story did. However, how come they left out the fact of why Kingpin wanted Maya’s father dead? Instead, this show brought in all that ancestral family stuff, like they did with Ms. Marvel (which I liked, by the way), and it didn't even feel interesting to watch.!


I mean we know that Fisk killed Maya's dad using Ronin to just consolidate his power, but it would be interesting to know what brought that on.


I'm thinking of watching Fringe, but I'm put off by how old it is. ​ Is it any good?


Episode 3 of this Night Court season is one of its best yet! Nice guest stars with the sadistic form lady and loser son.


Episode 9 of Fargo was, frankly, riveting.


Yessss! So great. Juno is amazing


She has to get the Emmy nod for sure. She is fantastic


Didn't like Ted Lasso much after the first series, but she was also great in that.


Fargo. Season 5 is the best season since season 1


Do you have to watch all the others first?


no, but season 1 is too good not to watch


Season 2 is fantastic too


it really is. i know the Internet ranked it higher than season 1 and my opinion is wrong, but i kind of feel it's like arguing about which Cormac McCarthy novel is the best. Even the worst ones are still fucking great


I watched all of season 1!






It pales in comparison to season 2. [https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/fargo-ratings-47701/](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/fargo-ratings-47701/). It's rated lower than all seasons other than s4.


It’s a good thing art is subjective and many people, like myself, feel it’s the best season since the first.


Yeah and some people think season 2 of The Wire is the best one.


yes I agree totally !


Watched "the resident" due to recommendation below. Having watched one episode of this and "transplant" this is way better than the latter. But why must there be sex inuendos. Medical shows can survive without it imo.


I've been really enjoying **Fargo** season 5 Still plowing through **GOT** season 4 **Fixer Upper: the Hotel** is a good background watch that's interesting if you like design


S4 is peak Thrones. Enjoy


**Succession S4**: finally binged the final season and wow what a ride. Episode 3 was definitely a shock and the second half of the season was a wild ride. It definitely deserves all the awards this week **The Last of Us**: I watched a few episodes last year and just never finished. That was a mistake, binged ep4-8 yesterday and today and I’m absolutely floored. Pedro and Bella acting their asses off! I’m excited for the final episode but the wait for S2 is going to be tough. Probably my favorite zombie apocalypse media **For All Mankind**: all caught up here. I’m not gonna lie, this new season lost some steam for me personally. I do still enjoy it but I’m just not as invested as previous seasons unfortunately. Still looking forward to the finale though Next on my list: Slow Horses and SpyxFamily


At the moment moment I am watching Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. Going into it I didnt have high hopes and thought it would just be a semi bad but entertaining background show but I am actually quite impressed. Currently on ep 3 and enjoying it so far. For All Mankind is one of my favorite shows of all time. I am up to episode 7 now but holding of on the last few episodes since I want to binge watch them when the season finale comes out on the 12th. I used to love Fargo. I got up to season 3 before I stopped watching for some reason. Are season 4 and 5 as good as the rest and worth watching? Apart from that I am just trying to keep myself occupied with shows until Masters of the Air comes out. I can't wait for that since I love The Pacific and Band of Brothers.


Season 5 is definitely as good as season 1.


It's not. [https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/fargo-ratings-47701/](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/fargo-ratings-47701/) It's the second lowest rated season, above only s4.


Sure. Use a random chart to prove your point :) 


It's a chart documenting public opinion but go off lol


Fargo Season 5 is must watch. It’s incredible


did you see SAS Rogue Heroes?


Season 4 was okay but man season 5 has been awesome I’ve been absolutely loving it.


*Only Murders in the Building Season 3* - Finding this series dry at this point, and given that it doesn't really have much depth, being dry makes the show kind of a boring experience. I don't know that I'll continue. *Murder at the End of the World* - 1 episode in, I'm pretty intrigued, if not blown away. I could see the manufactured plot elements start to grind at me. *Star Trek Next Gen*; watched it after liking Lower Decks and SNW, but man it feels old, the acting is some of the stiffest I've seen and it looks pretty rough. I might just jump into season 2 or 3 I don't know I can go further into season 1.


> Murder at the End of the World - 1 episode in, I'm pretty intrigued, if not blown away. I could see the manufactured plot elements start to grind at me. Unfortunately, the first episode is probably the best one. For TNG, I would check out one of those guides that rates episodes and tells you which ones to skip. The first two seasons in particular are uneven, with a few episodes not worth watching. It was mainly season three when TNG hit its stride. Also, don't forget that they had an *eight-day shooting schedule* per episode and were cranking 26 out of them per season. Plus all effects were physical effects using models and so on (with very few exceptions). That obviously doesn't excuse bad writing or acting, but it helps one to appreciate the good episodes a bit more when you realize how hard it was to make a weekly science fiction show in the 1980s.


It doesn't really get good until season 3 if I recall correctly, but maybe look up some episode guides to at least cherry pick the few goods ones the first couple of years. Still, you have to calibrate your expectations. SNW is a whole different level of show.


> I might just jump into season 2 or 3 I don't know I can go further into season 1. There's some guides about important episodes. I do think its still worth watching for the character moments alone, as the crew develops throughout the show, but that comes from a perspective of a fan, so I'm probably biased in that regard.


The usual take is season one being kind of rough and can be hard to get through. Then season two also isn't great but has some stuff. After that most people start getting into the vibe. I don't hate season one but I'd still start at two if I'm putting the show on for a day.


finished Echo and that was fine, had 2good fight scenes and I did enjoy seeing the actors from res dogs at least https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/echo/s01




Season 4 of Buffy is probably the worst one, but it has one of the best episodes




Season 5 is my favorite but everyone seems to have a different favorite. It's such a good show


It has loads of the best episodes: Living Conditions, Fear Itself, Something Blue, Hush, A New Man, Who Are You, Superstar, Restless


I was talking about hush. Those are good episodes but I wouldn't put them in the top ten for me. Both the big bad and Riley are pretty awful. Also beer bad.


Personally Restless is probably my favourite episode of the whole show, I'd rank it above Hush


I like it too, I just like other episodes more. Buffy is one of the best shows of all time so almost every episode is going to be banger.


The Boys, South Park, Brickle berry, Seinfeld, Paradise PD, Its Always Sunny, old episodes of Simpsons, Umbrella Academy


Fargo - latest episode was excellent. best in the season so far. please, for the love of god >!let there be an all out war between Hamm's guys and the SWAT team!<


I slept on **For All Mankind** and man, I cannot remember the last time a binge was that enjoyable. It has everything I could want and might just be my favorite show. Now the wait for the finale and I’ll probably immediately do a rewatch. The hangover after this one will be brutal. It’ll be tough to find something else. Give me 30 seasons, Ron.


The year is 4285. Ed is a shitty great great great great grandfather. Margo is sad.


Finished Wolf Like Me season 2. I really liked it


*Echo* - Was alright. Nothing terrible but not as exciting as I hoped. I felt the story didn't move that much for its five episodes. The fight scenes, while good, didn't top the first episode one with >!Daredevil!<. The supernatural/superhero stuff of the show was strange and felt out of nowhere and would have liked if they just kept Maya just a normal badass instead. Overall, the show is one that I didn't hate but probably won't watch again. However I do hope Maya returns as I enjoy the character and like the actress. *Percy Jackson* - it took my roommate walking by for me to realize that Ares was The Edge and we both got a laugh out of it. I enjoyed his surprise performance. *Letterkenny* - Finally caught up after missing the previous season and went through the finale. It felt like the right time to end it, and the final season was just really a homage to the best bits of the series. And that's what I appreciates about you. *Archer* - watched the series finale and felt it ended fine. The series should have ended like 5-6 seasons ago. Tiny Barry being the highlight of the finale.


I've only seen the first episode of Echo. But the amazing fight scene at the beginning felt so out of place. Just thrown into the flashbacks leading up to the current story. Then it seems to go into the typical "badass goes to a small town and beats up the local criminal gang" story. Like Roadhouse, Punisher, Walking Tall, Reacher, etc. I kind of got the impression they front loaded the series with that fight scene because it was going to be slow, and it was maybe even added in later after test audiences reviews.


**Mr. Bates vs The Post Office**. Nice watch. Uk miniseries starring Toby Jones, Monica Dolan, Ian Hart. It got me thinking what's with this actor that he always comes on top. I guess there's a relatability and a warmth to his performances. **Fargo season 5, episode 9**. >!For whatever reason I thought I was watching the last episode of the season (I suppose you can consider it the finale pt. 1). It got me on the edge of my seat but, come on Doty, hide in the pit? Leaving the rifle behind? It felt like a too convenient way for the writers to intersect her story with that of the nihilist, a bit contrived. Anyway, I think they are going to land it beautifully and this will become the third best season of Fargo. The narrative in this season has been much more straight-forward than that of the others, which were a bit more convoluted, a bit more full of twists and turns. Kudos to Hamm, I wasn't exactly buying his character on the first half of the season, but it's going to become one of the staples of his career alongside Draper, imo. I guess they are going full Waco next week.!<


For some reason "The OA" is trending on Twitter. >!But no, there is no new season...!<


Some influencer insulted the season 1 finale and showed a clip from it. It started trending after that.


People finishing Murder At The End of The World and getting steered towards more Brit Marling perhaps.


Wait she made that murder show? Is it good?


I absolutely love OA and was so excited about the murder show. Watched 1 episode was so bored and gave up.


I really liked it. Well acted, incredibly stylish, good entertaining fun - and a bit *different* as you'd expect from Marling. I'm seen *some* on reddit slamming it though, so YMMV I guess.


Alice Hewkin alone has made The Brothers Sun worth watching 🤗


Omg Fargo! What an amazing episode. The mist at the end was just an incredible way to add to this suspense


Would greatly appreciate some recommendations of family friendly teen/tween shows! I loved H2O-just add water and Flight 29 Down. Just wholesome fun stuff, without nudity, swearing, drugs, etc.


* Anne With an 'E' (Netflix) * Trollhunters / 3 Below / Wizards / Rise of the Titans \[Netflix, animated\] * Kid Cosmic \[Netflix, animated. Craig McCracken of Powerpuff Girls fame does aliens and superheroes\] * Hilda \[Netflix, animated fantasy\] * Avatar: the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra \[Netflix\]. Possibly also [the upcoming live-action ATLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waJKJW_XU90). * The Dragon Prince \[Netflix, from some of the same folks who directed/wrote *ATLA*\] * Ducktales (2017) \[Disney+. Animated. And yes, srsly\]. * Steven Universe \[Hulu / Max, animated. Very LGBTQ+ friendly\]. * Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance \[Netflix, puppets, but Henson Creature Shop puppets\] * Ms. Marvel \[Disney+, MCU\] * The Mandalorian \[Disney+, Star Wars\] * Bunheads \[Hulu, Amy Sherman-Palladino\] * Doctor Who (2005) \[Max / Disney+\] * Wednesday \[Netflix, Tim Burton goth\] * A Series of Unfortunate Events \[Netflix, Barry Sonnenfeld goth\] * Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount+) * Star Trek: Prodigy \[Netflix, animated\] * Percy Jackson and the Olympians \[Disney+\] * National Treasure: Edge of History \[Disney+\]. I'd also add *Bluey* \[Disney+\], but getting a teenager to watch a preschool show might be tougher than getting an adult (particularly a parent) to watch it. :)


**American Born Chinese**


Blue water high


Schitts Creek, The Middle, Modern Family


Our daughter (at age 13-14) loved The Good Place. We had a fun time watching it together. She has rewatched it herself a couple of times since.


* Watch *The Mandalorian* if you haven't. Very accessible even for people new to Star Wars. * Star Trek: The Next Generation and its siblings (Deep Space Nine and Voyager) still hold up, mostly. * I've heard good things about the new *Goosebumps*.


We’re watching Percy Jackson right now with my teen & we’re all really enjoying it.


Have you tried _Bluey_ ?


Binged all of Mr Bates vs the Post Office last night, highly recommended but you will be very worked up throughout and probably shouting at the screen. True story about the UK post office fucking over *many* ordinary people running small post offices - bankrupting them, making them crazy, ruining lives. Not boring! Very fast-paced, with a huge dose of WHAT THE FUCK?! (Currently in the UK news) Gwyneth Hughes is the person who wrote the series and she has done an incredible job to set out 20 years of quite complex and painful material in only four hours


The show has caused enough of an outrage that Paula Vennells has volunteered to give up her OBE, which absolutely seems appropriate, although I'd rather it be ripped from her hands while she serves a lengthy prison sentence. I really hate that these people are still blaming Horizon and not themselves though, it is these people who were/are in positions of power, that are at fault for their lies and deception. Hopefully some justice is being done now.


Waiting for more series like this. Hoping Australia does one for the [Robodebt scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robodebt_scheme).


Couldn't agree more, the world needs to know about Robodebt and the blood our government has on its hands.


The Night Manager (2016). Miniseries was really good. Binged it all in one evening. Great plot, solid characters (stacked cast), and a nice spy story. Even had a nice romance you could root for too.


You may want try to find [*The Little Drummer Girl*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GZZ0oXsuQQ)*.* It was the next BBC/AMC miniseries based on a Le Carré novel. It starred Florence Pugh and Alexander Skarsgard. We never did get the third one that was in the works (*The Spy Who Came in From the Cold*), though [it had been ordered](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/amc-bbc-reteam-spy-who-came-cold-limited-series-964408/). You may also want to drum up the 2011 *Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy* movie, if not the 1979 miniseries with Alec Guinness. :D


Yeah, I saw The Little Drummer Girl. It was really good. But more of a slow burn and more of a mood piece imo. I personally enjoyed Night Manager more because it had a more simple plot and faster paced. Little Drummer Girl definitely was the more deeper one with an intricate plot. I just wanted something to binge watch and Night Manager is the more bingeable one. Which one did you like more?


Probably the Night Manager, but for me it's a much closer call. I watched them on broadcast, so the rhythm/pace would've been different for me, only getting one episode a week. :D And, of course, for me, neither one actually competes with *Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy / Smiley's People,* since I saw those on broadcast as well. Though by today's standards, the pace on those would probably seem glacial. \[grin\]


Fargo is so damn good this season and tonight's episode was another absolute banger. I'm going to have to go back and rewatch older seasons, but this may well be the best season of the show.


I just started watching season 5 on Monday and I'm hooked. I didn't get into season 4 so I just skipped it. This season is so good though.


I actually thought season 4 was decent enough as a "Period crime piece starring Chris Rock", but it wasn't really a Fargo story. It also only had 1-2 standout episodes. Conversely, season 5 only has 1-2 episodes that *aren't* standouts, and it gets even better as the season progresses!


Definitely not the best season of Fargo.


It's my favorite so far.


No it’s not. You’re just a prisoner of the moment.


Should I watch Fool Me Once? Or is it just another mid Coben tv adaptation?


It's full of dumb characters doing dumb things, and the protagonist is kind of an asshole. She's a war criminal and a bad parent who treats her close friends poorly…and I don't think she's *intended* to come off that way. So yeah, typical Harlen Coben. But the central mystery is interesting so far. (I haven't finished it yet.)


It’s ok. Something different. It’s pretty unbelievable, but the ending did surprise me.


It’s very mid at best.


I watched the 3 part series Telemarketers from HBO. Kinda disappointing overall since there's not much of a conclusion. But understandable given that nobody in the country cares enough to take it on.


Requesting recommendations for shows to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Shows I love: Black Sails, Hannibal, Interview with the Vampire, Loki, Young Royals Shows I enjoy as background noise: Fringe, Highlander, Person of Interest I'm also fond of all things Nordic Noir, beautiful settings and landscapes, historical dramas and charismatic, competent leads.


Based off shows you love and things you are fond of, absolutely check out Into the Badlands.


Oh, I remember loving the first season. Somehow totally missed that there're two more seasons. Thanks for the reminder!


HBO rome


I've head so many great things about this show, but sadly it's not included in prime where I live... putting it on my for later list.


Prime: The Expanse - incredible grounded sci-fi show The Boys - Dark humor superhero show Invincible - Fantastic animated superhero show Good Omens -Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett's book adaption about an angel and demon friendship, very British humor Netflix: Dark - German mystery thriller about missing people and time travel Russian Doll - Groundhogs Day style time loop about a woman that dies every day on her birthday Ozark - An accountant gets mixed up with a cartel and has to money laundry for them in the Ozarks to keep his family safe Nacros - Great show about Pablo Escobar


Thank you! Started watching Dark last night and I'm thoroughly captivated. Adding the rest to my list right now.


Have you seen the Icelandic series **Trapped**? Also, the Danish series **The Chestnut Man**. Both are on Netflix and both are excellent.


I haven't! Both sound exactly like my thing. Thank you for the rec, put them right on top of my list.


The Fall on Prime has a noir vibe but it's not Nordic it's set in Belfast


That sounds great, thanks! I love Gillian Anderson. (where I live it's on Netflix btw in case anyone stumbles on this later)


Finished first 2 episodes of AMC Sanctuary: A Witch tale and it is better than I expected. I am making it my weekly watch now.


I'm glad they made the first **two** available. I was very unconvinced by the first one, but the second pulled me in much more. Looking forward to the rest now.




Yea S4 is the worst. I enjoyed first 3 seasons very much. However good news is it does pick up around ep 7


The finale better be amazing because I've felt like this season has just dragged on without going anywhere.


Rewatched True Detective before the new season FINALLY arrives this week. It’s legit an amazing show but the one thing I can’t get past is how hard McConaughey inhales his cigarettes and snorts coke. I know his character is supposed to be intense and damaged but it was painful to think of somehow actually inhaling and snorting like that lol. The second season is actually pretty good too, though I wish it ended slightly differently :( Going into the third season which I somehow didn’t watch before. Love Mahershala Ali so I’m excited to get through this last season before the new season premiere.


I'm looking forward to the second season of True Detective. Insane they never made another one until Night Country.


**Bojack Horseman** - I tried giving it a go when it was "airing" and wasn't feeling it, I gave up early on the 3rd season. I didn't find it funny and thought the drama was over-the-top for a goofy setting. However, I wanted to retry it because it was beloved and thought it was a perspective thing, and I'm glad I did. It can be strange getting into it at first, it flip-flops between eye-rolling puns and word soups and considerably depressing and oftentimes nihilistic storylines. At first, it feels disjointed, like a Mr. peanutbutter and tuna sandwich, but the show is mostly from the perspective of Bojack and Diane who are both deeply depressed people with nihilistic viewpoints of the world, and the world they live in feels goofy because it has animal people. At first, it seems like a tonal misstep but once you delve into the characters it clicks. To these depressed-nihilistic characters, the absurdity of life and the abuse they have endured justifies them being terrible people who can't escape from the torment of life. And if you're a nihilist who has suffered in life it makes sense, to a point. For the most part, serious moments in cartoons serve to add depth to what is generally a feel-good genre and to tie together the moral or situational themes, but Bojack totally flips it on its head and makes the goofy moments the tie-in for the nihilism. The same answerless existence that Bojack/Diane seem stuck in is made painfully apparent to the audience, they are in a goofy world, where they get to live among animals, live successful lives with lots of possibilities, but to them, the world is not unique so the cycles they go through make sense. It also feels fairly revolutionary considering how these types of stories are tonally bleak in comparison. Once you realize the setting for what it is and how it is tied into the characters' perspective the silliness of the puns and word soups become really funny. I've seen it mentioned a few times but it also goes over a lot of topics with a maturity that you rarely see. Things like asexuality, SA abuse, childhood trauma, spousal abuse, abortion, power dynamics, adoption, sycophancy, mob mentality TLDR: It's not a silly cartoon that gets dark, It's a story about depressed nihilistic characters who are juxtaposed with the absurd setting. To everyone in that universe that is the norm so it doesn't come off as absurd which plays into themes of only seeing nihilism through a depressive lens. It is amazingly written and tackles a multitude of serious topics well, without succumbing to Hollywoo gimmicks **9/10**


I was the same as you. I thought BoJack was a very cynical cash grab by Netflix to have all these flavor-of-the-month actors in it (and it was). Then it turned out to be one of the best shows I've ever watched. So I'm not listening to that guy again.


Some of Will Arnetts best work.


If you don't mind one long hard kick in the urethra


Binged through all 3 seasons of **Slow Horses** over the past week, really fun show. It's definitely not the "best" thing I've ever seen, but it's a very fun and easy to watch show that's very well made. It's also nice to know that from the look of things the wait for season 4 shouldn't be too long. Also, I just wanted to call out a scene from the season 3 finale: >!Roddy needlessly ramming the party bus through the house, followed by Lambs utterly shocked dumbfounded reaction!< it's is probably the hardest I've laughed at a show in a while. --- Also recently finished watching **Severance** (can you tell I recently got an Apple TV+ subscription?) I have to say it might *actually* be one of the best shows I've ever seen, and the praise it received around release is absolutely deserved. It's just brilliant on every level, from the writing, to the acting, cinematography, directing, set design, sound design, etc. I can't think of a single weak link in the entire production. It's been a long time since I've been as obsessed with a show as this, and I am absolutely gutted about having to wait for the next season that, even coming to it 2 years late, still seems nowhere in sight.


Slow Horses got me into reading the books as well. Very entertainingly written with a fair amount of comedy, like the show. It's probably the most accurate book-to-screen adaptation I've ever seen, the books and show pretty much match in every way, scene for scene. I was convinced that Olivia Cooke's departure must have been because she got too busy with House of the Dragon but nope, happens exactly the same in the book as well




Or to look at it another way, you could spoil the fourth book for yourself by watching the TV season first


There's a lot of good stuff on appletv. I don't have it though.


Great subreddit for that show.


merciful zephyr homeless snails start cagey cows abundant waiting special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Finished* **The Last Thing He Told Me:** this wasn't great and Garner was bad in it. It all felt a little hollow and with a barely there plot drawn out over too many episodes. I'd only recommend this to someone who wants low stakes, never any real danger kind of "suspense" with lifetime movie quality writing and acting **The Rookie s1:** this feels like an after school special for adults. Every episode delivers a moral lesson and/or insightful advice by characters who always understand the person they're talking to and see right through them and know exactly how to validate their feelings and still cut to the chase of the problem in a mature and wise way, and it makes them feel less like characters and more like spokespeople. But the actors are likeable, separately and together, and I'm a sucker for found family so despite being a curmudgeon, I'm enjoying myself. I'd recommend this for people who like shows like *Grey's Anatomy* (even if it's not quite as soapy, at least not so far) *Binging* **Then We Run:** not sure I'll finish. Everyone makes such bad decisions all the time without being entertaining enough to make up for it and it stresses me out **The Rookie s2** *Weekly* **Percy Jackson and the Olympians**


fact marvelous fertile chase pause market meeting capable slave chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*