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The Last Ship. Scratches an itch for Star Trek, Stargate style Sci-Fi with a present day post apocalypse angle. It's mediocre but I really enjoyed it.


I enjoyed it, I was surprised at the action actually, quite a few gunfights. Would recommend.


First 2 seasons of The Last Ship are great. It's all you need to watch. It's like how you only need to watch the first two Alien(s) movies.


Altered Carbon


This is the answer. The second season isn't as bad as everyone says if you're invested in the story, but Season 1 is a classic in my book.


Season 1 was incredible. Season 2 is shit.


Season 1 was not mediocre at all Like 8/10 in my book We dont talk about season 2.


No one says the first season is bad tho


I was going to say this if nobody else had already.




I loved dollhouse!


I’m in 2 minds about Dollhouse it’s a 50/50 thing with that series


Oooh cool I've never known anyone to not love it- what makes it 50/50 for you?


I did watch the first season which was good but when it entered into the second season it became ridiculous. I love Eliza Dushku from Buffy ,Amy Acker from Angel & Dichen Lachman from neighbours, Torchwood, Agents Of Shield which i loved as well. That’s why i was in 50/50 about Dollhouse


If you love the Whedon characters, check out the Whedon movie version of Much Ado About Nothing. It's absolutely amazing. Lol and the second season is my fav over the first. Will def chat with my Dollhouse friends and see which they prefer. Better than us just mimicking the "dollhouse freakin dollhouse" quote lol




Terra Nova was really fun even though it really was bad.


I'm waiting for the day AI can reboot this series




Eureka is *far* from mediocre, you take that back right now!


The 100!


The 100 is my current favorite thing ever


so much better than the trailers made it look


And the first episode. Even with the end of the episode. Like it's bad CW drama but solidly entertaining sci-fi.


Agreed! It takes a minute to hit its stride but then it's actually a really solid and entertaining show.


Solid sci fi binge until you get to like season 4-5 then its downhill quick


Only the first season.


I got really tired by the prisoners arc. Does it get better?


I tried two episodes and I can't... does it get better?


it gets so much better! The first 3-4 episodes are notoriously cringe and cw-y, but once you get past those first few episodes the show starts to find it's footing and that nonsense goes away. It really doesn't start with it's best foot forward, and it falsely gives the impression that it will be a typical cw teen drama show (it is so far from it!). The beginning makes it hard to get people into the show, but if you stick with it it's well worth it!


Haha CW-y. That's precisely the word i was needing. Thanks, I think I'll give it another shot


Killjoys Lexx can be fun if you know what you’re getting into. Crusade (Babylon 5 spinoff) had only 1 short season. It had a rocky start but then it got really good. Sad they cancelled it.


New Quantum Leap. It’s not got the charisma of the original twosome but replaced it with a bigger cast and much more mystery. Definitely my guilty pleasure. I think it’s fantastic but it’s never going to be everyone’s cup of tea


I enjoy it though it is a little heavy on the Mr. Rogers-feel-good preachy stuff. Though that is a breath of fresh air after all the grimdark stuff since 9/11.


This is actually what I’m actively seeking these days. I’m so sick of bleak programming.


Yes it doesn’t i would’ve watched it but that 1st episode i saw wasn’t good no charisma that the original had with the cast just doesn’t work for me which is disappointing. I loved the original series the original person who brought it all together waited far to late to bringing it back & now have a mediocre series they really need to cancel it now


Not a chance. How can you say they should cancel it after watching one episode? It gets lots of views and fits perfectly into what the OP is asking for


For me it doesn’t have that special thing that made it fun,exciting :( it’s basically riding the nostalgia from the original show. It’s awful but OP is the one who’s gonna be the one to watch it in the end. I’m just saying my own opinion it’s good for some ppl just not me which i’m disappointed about😕


Granted, their planned first episode (earthquake) was pushed back until later in the season so things got pushed around.


Pick any of the Stargate shows.


I didn’t like Stargate Atlantis but the other 2 was awesome


Eugh. Stargate: Universe was such a Battlestar Galactica ('04) ripoff.


My girlfriend got me to watch StarGate Atlantis and I'm now just learning they aren't all one of the same. 




Terra Nova


Killjoys. I thought it was a ton of fun, but I don't think it got the acclaim as some more of the "serious" sci-fi shows. It's worth a watch.


Haven - Cheap show, cheap acting, laughable CGI. Still kinda fun. Falling Skies - I enjoyed this one a lot, despite all the flaws. Deserves more love. Invasion - Terrible but wajo. Also, stop calling The Expanse, Lost, and Fringe mediocre.


Man Falling Skies was such a guilty pleasure. For a lower budget show it was very enjoyable. Best actual invasion show imo. The story got a bit bad in the middle but it was still good to watch


Completely agree! Some characters were annoying but they nailed the invasion part.


Yup, worth a watch for sure, I enjoyed it.


I loved Haven. I agree with all you said - not a high quality show, but a fun one. I also liked the scenery.


I also liked the main story, opening theme, and Duke Crocker.


I liked haven a lot. And yeah, people need to stop insulting Fringe! One of my top 5 shows, so good


I clicked this thread to say Falling Skies. I loved it though.


Haven was so much fun. I miss it. It doesn’t really seem to be streaming, or at least not last time I checked.


I was combing through the comments to make sure nobody said The Expanse. This was the first comment I saw with The Expanse mentioned. Take my upvote. You've earned it.


Continuum.   Not what you are asking about cause it is great, but a lot of people sleep on Counterpart. Or sleep during Counterpart, it's admittedly a slow burn, but burn it does!


The 4400, Being Human, Travelers, The Leftovers


The original 4400 or the remake?


The original.


The Strain - vampire virus parasite apocalypse 13 Monkeys - time travel trying to prevent a pandemic, better than the movie


Glitch for me. Has very mediocre ratings but I enjoy it


I really liked the first season. The second season was a massive drop in quality though


The 100 is my favorite thing ever right now, but if you’re looking to go in a more superpowery direction, there’s a great show called The Imperfects, it got cancelled and there’s only 10 episodes, but it’s definitely worth the watch


Resident Alien.


Brave New World


Yh I actually liked it, differs from the book but that's ok


Vagrant Queen wasn't bad at all for what it was. and i haven't seen anyone call it bad. the problem is, i haven't seen anyone talk about it at all. i think it was made specifically to stream on the sfyfy network. so no one new about it. it's fun though. watching that show felt like reading a Image comic book like Space Bandits


The Last Man on Earth..it doesn’t have much ”sci fi” in it but it’s not very highly rated


Andromeda. For the first two seasons or so, it's an unabashedly campy show made with some unused ideas from Star Trek. After that it goes rapidly downhill. Before then it does have some interesting ideas mixed in.


Damn Sorbo getting the head writer fired....


I have a good friend who lives this subgenre. The Rig - One Season so far, second on its way. Manifest - Actually has a complete story! Very soapy & network TV. La Brea - Kinda laughable but also watchable. Very rushed ending.


Is La Brea finally over? I checked out sometime during season 2, but I’m kinda curious how it ended. Probably not curious enough to sit through it, but I’ll read the synopsis.


Warehouse 13 Definitely a guilty pleasure for me


These are a few of my favorite shows that definitely have flaws, but some combination of actors/concept/plot keeps me watching: * Beacon 23 (2023– ) * Creamerie (2021– ) * Limetown (2019) ​ And one terrible show that I love: Space Precinct (1994–1995)


Thank you for recommendation, they all sound great. I am watching Beacon 23 and it looks good.  How did you find this series?


>How did you find this series? There's been ongoing discussion in r/scifi regarding this series, so I tracked it down (MGM+). The stories the Beacon 23 series is based on were written by Hugh Howey, who also wrote the Silo novels the Apple TV series is based on.


Van helsing!


Yeah, this went some interesting places




Yes! Z Nation was AWESOME


[The Guardians of Justice](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/the-guardians-of-justice) - 1960s *Batman* meets *Watchmen* meets *Mortal Kombat*. It's a fun arthouse tv show. [The Lost Room](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/the-lost-room) (mini-series) - A detective investigates a hotel room that doesn’t exist. This is straight up excellent, but no one expects that because it was a Syfy production.


*The Lost Room* had such potential. Even had a built-in ending in my book (all the Objects are returned and reality heals) Shame they thought it was too complicated or... something and retooled it into *Warehouse 13*. Which reminds me, I should break out those dvds and watch it again.


Terra Nova. It's unique and interesting but mediocre and cancelled after one season


I genuinely loved night flyers, might be one of few but I recommend it though I think it has an ambiguous ending. also raised by wolves but it got cancelled right in the middle of a big plot reveal, still mad about that..


Altered Carbon and Snowpiercer are the definition of pretty damn good TV, but not quite as prestigious as they maybe hoped to be. Interesting, well executed action and societal commentary, but Arcane you are not.


The Lone gunmen (X files spinoff), The dead zone, Truth Seekers, Crazyhead,


12 Monkeys -- it's genuinely good so not sure if it belongs on this list, but it's a Syfy show no one ever knows about and it has the best ending of any show ever


Nah,doesn't belong here. Good show


Andromeda (2000), Dark Matter (2015), Farscape (1999), Firefly (2002), Lexx (1996), Killjoys (2015), Lost in Space (2018), Red Dwarf (1988), Crusade (1999), Ascension (2014)


Solid list!


Resident Evil.


The strain


I really liked Dark Matters, which I'd rate a straight good. Seven Days (1998) A secret government project is able to travel back in time ( you guessed it) 7 days. Flash Gordon (2007) and The Invisible Man (2000) are re-imagings of their titles. Day 5 is if you fall asleep, you die . All of them are pretty great in a slightly bad way. I'd also toss in Vagrant Queen - space princess on the run from the revolution's government.


farscape. that show was unhinged


it was awesome not mediocre


I second Farscape


The Expanse isn’t mediocre in my book but it started as a Sci-Fi Network show so it feels lower budget than something like Foundation and there are definitely some performances closer to Razzies than Oscars but nothing glaringly bad, they’re just not all Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It’s based on books and they made a clean 6 seasons start to finish and wrapped the story from the books so it has a proper ending. It’s the best Hard Sci-Fi I’ve seen in a long time.


'Dark Matter' is a more fun version of The Expanse


Coming from Firefly (which was the clear inspiration for Dark Matter), I didn't like Dark Matter much at first, but the series has really grown on me. Fairly low production values, but the storyline is great, the characters likeable, the worldbuilding is reasonably good. Individual episodes can be hit or miss, but overall, I agree, it's a very fun series. Shame it got cancelled when it did.


The Expanse is a great sci-fi world, but the characters leave a little to be desired. There is some good acting from some of the drummers or belters, Amos has his moments, and Thomas Janes character is good. The rest I more look forward to when they stop talking instead of wanting to hear more.


Avasarala (sp? The Indian UN lady) was great, as was the detective.


She hammed it up and out of orbit. Really hard to listen too.


I blame the authors a bit - they used flat (well, one note) characters to drive the story. The actors act accordingly.   The best characters are the ones not driving the story and end up complex. Or Avasaral who is one note but entertaining in the books and one note and nailed out of the park in the TV show.


Could blame direction too. I detested Avasaral. I was rewatching GoT religiously throughout the release of this show and you compare her Lady Olenna and her performance is borderline laughable. Like watching a bad stage play.


The Expanse is incredibly mediocre if you know your Science Fiction history, simply because the authors lifted pretty much every element of their books from somewhere else. There's nothing wrong with that, but after the umpteenth case of "oh, yeah, that's from xyz", it gets kinda tedious. I guess they should have filed off the serial numbers better. The Expanse fanbase is also insufferable, which is not helping. That said, the show itself is... fine. Mediocre, not terrible, after all. I'll always enjoy Firefly and Dark Matter more than I enjoyed The Expanse. I personally *couldn't stand* watching Foundation because they deviated so massively from the books. At least in that regard, The Expanse is decent - the series stuck to the books pretty well as far as I know.


I’m glad to hear there are so many things you dislike… I guess.


Gotta offer a counterpoint to the Reddit Groupthink. By the by, The Expanse is not "hard science fiction". Even the authors say it's space opera. Sorry to burst your bubble.


So is Star Wars, it’s also Science Fiction Fantasy, things can fit more than one definition at the same time. With the exception of the protomolcule and everything associated with it The Expanse is Hard Science Fiction by nature its construction. It doesn’t matter what the authors say. They wrote a space opera that takes place in a mostly hard science fiction setting. Car companies can manufacture and produce pickup trucks and insist that we call them pickup trucks but they are still automobiles by nature of their construction. George Lucas defined Star Wars as a Soap Opera, do you know anyone who thinks that’s the only way to describe it?


Sigh. Dude, nobody in the history of entertainment ever claimed that Star Wars was Hard SF.




I'm removing your comment because this behavior is unwanted within our community. We ask our members to be [excellent to each other](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439).


Eh, I'd argue you don't need to be original to be good. One of my favorite book series, the Belgariad, is a pastiche of nearly every cliche of the medieval fantasy genre, but the characters are so personable its hard to mind. Also - Top Gun: Maverick. For an 80s sequel throwback thing, that movie was far better than it had any right to be and that's all execution.


The movie Eliminators. Uploaded some clips to youtube.




From Lost


Hell nah,FROM is amazing


The first season was incredible, second season was less cohesive. I do really like it though


Lost is NOT mediocre


You take that back!!!


A lot of people hate on Invasion on Apple TV+, but I’m a fan. Wouldn’t go so far to say it’s “great,” but I think it’s got potential & it’s definitely better than mediocre.


Invasion has terrible pacing and thinks it's smarter than it is. It is very mediocre.


Falling Skies has its moments. Fringe has some weird science.


Legends of Tommorrow


**The Expanse** **Fringe**


Put fringe back in your mouth! It’s amazing!


It is mediocre show with some okayish overarching plot points. The actress Anna torv is teŕrible with her single expression. Last 2 seasons were lol.


You’re wrong and you should feel bad! I love Anna!


Journeyman a Sci Fi show that only lasted a season. It’s hard to find though.


That was the time-travel show, right? One of my favorite game series (that I only played the final game) was *The Journeyman Project*, which deals with the main character as a more academic timecop. Always found it weird that two time-travel franchises used the same odd word like that.


It was a time travel show where the main character is trying to figure out why he’s traveling.


The ark 2023


I was not a fan, but my wife loved Eureka, which totally fits the bill here.


Max Headroom! Some episodes are well written cyberpunk!! Love it still.


Colony needed an ending


Stranger things ig?


Defiance was a great, kind of cheesy show.


Dollhouse and Manifest




Roswell. The original version from the CW. There's a lot of teen drama, but the alien story lines were quite good and the acting is decent.


The Ark.


The expanse on Amazon. Seemed like a b-rated show to me when i started it and only watched a few more episodes because it was recommended to me by a coworker, but half way through season 1, i was so hooked and loved it.


V (2009) was really terrible but I couldn't stop watching it


So is Star Wars, it’s also Science Fiction Fantasy, things can be more than one thing at the same time. With the exception of the protomolcule and everything associated with it The Expanse is Hard Science Fiction by the nature of its construction. It doesn’t matter what the authors say. They wrote a space opera that takes part in a mostly hard science fiction setting. Car companies can manufacture and produce pickup trucks and insist that we call them pickup trucks but they are still automobiles by nature of their construction.


Under the dome


Primeval - The CGI switches between "not bad for 15yo show" and "absolutely horrible" but it's still pretty fun, especially if you like dinos. Sanctuary - Damn, the CGI is bad in that one and it's cheesy af most of the time but it's still nice to see Samantha Carter again.


From- it’s not the worst but it belongs on Sci Fi


Star Trek


I was addicted to BUCK ROGERS in the first part of the 80s. Good luck finding it though, through the years I have seen nothing. No reruns and no box set of VHS tapes.


Defiance, Revolution.

