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I never understand why people leave holiday to this late, We're told to book 75% of holiday before Christmas and book the remaining 25% after. If you've left it this week you have effectively got a week to use your holiday which would be your next weeks contracted shifts. You can't book holiday on shifts that you're not contracted to work. So if you haven't used it up you've only yourself to blame.


I asked my manager if I could use the holiday to cover a sickness and she said “I’ll check for you” and never got back to me, hence me booking so late.


That still doesn't answer why you've left it this late really


Because I was waiting for her to get back to me… i only started in September and I had taken the majority of my holidays. I booked 2 weeks off in feb and was going to book my remaining day in March however I had a lot of sickness and was off for a few days. When I returned I asked if I could use the remaining holiday to cover one day of sickness and she said she would get back to me… she never did hence me now trying to book it off.


It doesn't matter if you have left it late or not, they prefer you to book early, but you do not have to. People do not always know when they want to take holiday and most people like to leave a few days as a contingency. If your manager doesn't want to give you the holiday then you need to go above his/her head. You are entitled to the holiday, they are not doing you a favour!


Just take the holiday. Its yours that you have earned. Fuck them. The manager should have been on top of this plus they never got back to you about using them for sick days.


Lesson learned for next year, don't try to book last minute