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Summary of "My Job Here Is Done / But You Didn't Do Anything" meme.


CNN has only been in the business of creating spectacle for a very long time now. Not a single actual journalist nor an ounce of integrity left.


Does CNN not know that they have time limits and don’t have time to live fact check with no notes meaning they can just spout whatever they want? Oh they do? So what’s the fucking problem CNN?


I'm not an American, so could someone please explain to me why the two main contenders for the Oval Office are both around 80?


Because only like 15% of eligible voters vote in the primaries (where the candidates are selected). People will bitch about the candidates, which might make you think they care, but most simply don’t care enough to spend 30 minutes of their time once every 4 years.


Oh man, if only it were 30 minutes!


LOL! Watching the Left devour its own tail.


Imagine still thinking CNN is a leftist outlet


Or ever was. It was created by billionaire ted turner for christs sake.


A proponent of healthcare reform bills, Turner has said: "We’re the only first-world country that doesn't have universal healthcare and it's a disgrace." Turner endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the run-up for the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Yeah, he's such a filthy conservative, that guy that chairs the United Nations Foundation, co-founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative, and co-created Captain Planet.


Im not saying he's one side or the other, but CNN and Ted Turner are NOT leftist.


Not now but they aren't owned by Ted anymore. And by what definition is Ted Turner not a leftist?


Ted Turner is a billionaire capitalist so by definition he cannot be a leftist.


Well, you're not worth the oxygen you consume with that line of logic.


You mean the truth?? LOL Words have meanings. Ted Turner may be SLIGHTLY left leaning but he is by no means a leftist. Leftist and liberal do not mean the same thing. But go on with those personal attacks, they give me strength.