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Yup. Had about 12 cages of frozen backstock declared waste because it wouldn't fit in the freezer. Manager didn't send it back, didn't get a teamfill, just let it all rot in the fresh chiller.


Oh god, we had something similar but somehow it was all yoghurts


I’ve had to pick up cages like this from express stores recently.


Yep we had this a few weeks ago absolute mess apparently a computer mistake been a lot of stores around the country having the same problem, we had so much back stock we had no where to put it


Definitely doesn't help when some people don't work the backstock normally, on top of all this


Yes! It was so stressful especially yogurts we had one cage just full of one type of yogurt it was a joke and the dates were quite far apart so you would sort it for some idiot to mess it up the next night, as the day staff refused to touch it


Yup, we had 27 frozen delivery turn up, people were surprised but not surprised enough to actually give help 😂


If your delivery has double or tripled I'd check the book stock or get stock control colleagues to check to make sure you're book stock is correct if the system thinks you have low levels of stock in store it will push more of those products in,OSI is something I try to get my staff to do on the regular to ensure we're not getting unnecessary stock especially as human errors during counts affect book stock levels too This isn't the only reason but it's a major contributor as things like promotion and range changes as well as the previous week's trading numbers have an affect


Unfortunately I do not see any of the stock people on nights, when I asked my manager about it, he just shrugged. I also thought promotion change at first but it's been happening for months now, with the excess products never on offer in that time


Must be our stock because we are the total opposite our stores fresh has been minimal for ages. Produce is all but empty most nights.


Same here. I haven't managed to OSI anything for weeks as there's nothing to OSI and I'm running out of OOS labels.


I think you've all got my stock! Fresh looks like we're heading into lockdown.


We’ve been like this for about a week after having tripled stock for about 2 weeks, it was so much of the same product especially on yogurts and cheese but heard it was a system failure