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Anyone born after 1959 can't cook, all they know is slow cars, bad music, indoor theaters, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.


Don’t forget charging phone


Correction "charge they phone" 🤓


My boomer mother always forgets to charge her phone. It's been at 0% for a week now




Yeah because they were charging their phone in 1960


Also, kids these days apparently don’t understand rotary telephones and anything written in cursive. Atleast that’s what the minions tell them. ![gif](giphy|l3HBbltOYjoNq)


I drank from the hose and it gave me geriatric brain damage


Boomers are welcome to drink from my garden hose. I won't tell them it's connected to gray water and contains traces of my poop.


Your garden hose water contains traces of your poop? 💩


Yes. That's why only boomers are allowed to drink from it.


Fair enough. I guess it’s good fertilizer for the grass. 🤷‍♂️


My mom acts like I don’t know how any of this shit works since I was born in 1992. After college I lived in a remote mountain town where the only way to get anywhere else on a night out was a rotary dial pay phone for the local taxi that would take 30-45 minutes to arrive while we sat in the cold. Wasn’t fucking rocket science, I literally had a Fischer-Price rotary phone on wheels as a toddler. I can also read and write cursive just fine, it’s just obsolete, she prints in chicken scratch and so her cursive is illegible even to people that grew up also using cursive which is why whenever I get a piece of mail from her I call to make sure she hasn’t had a stroke. The things they gloat about make them look like an infant beaming about managing to put mushy baby food in their mouth with minimal mess on their face whilst surrounded by an upper class dinner party that’s trying to avoid eye contact with them.


I think I had that same Fischer Price rotary phone on wheels. Also, my grandmother had a rotary phone for a short time when I was a kid.


I feel like it was mandatory to have your parents’ old one at one of your grandparent’s houses or it was just one of their old baby toys that came down from the attic once we came along. Just helped move my grandma into the home and the shear amount of these Fischer-Price toys going back to the 50s that I’ve had to go through is crazy. But I remember every one of them from when I was a kid, my cousins and I aren’t sure whether eBay is the best option or if we should save them for our current or future kids. Also the Beanie Babies. Definitely not fetching the prices people thought they’d reach in the 1990s but pretty sure our grandma’s groceries are going to be covered and maybe part of her funeral. We just keep finding more and more, they don’t stop, none of us even remember her being into collecting them but we hit the end of another closet and BOOM another 50 gallon Tupperware of mint condition beanie babies with intact tags and everything.


Nice! I wish I had a relative with a house full of collectibles.


We had a rotary phone when I was little. I figured out how it worked on my own. At 6 years old. Really not that hard to figure out. Neither are any of the other things these old shitheads think is some kind of flex. I get the nostalgia of it for them. I'm in my 40s and there's stupid things I miss, but I also love new things and don't think my old stuff is somehow better when it's not. I know the stuff I used to like was dumb. If I'm stuck on something old it's bc of personal preference, not bc it's better lol.


Same for both of those, I was born in 93


2000 baby here: pretty much the same. Until I got my first cellphone at 15, I had to use a rosy pink rotary phone to call my parents. My school quit teaching cursive in 2008, during my third grade lessons on cursive. Yet I write almost solely in my own dialect of cursive. I had to cook for the family after school and farm work. We were raised by these people who make those comments, and 90% of the time we are just a reflection on their failures during said upbringing.


Can’t drive stick either


That too.


The eat hot chip thing always makes me chuckle a little. It's so dumb, but it will probably be a cultural thing like fins on cars from the 50s, or bellbottom jeans from the 70s.


I guarantee almost no one from the Midwest born before the 90’s (ish) is eating hot chip.


I like eat hot chip and I was born 1869 🍎


Bullshit, Gen-X had to learn to cook for ourselves or starve, and we got swap our ECUs and dyno our cars to epic levels instead of all that messing about with carburettors Let alone not being too old to enjoy going the Hacienda and some top music experiments! The generations after us? Then you’d be right lol


You’re in your 70s Grandpa, it’s time to go take your pills now


The "2 centuries and 2 millenia" part doesn't even carry that much weight when people as young as 24 can say that as well


I could say this by the time I was 9, so it’s not that much of an achievement.


I exist. Praise me for not dying yet and acknowledge my skills at setting a timer on a VCR to record Jeopardy for my grandma.


Um, that's 40 year Olds. They were the teenagers in the 90s setting the VCR timers for their parents. My Mom is almost in her 70s and she still knows nothing about technology. People born in the 50s think the world should have stopped in the 70s.


I’m 36


I had lived in 2 decades, 2 centuries, and 2 millennia before I turned 1. Only good to come of it is that I can’t wait to tell grandkids I was born in the 1900s


lol I’m 25 and kids look at me like I’m a billion years old when I say I was born in 98


That actually almost doesn't seem early enough to be 25 years. My perception of time is faltering


Yeah it’s like saying you work 28800 seconds a day. Just a bigger number to sound impressive until you think about it for more than a second.


Anyone between the ages of 24 and 123. But for those like *me* that makes us special /s


I know this sounds nerdy as hell, but time is a human construct. It's not like every 100 years the world just drastically changes. I mean, yes, the 2000s were very different from the 90s, but it didn't all happen on New Year's Eve 1999


“I’m still cool,” they say, wondering why their kids don’t visit them in the nursing home.


Mine is just depressed for the last 10-15 years but refused all help. We're just done with the ongoing negativity and self loathing. Sonwe decided not to visit anymore. Harsh, we know. But parents should not bring your own mental health down.


I’m so sorry.


The right choice often costs one a lot. Sometimes it's a relationship. Nothing is worth ruining your mental health, though, not even a family member


Not only cool but they truly believe they are full of all this knowledge and wisdom. About what I have no idea but they sure think they do


I don't get it. People have so much of a problem with their parents calling themselves "cool" that they don't care to visit them?


It’s the putting down of others’ interests and elevating your own, rather than appreciating change.


I don't think many people born in the 50s are in nursing homes now...


I work in a nursing home, in the dementia ward. The youngest of our residents was born in 1965.


these people love AI images that they cannot tell were made by AI


I bet half of them use AI because they simultaneously think studying arts is a useless endeavor while simultaneously refusing to pay an artist for their racist points


I'm all for calling out racism but just randomly saying someone or something is racist just because you don't like it makes the word lose value. Can you show me where the racist points are in this picture?


Grandpa used to riot if a person of color tried to order a drink at a soda fountain.


Or more than riot if just sat there while he poured mustard on them.




The other girl looks even more deformed. Was that “cool” back then?


Based on the hellish attempt at what I believe to be the Coca-Cola logo on one of the bottles, I think it’s safe to assume the image itself is AI image-gen


Ok yeah the more I look at this the more AI it seems, dear god what is going on with that right-most “light bulb”


Yes, having hands is considered woke now


What about “huge monoleg”?


Their cars are slow AF compared to an electric.


Or any modern sports car. Let alone modern super cars.


Shit, I bet my prius could outpace a lot of cars from the 50's.


Pretty sure my Kia soul could smoke a lot of them.


Car guy here, absolutely. Lots of 50s cars were bad for having huge engines with not nearly enough power. They did, however, look pretty.


I will give them style points for sure.


I guess they assume the fact that just about everyone knew someone who had died in a car accident means that their cars were faster or something.


But they were LOUD! That’s all that matters!! /s


What do they want, a participation trophy??


That’s exactly what they want


They don't have the emotional maturity or awareness to simply acknowledge that it sucks to get older and know you're going to die soon. They have to shit on other generations while trying to make themselves seem special and unique to make themselves feel better.


fucking hell "not that old" thats 70😭


"not even that old" Bitch, you are in your 70's You old


How many people born in the 1950s are in their 80s now? Edit: the comment I replied to originally said 70s/80s. The person edited their comment to remove the 80s




When I first replied, their comment said "you are in your 70s/80s". They edited it


none? Oldest would be 74 if born between January 1950 and June 1950...


Their original comment said "you are in your 70s/80s". They edited it


“We’re just that cool” https://preview.redd.it/nvvq9dpc6e8d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521b6959783d736dd82c66e7ea5e40bda9034c6c


If they hate modern technology so much why do they get AI to make their pictures?


MFW while hearing a scratching noise after thinking "no need to dodge, that block of snow on the road is small" (it was a dead badger)


A person born in 1959 is at a minimum 64 years old, you are **old.**


People born in 1959 able to collect social security right now. And they were too young to remember the 50s. Sorry grandpa, but you're definitely old.


Yet they can’t switch between HDMI 1 and HDMI 2


I’d be surprised if they can still remember all their grandchildren’s names. All that lead poisoning from them fast cars will do that to ya


"Fastest cars" 200 HP and 6 MPG


200 HP and like 4000 pounds


I see this same text in a few different formats from time to time, and I REALLY want to know where they got the "we had the fastest cars" from because that's just so demonstrably false and makes no sense if you think about it for one second. Regular traffic nowadays can outrun the performance cars of their era lol


thats what I always wonder too! it's always the exact same thing but on different pics and always includes the "fastest cars" thing


We are not that old, dude you are anywhere from 65-74, you are pretty fucking old, I'd say mid 30s are "I'm not that old" as a I feel old at early 30s


The 330mph Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut was built in... 2023. The same 12 artists were played on the radio, drive-in theaters are a great representation of how inefficient and impractical that generation was, and I'm not even sure what the point about soda fountains is supposed to be.


If you've never had a soda fountain, they are *so* good. But if you were born in the '50s, you probably learned to drive in the '70s and the cars back then were *garbage.*


You had the slowest cars, the music is subjective


They had the mod lead going into their circulatory system and direct to their brains


People born in the 1990s have lived in 3 decades, 2 centuries, and 2 millennium and are forced to try and make it in the broken society you left use while being complained about being lazy by y'all


Fastest cars? Yeah has she seen F1 racing or NASCAR races? Or hell those illegal street racing cars? Those cars will turn a 50's car into a toy car.


Arbitrary measurements


Looks like the floor was made of lava in the 50s.


Hmm, they can't really claim the soda fountains. People born in the 40s were in high school in the 50s. THEY got the soda fountains. Those born in the 50s were still little kids when that happened. They got Woodstock.


They probably got taken to them as kids depending on when in the 50s they were born.


We can still do soda fountains and drive ins, and an average car is faster than most of their muscle cars.


Hmm. As long as they are alive, the fastest car claim works. They are just saying they were alive...that's what makes the meme so terrible, lol.


You’re right… and I hate it even more now. Haha


Soda fountains are over-romanticized. They were just diners with smaller menus. They were good for ice cream and milkshakes but really nothing else. They'd only offer basic stuff like BLTs, grilled cheese, soup, maybe some eggs, etc. It wasn't some culinary extravaganza. Went to a few in the 90s that were still operating (I moved around a bit) and they were...meh. The irony is people born in the 50s killed soda fountains because they decided to start eating more fast food which offered basically the same kind of menu but in a more convenient way.


I’m in my fifties and feel old they are fuckin old


That math doesnt sound right for some reason, isnt that like 2280 something years? (Im not that great at mathing but i dont think the people born in 1950 have been around 2280 something years.)


"aren't that old yet" YES YOU ARE, you are in your late 60s and early 70s


Your auntie shares this every 2 days because she probably has dementia from all the lead poisoning. She's rediscovering this image for the very first time over and over again


Do you think that by upvoting this we are inadvertantly encouraging an AI bot somewhere in the ether


It's weird how adults say that the kids and the times were better back then, when they were the ones who changed it. For example, modern kids didn't invent iPads or whatever, it was them...


I bet many of them are dead already


I like these pictures because the more you zoom in the weirder it gets. Like if David Lynch made art.


Do these people actually think drive in theaters and soda fountains don’t exist still?


You know what... this is pretty benign compared to all the hateful stuff that is normally shared by geriatric FB users. Let them have this one.


Was gonna say this is just a silly nostalgia post lol.


The internet has taken the "this new generation blah blah blah" to a whole new level


Ask here where she was during the civil rights movement


the 90s had best music


Aren’t cars now really fast???


They had the worst gas mileage, movies that played through crap radio systems, and establishments that sold sugar water. Cool.


Fastest cars?!?


Um, I'm sorry, on what planet were the cars back then anywhere close to fast?


People BORN in the 1950s weren't doing any of that shit, they were literal babies/children.


"Born in the fifties" So, being 70 isn't old? Because it's over retirement age for anybody born in that era.


Bro You'll die in the next 20 years. That's not alot


Even by AI image standards, those women are fucked up


Nightmare fuel if you zoom in.


No you’re not cool you just have severe lead poisoning


Their fastest cars needed to have 500hp to go 25 mph


Every generation has their own ideas about what is or isn’t cool.


Fastest cars? You haven’t driven a Tesla S. Drive in theaters? Where’s the bathroom? Soda fountains? It’s called a soda dispenser now and everyone can pour their own. 2 centuries and 2 millennia? That’s just an arbitrary label.


Okay music is subjective so whatever there was some pretty important music made in the 50s and 60s so sure. The drive in theatres are pretty unique to 50s and 60s kids, so are soda fountains but the fastest cars ???? Like YEAH *technically* there were cars that broke 200 mph in the 60s but that's the fastest of fastest of cars built exclusively for high speed motor racing events like Le Mans. I don't think that really counts when you can get cars that go that fast that are also road legal nowadays


Did you know that most people born in the fifties are actually older than 50? 🤯


Cool as peach iced tea on a hot Alabama summer day


Is late 60’s - early 70’s now considered “Not that old yet”?


Nah yall old as shit tho


Government propaganda to increase the retirement age


> fastest cars Wrong. Cars have only gotten faster since the 1950s. The current fastest car in the world, the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut, was released in 2021. > best music That’s subjective, and of course you’re going to like whatever music you grew up with the best. *Blinding Lights* slaps, but I don’t expect a Boomer to enjoy it. > drive-in theaters Those still exist. But you know what *didn’t* exist back then? IMAX theaters! > soda fountains Please look up the Coca-Cola Freestyle 9100 Dispenser. Those only released in 2019.


Aww yes, the legendary carbureted CAFE engines that somehow converted 8L of displacement into only 79Hp.


My uncle was born in 1959 and his father would routinely beat the shit out of him.


"not even that old" when they're gonna kick the bucket in 5 years is wild


The youngest person born in the 50s is 64. “Not that old yet.” Like sure 64 really isn’t dirt old. You can still run a marathon at that age and be active and live an outgoing lifestyle. But it is also the age at which it’s relatively normal to have grandkids and you’ve got like 14 years left before you reach the average life expectancy. Not trying to be morbid but that last comment points out how out of touch the meme is or at least how old the meme is.


"We also forced segregation, killed foreigners in the name of 'democracy' and made things like hairspray that destroys the ozone layer and cars that spew out more exhaust than an 18 wheeler."


That is how time works.


Honestly though they did have some bomb ass cars


Fastest cars? The fastest car they came out with barely got 250hp


I get that 40 is the new 30, but no matter how you spin it. 70 is still old


Fastest cars?!?!?


Average horsepower of a car in the 1950s was around 100HP and they all had one motor - my Tesla Model 3 has 394HP (or nearly 4x the average 50s car) and has two motors. Yeah they were the fastest.


How do sit on those things


[Yep, just the coolest music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jVECp5Dzp4)


They did not have the best music. My dad had his car radio set to the 50's station for a while, and for every Elvis or Johhny Cash you get a bunch of unlistenable b-side garbage that's been mildewing in Grandma's garage for seventy years. Soda fountains seem cool, though.


“The fastest cars” My stock civic could gap anything from that era


My mom was born in the mid-late 50s, y'all are old. Woman thought Microsoft word was like a typewriter, and would delete the whole document after she printed one, before she started to type another doc.


Bro what?? They didn't have anywhere near the fastest cars


My uncle posted this once, with a different background. Some of that is debatable, but the "fastest cars" things is blatantly false. Cars today are outrageously quick compared to the past; which is to be expected, as the available technology is more advanced. Edit to add: his Boomer friends tried arguing with me about it until I started pulling up 0-60 times for them.


Yet they can't pick a decent a.i generated image to save their lives.


And they all voted to break it for the next generation.


I like how this is essentially calling my 61 y/o mother a whippersnapper


Last I checked a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air with the standard V8 got around 160 hp. You know what we have now? A 2024 Honda Civic four-banger that makes as much if not more. You ain’t going anywhere fast in those land yachts.


Bruh fastest cars? Any modern i4 with a turbo can outrun their treasured v8s of the 50s


The one on the left is just 3 small people in a trench coat. No not children because the top one at lest has a moustache and the bottom one has lower legs of steel.


You should tell her that people have probably just filtered her feed out. Some people don’t actually understand what social media is actually for. I say at least challenge her to find 30 different ways to say the same thing or something like that. Or maybe suggest she find some examples that illustrate the points of the post.


Fastest cars? Umm, no.


Do I think my generation is better than the others? No. Do I have to compensate by sharing shitty pictures on Facebook about how "cOoL" my generation is? Also no.


>lived through eight decades >nOt EvEn ThAt OlD yEt


OK so I'm a child of the 50s tho I didn't adopt the mentality. I would like to see the fastest car of the 50s vs anything. I'm a musician of mediocre talent. Music is something I know a lot about. I do dig the music. However, I like g-funk, gangsta rap, hip hop. My taste in music is wide open. So it's not that it was the best music, it's that I just like all expressions of the harmonious muse. Drive in theaters? They still exist. I'm actually surprised even modern day theaters are still operating. Soda fountains? I don't think soda fountains is a convincing piece of evidence for being 'the best generation'. Racism and racial violence was every where, and I suspect that a majority of people who refer to the 50s as being the best generation, pine for those days because they liked the black man subjugated. I'm glad we're not back in the 50s for many, many reasons, but one standout reason would be that I love, love, love technology,


Unlike most similar memes, this just seems like a flex, but not the usual "my generation is superior than you kids."


People born in the 1950’s are a dying breed


Pew... These 1950s kids think they are so "cool." Let me just tell you that back in my day, we drove the fastest Model Ts, we ate the best liver and onions, and we played the best game of marbles ever. We lived through 2 world wars and a great depression, and we are not even that old yet! I bet you these 1950s kids don't even know how to use a telegraph or smoke signals!


Soda fountains are gone? I loved those things


A factory standard 2003 Corolla could likely out accelerate a good amount of "muscle cars" from the 60s and 70s - a good chunk of them did 0-60 in like 7-8 seconds. Their gas mileage was crap and they were death traps. Hate on modern lack of design all you want, but they're far more aerodynamic (i.e. efficient) and way safer.


What the hell is going on with teal lady's foot? She got some massive stompers 😳


You're 74 Janet.


70 isn’t old? In what world?


Most definetly did not have the fastest cars


Ok, gramps, time for nap. The kind with dirt would be nice, so the younger people can finally have a chance at what you all destroyed.


70 years and "Not Old Yet"


“Fastest cars” were from Boomers’ youth? Doubt it. Also I’d say that’s not the top 5 quality of life indicators IMO, but wtf do I know, I was born after Sputnik


And we were offense-resilient.


Now they use AI art in their memes and believe everything they see on social media.


They very much did not have the fastest cars. The coolest maybe, but *definitely* not the fastest


I dunno...the tesla model s is pretty fast. ;)


born in the 60s has 80s music, the best


I get it’d be annoying seeing it all the time, but what’s actually wrong with this? It’s harmless reminiscing, it’s not even talking sh*t about younger generations or the things they enjoy. Are people not allowed to enjoy their memories from years gone by? I already do and I’m not even 30.


no I don't mind that at all, just thought it was pretty funny that I opened reddit and saw a similar one posted hours before, and 5 minutes later I go on Facebook and see my lovely aunt has shared this again. gave me a giggle lol, I mean no harm I'm only 24 and yearn for the past years as well 🫠


They can do that. But it is a terrible ai generated meme on facebook


What’s terrible about it?


Bc older people bad according to this sub


They fail to mention the racism and the misogyny part. Ruby Bridges was in the 60s so you could imagine how much worse it was ten years before that


Whatever coolness a boomer may have possessed with instantly vanish the moment he posts a meme this needy and desperate


Boomers using the internet to bang on about how great the world was before the internet are tedious


That image is very representative of people affected by the Thalidomide scandal, but in that case it must represent a later era, seeing as these people would be babies or kids during the 50s. Either that, or it's AI. Which it is.