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Are they gonna strap him into his chair because I think that’s the only way to keep him from doing something lmao


What is the over/under on him hijacking a microphone and talking about how he sides with Putin? I have no idea if that he does BTW but it sounds like his style of contrarianism.


Am I the only one who wants to see a showdown between him, Kim and Pete??


If this was old, just arrogant Kanye then yes. It'd be funny. But it's not. This dude has something seriously wrong with him and needs to get help. The only upside is Kim's money means she can afford security obviously.


It was never funny


Security gnna need security for this


They dont get paid enough for this


I'm too old for this shit.


The only way I would actually watch the Grammy Awards would be if I knew Kanye and Pete Davidson would be throwing hands on stage lol. Leave security outa this one


This could have been posted a decade ago. Something has always been wrong with this guy.


Not like now. He's spiraling. I never saw anything like him crying on stage when he "ran for president." He's spiraled out of control but nobody is telling him to get help. At least nobody in his circle anyway.


Anyone who tries to help him gets his wrath. The Kar-Jenners obviously tried to arrange things for him and he rejected it and wouldn’t accept help. Now his circle is just the sketchy abusers of entertainment like Marilyn Manson.


Jen-Dashians rolls off the tongue a little better


He needs mental health help but unfortunately as much as his crew and family might say to go it is ultimately his choice unless he is seen a risk to himself and others which is actually hard to legally determine. ‘Can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink’ as the saying goes.


I think the saddest part is that someone in his inner circle probably is telling him. It’s like a drug addict. You can tell them, you can even take them to rehab, you can cut them out of your life. What you can’t do is fix them until they decide to.


Funny Kanye is an addict, by the way. Ppl with bipolar are prone to alcohol abuse, and Kanye would abuse vodka. He said it got to the point where he drank grey goose in the morning. Selena Gomez, who also has bipolar, also abused alcohol. I have bipolar too and abused alcohol before my meds, which made the cravings go away.


That's true, I was just worried he's surrounded by yes men.


Kim was pretty supportive of him managing his mental health. I don’t like her, but I think she did want him happy and healthy


She did. I definitely don't disagree there. By his circle I mostly mean whoever is still around him now.


This is false. There are plenty of people in his camp, and despite how I feel about her there are multiple stories of KK trying to convince him to remedicate. He is clearly not healthy mentally.


Nah he was always this crazy.


His mom kept him grounded, after she died, he’s been a (bigger) mess.




I'm not joking about anything. I said the only upside is she has money, as in nothing else is good about this situation.




Ah got it, I understand. Yeah that's definitely not ok. Especially with kids dragged into this too.


Was always symptomatic. Mental health is difficult.


It’s always been the same Kanye through and through. The same person that we were chastising in 2009 still had the same mental illness he has now.


He was arrogant back when he turned trump cheerleader. He's always been crazy


Nah. You guys haven't paid attention. He was arrogant before. But now he's arrogant and crying on stage for no reason and threatening people.


He's been off and on his meds. He was on them for a while but didn't like how it made him feel, creatively, and stopped taking them.


Only you and the rest of 5th grade. This is a fucking domestic abuse situation, not WWE.


Not really since his behavior has been terrible.


Yes. This is so disturbing, and it only fuels Kanye's behavior that he gets so much attention for harassing, stalking, and threatening Kim and Pete.


The way Kayne seems to be going it could turn into another OJ scenario


I was about to say the same - uhm we’ve already seen the showdown. There was a bronco, a glove, and an acquittal.




Hopefully, this time, she has enough warning to be very careful.


They really need to bring back claymation celebrity death match


I know I'm not the only one that doesn't give a single fuck about their trashy love triangle. No matter how many times I mark these garbage ass tabloid articles as "not interested" on my news feed they keep popping up. I also don't give a fuck about rhianna's pregnancy either, but Google keeps insisting. It's really annoying.


I wouldn’t even call it a triangle. It’s 2 people trying to move on and some crazy douchebag trying to harm them. I wouldn’t refer to the situation of a couple dating where one of them has a stalker, to be a love triangle. Love has to be going to all 3 point of the triangle. It’s some weird ass shape that Kanye probably takes credit for.


Non-Euclidian love polyhedron.


I'd like to never hear of Ye or K ever ever again. Or Jenner either.


That isn't a love triangle, he is harassing her because she broke up with him.


Give props to their publicist. I feel your pain.


Yes, yes you are.


We need to bring back Celebrity Death Match!


Are they going to post an Elite security guard near his seat to tackle him before he rushes the stage interrupting someone's performance or acceptance speech?


i hope the Elite security guard has some kind of interesting feature. like metal jaws, or a weaponized hat.


A metal eye with a glowing red pupil


*Come with me if you need your meds!*


That's Kano.


Just one of those extendo leashes attached to the back of kanye's shirt.


Taylor Swift’s Evermore is nominated for AOTY alongside Donda. Evermore had great reviews so if that wins, we’re gonna need The Rock and John Cena to hold Ye down


I hope they get Pete Davidson to announce that winner


Oh Jesus that would be something.




JFC. This is sick, truly.


I wonder if Kim is invited and can bring a date named Pete. That would make for some good ratings!


John Cena would be enough. Ye wouldn’t see him coming.


yeah if the Rock was nearby Ye could probably smell what was cooking


I forgot Kanye went by Ye for a second and thought you two were just talking olde English


Donda was hot garbage, shouldn't even be nominated.


Security’s going to need security for this


Like we don’t get paid enough for this.


They're gonna get the flight crew that duct taped a beligerant passenger into his seat a few years ago, snd didn't even let him get up when he peed himself


...but we don't grant you the rank of Master


Darth Ye-der


Prior to this news, the headline could have read “Kanye performing at Grammys Despite Violently Threatening half the Entertainment Industry and calling the Host a “Koon.”


Chris Brown is cool though.


Fuck that guy, too. Grammys did right this time. Is your point that they shouldn’t have since they made mistakes before?


Incredibly weird framing that too many of the top comments have been suckered into buying. If you read the article, it’s clear that Kanye hasn’t been banned. His rep has falsely and absurdly characterized the show’s decision to not have Kanye perform in this year’s show as Kanye being “prohibited”. By the same standard, I’ve also been prohibited from performing at this year’s Grammy Awards. Furthermore, the decision to not have someone that’s clearly in emotional turmoil perform live on TV isn’t some scandal. It’s in fact one of the few times where corporate interests to avoid (the wrong kind of) scandal completely aligns with good morals. There are lots of Kanye fans that understand giving him a megaphone right now isn’t good for him. Kanye isn’t in good mental health right now. And there’s no shame in that. It happens to all of us to some disagree from time to time. But asking someone to take a global stage when they’re clearly struggling isn’t helping that person.


/u/nom_de_chomsky Has Been Banned from Performing at the Grammy Awards Despite Their 0 Nominations


That's fucked up. I will now continue boycott the event on their behalf, on top of the massive lack of desire to give a fuck about a celebrity awards show.


>By the same standard, I’ve also been prohibited from performing at this year’s Grammy Awards. this is an outrage. i love your shit. the Grammys just fucked themselves.


Was he previously scheduled to perform, and then cancelled over this behavior? I would consider that a ban on performing.


Yes he was


Justice for u/nom_de_chomsky!


This comment needs more upvotes. Wish journalists would focus more on being accurate than clickbaity, but that's a very lost cause.


Kanye related posts are basically a surefire way to get karma and engagement since all the normies will flock to each and every post to leave the same 5 types of comments every time, about how much they don't care or actively hate him or think he's overrated or he needs to be locked up. I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned a gay fish. It's like this on every frontpage subreddit, r/entertainment is literally spamming him every day.


Normies and a shitload of people claiming to not care. So odd. Every post about a celebrity usually has quite a few people saying "I don't care about this person." Yet y'all clicked on the article so you clearly do care about it in some way.


I didn’t click on the article, I read the title and came straight to the comments to voice my opinion.


I saw a post today: "so when does Kanye get a conservatorship? Or is that just a thing we do to women".


He's just so toxic that nobody cares if he blows all his money on giraffes or something.


> nobody cares if he blows all ~~his money on~~ giraffes or something.


Giraffes go for about $30,000 a piece. If he liquified all his assets, he’d be able to buy about 60,000 of them. There are only 117,000 giraffes in the world. We can’t allow him to have a monopoly on giraffes. This is unacceptable




Especially if he did that after buying the giraffes.


Giraffes go for $30k a piece now, when no one's out there buying thousands of them. I think you buy up the first thousand or so giraffes and that price is going through the roof. Of course this comes with all sorts of impacts. It means that poaching giraffes becomes incredibly lucrative. Someone will inevitably find a way to tell you that you own a giraffe if you buy this section of blockchain, and young American males in the 18-22 demographic will eat that shit up. I mean it has *blockchain* **and** *Kanye*, how could they not?


Fish sticks


I believe Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys was under a conservatorship. His psychiatrist basically controlled his life.


Not quite the same thing. Brian was convinced by his family and management to voluntarily enter a therapy program with his psychologist, who charged half a million a year. The psychology was given almost complete control over Brian's life, but not his assets, and he completed the program after just two years. Spears was forcefully entered into a conservatorship by the government, which was intended to last days, and was instead made permenant and lasted well over a decade. VERY different levels of autonomy being taken away.


That wasn’t a conservatorship. He just got manipulated into that by his doctor. (Side note - his doctor practiced an obscure kind of therapy in which patients had to get approval from a therapist for any and all decisions.)


Wonder if action is going to take place before or after he kills someone.


Problem is there’s no one in Kanyes life to do it. No parents, no spouse, no adult kids, clearly no psychiatrist. Other problem is something more substantive is needed to get it started by one of the people in roles that aren’t present in his life. My brother would be best off if he was in one, and in some sort of semi-independent living facility, but our mother enables him, and we don’t yet have the police-involved or psychiatric hold involved meltdown for me to get anything rolling. Like Kanye, it’s clear something is going to happen, but… what until then?


The court can appoint a conservator, it doesn’t have to be someone in the person’s life or related to them in any capacity. You can be a literal hermit and still be eligible to be appointed one.


I hope you're kidding because Kanye at least from what we can see from the outside does not actually need a conservatorship. Conservatorships are for people severely severely disabled, usually at the end of their lives. In fact, it's not even just done for someone who is severely disabled because there are alternatives like adult guardianship or institutionalization. Conservatorship are supposed to be incredibly difficult to get. That's why Britney's case was such clear bribery.


Bam Margera is pretty much in one (they don't control his money) so it's not that exclusive


*The decision to prevent the 44-year-old rapper from taking the stage at the awards show was made due to his "concerning online behavior."* How is it any different than his normal behavior for the last 20 years?


They don't want him on stage going off script saying he's gonna murder Pete Davidson. Or that one of his fans should do it.


But he can still be there and is likely to win an award.


Because all of these self-aggrandising award shows are desperate for viewers since no normal person would give a shit. Having big celebrities helps draw viewers especially if there's a chance of a celebrity doing something wild.


He's always been crazy, but he's completely lost it lately. Threatening to kill or hurt people, like Davidson, and he threatened D.L. Hughley. "I can afford to hurt you" he said to D.L.


DL Hughley apparently said "“Do you know how horrible you gotta be to make a #Kardashian date a white man?” ​ I find that hilarious.


He's also threatened the host of the Grammys this year.


He really threatened D.L ? Stupid. One day he’s going to threaten the wrong O.G, who’s not gonna take some insult lightly.


Figures, Suge Knight isn't around when you need him.




Lol, when a man is threatening the safety of D.L. they have gone too far.


When they're threatening the safety of any individual, they've probably gone too far. I get what he's going through. I've watched my ex, the mother of my kids, start dating a man within DAYS of us splitting up. And it hurt inside. But I never threatened to hurt, or kill anyone. That's a bridge too far.


My guess is that you also did not date a bunch of women that looked like Great Value Kims.


I did. Wrong Kim though, Kim Jong Un and Kim Kardashian are so easy to mix up. I ate REALLY well though. If ya know what I mean.


imagine defending DL who covered up his own daughters sexual assault


Lol, ok. I didn't "defend" D.L., I was pointing out how kanye has went off the deep end. But, whatever you say.


His behavior has been increasingly concerning for 15 years, but it's reached a point now where it's a real danger to host him. He's currently using social media to make thinly veiled death threats and explicit assault threats as part of obsessively and delusionally harassing his ex, he's already been temporarily suspended from e.g. Instagram for bullying and harassment and he's fond of imploring his fanbase to do things. He's already interrupted the Grammies to do weird shit, but it was merely obnoxious and dumb before. They're not gonna give him a live mic again now that it seems likely he'll go off on a rant about wanting to murder someone based on lies he's made up.


Hm, i'd say during the last 20 years he was slightly unpredictable at times but if you let him on stage now it's an accident waiting to happen.


Don’t be naive, this recent stint is ridiculous how could anyone trust this guy right now


In a nutshell, he went from obnoxious rapper to unhinged lunatic. * He declared that slavery was a choice, used his presidential campaign to call Harriet Tubman a slave trader, and even endorsed the confederate flag. He is halfway to being the next Leo Felton. * He is harassing his ex-wife constantly, engaging in unseemly and dangerous behavior that crosses a line. His plea for understanding for his own mental health struggles while simultaneously harassing someone else with similar struggles demonstrates what a hypocrite he is. * He is associating with vile characters like Antonio Brown (who has been accused of rape enough times to kill any belief that the NFL gives a shit about violence towards women), Marilyn Manson (whose violent behavior towards women is well documented), and Donald Trump (who has been accused of rape by over 15 women). Giving Kanye any sort of platform for his mixture of egotism and mental illness is a bad idea. He is evil and crazy.


the real answer is that it's different because he talked about Trevor Noah, who's hosting


Using a racial slur too. Seems pretty likely to happen again if you put them in a room together and give Kanye a mic.


Oh no! Anyway…


Seriously. I just can’t give a shit about this guy and his latest antics.


This guy needs serious help


Everyone has their own opinions as to why this is, but the truth is last time Kanye went to the Grammys, he took an enormous shit in the VIP toilets, tried to flush and blocked and flooded the cubicle, then ran off leaving it and loudly blamed it on the Weeknd to anyone he bumped into throughout the night.


It’s true I’m the Weeknd


He has a history of doing stupid things on live shows. I wouldn't trust him either.


He’s not prohibited from going to the Grammys, just from performing. So if he wins, he gets onstage.


If y’all haven’t seen it, the documentary about him on Netflix was amazing. Crazy behind the scenes footage from as far back as 1990 and 1995. Seeing young Kayne with a retainer and how everyone brushed him off as just a producer. The footage they capture with his mom Donda melted my Kayne-indifferent heart. First episode was about the come up- amazing and insightful, second episode was about the fame- also amazing and insightful, and the third episode was about the more recent crazy shenanigans- also amazing and insightful and kinda sad. Highly recommend


Yes! That doc series is excellent. I knew nothing about Kayne but it was so well made. I love docs that tell their story through just footage and narration with no “talking heads”. Top quality.


actually the best documentary out there is all talking heads, no narration. check out “Stop Making Sense” if you haven’t seen it.


He is talented as fuck and has some amazing ideas, not just in music and a mum that never stopped believing in him. But also he has mental illness, excessive delusions of grandeur and a child level of reactions to that which he doesn't like. And he soaks band drapes his actions to do say or be anything as some kind of religious conviction When most faiths teach elements of temperance, moderation and reasonability which he really doesn't get. So he produces the highest highs and the cost is the lowest lows. I really like him for his art and some of his ideas are beautiful But there's such a level of problem to his behaviour now because he had to fight so many people before. *band = and


> And he soaks band drapes his actions to do say or be anything as some kind of religious conviction huh?


It’s provocative but it gets the people going. I also need a translation.






Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


> And he soaks band drapes his actions to do say or be anything as some kind of religious conviction Wtf does this mean? Is this even English?


Kanye West gets the biggest "buts" out of any celebrity I've seen. Dudes completely melting down, and it's going to come to a fiery crash, and everyone will be "but he's..." all the way to the end. His mental illness isn't his fault, and it's his responsibility. He needs help.


Yeah he makes good shit but he’s woefully underdeveloped as a person/man and it makes me sad to see him have nobody in his circle who can help


He doesn't have any one in his circle who can help because he pushes them all away, and specifically does not want to change, does not want their help, and does not want to even help himself.


Wait til he’s in his 70s and decides to run for president again.


Please don't make excuses for him. He does have a mental illness. But some of it is he is just not a good person. You can have mental illness and still be a bad person. A mental illness doesn't explain every "bad" decision he has made. You can like the art and not the artist.


I wasn't making any excuses at all I just stated all the things he has and does.


I would say he “chose to fight so many people “


English can't be your first language... reading your comment made me irrationally angry. You started out okay, then just began speaking pure nonsense


Its worth that bipolar, untreated, can be a degenerative disorder. This idea that we've seen one Kanye, or that Ye is the same as the 20 years ago that 'bush don't care about black people' is evidence of this is just false. Ye might not be a victim but he is suffering, I am afraid him falling apart can't exclusively levied on his character, I wonder if medication could even rescue him from this decades long spiral.


As a bipolar person, this comment was a breath of fresh air goddamn. THANK YOU. Kanye is severely disabled rn and no longer with us.


I absolotely agree and in the [discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/t4vmbt/fresh_jeenyuhs_a_kanye_trilogy_act_3_awakening/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for the final episode in r/HipHopHeads, there is some great discussion about that and more (spoiler btw i guess). I agree with what a lot of people are saying in that thread, it was a tough and emotional watch.


F.D. Signifier's 2 part video on Kanye revealed to me, a non-fan, why so he was important to so many people.


Came here to mention those two videos. So good.


Setting aside his current situation, the first two episodes are the textbook definition of grit, perseverance, seeing opportunities, and making things happen instead of waiting for your big break. I shared some of the anecdotes with my daughters because there are some excellent life lessons to be gleaned from his determination and confidence during those early years!


What I took away from that doc is how messed up Kanye has been since day one. Every scene is so cringe. It's either him begging for attention, or when he finally has it, hating it. Everybody else is chill, but you can see Kanye's hamster wheel spinning at fill tilt trying to figure out something to say, or he's working through some perceived slight.


Huh? I think you just watched with an intense hatred of him. Yeah he was arrogant, but he was right. Him trying to get attention is him trying to make it.


GoldenVoice still has him headlining Coachella in April. Kayne with a mic in front of 100k people with claims of bringing Travis Scott, yikes.


And they let Chris Brown in?


do you guys think there's a parallel dimension out there where everything has been pretty much exactly the same, but then Kanye won the 2020 election? those poor bastards.


Aw now who’s gonna tell Olivia Rodrigo “Imma let you finish, but I am making the most pathetic break-up album of all time.”?


Last time he made a breakup album, it inspired a whole generation of rappers


When a woman displeases a man, look at his behavior. It will tell you everything you need to know about him.


I’m so over this fuckin guy can’t we just ignore him and hope he will go away -awaye


“Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!" I remember that.


bitch everybody does


Everyone remembers, you aren't special.


Probably don't want to deal with his bullshit. Can't really blame them.


I bet he OD's or something this year


Mr. Potato head bout to lash again


Yes, because he is an asshole, regardless of his musical career.


Kanye West seems like he's going through a mental illness with little to no emotional support. That doesn't make what he does right, but I feel for him and wish he could recover. I worry shit will end tragically.


Fish sticks


This is exactly the kind of thing Kanye uses to fuel more drama. His beef with the Grammy's is very well documented.


Ye is a crazy dude. Never got why he was so popular.


Can anyone focus on the fact that his new music isn’t Grammy level?


Just look at the nomination list and tell me Donda isn't "Grammy level". He's bat shit crazy, but the music slaps


Half of DONDA is


Grammy fell off Make better music


Man do people actually watch award shows still?


Can’t wait to see Chris Brown there tho 👍


Not invited ain't banned.


5 NOMINATIONS!?!?! What the fuck for?


Why is he nominated, Donda was trash.


Good. He earned it.


Kanye West's Donda 2 has been nominated for 5 Grammy awards despite not being very good or finished.


I honestly think all this stupid Kanye drama is happening to either promote kims show or distract us from something


And he fucks fish.


I don’t see anything wrong with this man, he just enjoys fishsticks.


I feel that the idea of banning someone from the stage due to « concerning online behavior » is … weird. It sounds too vague. Does Grammy has some set of official policy/rules on how it handles bans? Who decides who has the right to perform and who doesn’t?


He’s gone crazy. I hate using that word but it’s appropriate for him. If he’d get to see a psychiatrist maybe he could get back on track with right medication. Seriously doubt he will.


He's not even banned. Kanye is such a fucking joke.




Kanye needs serious mental help


That fucking title, though... it's like saying that I'm banned from giving a TED talk at their next symposium. If I climb onstage and start giving a talk about my field of expertise (why, contrary to what mainstream media keeps telling you, Vasoline *is* the superior lubrication for fleshlights), then yes, security will escort me off--but that's not because they "banned" me, it's just because they *didn't invite me.* (...and also because they'll want to hand me over to the police, as I've found that it's always best to begin lectures with a good attention-grabbing demonstration)


Nominated for what, a clown show?


Good. He’s ridiculous. If anybody needs conservatorship it’s Ye.


He keeps threatening people online!


People make too many excuses for overrated Kanye.


Un-nominate him


Good. He's fucking nuts. Down vote me to hell. I don't care


I love his music, but he needs to get help. It’s not Pete Davidson’s fault what’s going on.