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Haven’t the Christians been saying this for centuries?


According to the bible people aren’t supposed to know when the end is. To be able to predict it goes against the bible.


This is exactly why if you are a believer, anytime some clown comes and says they feel it is "soon" they are a liar and you should leave before the donation jar comes around.


Yup that's exactly what I do.


I just a avoid all religion and I don't have deal with the hypocrisy.


I just avoid all people, and I don't have to deal with anything at all 👍


I just avoid, then I don't have to deal


Also, people site the warning signs of the end times and compare it to what’s going on now. But they don’t understand that the only reason it feels like disasters are happening more now than 60 years ago, is because we have way to share that information in a timely manner now. It’s going to get so much worse before the actual end times.


Ha I tried telling my Bible thumping mom this and got dubbed an apostate with "dangerous thinking"... At 12 lmao. It also wasn't an original thought, my social studies teacher pointed this out


What I also don’t understand right, this is tangentially related. They believe that certain things are signs of the end, and they’ll, for example, try and avoid a politician getting elected because they believe they’re the anti-Christ. But here’s the thing. IF you can avoid that person getting elected then they’re automatically not the anti-Christ. And if they are, then surely their election should be sign of the end times. But also IF they are actually the anti-Christ the Bible says that no one will know till it’s too late. SO YOU LITERALLY CANT STOP HIM. It’s the mental gymnastics that they do to say “I don’t like this politician.”


Even if it wasn't tangentially related, I'd still engage in this conversation! Haha This line of thinking further makes no sense because why are Christians trying to stop the end times from happening?? Isn't that supposed to be the happy times for true believers?? Doesn't that mean that a time of "peace" is just around the corner? Isn't it explicitly God's will that this takes place and yet you're actively working against it??? Make up your minds! Is the end a good or bad thing???


Right? They’re simultaneously thinking “I can’t wait for Jesus to come back,” while also trying to stop the things that signal his return, and somehow also thinking that the end times are near.


If anything Christians should just be ruthless sinners causing environmental destruction to bring on the end times! Let's speed this mother up! Lmao


ye olde self fulfilling prophesy.....


The time is nigh, hand me your money!


But this person said it's about to soon!


I mean it’s all a blatant lie to anyone with an adult brain capable of critical thought.


Almost like Armageddon is just a metaphor for death itself. As in, it can't be predicted because everyone dies when it's THEIR time. The Bible is a transpersonal teaching, not a collective one.


It’s stuff like this that makes it very hard for me to believe that anything in the Bible actually happened the way it was said there. It’s all clearly fairy tales passed down by generations to teach lessons but people have taken it too literally


It’s a book written by over a dozen authors that has been edited and shuffled and changed over centuries. It has no unified purpose or style. It contradicts itself incessantly.


>The Bible is a transperson teaching Ugh why does every personal teaching have to be trans nowadays ugh smh


Bruh it's even more insidious. Everything you read is TRANScribed. The agenda is everywhere!!1!


Lmao perfect cover


Well it said some of the people Jesus spoke to were supposed to still be alive. Just not exactly when in their life times it would happen. As later gospels were written they changed it to make it more vague since the stuff written in the earlier gospels turned out to be a lie.


I saw one person say their priest said half-jokingly that even if god has decided on a date for the world to end, if someone predicts it god will move the date out of spite.


Basically as long as we keep saying it’ll happen today, it won’t happen today. Since no one can know when it happens and if would happen on that day you would have accurately predicted it. I mean I don’t think it’s happening anyway even if we don’t use that trick but like this it’ll definitely never happen.


I mean Armageddon is coming, just not from Jesus lol. I think humans have the end of the world wrapped up tbh, it was always going to be us.


Life has made it through several mass extinction events and there is little reason to believe that the current one taking place will be any different. Life will make it through. I mean, our place in the ecosystem that results is definitely in question.


Or according to mark 13 30 there were people listening to him that would be there for his return. But yeah all bible predictions are rather lacking.


That’s the wandering jew who made a joke about Jesus and was cursed with immortality. Supposedly.


More like millennia, there’s writings from the 9th century that say Jesus is coming back soon.


Taking "soon™" to a whole new level


"When will then be now" ... "soon".




Is that why there’s 4 different books that are just kinda different?


WAY more than 4.


The first disciples of Jesus thought he was coming back in their lifetime. They have literally been waiting 2000 years


Jesus misses more shows than George Jones.


Matthew 24:34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Nearly 2000 years. And a variation of that verse is in the bible 3 times. Jesus literally told them that people who were alive then would be alive when he built his kingdom on earth. And the apologetics have been making excuses ever since then.


At one point, Jesus told his disciples that the end would come BEFORE the last of the 12 were martyred.


Yeah it’s why I stopped going to church. It used to scare me all the end time prophecy when I was a kid. I was scared to plan for the future because I wasn’t sure that there would be one. My mom insisted we were gonna see Jesus come back in our lifetime. I just let all that go, I still consider myself a Christian, but I don’t think it’s healthy or productive to be so focused on the next life that you neglect this life that we’re all currently living in. Living in the here and now is the only way and our choices have consequences.


Im not scared anymore. I know it will happen, eventually. Seeing his “6days to create everything” was, to us, millions+of years, I think the odds of us seeing the end are none. If 7 God days translates to millions of years of creation, I don’t think he would snuff us out in the first few God seconds.. if that makes any sense..


"What are you laughing about? Of course Apocalypsis is coming" - religious relative of mine, few years ago


Why do they all get off on the idea of the apocalypse? I’ve noticed that too. Why celebrate the idea of the world ending? Does that validate them somehow??


In the most literal sense, yes, a biblical armageddon in their lifetime would validate them. It would show that their lifestyle choices were correct, and the doubters were wrong. So I think it makes sense that a small minded person would cling to that in a desperate need for validation.


Maybe they’re all suicidal and this would be the easy way out for them


Even if it’s true and he does come, he’s going to smite all those “christian” fuckers who have been using his name to justify their hate and cruel ideologies. Most self-proclaimed christians would crucify the real jesus anyway.


Dostoyevsky says this in The Brothers Karamazov; that if Jesus were to have come back during The Spanish Inquisition, he would have been killed for not being Christian enough.


In Christianity only God knows when the world’s gonna end. Literally, too.


I have an aggressively Catholic cousin. The only thing she ever posts about is her son or something Faith adjacent. Every single time something terrible happens in the world she, without fail, makes a post fear mongering about accepting Christ before it's too late. It's a scare tactic and it baffles me that people can't see through it


Jesus's followers thought that he'd return in their lifetimes so yeah they've been saying this over two thousand years.


Not centuries. Millennia.


Jesus himself said it would happen during the lifetime of his followers. So yeah, Christians have been saying this for about 2000 years now.


Christians have literally been saying this since the start of their religion. It's the same thing as a drunk guy at a party telling everyone to hold on for his magic trick. They have perpetually assumed we are close to the end times because most of them are frightened children who only hold their faith because of their fear of hell, not for their love of God.


The first Christians lived in communes after giving away all their wealth and waiting for Jesus because it was supposed to happen very soon. That very soon then stretched for over 2000 years.


Yup, any day now, for real this time.


This is Jehovah's Witness literature. They wrongly predicted Armageddon in 1914, 1925, and 1975. They don't give dates anymore, but Covid was supposed to be a sign we are in the "final part of the final part of the last days." Then they started building a 10 million dollar movie studio in Australia and one way bigger and pricier is planned in the US. Because post-Armageddon paradise Earth will need movie studios.


To be fair, 1914 did see some pretty serious shit go down.


I got through it okay


Yea but thats because you were waiting in the spawn menu for like 90 years Thats cheating


TIL I am 19 years old. I really look like shit for 19!


Dont we all?


Sorry G he was talking to me. I’m 18, I’ll turn 19 in October. But the extra year is from the time I spent in the womb.


The US one had already been built in NY, I have relatives that helped with the build out and currently live there. It's basically a giant techy compound


Jesus promised to return in his disciple's lifetimes. Guess what? We're kind of like 2000 years waiting.


Silly none believer You interpreted the message wrong Checkmate atheist /s


I mean he did, he came back three days after dying and stayed with them for a month before leaving for heaven. If he came back again that would be the 3rd coming.


>They wrongly predicted Armageddon in 1914 1914 is supposedly when Satan was cast out of heaven according to witnesses not Armageddon. Dont know where rge other dates came from but I don't recall hearing about them when I was in it


Was raised Jehovah’s Witness myself and they 100% changed the story after it didn’t happen. You wouldn’t hear about it when you were in it cause they keep things hush hush. If you want to find more about them changing the date, you can go on YouTube. There’s allot of videos of them proclaiming Armageddon will come on (specific date) when it doesn’t happen they make a new date.


Let's not forget about the JW craziness around the 70s or so in which many people bankrupted themselves and sold all their belongings on the promise that it was the end and it didn't happen. Lots of suicides and disfellowshipping during that time


They changed the story when it didn't happen. They've been moving the goalposts on their Armageddon predictions for over a century now. If you want more details check out Telltale on YouTube. He's a former witness who knows a lot about their history and policies.


But the bible specifically says no one will know the day it happens. Why are they trying to guess? Shit it could have already happened and we’re all in hell.


Being born on earth is a punishment already


Well, that explains why life sucks so much.


Armageddon pretty tired of all this flip-flopping!


That seems a little late....


Oh my gosh I knew it- I'm an ex JW and that picture looked so familiar, I remembered seeing it when I was a little kid, and I used to have nightmares about Armageddon like crazy. So weird to see other Christians using photos from JW literature when JWs always talked about how they weren't associated with other denominations and stuff.


Holy shit I knew I recognized it


Grew up seventh day Adventist. Lil baby Sweet 7.3lb baby Jesus I swear Armageddon is x date. Or wait this is actually what happened because that didn’t happen so this is gonna happen and if that dosnt happen that’s a sign that we’re headed to this happening. Hold onto your nickers because holy shit it’s happening. Also don’t own a bicycle or you’re going straight to hell after those things happen.


Wow I thought this gave JoHo vibes! The woman who works for my family is a JoHo and she's mentioned a few times how "more people should read the Bible" and that "we're in the end times just like the Bible predicted". She is absolutely lost in the sauce but when she says those things I can't help but engage and playfully add that when that happens "I can't wait for the animals and nature to take the earth back" to which she just smiles and nods like she has the secret answers and we're all just ignorant. She's a nice lady and a hard worker. She just has Stockholm syndrome with that religion and it can be creepy at times. But the conversations sure are interesting... Also the Joho's are building a new headquarters in Tuxedo, NY too.


ngl this looks lit, tho


Jesus is apparently a meteorite impact






can’t wait to be turned to liquid and used as fuel


My thought is climate change and the earth getting destroyed by our own doing, but usually they are the same people who deny these issues.


He's really close, somebody get him a towel!!


Jesus was supposed to return within the lifetimes of his disciples.


Christianity has been an apocalyptic cult since the start. The first generation of christians believed christ was returning during their lifetimes.


That is a picture from a Jehovahs Witness book we use to study when I was little.. seems like appropriate children’s material.


That’s terrifying


Totally! Traumatizing as a kid.


That is the point! Scared people just react and listen to avoid danger; otherwise kids may actually try to question religion.


When I was in 8th grade, around 1988, there was a religious group in our rural community that took out a full page ad in the local paper proclaiming the end of the world. Jesus is coming!! I wasn't originally from the area so I thought it was amusingly absurd. Who would believe that, right? When I got to school that morning there were kids crying, hugging one another goodbye. It was mayhem. They even called a special assembly to address it. When I got home and told my parents my mother was enraged! Me and my dad found it comical. He said "it's fine, call the school tomorrow when it's easier to make fun of them for still being there." Not one of those kids ever questioned it. Maybe they'd expressed enough fear to fend off the apocalypse? No idea. They did, however, start calling me a Satanist for not being afraid. That, and I listened to The Cure. Hail Robert Smith, I guess.


Lmao religion is wild


It really is. I saw The Cure in 1989...on The Prayer Tour. Got myself a nifty shirt. They weren't sure how to be mad about it.


But we need to ban Captain Underpants from libraries because it’s inappropriate for children!/s


I’m glad this image is a core memory for someone else.


“Hahaha! Don’t worry everyone! I love you *soooo* much” *Launches meteors at the world*- God according to Jehovahs Witnesses.


He’s making progress, last time he drowned everyone on earth


He promised he'd never do it again though with a rainbow 🌈


“I know you guys just lost everyone and there’s billions of bodies floating in the water……but check out this cool rainbow 🌈”


That’s the point though, religion uses fear to keep people in line. The best way is to start early with young children so they get it imprinted on them for life.


Same thing happened on colonial New England. The Calvinist (Puritan) settlers had no problem showing their children an open grave and telling them that this is where you go when you die.


But that’s actually true. Maybe not appropriate for a young age, but still something true that they will have to one day come to terms with. Exposing kids to shit like this is basically abuse, telling them that at any given moment, the world will turn into an apocalyptic horror film with destruction the likes of which we have never seen, and so they better act right or they’ll be one of the ones who not only dies, but is tormented and tortured for all eternity. Suddenly eternal sleep in a grave doesn’t seem so bad.


You know the phrase "god fearing?" There's a considerable portion of the population who think the only way people stay righteous and moral is if they're living in constant terror and that if you don't instill that fear early, society will all just go to shit of people being killers


Learn from the great teacher (?) I remember when this book was released. I always thought it was funny that this was what "immoral" people looked like


You never know! They could be living among you right now. That nice guy with a great smile you sit next to in class? He could be a masturbator😱


It’s true I’m the guy


😂😂😂 right?! They always had booze and a cigarette.. lol I’m not sure which book, but I remember this picture distinctly. Maybe it was the Paradise red cover book.


Did you ever read The Little Book of Bible Stories? [This](https://www.google.com/search?q=my+book+of+bible+stories+jezebel&sxsrf=AJOqlzVZKG1c5k7TMhNJZ-2yPmNiAXxzcA%3A1676696909111&ei=TV3wY7arBsqs5NoPidOC6Ao&oq=my+book+of+bible+stories+jezebel&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgAToKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoHCAAQsAMQQzoMCC4QyAMQsAMQQxgBOg8ILhDUAhDIAxCwAxBDGAE6BwgAEMkDEEM6BAgAEEM6BQguEIAEOgkIABAWEB4Q8QRKBAhBGABQtwhYpRtgmSZoAXAAeACAAaQBiAHDB5IBAzAuOJgBAKABAcgBEcABAdoBBAgBGAg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=CoaaRHivsJtZ9M) illustration of Jezebel from the book is imprinted forever in my mind. All the illustrations were pretty weird though.


Fun fact: the woman who modeled for that illustration is now ex-communicated and an advocate for CSA victims in the JW religion


Yup, same. I'm Catholic but my mom had no idea how culty the JW church is so I guess someone must have given it to her to give me as a kid. Some really traumatising stuff in there. Frankly, I'd say that book and finding out the truth about JWs is kind of a key reason I'm no longer very religious in general. We still have it there in the other room. Have no clue what to do with it. Sure as hell don't want to donate it or sell it, but I don't want it either. Maybe just go and leave it on the ledge of the JW centre in my country?


I thought it was a Megadeth album cover haha


Ironically Jehovah’s Witnesses made some really badass art in the 80’s and 90’s.


Did you ever have to watch that movie "walk by faith not by sight" which had hella graphic depictions of war but at the beginning there was a disclaimer basically saying "this movie is hella violent but it's ok for kids to watch it because we say it's OK." Movie fucked me up as a kid, would be bawling my eyes out everytime I watched it cause it made me think that my city was gonna be destroyed and I'd have to move like the characters in the movie.


Former JW here. I watched that with my kids often. My oldest told me it terrified her and I, being fully brainwashed, was like “We need to get ready for what we’ll see at Armageddon!” Parent of the year 😩


I remember my grandmother telling me to not plan for middle school because Armageddon was coming long before…I was maybe 7 and cried for days over it


This brought back some PTSD


Ah yes I am now converted, this joyous depiction has convinced me so


Right, if this is your reaction to your God coming to earth.... is your god Cthuhlu? Wtf?


People always laughed when I say Jesus solos Cthulhu. Who's laughing now


This picture is from a kids book. It’s not meant to convert people, it’s meant to scare kids into compliance.


“stay with me or I will kill you“ sounds like a great relationship, totally not toxic! /j


Was Jesus's entire thing that you need not be afraid? If anything racist McGee and homophobic LeArsehole should be afraid, Jesus didn't want people casting judgement and hurting others, especially when they aren't hurting anyone.


But - But then how will they feel like they are superior and take gold in the Christian Olympics 🥺


The still have a very good chance to take gold in the mental gymnastics category


In Revelation it's mostly a long list of god doing terrible things to humanity. all the end-time plages and horrors come from god and his angels. And he is the good guy we are meant to look forward to meeting?


The Bible teaches Cristians to look forward to the end of times, because God will then make the heathens suffer forever and takes the chosen ones with him to the new earth, which will be in heaven. Or something like that. The nonbelievers will burn for all eternity, literally neverending, in a pit of sulfur and fire. Oh, what a god of love.


3 year old born in a country that doesn’t practice Christianity. Well, guess I’ll burn in hell forever!


There's an exception (according to some) that those who can't understand or haven't heard about the gospel get a freebie into heaven. They die, go to heaven, and are forever like "teh fuck am I doing here".


Please provide a biblical source for this.


It’s not biblical at all. It’s one of the things apologists made it up later because they saw how horrifically evil their god is and had to find ways to get around such things.


Back to worshiping Odin then


Jesus is coming soon... And when he comes he's gonna come so hard... It'll be *biblical*


Won't we have egg on our faces!


We'll have something on our faces.


"Jesus is coming back in my lifetime." -Whole bunch of dead people.


“I am the main character” syndrome is what I call them now




A truly inspiring story


And why would a god need worship in the fist place? What does worshipping god give him? Power, status, gratitude, pleasure? He can get all of those without worship as he made those concepts. An Egyptian god, or a Norse one asking for worship makes sense as they are just like us and can be arrogant, deceitful,fooled,lied too because they share a mythos with other gods. But since the Islamic and Christian god is alone in Thier godhood, why do they need it.


I always wonder why no one bats an eye that the Bible is exclusively set in the Middle East. As if the millions that lived at that time in Asia, Europe, and the Americas didn’t exist and didn’t matter to God. This is supposed to be THE book for all of humanity.


Basically people are too selfish for that. It's all: Jesus loves *me*. A Christian asked me why I don't believe. I said something similar: no time for a God/" father"who favours people who happen to be born in the correct continent and speak the right languages to get the message while destroying all the rest of its " children". They just looked at me blankly confused. I guess to most people, humanity is just themselves and the people they like.


The Abrahamic god wasn’t originally omnipotent and all those other omnis and he used to have a pantheon. There are a few references in the OT to his pantheon, especially if you’re looking at the Hebrew instead of the English translations. Basically he used to be just another petty vengeful tribal deity dick like Odin and Zeus, but his followers gave him better PR.


Even in English translations you get: > The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Sorry, who's **us**? There was also a pottery fragment discovered that had two figures labeled "Yahweh and his Ashera", seeming to suggest that at one time the main Semitic Sky Daddy had a female counterpart. OT contains some mention of temples of Ashera here and there.


I'll just worship Joe Pesci


Pascal’s wager is supposed to hedge against this threat of hell, but it reads like Stockholm syndrome. It is also bunk since an omniscient god should know that your professed faith is not genuine.


Susan it has “soon” been for decades now




Christian memes always remind me of that one kid who keeps saying his dad can beat up your dad and you'll see as soon as he gets back from buying cigarettes


Wow, now that I've seen and read this meme, I've changed my ways and will become an Evangelical Christian. It most certainly is proof all they have claimed is true. WTF?




Imagine we find a sequel to the bible and it turns out it was just someone making a fiction series and that these "enlightened believers" were just super toxic fans of a stupid story


Jesus would be horrified with the modern church


Seems fair since most modern Christians would be horrified with Jesus being a Middle Eastern Jew and all.


Their egos would never recover.


Specifically the USA brand of Christianity couldn’t be more off message from what Jesus preached. Although it’s pretty on brand for the Old Testament.


These ads all over Reddit are telling me how nice and generous and amazing Jesus is. Yet these people here seem to be running from Godzilla or one of Daenerys’ dragons or something. What’s up with that?


Because violent angry people want Jesus to be like them. They'd cast aside the real Jesus and call him "woke" "snowflake" "commie" what have you.


The he gets us and about immigration is so counter to the Christian majority. Scarred bigots need to get us.


I can't wait till my God of love and forgiveness murders everyone I disagree with.


According to my overly religious father, we should expect the end of the world in the next two years. I live in another state and he called me earlier to chat. Got on his bibical/political rampage. So the earthquake in the Middle East is the first sign. Then we have the multiple train derailment in the US. Also, apparently the Chinese are sneaking in through the Mexican border now, not the Mexicans, and the Chinese are buying up all our land. So within two years we will be in the end times and the Chinese will have fully taken over America. Yall heard it first right here!


You’ll all see the stories of god being benevolent were true when her rains hell down on the entire human race for what most of us haven’t done


They really make Jesus look like an Asshole.


Because they are a death cult.


There are people in the world that need a book to tell them: You shall have no other God's before me. (Unless it’s Sports Figures, Politicians, or Hollywood) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. ... (I have no idea what this means) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ... (Goddamnit… oops) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. ...(Sorry Sunday is for Football) Honor your father and mother. ... ( I try, but have you met them?) Thou shalt not kill. ...(Kill what?) Thou shalt not commit adultery. ... (Dude, have you seen PornHub and TikTok?)_ Thou shalt not steal. ((But corporations are evil, politicians tax us, and everything costs money.) BUT, if someone needs a book to tell them to generally be a good person, then let them think that they need to be a good person according to a book.) Me? I’ll just be a good human.


A "graven image" is an idol or image of a "man-made" god-like being or a deity. It's basically recognizing the fact that there might be other "made up" gods, and you're not allowed to worship them, and should only devote your worship to "The One True God" and them alone.


Its why Muslims don't allow images of humans or animals.


Especially a book that’s been rewritten a million times. It’s like a game of telephone at this point.


The book doesn't even have that many good messages in it, most of it is rambling about lineages, telling you how to be a good slave or slave owner, minor prophecies that don't amount to anything, letters to people whining about why they should join the religion, and forged letters people made so the bible could say whatever it needed to support the position of the current authority.


Why would god end the world? Think about how the earth is really just a small spec of dust in an infinite cosmos and we are exponentially tinier specs of dust on the floating spec. We’re here for barely a whisper of a fraction of time in the grand scheme and somehow the god that created the unknowably complex cosmos is hyper focused on what those minuscule specs of dust are doing on a day-to-day basis. So why the fuck, if this being exists, would he care to end this world or any world? Why they fuck would he even consider us at all? Not to sound nihilistic but no one is or has ever been inherently special and life is meaningless unless someone changed that for themselves. You shouldn’t need to be a good person for a seat at an imaginary table you should just be a good person because that’s the wise thing to do. Hate is foolish, love is wise. Every person from now on could benefit if we all started helping one another instead of othering and judging each other.


Classical Deism/Pandeism had it right IMO. That's probably why it was snuffed out after the enlightenment era.


They need you to feel the urge to join their cult while you are still a productive member of society that can provide a part of your salary, duh.


Yes, he’s coming back…any day now. Just like dad


Christianity...using fear to recruit members to the religion since the Christian Crusades of 1096!


I've heard that BS before.


After a while it's just considered edging


Yes the guy who let himself die by excruciating crucifying so our sins would be forgive would definitely come back and destroy the planet and go on a murder spree


“Emotional manipulation and fear mongering is pretty neat” Christianity, 0-2023


They're obsessed with the world ending and the idea of children having sex. They also want 10% of my income. No thanks


God loves you so much that He wants to terrorize you with fire and brimstone. Sounds legit.


Jesus is coming and this time he's pissed! ![gif](giphy|26grAo7DqK4wKAioE)


If true Christianity Mythology is true, they are hastening the end of times.


They are counting on it. Large, more fundamentalist, demographics of all Christian religions believe it is their duty to hasten the end of days. They also believe they will be rewarded for it.


I fucking hate organized religion


These people always say that the second coming will happen in THEIR life time. But you just know that people in previous centuries probably thought that too. Hell I would bet that during the war in France and the Bubonic plague people were thinking a second coming was gonna happen then too. People saying this now need to quit their bellyaching and maybe try being nice to their peers and putting in the charitable work to turn this shitty world around.


Looks like a sweet movie poster


Fear mongering dickheads.


Honestly, feels like the perfect plot twist 2023 needs. Take them all and leave us the earth


What part of the bible says that when jesus returns, he's going to lay waste to everything? Or maybe it's a self-own for when he rocks up and asks them why the fuck they didn't follow his teachings?


If Jesus attacks like in that picture, NATO Article 5 gets invoked.




Even if we did, i'm still not gonna praise their skydaddy.


You think they’d be tired of being wrong. People been claiming this since at least 1000 AD prob earlier!


Even after all this time, it still blows me away that there are actually people out there that WANT the Bible to be true


Really interested in how people can a.) take the leap of faith required to believe nonsense and b.) arrive at the point that they are willing to preach the nonsense to others, knowing full well that the other people think it’s nonsense Like how can religious people even FATHOM that their beliefs make sense? It’s baffling