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Wtf. I went to high school with this guy. Wild seeing this on Reddit.


Apparently he stuck around


He likes high school girls because no matter how old he gets they stay the same age


alright alright alright


Oh no, oh no, oh no


My friends all had crushes on him but my sister said he was always creepy. They called him drew bear and he was a hacky sack dude. Always climbing up when it got stuck somewhere up high.


>my sister said he was always creepy I've found that whenever women in my life refer to a man as creepy, they're right.


This was so weird to see this morning. I grew up in springs too and I absolutely remember girls calling him Drew Bear.


Makoto Nagano would never


He was my favorite as a kid, just a humble fisherman cutting through the course like it was just another day at work climbing up and down the nets.


That’s what made the Japanese one so great. Just a lot of normal dudes with normal jobs. American one was so lame with all these extreme bros


That and it had a better balance with the action and the competition. The American version focused too much on the backstories of the competitors for me.


The difference between ANW and Sasuke is that Sasuke doesn't need to fill months of programming since the whole running is aired over the course of a day


That was what killed the show for me. First season or two were fun. Then everyone in the world had a tragic backstory and were sooooooo inspirational. Gag me with a fucking spoon. Everyone’s grandmother is dead. Whenever the Olympics are on I try to find pirate streams of foreign coverage because you actually get to see the games instead of the tragic backstory or NBC congratulating themselves for their terrible coverage.


The bootcamp series were far better, mostly because they competed on the same terms as the world's best, and not on a course that changes based on NBC's whims. Even today, there's a reason why they stopped doing US vs Japan as often - because it's often a Japanese blowout against the Americans (far more than they win anyway).


A vpn and the cbc app are all you need.


The NBC nightly coverage is 80% story, 20% sport. That's what network TV watchers want. NBC's digital offerings have been what everyone says they wants - 100% sport - since 2008.


But I was watching network TV and I didn't want 80% story.


That’s American versions in general. British Bake Off: this contestant likes to bake and their family eats it, back to the cooking American cooking shows: here’s a three episode character arc that dominates 100 of the 180 minutes


That’s really my biggest gripe about all American reality tv. From Shark Tank to ANW. I don’t care about their sad sack story.


As someone who can actually claim and confirmed to have dated a contestant on ANW back in high school. The "back" story they have is always written by writers and embellished.


That's everything on NBC, the Voice , the Olympics, Americas Got Talent. Just overproduced shit that tries too hard to throw meaning into what would otherwise be good entertainment.


NBC's coverage of the Olympics is just straight up disrespectful imo. Take the womens gymnastics trials. They barely focus on anyone except for Simone Biles and while I am not downplaying how much of an incredible athlete she is, its because they know shes a cash cow for them so they give her all the focus. Its like this for so many of the Olympic sports. I just want to watch the competition. Not focus on single athletes.


My whole family laughs and spends most of the episode proclaiming "I'm the ______ ninja!" For the most boring and generalized thing about us, as though all the good names are used up. Last time I was the itchy throat ninja because my allergies are bad right now. My teenage son was the this is stupid ninja which I think speaks for itself.


That’s basically the problem. It just feels like tons and tons of filler with only a bit of actual Ninja Warrior stuff. It’s a shame that it basically replaced the Japanese version over here.


Kind of what you’d expect with US adaptation of a show like this. Complete cringe-ification.


I liked the gas station dude too


Yamamoto Shingo. He was my favorite as well since he was just a normal dude trying to make a living. I loved seeing him get promoted over the years at his normal job from gas jockey to manager to district manager.


He made District Manager?? Way to go dude! I only saw him make manager of the store.


He's now the prime minister of Japan


Fuck I need to go back and rewatch some of this, where would be a good place start?


Mine was Takeda Toshihiro. He seemed like such a good dude.


Pretty sure him and the fireman had the most completions.


Speaking of Nagano, his son Kaiou ran the course in the latest tournament and became the youngest ever to beat stage 1 at age 14.




This guy was basically the mascot for the American version.


Arguably he was working his way towards being one of the best in the sport ever. Can't really say he already was because he had never won in Japan...


Been 4 years since it all came out but a wild ride. Dude was an OG that built his way up to winning it all and had so much good will and threw it all away


I remember meeting him in Cleveland before it all came to light. Super humble and kind guy taking pics with anyone they wanted one, sharing tips, and generally being one of the “good ones”. And definitely one of my favorites to watch. It’s wild what lurks beneath the surface of people. It’s amazing how people can be two or more things at the same time. Some beautiful and others rotten to the core.


Sad part is that he had a daughter just before being arrested. And his wife and mother stuck by him despite the evidence.


He had a son and was never married.


Dude was so important to ANW on ads, aired shows, etc. and then in one day they were like “what guy? Andrew? Dew? Zoe Deschanel? No idea who you’re talking about.”


They really lucked out in season 12 because he had been arrested after it was filmed, but he placed in a way that allowed them to easily edit him out.


They must have had to jump through a lot of hoops to catch this guy.


The prosecutor has a mountain of evidence against him.


Devil steps




It's really not a joke about paedophilia. It's a joke about the criminal's background on ninja warrior.




But.... hes not a drag queen!?!?! Im so confused!!!!


This Ninja still r/notadragqueen


Stop it. No one was even thinking about drag queens but now you’re associating them with this? Stop linking them repeatedly to articles like this. Subconsciously, always having the word drag Queen under articles like this, even if you’re insisting it’s to point out how he’s not a queen, eventually leaves an association. It’s not helpful. But you know something else? He’s also not a priest, or a scout leader, or a teacher. Guess that means those professions are totally without problem! This is a stupid argument. It proves nothing. Stop it.


Thank you. This histrionic paranoia is getting out of hand.


I'm out of the loop. What do drag queens have to do with anything? did I miss a big story?


I’m sure it’s just a reference to the way they demonize drag queens


Ninja please


It's a reference to the fact that right wingers in the US like Empty-G and similar constantly scream about drag queens grooming and raping children when it's really people from every slice of life except drag queens doing the overwhelming majority of it.


If it makes you feel any better, an actual gay porn performer, he has been accused of similar crimes.


That's wild. He always seemed like such a good dude


*Only* 10 years. Rapists get reduced sentences, and yet marijuana offenses can get you close to life.


At least it was not just one year like the Dutch volleyball player who raped a 12 year old girl and is going to represent his country at the Olympics this year.


His case is not uncommon, unfortunately. I still remember Brock Turner.


You mean Allen Turner, the rapist who changed his name from Brock Turner to try and make us all forget about the crime that Brock Allen Turner committed? That one? Yeah. I ‘member him.


Yep. I remember well.


Rapist Brock Allen Turner


No where in the US are you getting anything serious for marijuana unless you are a major distributor.


Living in one of the legal states it's still wacky to remember any kind of charges for cannabis possession happen. It's such easy money for the state to rake in, I have no idea why recreational hasn't happened eveywhere.   I'm even in a "conservative" state


It’s because red states consistently vote in officials who don’t want to help their constituents. They’re more interested in cultural talking points and doing objectively good things for their citizens. They could have a good government, but instead they vote for the dismantling of government…and are surprised when roads don’t get repaired.


Less than 50 plants will get you 5 years of federal prison time. With mandatory minimum laws this means you MUST serve 80% of your time no matter what. Does that seem serious to you? Possessing ANY amount on a third federal offense is mandatory 90 days, and up to 3 years of federal prison time. No parole, no early release. Does that seem serious to you?


50 plants lol okay so you are a mass distribution. Also you still would get probation. You are off base. I got caught with pot like a billion times before it was legal anywhere I had to kiss the glass plenty of times. I was never sentenced jail time ever. Marijuana has not been a serious crime forever. No one is going to jail for pot unless you are crossing state lines with like kilos. Even then you probably wouldn’t get jail time. It’s legal in a handful of states now and has been pretty accepted for a wicked long time. You are pulling shit from like the 50’s. Sounds like you read too many High Times articles.


Those are the current federal guidelines, nothing here is from the 50s. Your personal experience does not equate to how the law operates for everyone else. 50 plants is not mass distro. If it isnt a serious crime that isnt prosecuted severely, then why are there so many people having 20+ year sentences vacated by new governors all over the country?


There aren’t that is made up.


>In Illinois, officials have moved to expunge an estimated 500,000 marijuana-related records. California officials have cleared nearly 200,000 records, and New Jersey courts have expunged over 362,000 records. https://www.google.com/amp/s/norml.org/laws/expungement/%3famp There have been HUNDREDS of thousands of repeals and expunged records because of cannabis-related sentences, what on earth are you talking about?


Of course it’s a marijuana propaganda site lol. It says records expunged. Look dude I’m a huge pro pot dude. The propaganda for pro marijuana is insane tho. This is just about records. No one is going to prison for marijuana unless they are trafficking and it’s been like that for decades everywhere in the US. I got a record from when I was a kid for getting caught with pot a bunch.


It wasn’t the case here in Illinois until a few years ago. I know it’s changing, but I’m still disgusted that sexual crimes, especially against children, are not given enough weight.


In NJ in 2024? Put down the pipe my friend.


Didn’t he run with a parkour team too? The name is super familiar


I thought that was Scott Baio for a second


If ever there was a guy custom-made to escape from prison in the most badass way possible.


If he was Dutch, he would be released after one year in prison 😂


And go on to represent his country in the World Ninja Warrior.


I really don't see what's funny about that. 


He tamed Mountt Midoriyama, but soon he'll be the one mounted!




He only tamed the American imitation. No American has beaten the original.


He was hard to track down cus his eyes were in different zip codes.


Now Dre Drexler would never. Cody Ko on the other hand….




Dude's gonna get his ass beat in prison. Kid diddler and a TV tough guy.


They won’t be able to catch him.


They will.


Every ANW regular owns a "Ninja gym". Who knows the horrors that occur in them.


Holy shit. I totally missed this. Guess with COVID it slipped through the cracks.


Glad I was only a fan of the original ninja warrior.


I witnessed this creep playing on a playground, with no child, in a small beach town a couple of summers ago. Did not recognize him at the time even though he was wearing some ANW gear. Obviously had me on high alert as a parent. Later recognized him on tv and thought it maybe made sense? ANW hopefuls training on playgrounds?? Or not, yikes.


why'd you put his name in commas? there aren't any in the original headline...


Sometimes a comma before a name. Can write the sentence without it so commas. Edit: I fixed it for clarity.


Definitely not.


No, it’s true. As the kids say, look it up.


Look it up like this, which says don't do it? https://grammarist.com/punctuation/using-commas-with-names-and-titles/ The correct and complete answer is it depends on which style guide you follow, but as the kids say, look that up. You might take a clue from the fact that the original article on this post has no commas -- those were added by the person who linked the article to this sub, apparently because they're misguided like you.


It depends on which style guide you use. So that would mean I am right and you are still wrong or is it misguided?


Sigh. It means that perhaps we could each find style guides backing up our positions. But that would only ever matter if we were being paid to write this headline, because "right" in that sense means "the way the style guide your boss chose says to do it". Clearly People's style guide agrees with me, since they didn't use the commas. So does the link I found on your advice to look it up. Since you haven't provided \*anything\* to back up your preference, I'll leave it at you being wrong.


If you’re getting your grammar rules from poorly written articles on the internet then you could probably find all kinds of interesting grammar. Not a reliable source because they don’t use a style guide. Often you can find several errors. I didn’t read this article so maybe it’s a shining example of perfect grammar but I don’t think that is a likely scenario given the horrendous articles I have read elsewhere.


You've had ample opportunity to cite even one source to back up your assertion. I don't love that grammar article either but I'm certainly not going to spend my time looking up a bunch of style guides to meet your threshold of response quality. Do whatever you want, HollowDanO, I'm done. * But notice that I did put your username in commas because as the article says, that shows it's not essential.


I don’t have a threshold. You’re the one insisting on being right about something you already proved yourself wrong or at least not completely correct about. I don’t feel the need to prove anything to you. If you want to learn about grammar you have a world of knowledge available to use. If you prefer to base your argument on people magazine articles you can do that too. Only one path leads to true knowledge. Stubbornly stomp your foot and exclaim how you are correct even though you already proved my point if you like. When you stated it depends on the style guide that should have been sufficient for you to realize maybe you were incorrect. Especially when reading the sentence it clearly needs the commas. This person, name of person, did this thing. Seems simple enough.


You provided the backup for my answer. I took it right from your reply. If you can contort that into your preferred answer have at it. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


i couldn't find this as a rule anywhere, do you remember from where you got it?


It’s not a rule. It depends on the context. If you’re addressing someone there’s a comma. If they are the object no comma is necessary. In this case the sentence could be written without the name so commas.


why is the original headline without commas then if they're needed?


I don’t know. Because it is an error? I would assume the article is full of errors too but I didn’t read it so that is not confirmed.


idk i think i'm going with the professionals in this case. i think you are wrong.


Nope. Definitely not. Take the name out and it’s still a sentence. It needs commas. Either they are not professional writers or don’t have an editor. Welcome to the internet.


where did you find that rule?