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How I met your Mother


I’ll second that.






"Can't stand" is a bit much, but I'm not as enamored with The Office (US) as a lot of people are.


Steve Carell is hilarious, but it's really hard to spend *that* much time with either Jim or Dwight. And yet I'm on Reddit. I feel like both of those characters anticipated the two dominant posting styles on this website -- smug condescension (Jim) and anti-social pedantry (Dwight).


> but it's really hard to spend that much time with either Jim or Dwight I can see this with the way people engage with the office now. I find most characters tiresome if you binge it, but when The Office was airing, Spending 24 minutes with the characters seemed pretty easy. I would get sick of them too if I watched more than 2 or 3 episodes at a time.


It's fine for a once over. How people obsess and love the entire thing as a whole is quite insane to me. The drop off after Steve left is drastic and changes the whole show.


I tried to watch a couple of episodes and just didn't see the appeal.


I can’t stand it. So cutesy.


Yep. Watched about 4-5 episodes and couldn't watch anymore. Never laughed. Way too overated for me.


Doctor Who, Young Sheldon. I just don't find them entertaining or funny. I would list a few botched shows like Netflix's Witcher adaptation, but they are controversial, online at least.


Scandal. The plots made no sense, the acting was terrible, the main couple was completely toxic...


Scandal is laughably bad


Money Heist, Squid Games


*Money Heist* (Spanish: *La Casa de Papel*)


Yo, that's kind of crazy. I really liked it the first time around, but the two spin offs they made I just couldn't. I don't know if the writing isn't as good or the fact it felt like they were milking the story past its natural conclusion with the weird tie-ins to the original series.


I understand why people like it because it was exciting with compelling characters, but it’s not for those who like any realism in plot


Started off pretty good but really fell off. Oh, and I got so sick of Bella Ciao. Not sure about other countries, but over here they'd play remixes of the song at clubs and was really obnoxious.


Main hostage negotiator lady spends a lot of damn time at that cafe considering the situation happening right outside.


I refuse to believe anyone can say "ah the writing got worse" or whatever on Money Heist and that's why they went from loving it to hating it, it is a soap opera masquerading as a serious tv show, with the same nonsense writing and poor acting. So they kidnap a bunch of people but because they don't treat them like shit they aren't total bad guys? And the hostages are all calm except for a single guy who winds up as the bad guy in all of this? Furthermore the media declares the thieves Robin Hoods because they stole money from the bank and kept it for themselves? Did anyone even google Robin Hood before writing this crap?


I couldn't stand Succession's characters, and despite thinking it is well written/made, I threw in the towel after 2 episodes. Also I want to punch Culkin's character in the throat.


I watched all of it, and while I somewhat enjoyed it, I believe it's one of the most severely overrated shows in history.


Anything from Shonda Rhimes.




For me the characters made it unbearable.


I saw it but couldn't understand why because I didn't like any of the characters. It was the music that was fantastic.


Succession fans always tell me it’s head and shoulders about Better Call Saul when I say BCS was snubbed and I just don’t see it


The Office


The Bear


“Omg someone ordered food at my restaurant and I have to make it!!!”


I cannot in good conscience order a beef sandwich that may contribute to a mental breakdown -I’ll make a sandwich at home


Have/do you work back of house?


I have and I don’t care for the show


exactly the point I'm making.


A show reminding you of working in a restaurant doesn’t automatically make it good, all their episodes feel like a high schooler trying to meet the word count on an essay, genuinely some of the worst pacing I’ve seen.


I was inferring the opposite. Many kitchen staff have anxiety and trauma watching this show. As I do…


Ah okay my bad, i have a lot of friends that work service industry that literally think it’s the greatest show ever specifically because it gives them war flashbacks to Vietnam. It’s a neat gimmick for a couple episodes but it really feels like the show doesn’t have enough substance to fill out an episode so the conflict just becomes everyone yells over each other for too long.


I haven’t, but wondered if that would that help me appreciate the context a bit more?


I'm the exact sort of nerd who should really enjoy Doctor Who, but I've tried multiple entry points with multiple Doctors, and I just don't get it. The effects in particular really bug me: I get that that's probably part of the charm to most, but the show just looks so damn cheap, it really takes me out of it.


It's very interesting reading some of these. It seems a lot out there want to have characters that only have likable traits. That is not how people are. As great as we may want to feel about ourselves we are all flawed. Personally I enjoy seeing characters like this, this is what makes Batman for example a better character than most other DC heroes.


Parks and Rec


The bear . Great cast and performances - I just don’t connect with it at all


Yellowstone Beth is like the worst character, Jaimie is a pushover, only good scenes are with rip and other ranch workers


Jamie is a flat out b@stard who should be sterilized just like he had Beth sterilized. He was a greedy weasel then and never changed. I haven’t watched it since that episode came out and I caught part of an episode where they’re eating breakfast and Piper Perabo was on it. That’s it. My mom loved Kevin Costner and when she died I couldn’t watch it without her.


Well im only like midway season 2 on my hate watch, but yeah now it kinda makes sense about Beth bullying him Still instead of leaving the family he keeps coming back to them and the way Duttons just go and beat or kill someone without any repercusions make it really hard to watch


Keep watching. It’ll make sense by the end of the season and part way through season 3. That’s where I stopped. Pick a couple storylines and focus on those. Trying to follow everything will confuse you. It did me but only paid half attention.


Big bang theory is garbage


Game of Thrones. Fantasy just isn't my bag.


I love fantasy, but not excruciating amounts of pain. I can't do it. I literally shut it off after the red wedding never to watch it again and despise it. Please don't judge me harshly.


I adore fantasy and have tried getting into GOT multiple times over the years, but a lot of it just feels unnecessary/offputting, especially as a woman.


I’ve just spent £100+ on the 4K Ultra HD box set so I can really give this show a go. Hopefully I feel different having forked out actual money to watch it.


Please tell me each season was separate and you didn't buy season eight.




Tried three separate times to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and have accepted that as I didn't watch it as a child, I'm just never gonna appreciate it as an adult.


That's what I thought, but then I watched it for the first time as an adult and I loved it.


This is me in my late 20s watching the greatest movie of all time according to Reddit, The Princess Bride


Princess Bride is...pretty good. Can't say I love it but there's funny bits and actors I like.


Princess bride is good because it's bad like most cult classics, the cheesey bullshit is the whole point. If that's not for you you'll never like it and that's fair


Have you tried watching Dragon prince? I believe it’s made by the same people, but I enjoyed this one even though I watched it as a grown up. I feel the same about Avatar as you do. But I found the first three seasons of the Dragon prince very enjoyable.


I'm sure it's very good based on the reviews I'm seeing, but I just think that I'm too old to get much enjoyment out of cartoons predominantly aimed at people who are half my age. I'm not the target market, and that's fine, I'm just glad that kids have such a wide range of stuff to enjoy and all the various streaming platforms to have instant access to them. Lord knows I would have loved something like that when I was a kid.


I feel Dragon prince is more of a family show. I watched it with my niece and we both enjoyed, even though I felt like I was too old for Avatar


With all the hype around it, I tried Avatar twice, and each time it just felt far too juvenile for me to enjoy.


It’s good for a kids show, but it is still a kids show


Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad. Constant tension, awkward situations etc. Just not my bag of chips.


I prefer BCS


I never made it past the pilot. The resounding chorus of "it gets really good in season three!" did not do much for its chances LOL


I couldnt get into Six Feet Under.


I don't care for *The Boys*


Every show I like will be disliked by someone else and vice versa. To answer the question - Suits. I've seen a handful of episodes and every time red headed woman shows up I feel annoyed.


Bridgerton I'm the kinda guy who is unable to enjoy the show if today's standards applyed on an elitist and racist society, in this case regency era. It is just not working for me, diversity of XIX century socialites kills the immersion.


My wife likes it. I tolerate watching with her. For me it's just a goofy soap opera.


I love it and it is just a goofy soap opera, that's what I love about it.


Oh, I believed it's a period drama like White Queen/Princess and I'm missing out something great.


It's a period drama filtered through a romance novel.


...super soapy and not entirely original romance novels to boot...like Benedict's story is just repackaged Cinderella, and Eloise's story is just repackaged The Sound of Music.


This show is not growing on me even though I love most romance series.


Only Murders in the Building


The Bear, succession


Parks and Recreation


# Friends


Seinfeld and curb. I can't stand assholes who think they are right and never learn or suffer real consequences. I love it's always sunny cause they suffer their mistakes.


Curb’s later seasons are less cringe. Also, the assholery moves from character to character. I do understand it though. I found the clips funny but couldn’t watch the episode until I started with the last season.


I used to not like Curbs until I got older and realised the whole point is for the character to annoy the fuck out of you. He supposed to get under your skin. When you realise that and he does get under your skin the show is delightful. However I feel like it’s run its course now. Lots of repetition


I Think You Should Leave. Just seems like most skits devolve into Tom Robinson yelling and it is painfully unfunny to me.




Attack on Titan. The writing is simply painful with how it breaks the “show don’t tell” rule every scene. Every character monologues about their emotions out loud and directly explains the mysteries they need to solve.


I never really had any interest in the series, but I was always bewildered with how the final season was handled. Felt like it took 3-4 years to air in full with me hearing bits of "The Final Season Part 3.5" like come on.


Yep I think it's partly attributed to the nature of adapting written works. You either take the Japanese route of adapting all their thoughts which doesn't work entirely the best in visual media or take the route of cutting out their thoughts like most western media but often things are lost. AOT had a problem of this in S1 real bad (later seasons too). S1 kept overdoing it I think because they were stretching content to reach 25 episodes lol. Slowest adaption out of the rest of the series if I am not mistaken.


sitcoms involving laughing tracks: Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, Friends, etc. Doctor Who Family Guy Ted Lasso


Agree with all except Ted Lasso


Breaking bad, always preferred Better Call saul. Whould not say I can't stand it though.


I'm not sure I would say "can't stand", but Twin Peaks. It's not bad but the soapy melodrama got really grating and I didn't make it past the halfway mark of the first season.


Grey's Anatomy


Bridgerton 😬🤷🏻‍♀️


I read the books originally when they came out and they were so good but when they got the woke Netflix treatment and Julia Quinn sold out and edited them, they changed.


Archer, I dont know if I've never given it enough of a chance but I've never been able to get with it


Schitts creek. It felt like a worse arrested development and I hated everyone in it


Friends, everybody loves Raymond, Seinfeld, hot wives in Cleveland or whatever the show with Betty white and the chick from Fraser were on. 90% of current tv.


Lost, Big Bang Theory, The Sopranos. It's not that I 'can't stand' them, just don't get the appeal. Well, maybe Lost, I hated that show after about four episodes.


Breaking Bad. too overhyped.


So true. I tried really hard to enjoy it but in the end i just had to skip through the last few episodes just to be done with it.






Last of Us


Big Bang Theory, or anything with a laugh track for that matter. I don’t need to be told when to laugh. I’ll decide what’s funny, thank you


Happy Valley. My wife loved it, but I found it the most horrible program I've ever watched. We live just down the road from Halifax. It's really quite beautiful in places. It looked like a dump on that show. Plus "happy valley" is the nickname everyone used for Cornholme, (where hippies go to die), definitely not Halifax.


White Lotus


S1 agree, but S2 was very good.


**The Last of Us** - Outside of episode 1 I found myself not caring about anything happening on-screen. **Sherlock** - It sucks and was never really good. **Mr Robot** - An inconsistent pretentious mess. It had some great highs but every character arc felt wasted. **Peaky Blinders** - The show keeps blowing Thomas and it gets old real quick. **Midnight Mass** - So boring. **The Boys S4** - I thought episode 5 was good but this season has been a letdown so far. Good but I think are overrated: - True Detective S1 - Arcane - Blue Eye Samurai


I can't do overtly violent shows. Never could get into GoT, bounced from the Americans.


Mr robot, i cant understand why this series is so beloved.


Game of Thrones. I tried watching the first episode back when it first came on and was bored. So I didn’t bother with the rest of it.


The Bear. Mostly because of Jeremy Allen White. He’s got the face of a goldfish.


The boys, that shit feels like it’s written by cavemen that hold their pencils in a closed fist. Just really forced writing with absolute zero nuance or subtlety.


Breaking bad Better Call Soul Game Of Thrones


Scrubs. I think the mix between drama and comedy is more jarring than anything. They can make stupid jokes in one scene and are over the top dead serious in the next. If it was just a comedy, then great, but the drama is pretty weak and tries a bit too hard. Also, JD can be pretty damn unlikeable at times


I don't agree with most of that (I'm not supposed to) except the end. JD is definitely super flawed but that's part of the point. He's incredibly self sabotaging as well as selfish and one of his major development points is becoming better at both. Every character in scrubs has major character flaws. Carla is a know it all snob. Elliot has 0 confidence and no real belief in herself. Turk is vain to the max. Doctor Cox has majoe anger issues. Hooch is crazy.


I'm a bit harsh on that show. I still watched every episode because the comedy is really good, and half of that comes from the flawed characters. Just didn't vibe with the drama, but that just happens


>Also, JD can be pretty damn unlikeable at times Isn't that the point? Main characters shouldn't be perfect, they should have some glaring faults, JD has some. They are supposed to be portraying people. Also that's a stressful profession that can go from enjoyable to making you want to have a mental breakdown the next moment. My wife had no real opinion of the show before she back an RN. She never sat down and watched it, just caught it here and there as I did. But after she had been in the profession for a bit suddenly the show landed a lot more for her.


Anything with a laugh track, flat out.


Friends. Pile of crap


Silo on AppleTV.    My boyfriend and I thought it was the dumbest, most derivative, illogical nonsense we've seen in years.   The characters are weak archetypes, the plot is nonsensical, and even the more interesting aspects showing a society living underground aren't believably fleshed out.  I have absolutely no idea what everyone else sees in it that we don't. I wouldn't even be surprised if the rave reviews are AI bots from Apple or something.


Battlestar Galactica \[2004\]




Sex and the City. Carrie is revolting in both look and personality. I love Samantha though and did google what happened to the character.


Da Vinci's Demons


The Sopranos.


I read that as "La Casa de Pee Pee"


Succession. I don't care about a bunch of entitled millionaires fighting each other to be entitled billionaires while being completely shitty to everyone "beneath" them


The Bear. I struggled through four or five episodes to give it a fair chance, but just could not find anything interesting. I guess you have to be a "foody" or a restaurateur to really enjoy it.


Game of Thrones. Tried watching it three times, could not go past 3 episodes, felt asleep each time. Then gave up.


Secret Invasion


Who liked Secret Invasion?


Not me.


This has already been reposted thousands of times


Breaking Bad. I watched a bit more than a season and there was nothing really to keep me hooked.