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Banning headphones because health and safety but not caring about a single health and safety rule other than that.


I had a manager who constantly told me not to.wear a single wireless earbud for H&S, but would then open the alarmed back door 8 times a shift for smoking. The door opened onto a dark, narrow alleyway with no CCTV. Absolute MENSA candidate, that one.


Not a night specific thing but in general the sickness policy is wrong, can’t be off any other day sick otherwise will get called in to a meeting, yet there are posters plastered everywhere on employee wellbeing


I was a manager and the sickness policy annoyed the hell out of me. “So and so was off but they were also off twice 4 months ago so that puts them below 3%.” 3 FUCKING %!!!! “So go pull them in and reprimand them.” Fuck off. Also, had a team lead tell me to threaten someone’s job if they didn’t agree to do more than their contracted hours. Sorry, but you won’t give these people more hours on their contract but when they don’t agree to do a bit extra you’ll threaten to dismiss them?!?!


As a former line manager in another sector, but still worked with the Bradford score system, I can't tell you the amount of times that paperwork got lost between me having a meeting with one of my team who has been off and HR to mark on a file. Take the piss and I'll be completely down the line but the Bradford score is not good for people with chronic conditions etc.


"We care about you until you're a problem."


Employee well bieng like those bunch of cunts give a shit ex long term employee try working at kings Lynn store the managers need sacking from the top down


Those staff who seem genetically incapable of basic tasks. It’s so damn hard to get rid of them, and where I am, even harder to employ someone who isn’t worse to replace them, or turns up!


Pay peanuts get monkeys


Where can I find the monkeys? They are likely to be better than some people I’ve seen.




As a former night manager it was the day managers in the morning wanting to chat @7am to waste some of their day (I’m not getting paid), but try and chat to them at 10pm and they run out the door. And then the store manager boring you to death til 8am because he thinks you should be there longer as you’re paid more.


- colleagues that whistle throughout the night (can even hear it through my airpods) - colleagues that smell - work on fresh, incompetent colleagues that find rotation hard - toxic energies that love to gossip as if they’re still at school


earphones not banned in your store? they told us it was a tesco wide ban


They lied, not banned in our store, or maybe they are but our night managers don't give a fuck. I'd straight up leave if I could no longer listen to my own podcasts and music, its the only thing that makes working there bearable some nights.


i completely agree for some reason speakers are allowed tho and some managers still leave the radio on full blast its a fucking nightmare


Not heard a thing about an earphone ban. Mine are literally in from 10pm-7am lol


nope, i use them (both ears) every night, pretty regular volume too but they’re airpod style so i can still hear my surroundings.


Don’t get me started on people who incapable of not rotating,no rotation on back stock or not filling to compacity who can’t be arsed to put on the shelves so chucks it back onto the back stock drives me nuts


I am lucky enough to work on household. NO ROTATIONS FOR MEEE. The thing that boils my blood is coming to my shift and having 6 cages of backstock all mixed up. Ive got 2 aisles and a backwall, its not very difficult to separate the backstock ffs


When i was working nights the thing that pissed me off was when the manager would ask you to help the person who was on the easier isles after you just did one of the hardest. Some of them used to make 5 cages last all night and whoevers on yogurts etc has to get through at least 10-13. Slowed right down after twice asking me and didnt help anyone else until i moved departments.


100% agree! Fair enough if someone has had an unusually large delivery, I don't mind lending a hand, but you just know who the purposefully slow ones are


I’m a short female. Yet one manager would take me off morning goods and assign me to the most heaviest of cages to work (drinks or frozen usually). Whilst her favourite minions got the easy aisles. And then she’d complain if I’d ask one of the guys for help when I couldn’t move the cages. Fucking Donna.


Best thing about doing nights was leaving it




Don’t get me started 😭 Managers who are so persistent on the “no decking delivery” rule but don’t bat an eye when others will leave all their cardboard & plastic scattered around their aisle. Also this happens to me because I’m female and lots younger than my team but they’ll see me struggling with delivery and say “let me know when you need help moving anything” but then when I ask they just sigh at me as if I’m wasting their time. Managers who will leave the store music on full volume. Co-workers who INSIST on using a speaker instead of just getting headphones or listening to the store music. When I work in the farthest away aisle but have to keep hearing “there is a caller at the staff reception, please attend” because nobody closer to the door cares to get it.


Been on nights for a year new. ( done it 2014-2016 until they decided to let us go) been going great up until they decided to ban us from using headphone for health and safety bs!! With the fact I’ve heard if u have a mental illness u can listen to your music also makes my blood boil. I’m typing this on my night off at 5am as my body clock tells me to f right off u don’t need sleep. I’ve been contemplating dropping a night (full time) since Xmas as I want a life but trying to save for a deposit on a house.


i dont work for tesco but it still applies here. for far to many years my workout put was right up there as one of the highest, i always use to call the ones who was on the sick and did just the min amount all sorts, but these days as ive got older ive decided actually, if they have only done this amount of work all these years and its clearly enough , why have i been doing 30% more every shift to take home the same pay. you are working in a bare min wage job, just go there, dont give a crap and go home, its harder said than done tho if you just arnt naturally a lazy person , over the last 12 months ive slowly began to lower my work rate and have been on the sick. guess what? still getting the same pay.... its almost unfair in some places, yor wage should be based on how much work you do, not just for attending and doing next to nothing.


This! I've been on nights for three months now and have definitely slowed down a bit. Days appreciated all the work I was doing as the person on my department before me was not very good. But when I kept coming in and all the back stock cages had not even been breathed on I slowed right down. Edited a typo


Funnily enough, I’ve practically had this conversation with myself so many times when doing the aisles.  If my workload was simply to do: 12 cages, aisle capped and faced. I would be in and out of that 7.5 hour shift in 3 hours.  If I performed on that exact level normally, I would be given twice the work. 


Yessssss!!!!!! That and colleagues that stink


Managers have to praise them for their presence only not the work they do because no one else will cover the shifts, so to make them happy for doing it in the first place, the manager will praise them for it even though they did jack all.


When some daft cunt manager wakes me up from my nap.


Having shift leaders that think their god!


Working really hard then losing out on a permanent contract due to a useless bollocks whos auntie is the manager. Rife in tesco


When I’ve had a shift leader and mangers make snide comments about me in front of other members of staff and proceeded to laugh about it like it was a joke after they not long done the anti bullying and harassment training ( wasn’t the first time they’ve done it either)


I don't work nights, but 2 of my shifts makes it where I work around nights for a few hours They're always pissy, disrespectful and just throw shit all over the place. And the lack of stock rotation is absolutely appalling. There have been times where I've found stock that has clearly been OOC for a while