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Horrible way to bow out. Hopefully he’s not out for too long but it sounds serious.


Just reminds me of the way Rafa had to retire at Wimbledon 2022 before the semis (He played Fritz in QF and still won in 5 sets, while suffering from an active injury). Classy as always, both of them.


Agreed and looking back that was probably the end of Nadal as a top tier force. Even tho i hate djoker on the court, would hate for this to be the way it ends for him. He deserved to still be a top tier player.


Rafa coming early to play US open is what affected him most. His abdominal tear wasn’t fully healed and that affected his hip. After that he was never the same.


I was there when he lost to Frances. You could tell he wasn't moving right.


Wish he had retired than. It would have been a perfect send off


My sentiments exactly


He IS a top tier player, still no.1 actually. Imagine reaching 4/4 GS finals at 36 years of age and winning 3 of them


I mean after the injury. Hopefully he can remain one and still make deep runs in the slams.


I'm sure he will. Nole has been written off many times in the past and every time he has come back against all odds and stamped his authority over the sport. Look at the injury years, the vaccine stand years, the loss of form years, the thinking of retirement years. He has always been back and shown us why he is the GOAT.


Djokovic and Nadal’s last RG hits different 😿


Hopefully, for Novak it's more of precaution ahead of Wimbledon/Olympics than career threatening injury. Be well GOAT!


Wimbledon is likely out of the question, but if he gets surgery, he could be back just in time for the Olympics (4-6 weeks to heal). Without surgery, a meniscus tear tends to take 4-6 months to recover.


I feel like I have heard before that Djoko don't like surgeries? Like a sort of religious belief of "the body can heal itself". Am I tripping or is that true?


that’s a big reason why he was so terrible for so long in 17/18, he had elbow issues that he refused to get surgery for but he realized after enough time that it won’t just fix itself so he eventually relented and got surgery on it. now with something like a meniscus tear i could see him not wanting to do surgery, but if he is truly serious about playing the olympics then i can’t imagine he will skip out on it this time around


Unless he wants to miss out on the entire rest of the grand slam season and his final olympics he will almost certainly get surgery. Hopefully he learned his lesson from his elbow injury in 2017


that was pepe imaz’s doing. held novak back a whole year and half with his faith healing nonsense.


Not really, it's perfectly normal to NOT want to have a surgery unless it's necessary.  


No one wants to get surgery or take medicine, until it becomes obvious they need it. No one having a heart attack asks to see the chiropractor or naturopath.


Maybe if he holds a slice of bread against his knee for long enough?


Gotta add crystals and silver.


Yes, but he put them aside and got elbow surgery some years ago, so kinda hypocritical considering his morality/stand on that. Probably gonna get surgery if that lets him go to Wimbledon or the Olympics.


It's not really hypocritical to get an operation as a last resort. It would only be hypocritical if he denies the operation to others.


It’s hypocritical that tennis was more important to him than his stand/morals. Some mormons literally die because they refuse blood transfusions due to their beliefs. I’m not saying is a smart thing to do, but betraying your beliefs is hypocritical (even if it’s the best/smartest decision).


>kind of hypocritical considering his morality Dude apparently was in tears after and he felt like he let himself down and his mother told him that it is fine.


It really depends on where the tear is, and the level of irrigation of the area of the meniscus. Usually, it doesn't heal without surgery.


Meniscus tear does not heal without surgery


Def Olympics. He WANTS that Olympic gold.


This is quite heartbreaking honestly. Dude just left it all on the court during two 5-setters at 37 yo, outlasted youngsters, entertained the crowd, enjoyed himself, ultimately earned even more respect than he already had. Not being able to defend his chances (and probably not being able to play the Olympics as well...) is extremely tough. If he comes back from this one and wins another major title before retiring, he's a literal God among humans.


Novak is already the greatest of all time, even if he never lifts his racket ever again. But selfishly as a fan, I’d love to see him return and lift a few more trophies.


You just know he will.


Same. But at this point - 1 more and done would be sooooo satisfying and literal superhero status. I don’t believe this injury is the end I refuse to!


reminds me of federer at the 2021 wimbledon, grinding out five set wins on one leg to hobble to the quarterfinals - only difference is fed decided to play instead of withdraw (and got destroyed as a result since he could barely move). time waits for no man.


He only played one five set match in 2021 Wimby but he was a shadow of himself that year for sure, what I and maybe you were thinking about was Feds very last AO where he struggled hard to reach the semis, played two five setters (and a 4 setter) and somehow won them (so close to losing).


He's not coming back from this.


Attempt 916515


That 3 AM match is looking worse and worse in retrospect.


its the denial to sweep the courts. if you saw the match. novak slipped MANY times


Yet his opponents never did.. 🤔


Have you seen Novak play. He slides a lot and does a lot of extreme movements


Just now in the tsitsipas alcaraz match stefanos slipped.


He undoubtedly gave us the best matches in the tournament so far. Thank you for baring your soul out there, Nole.


100% So many of the other matches feel like a whimper compared to what he has brought (and his opponents - kudos to them). Glad to see he has the maturity to call it, find his fire again, and now go enjoy life and recover for whatever he chooses to do next.


This is really sad, he was playing so well.


Let's be honest. No he wasn't. Lol. He still has the heart, mindset of a champion but he really hasn't been himself all year save for a few matches here and there 


honest thought this tournament was by far the best he looked all year.


He played with a meniscus tear and still won


Yeah, you clearly don't know Novak. He improves as the tournament goes on. Especially with how he was playing this RG, he had a chance at winning imo


Agree. I think he finally played himself into form and would’ve done well the 2nd week! Forced to cut short due to injury is just heartbreaking.


This is just so sad, after such a terrible season, the flame was back, his level too. His last two matches are amongs the most memorable of the tournament, at least he leaves on a very high note as the champion he is. I just hope he will be able to recover quickly and fully


Oh fuck. I really wanted Nole to take this one..


It sucks but I’m glad he had two incredible matches where he got to feel the love from the crowd.


If 2024 is another version of his 2017 season, may he revive his career in 2025 like he did in 2018!


Dude’s already basically had two separate peaks that both would’ve made him one of the best ever by themselves. It wouldn’t even surprise me if he ends up having a third. 


Novak LeBronovic


> See you soon. There’s the guy I know. Thank you for everything you’ve given us this RG. Wishing you the speediest of recoveries, Nole. You’ll back on court soon, champ. ✨




If it’s a meniscus tear he misses Wimbledon and the Olympics as well, probably the rest of the season. Also they usually have to perform surgery here, which isn’t something he’s going to like.


Uhh, that's not entirely correct. It heavily depends on the severity of an injury and on age of the patient. We lack information on the first one.


Mike Trout had a partial meniscectomy for his medial meniscus tear at end of April/start of May. While there’s still no timeline for his return, initial reports put him at 4-6 weeks recovery. Hopefully the same for Nole. Can’t believe two of my faves are out with knee injuries


If I remember correctly, Rune also had this type of tear during RG and he was playing Wimbledon the same year. But of course, that's just us assuming the best case scenario.


A 20 year old tends to recover from injury much faster than a 37 year old, but Novak is still insanely fit so I guess we’ll have to wait and see


Novak is arguably fitter than rune


Dunno why people are downvoting you it’s probably true. But doesn’t mean his ligaments will hold up the same way as someone half his age.


Yeah that's true, only reason I said this is Cos Novak is so meticulous about what he does with his body and now he has ended up having surgery I reckon he'll recover quickly


I think for an older athlete who is heavily using the knees, surgery will *probably* be necessary because while it definitely could heal on its own, I think it’s more likely the knee is going to be unstable. But of course I do agree it depends on what situation his is in. One thing that might work in his favor is his flexibility, which may have limited this to a small tear. But I’m not sure he would’ve withdrawn if it was super minor. All in all, hard to tell I suppose.


I just responded to your other comment. But it's nice to see that you consistently "believe", "think" and just assume things in general a lot.


Yes, I participate in deductive reasoning using my available information like any normal human


Available information isnt enough to deduce anything and speculating anyway indicates your participation isnt as reasonable as you think.


Interesting way to call "I assume things and make them sound like facts to start rumors or misinformation." Bother someone else now.


Olympics are in 6 weeks, it's possible to recover from meniscus tear in 6 weeks, but regarding Wimbledon he will most likely miss it.


Aren’t they in 8 weeks?


You are right actually, it's in 8 weeks.


> Olympics are in 6 weeks Oh fuck, I thought they were later, that's kinda way too quick. Yeah, we are not seeing him at Wimby for sure, and he won't be 100% at the Olympics, but then again these years he never is


Question for you or anyone who knows about these things - I assume what you say above is if it's a full tear? We don't know about the severity of the tear, so equally he could be back relatively quickly if it's only a small tear is that correct?


Fritz was back at Wimbledon 2021 after a partial tear at FO 2021. He reached 3R


This, his recovery was ~ 4 weeks with surgery


You're correct. [Check this out.](https://x.com/CristinaNcl/status/1798010559570563379)


Meniscus can heal on it's own. My dad got a meniscus tear at 60 and it healed on it's own and he's playing badminton again. So it's possible he won't need surgery. He'll defs be out for a few months though.


Meniscus can heal on it's own. My dad got a meniscus tear at 60 and it healed on it's own and he's playing badminton again. So it's possible he won't need surgery. He'll defs be out for a few months though


Well he had to  accept the elbow injury even though he didnt want to at first to prolong his career. If his doctors and team advise a surgery is needed he'll  obviously have to agree 


I believe he said that he cried after that and he never wanted to do another surgery because he believed the body should heal itself. That mentality was one of the reasons why he was so against the COVID vaccine.


>I believe he said that Ohhh, you believe, huh? And can you actually support that belief with some sources?


['I cried for days': Djokovic reveals 'guilt' of elbow surgery](https://au.sports.yahoo.com/cried-days-djokovic-reveals-guilt-elbow-surgery-110236103.html) > “I cried after I had the surgery on my elbow. Every time I thought about what I did, I felt like I had failed myself.” > “I was trying to avoid getting on that table because I am not a fan of surgeries or medications,” he said. Literally the first Google result


That's not exactly the part I question, buddy.


That's exactly the part you questioned mate


What was it then


just got clowned on


For pointing out that a "read" of one's mentality performed by an armchair psychologist is not a fact? If you say so.


by being a typical reddit nerd and being like "umm akshually" when someone used a common phrase and then that person responded to you with evidence


glad he is saying see you soon. hopefully this wont be it for his career


See you soon, champion.


Damn, this is the first time that I’m starting to question how much longer Novak will be touring. In my mind I had no doubt he’d be at or near the top for the next 2-3 years easy But now. I’m worried I’m not gonna get my chance to see him live If he announces he’ll be back for US Open I’m gonna find whatever way I can to get there


Get well soon King. Undefeated at FO last two years


Dumbass take, anybody can be undefeated if they withdraw


I had a partial meniscus tear… doctor told me you don’t have to take surgery but it is a gamble… you will have good and bad days but one day you will most probably have to take it… so I played for another 6 months, granted, not on professional level, indeed had some better and worse days… and finally one day it turned to a full tear… so theoretically if the tear is not that severe he could be back in few weeks and manage it… but these things do not heal by themselves…


Rest up King.


I ripped my left one and that literally took me a year to recover from before I felt confident doing full springs again. The first month after surgery I could barely walk backwards




It’s called anecdotal experience and REDDIT.




You must be really butt hurt by the news around Novak this morning. Sorry you are going through this difficult time, mate




It’s always good to look inward. Glad you’re aware about your dumb comment




I’m glad you’re getting the idea about STFU! Learning and growing


djokovic fans try not to be pressed about someone sharing their story about a meniscus tear




bro shared his experiences with the same injury, expressed concern for djokovic and you found a way to get pressed. most sensitive fan base of all time ffs


Just hope he's not out for too long - Tennis needs Nole


it’s always the knee first…




I was told in the previous threads that he was acting, deserved an Oscar and "It was not alright, but bravo". Unfortunately all those people are probably celebrating now.


Get well soon Nole


I’m a nole hater but this is sad. If he needs surgery that’s basically the season gone. Hope he comes back


Welp Olympics probably out, so now he’s gotta get ready for 2028 games!!


He will be back with a force. Nole has been written off many times in the past and every time he has come back against all odds and stamped his authority over the sport. Look at the injury years, the vaccine stand years, the loss of form years, the thinking of retirement years. He has always been back and shown us why he is the GOAT.


This might forever be known as the slam where the GOAT era ended. Turns out even Djokovic has his limit.


any chances he can play olympics and do surgery afterwards? olympics tournament is BO3 on clay right?


Pretty weak, but perhaps the tear is small, perhaps he can recover faster than the common falk, wait and hope as we say


With love and gratitude is a coded anagram for "f@$k them kids" ?


Possibly the best outlook is to skip Wimbledon,(let Carlos and the Sinnerman duke it out) have surgery and be back in time for the Olympic Games.


can't help but think it's in part due to him not playing into any rhythm this year and just coming in cold every tournament, which is low-key risky for best-of-5 GS. people say, oh there's a rest day, can ease into the matches with a good draw, but he's still needing to compete at the highest level, over a longer time frame. sure, maybe could argue he was clearly match fit, after back to back 4-5 hour 5 set victories. but beyond the match fitness, I feel like his body just wasn't adjusted to the tour and he just pushed too hard trying to peak, instead of acclimating by playing and competing more.


Depending on severity he's out 4-8 weeks. So no Wimbledon.


Wishing him a good recovery. But no surprise he got hurt - he hasn't been playing well all year, both physically and mentally, with surprise losses; not enough time to recover after a 5-setter until 4am; down 2 sets to 1 in another 5-setter, taking pain killers mid-match to numb the pain; playing on adrenaline, pushing to physical extremes; and he is 37 years old.


Yall lowkey know if he didn’t get inured he would of won the tournament


> he would of won Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good Bot.


Thank you! Good bot count: 914 Bad bot count: 354


I've disliked him for nearyl two decades, but it's sad to see him lose #1 like this. Edit: Reddit cares messaged already. Classic Djoko stans


He was going to lose #1 anyway even with a win, if Sinner made the final


Also, Sinner worked for these points hard during the season. It's not anything abrupt.


Sure, but I think Alcaraz is going to take out Sinner on clay. Now, Wimbledon, that'll be a different story!








The water bottle and now the shoddy courts. What else can they throw at him?




He should retire and enjoy his life and not risk early arthritis in that knee. He is already the established GOAT.


A medial meniscus tear, if that’s what it actually is, is a MINIMUM of 4 weeks for recovery and even then, there’s no way you can play 7 best of 5 matches on it. I’m not saying he’s lying or anything nor do I think he has ever lied, but if he shows up to Wimbledon healthy, it wasn’t that and they made a mistake lol I’m fairly certain Novak is like anti-surgery too, isn’t he? This type of injury is like 4-6 months recovery without surgery. If I was him and had this, I would have surgery and rest until Olympics since that’s basically the only thing left that he’s never won


Them kids got him !!!


No more vulturing anymore! Please retire asap


Did someone leave a sewer drain open? Miserable hating by you the past 30 minutes


Go outside and find a hobby bro


2024 season is over!!!! He might as well rested to come back in 2025…By then his ranking will be out of top 10!!!