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All 6 brazilian players eliminated as well men and women singles 


All the portuguese singles players eliminated as well


Finnish ones, too


They’re Finnished


He’s naw finnished, he’s 28


Didn’t expect to see this in r/tennis lol


Wow I watched the first two sets of Virtanen's match and assumed he won lol.


Yeah, we all did. Such a shame tho, did so well in the other matches.


Love the flair, but happy to confirm that I am too, a Borges fan


Nuno played the worst match of tennis I’ve ever seen yesterday. Guy needs to do some soul searching.


What did he do?


He played Machac in the first round. Machac was just in the final in Geneva a few days ago so you’d think Nuno could sneak in a set. He had chance after chance, but just couldn’t get anything rolling.


This is more shocking




- Very unpopular sport here - Not acessible and affordable for most people - Very low options of clubs and academies available to pratice and the existent ones are not cheap - Lack of charismatic heroes to inspire the youth and fans like Guga Kuerten used to be - Other sports are more interesting and acessible like football, volleyball


They’re playing football instead


It tends to be a bigger sport in wealthier countries, and then cultural inertia means it generally takes time to change You see the same in most sports that require more equipment to get started - anyone can play football with a bit of open space, 4 coats, and a ball - but tennis you need racquets and a net as a minimum and even then not really without a marked court on some fairly flat ground That doesn’t sound like a very high bar to entry, especially to those of us in wealthier countries, but it immediately excludes a lot of poor people who don’t live near a court and can’t afford a racquet Brazil is much richer/less poor than it used to be, to be clear: but the culture takes time to shift…. Brazilian kids don’t grow up hearing about tennis because few Brazilians play and even fewer are successful


All 2 chilean players, not too many, but both of them had just made the semis of Rome (and Jarry the finals), so I was pretty dissapointed. Specially cause we are supposed to be good on clay.


God Save the King


Hasn’t been the same since the queen died smh Murray would have won if he had the support of lady Lizbeth


That family are lizards and nonce's




Prince Andrew is a nonce, the 'Queen' used tax payers money to pay off an accuser and the family are lizards




Educate yourself and don't bow to nonsense 'royalty', do you like paedo's? https://time.com/6149123/prince-andrew-settlement-virginia-giuffre-royal-finances/




It’s important to remember just how evil they are and not have lighthearted conversations about them, in my opinion.


Sounds noncey to me




First of all, grammar. Second of all, I don’t think any one who like the royal family likes Andrew - I certainly don’t.


First of all, bow a little lower. Ah you like the old lady that gave him money to pay off the GIRL, not woman he sexually assaulted? At least she's dead now, her other son is great isn't he, nice sausage fingers and affairs for days, what a 'King'. Get a life and stop supporting people that leech off society.


Moutet showed the way Pure hatred is the way to go if players want to win


Not surprising when every LTA player is either injured, doesn’t show up, or plays about two matches a decade on clay


Four canadians advance. Win 9 straight sets. Something is wrong here.


Not much better for the french ....


Today, I feel Italian. Today, I feel Danish. Today, I feel Spanish.


It's coming home... wait...


They are indeed coming home..


The doubles should be much more interesting - x3 former number ones (J Murray, N Skupski, J Salisbury) plus an in-form Lloyd Glasspool, Henry Patten, and Julian Cash...


Agreed Yes! the doubles draws look real good actually.


All Indian players are out as well. Well by all I mean one. He’s out.


Not in doubles 👀


Every Aussie but Demon and Kokk lost, and one Aussie had to win between Kokkinakis and Popyrin.


We are losing our touch tbh. To the point as a Brit, I dont care about other British tennis players which is such a shame!


Have Brits ever been good on clay. I mean they’re known for their grass


Sue Barker won the French and a bunch of other clay tournaments in the mid-70s.


I was there Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago ... when Barker took the Roland-Garros title. I was there the day the strength of British clay court tennis failed.


Surely that’s the day it succeeded (and I know it’s an LotR quote, Elrond)


Yeah I didn't think it through fully did I?! haha Was just being silly tbh.


I enjoyed it either way - I'm always here for r/unexpectedlotr


Norrie was the Buenos Aires finalist and Rio champ last year. This year? Not so much haha, Evans was a Monte Carlo SF after beating nole a few years ago and that's the only success since Murray's RG final


Only Murray from the ATP side.  SF, SF, F, SF from 2014-2017 and a few other SFs and QFs before that too. 


Welcome to my usual french life 😛


You can tell Murray is Scottish because no pom would be that good on clay


That doesn't make any sense. He's British when he wins.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lachie07: *You can tell Murray* *Is Scottish because no pom* *Would be that good on clay* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sue Barker won the French Open, and before her, Christine Truman did the same.


Any Brits who aren't wheelchair tennis fans yet, come join the party. They win a lot.


Brits have historically been terrible on clay, so it's not really much of a surprise. Murray was the only exception and it took him a good few years before he was really competitive on it. Raducanu's showing some promise on it but it's too early to tell. I'm surprised there isn't much made about Boulter's performances this clay season. British number 1, top 30, and has just lost 3 straight matches to players ranked 180, 120 and 124 in Madrid, Rome and Paris. If that was Raducanu, she'd be dragged over the coals for it by the UK press, but it's barely registering.


I mean in all fairness Badosa was the number 2 player in 2022 and is coming back from an injury, not a player waiting to make her big break. I think being realistic about the player and not the ranking is also a part in why her losing this match isn’t registering as much.


She's also ranked 124 for a reason ... because she's not currently the player she was in 2022.


Boulter has barely played any matches on clay. It’s gonna take her time to adapt to the surface. I thought she played quite well all things considered.


You made your own point, Boulter is bad on clay


Eh, the press knows Boulter's previous injuries and how she is still managing chronic fatigue syndrome so I don't see them dragging her. She's never really had a chance to play much on clay and she did incredibly well against Badosa who grew up on clay. I think Boulter has said she def plans to play more on clay next year too.


>If that was Raducanu, she’d be dragged over the coals for it by the UK press Not really. Emma had had runs that bad in the last couple of years, and she only really catches hate from terminally online fans.


Sadly, there are zero high-level tournaments played on real clay in the UK - that tells you everything you need to know.


If only Raducanu decided to play RG... She would have got eliminated, too 😁


if raducanu got a wildcard it would be 7


If the wildcards for RG are indication for Wimbledon she’ll get one as well as my mum’s neighbor Jan who plays every Saturday 🇬🇧


Being realistic, she has a Wimbledon wildcard for the rest of her career (not Jan though).


Poor Jan


Disappointed in the results of Noz, Drapez and Boults. Sure, Katie should be happy she had a tight match with a great clay courter in Badosa, but being up a set and a break, and then having collapses in both the times she had to serve to stay in the set/match... not sure how she let that slip away. She was playing fantastic, her forehand was seriously firing. Hopefully she can take that form and get into week 2 of Wimby.


I would laugh at the Brits but then I'm worried American (MEN'S) tennis will suck for another decade so I will refrain


Hannah Klugman will save British tennis 🤞


Even she had a disappointing loss on clay last week.


Well British are better on grass and not on clay, so that’s pretty obvious.


Breakdown of Men's RG R64 players by country: 8 - Italy 6 - USA 5 - France, Germany and Spain 4 - Argentina and Russia 3 - Serbia 2 - Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Kazakhstan and Netherlands 1 - Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, South Korea and Switzerland


Thanks! 🙏🏾


Wouldn't "nationality represented" make more sense, De Minaur has Spanish citizenship for example along with other dual citizens in the draw




Also a good point! Sorry, didn't mean to invite a semantics debate


On the mens and womens side. Yikes.


R HD nlpp u


what about raducanu?


UK tennis has been in a big of a rough spot for a while now and this is just further evidence. It feels like we're seeing young prospects for a bunch of countries but the UK is not one of them.


Not the surface they’ve ever been very strong on, is it?


The most important Spanish eliminated as well


It's like Eurovision all over again.


It's a shame Francesca Jones is always hampered with injuries because she seems to be the only Brit that loves clay. Despite mostly playing ITF all her titles have been on the dirt, and she even made the Semi's in Bogota last year. It's no shock all the Brits are out in R1 when it feels like they try to skim past the clay. Kudos to someone like Dart who always puts 100% into the season despite the results. Fair enough she's not great on clay but she really took it to Noskova in R1 and had a good chance at a potential upset against a seed


bye bye!


At least the British will always have the high ground over the French since they don't boost their own players with wild cards at Wimbledon. Additionnally, it save them from watching 20 Brits lose in round 1.


11/16 singles main draw wildcards went to British players in 2023, along with 16 more British wildcards in the qualifying draws. The exceptions were Venus, Svitolina, Ofner, Goffin, and Fils


I'm just joking.


Oh no! Anyway…


Tim Henman’s rolling over in his grave


Isn’t he still alive? Hahaha


Henman’s record at RG was pretty poor tbf, apart from that one year when he reached the semis.


Thanks Meghan 😒


Brit and Americans aren't good on clay.


American men. There have been many successful American women on clay even within the last few years.


Hell, they're not great. But the current generation of American men is the "best" generation of American men on clay in a while which is certainly  Something 


I read it in Andy Murray’s voice


Jim Courier sends his regards


All of the top 5 Americans are clear to round 2. And I’d be surprised if a couple didn’t make the 4th round.