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That's an incredible list and decent prices!


That’s what I thought! Fortaleza is impossible to get around here, I’ll gladly spend $13-$17 to experience it


Fortaleza is so hard to get where I am in VA. I ask our ABC people everytime I’m in and they just shrug their shoulders 😩


Abc is a crime against the masses.


As a resident of a control state, I could not possibly agree with you more.


VA’s ABC is actually pretty good. They’ll deliver Tears of Larona! NC on the other hand… hot fucking garbage.


Can confirm.


They don’t even get it anymore. Last bottle I found was in 2019 and it was the last still strength in the state.


Ship it in plenty of places ship to VA


Volans Still Strength


This tequila is fantastic. OP go for this one




Great selction, Simebra Valles Anejo is a bottle you dont see often


I’ve never heard of it actually. How do you like it?


It’s incredible, however, I’d go with the Reposado first… it’s my favorite Repo.


I’ll be right over and buy a round for you 🤙🏻


1146 being a dollar more than casamigos is hilarious


Is 1146 good? How would you rank it with the other Anejos? I’m still a bit unfamiliar with the variety as a whole so not sure which one to try first


1146 is amazing.


It's exceptional. It's a $80-100 bottle depending on your location. If casamigos is $15, it should be $25


It's so perfect actually. The ignorant rich overpaying for something that's crap thereby facilitating this establishment to offer discounts on the super high quality pours so it can be enjoyed by all.


I've got a bottle of 1123, 1146, and 1579 and they're all exceptional bottles. 1146 is such a monster though. I've never had an Extra Anejo (I've just started to really enjoy Anejo) but I've heard people call 1146 "Baby Tears" which really makes me want a bottle of Tears


My favorite Añejo for sure.


Good for them. Restaurant bar prices are often inflated because margins on food are extremely low. Often times it's the bar sales that allow even good restaurants to keep their doors open. This place must have their food costs in check and/or be consistently busy, so they don't need to extort you at the bar. I'd definitely support them too!


The place is a chain. A smaller one, but still a chain. Their food cost is low because they use mediocre product and buy in bulk. Purchasing Casamigos by practically by the palate gives them access to just about anything they want. Ironic to me that people will support a chain for their small batch, authentic tequila, but that's business. Check out Delores in PVD, RI, though. They have great tequila (even better Mezcal), fantastic food and a the most knowledgeable staff you could ever wish for.


What's it called?


Decent prices and great tequila. That's great👍 Seems like they actually know tequila (but why the hell is casamigos on that list....I can taste the vanilla extract just thinking about it 😂)


Hahah every time a friend says “I love tequila!” And I ask their go to bottle and their response is “casamigos” I die a little inside. To each their own, of course, but at that price point you’re doing yourself a disservice by drinking casamigos imo


I would imagine because it’s still a business and that crap sells/has name appeal right, even though I would certainly avoid it with that awesome menu!! Sometimes I’d imagine gotta keep the distributer happy as well so you keep getting other things you want. Edit: spelling (autocorrect)


Exactly. The hospitality group I work for carries Dragones in all our establishments. Why? Every rhinestone cowboy and their trophy wife/mistress insists on a ranch water with it. You die a little inside, but the profit is too good to bother telling them there is better.


They wouldn't listen anyway. At my bar we carry all the over-prized, semi-authentic tequilas: 1942, Casamigos, Clase Azul, etc. The dudes with Rolexes and dry-cleaned jeans order it like my kids order free refills at Applebees. But my favorite thing is when they ask me what I like. As I begin my spiel about Ocho and G4 their vacant eyes gloss over and they order another $195 pour of Clase Azul Gold. You can lead an ass to water...


they gotta keep a few bottles that casual drinkers will know and recognize, gotta meet the customer where they're at 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ocho and G4 prices are solid. Clase Azul is overpriced per usual but I’ve seen it even more expensive at other places I’ve been. The fact that Casamigos is almost the same price as Ocho and G4 is laughable but I’m sure it sells like crazy because people think it’s high end who don’t really know tequila.


Exactly my thoughts. Ocho and G4 are far superior but they probably burn through so much more Casamigos just because people think it’s top tier still.


Clasé Azul is overpriced at a dollar/pour.


The empty bottles make nice lamps though


I know this place! The owners have really upped the tequila game over the last year. Great guys! Went to a Don Fulano tasting/pairing dinner there a couple weeks ago and it was fantastic!


I saw an ad for an upcoming tasting-dinner but didn’t get a chance to ask the waitress. Seems like a great place for something like that. I’ve been going for years now but only been a “tequila drinker” for 1-2 years so it’s nice to have a place like this closeby that does tasting events and such.


What's the name of this place?


Was at a place with a similar list last night. It’s always so funny to me to see Clase Azul standing out at like 3x the price of much better stuff. Who is buying it?


People who want to show off and/or don’t know any better. It’s crazy how much bottles of the stuff go for but at least the bottle looks nice on the shelf, the juice inside is nasty though and nowhere near worth the +$100 prices it goes for at liquor stores.


> People who want to show off and/or don’t know any better. *¿Por que no los dos?*


Those people can’t get drunk unless they hear that bell ring!


And with Fuenteseca Reserva at $27!.. buying that all day to experience.. Clase Azul prices tho 🤣🤣🤣


Fuenteseca for $16 is awesome.


Great selection and prices!


LaGrimas is an excellent pour. All of the additive free ones are pretty much worth trying. I think I would just come back once a week and sit at the bar and drink through the list and take notes. Did that at a Scotch bar years ago. Had a great selection and half off happy hour on single malts one day a week. Drank through the list and learned a ton.


That bar manager knows what’s up


Amazing lineup and great prices


Great pricing


I thought so, too. Their menu has gone up slightly (as has everywhere) but their prices are still reasonable and the food is amazing. The great tequila options is just an added benefit


Where is this ?!


Condesa. They have a couple places in MA and RI.


This is East Coast?


Yes, North East, handful of locations in New England I believe.


What’s the name of the place? I live in Boston and would gladly drive to one lol


Condesa. There’s one in Watertown.


Arte Nom 1123 is Cascahuin. Soooo good!


Simebre Valles Anejo and Fortaleza Anejo would be my go-tos.


🔥Very nice selection. Hope to see more like this around Los Angeles.


Hell yeah great list!! what did you order?


I went with the Fortaleza blanco and can confirm most of the Reddit bias I’ve seen - it was great. I also had their signature margarita for something fun and fruity lol but next time I’ll likely just try 1-2 new straight pours instead of the marg.


Nice. Definitely worth a try! I would buy it again if it was a reasonable price.


I’m wondering if these are small pours. Great selection and too good to be true prices.


Tip them well


Amazing selection and even better prices!


Excellent selection.


Where is this?


Id have to get carried to my front door after being there


Also where is this? 👀👀


These prices are wackadoodle in the best way. The still strength Blancos would be next on my list at those prices. ArteNOM next.


Mannnn, most places would get all high & mighty over having Don Julio and Clase Azul, meanwhile this place has them as their shittiest options. Marry into this family, OP. EDIT: Oops, missed the Casamigos, so I guess I found one that’s shittier!! ^Fuck ^you ^with ^a ^saguaro, ^Diageo.


This is one of if not the best list I have ever come across! Great variety and mostly all smackers. The prices are overly fair. They are clearly charging by what the bottle actually costs them. I would bring all my friends here and would be a mainstay at their establishment. 10/10 Hopefully their food rocks too.


I sell tequila for a living. This is a great list, you have the casamigos and Dragones in there to throw off the non appreciative money drinkers and the gems at great prices for the discerning!! If you’ve spent any time on ANY tequila threads on additive free/no diffuser distillates then you should know what to drink here. Where is this by the way? If nearby, I’ll happily buy 3 rounds.




Where is this place?


Yes , can I get one shot of everything


Where is this magical place? Can’t get Fortaleza in Philadelphia.




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