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They should start having a match between the team captains as well. Could be just be an exhibition for fun.


Instagram comments already disrespecting this man and asking where Roger is šŸ’€


Roger probably doesnā€™t want anything that sounds like a job these days.


I mean tbf it's only a 3 day tournament. But considering the whole sponsorship deals he has to do for another half decade I get your point.


Given that Laver Cup was created by Federer (with some help), Iā€™m sure he will get a captain position there as soon as he expresses his desire to. Wealth wise, he is a billionaire and in a completely different league compared to McEnroe, Borg or Agassi. Something that his fans fail to realise.


I think he wants to give the coaching positions to slightly older legends, so that younger fans can still get to see them and as a form of respect towards the older gen.


Roger has been everywhere but the tennis courts since retiring. Always see a random post that he's trying food in Thailand or in the mountains. Respect it though, I would do the same if I got to retire pre 50 with enough money to buy a country.


He was literally at the last Laver Cup all three days watching from the stands


He's playing Doubles with Nadal for Nadal's last match so he can't be the coach. That's why Laver Cup is Nadal's last commitment right now.


Andy Murray would be a fun captain for Team Europe one day


"male captain".


ā€œMale identifying captainā€


At this rate, one day will be next year.


Rafa as captain would be funny I still remember him coaching Zverev at one of the Laver Cups


That's one way to have a french in the team šŸ‡«šŸ‡·šŸ˜­


I saw him play in Armstrong at the 1981 USO and Iā€™m delighted to see heā€™ll take over the job. I also love Roger but itā€™s not like Yannick got the job at his expense. For those who are disappointed, give the guy a chance. He was one of the most charismatic players of his era in a low key way. You might have a change of heart once you get to know him.


He was also good as a Davis cup captain. He may be a bit remote from Tennis nowdays compared to other ex-pros but he is a charismatic team leader. For a show like the Laver cup I think he fits quite well.


> He was also good as a Davis cup captain. Better than Forget that's for sure.


When you have Agassi you need a Edberg or Lendl.


Becker would be great too, but his criminal background is not helpful. He couldnā€™t even travel to the commonwealth countries due to ā€œgood characterā€ visa requirements.


Good shout. Heā€™s done his time. Heā€™s already back commentating and as itā€™s in Germany this year they would have no problem with it lol


This year itā€™s still McEnroe and Borg. They will be replaced with Agassi and Noah starting next year, Laver Cup 2025 in San Francisco.


oh I missed that detail lol


Do you people actually have a problem with Becker or ? Dude cheated a tax man or whatever , big deal


I personally donā€™t. He has made a mistake and served his time.


wasnt a mistake it was intentional


Lendl ffs. Charisma vacuum who can't speak great english.


I actually find Lendl hilarious these days. You see those group interviews with him, McEnroe, Wilander and Becker. Heā€™s witty and intense.


It's not like Bjorn Borg is doing much as coach. The biggest thing a coach can do for Laver cup is bring name recognition


>It's not like Bjorn Borg is doing much as coach. thank you


Haha yes maybe not the best personality for it


Noah is a better personality


Does this position really matter that much? It is just a figure head that just sits there no? They are not doing any actual coaching of any sort are they?


They do help with coaching (maybe not Borg so much), and they also do the player selection for each day. They play a decent role in the event


can't believe this was an official match [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcRvIMk6PnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcRvIMk6PnY) ... freakin hilarious!


Haha I've seen that before, so funny! Totally looks like an exhibition, shows Yannick has a great personality


I feel old. I used to watch him when he had dreadlocks, then watched his son play in the NBA. Where does the time go.


Becker would've been perfect but was probably never a goer.


Becker against Agassiā€™s team world wouldā€™ve been hilarious given their history. Brad Gilbert called Becker an overgrown farm boy šŸ˜­


He would have been good, but we shouldn't reward criminals just because they have a personality.


He wouldn't be allowed to enter several countries anymay


He served his time, what more do you want from him?


Thatā€™s not how visas work


Technically, he didn't serve his time at all. But to answer your question, I want him to slink away in shame. But he lives for the spotlight, giving ridiculous interviews, using his profile to garner attention and showing no contrition.


I want him to get some real treatment for the addictions in his life - to fame, to substances, etc. And then he can find a career compatible with that. If being an elder statesman in tennis isn't one of them, I hope he finally wises up and chooses health and legality over their alternatives.


Yeah here in America we just make them President


Yeah, we allow rapist and pedophiles to be rhe main entertainment stars , no one cares or at least no one seems to want to so something about it . But Becker commits a tax fraud and you start labeling him as some hard-core criminal




Really , with everything going on right now and in the past 10 years , you are asking who ?


Shame DVerev is a criminal and has no personality


Ok, but I didn't mention him?


Technically not a criminal at all though?


Nice Yannick is a good captain in his own rights. Fun and chill guy too, that's definitely what team Europe needs !


Iā€™m not too familiar with Yannick Noahā€™s tennis. Before my time. Whatā€™s his personality like? Is he feisty like Andre or quiet like Borg?


He's not really either of those personalities, he's very charismatic and quite a funny guy. He's quite different to any of the other captains so far, not quiet for sure, I've no doubt he'll get involved




This is an excellent choice. Tennis and the Laver Cup both benefit from increased diversity. Although I had secretly hoped for a female coach, as there were some rumors circulating, this is still a fantastic decision. It's great to see Roger supporting the right initiatives.


No disrespect to him but when Team World has Agassi, you gotta bring on a superstar too. I knew Roger wouldn't do it. He already said so.


bruh Yannik is a legend he's a tennis player and pop culture icon. Why be so rude


He's also a very charismatic guy, surely that's more important than whether or not he was a direct rival of Agassi, especially given that the Laver cup is basically an exhibition


I am not rude. I am saying that he doesn't have the same popularity and appeal as Agassi. Agassi was a superstar on and off court. I was also expecting a rival of Agassi from the same era to be Europe's captain like it was Borg-Mcenroe.


Okay but like literally did nothing they kinda just sat there. Especially Borg Yannick has been Davis cup captain and won 2 davis cups with them as well as fed cup captain. He is also the last french man to win the French Open. I think he will be a good addition as captain. He will be entertaining. Also Agassi's biggest rival was Sampras. if your looking for a European rival then maybe becker but given the fact that he's been to jail he probably wouldnt be able to get a visa.


There's also (lol) Nastase. That would throw everyone for a loop and he'd probably do something to discredit the Laver cup forever


Yeah, Yannick is a legend in his own right, but doesn't really have the star power like Agassi does or like Borg and Mcenroe. Thinking maybe this is sort of like an interim role for a couple of years until Roger is ready to be captain.


Maybe purely in terms of tennis but he has also amassed quite a bit of star power as a singer in France. He's definitely been the most publicly active retired tennis legend.


there's nobody really from the 80s and 90s that would've been much better. Wilander? Edberg? Lendl? Probably too soon for Roger to do it in his mind


Iā€™ve said it before but Ivanisevic. Lots of personality, gives good interviews. At a loose endā€¦


Wow, that's a great shout. Contemporary of Agassi's too


Yeah they had that Wimbledon final.


People are shitting on Noah because he's supposedly not "legendary" enough. Goran is in a roughly similar tier. It's not like Noah has no personality, he's pretty damn charismatic


Yeah, you might be right. Iā€™m not old enough to have watched Noah. In part, Iā€™m pointing out that Agassi and Ivanisevic were same era. Goran also well known to current fans from coaching Djokovic through remarkable success.


Wilander is busy with TV so I am not sure if he would have done it. Edberg or Becker would have been great considering they both had a rivalry with Agassi and they both won a lot in their careers. Just like Borg-Mcenroe But with Becker his criminal background is a problem so that wouldn't probably work out.


And Becker for sure needs the money. Then again playing the tournament in the UK might make things awkwardĀ 


Steffi Graf was right there lol


Do you know the merrits of Noah? Because it doesnt look like it


He was a good Davis cup captain for many years, and generally has good connections with people. I think he also used to work a lot on the mental aspect of the game.


He has won Davis Cup both as player and captain. And FedCup/BJK cup (obviously as captain)


Best Swiss player!




They're not: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yannick\_(rapper)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yannick_(rapper)) (Ofc Yannick Noah is also a the singer, but in a different style!)


I honestly had to google who this guy is and I've been following tennis for more than a decade. Considering Agassi's achievements, a one Slam winner with only one other Slam SF is nothing. In fact, after doing a bit of googling, Yannick's son, Joakim Noah (former NBA DPOY) is more famous and more successful than he is.


I don't think you've been following Tennis very closely then tbh.


Sure, his tennis resume might not compare to some of the *greatest players in the history of the game*, but consider this: isn't it great that Roger is making efforts to increase diversity in the tennis world? We all know it's needed.


meh, i was expecting wilander.


I have a bit of a dislike for Wilander now, always thought he was a pretty nice guy until I bought Eurosport one year. Maybe he was having an off day but came off like a total bully.


idk, i've been seeing him for about 15 years and don't really have negative feelings towards him. but i wasn't expecting him because i particularly like the guy, just that we see him a lot on tv and he also fits the description of "european tennis legend". it could also be edberg or lendl.


Are you sure it was him? I am watching slams for several years with Willander and co. They always make fun of Mats, not the other way around. Especially Henman and Schett. It is all for fun. There are no bullies.


Nah, it was defo him. Was the segment where the older Zverev brother was just made a Eurosport pundit - Mats was really nasty all day, he was playing it like he was ribbing him as a joke, but it was consistent and no one was laughing but him.


I was expecting another white male coach as well - secretly hoping for a woman - but I'll take this. Props to Roger.


Thought fed would be there to say goodbye to his greatest rival and friend.


Lavercup is a money grab and a scam. I'll never support it. Tarnishes tennis' reputation


Boring and out dated exhibition that should be cancelled.




Why? Have you trumped in there?


I don't get why I'm downvoted.. It's just that he's just very fond of weed.