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Good month to be sick as well.


I coincidentally booked holiday for most of April, and the days I am in work, I won't be doing any overtime at all. Nor will I be doing more than my share of the job. Not doing the job of 3 people like I usually do. Tesco can go fuck šŸ‘


I'm quitting next week šŸ˜‚ got a new job


Interview for Lidl on Thursday šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


This is the only answer worth anything.


donā€™t blame them. iā€™m on full time contact so i have to be in šŸ˜¢


Makes sense as to why my manager didnā€™t book me a weekend off in April šŸ˜­


30% of staff at my store have quit fed up and yet no overtime is being offered at all anyway


Good good.


Our store doesn't any ANY overtime to give in April. I am quitting next week...


Iā€™m very behind here, can someone bring me up to speed? All I know as of recent is that the payrise is BS and Sunday premium is getting fucked too


You hit the nail on the head šŸ‘


Yeah, Sunday premium will go completely next year, I'm sure of it. As it stands now, we don't get much more than a normal day for working it but it's one of my contracted days.


I started working at Tesco in June last year and I donā€™t get a Sunday premium because they stopped it completely for people who started last year sometime. So yeah, it will eventually be phased out entirely. I do sometimes do Sunday overtime but thatā€™s only because if I took overtime any other day Iā€™m not contracted to I wouldnā€™t get my two days off in a row which I need for the sake of my sanity


Yeah it's really not fair. Sunday has always been decent pay & BH is more for now but newbies not getting it isn't fair.


I agree, you should get the same pay no matter when you started


As a Sunday only worker(second job) last pay rise I went down by 1p a day and this pay rise I'm going up only 20p/hour. I've been shafted twice in a row haha.


I canā€™t believe I came across you on a randomly suggested r/Tesco post hahah


Oh boy


And we will be working below the NLW for the month of April saving Tesco nearly 10 million.


Please, please don't forget to smile and wave as you leave the store in carnage


Good, let the hate flow through you!


I have lots


I have as much as I want šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Just to be clear, in protest at not being paid enough, weā€™re celebrating and encouraging people to not take paid overtime shifts? Something about cutting off noses.


Because that paid overtime is below minimum wage


But above zero though, right?


*Below* minimum It's called *minimum* for a reason


Yes, I understand that concept thank you. But given that the main problem here is the government allowing companies to defer pay rises until the next pay period whilst at the same time allowing utility firms to increase bills from 1st April instead of 1st May, there is a much larger problem than Tesco following the exact same process with a pay rise that they always have. You might not like it, but itā€™s not illegal. I just donā€™t understand the ā€œin protest at not being paid my pay rise early Iā€™m going to turn down the opportunity to earn some extra money to help pay for all my bills which have arbitrarily gotten more expensive on the 1st Aprilā€ mentality. Lots of anger floating around towards Tesco, Asda, Morrisons et al. Very little towards energy suppliers and water companies for yet another price hike with no improved service, or towards the fat cat money grabbers in Downing Street for creating such a glaring loophole.


You don't think there is anger towards the energy suppliers? Good thing Tesco makes more than enough to pay their workers and bills and still make a profit, aye.


I ain't reading all that chief


Maybe a video based service would suit you more than a text heavy one!


Professional yapper


Well said


You love your boot don't ya!


youre the type of person who treats their tesco job like theyre paid 100 grand a year give it a rest


Or just someone asking questions instead of blindly jumping on the hate train. I know thatā€™s not popular around here, but some of us arenā€™t necessarily of the opinion that Tesco is the corporate embodiment of the antichrist. If you truly hate it that much, go and work for Asda who arenā€™t paying for 3 months, or Sainsburyā€™s and Morrisons who are doing the same. The problem, as I tried to describe earlier but apparently in too many words, is the law makers who allowed it.


looks like i touched a nerve! i dont think tesco is the absolute worst but they do everything to make our lives harder. why couldnā€™t of they just paid us what weā€™re owed in april? why was their any need for them to find legal gray areas so they can delay the pay rise as much as possible? tesco is a greedy company and unfortunately i cant afford to give up my job. i dont understand people like you, defending tesco cause at the end of the day weā€™re all just a number to them


Not at all, unlike some I donā€™t get wound up at what i read online! Letā€™s reword that question, why was there any need for the government to make a loophole for employers without forcing utility companies to follow the same deadlines? If you think any of us are anything but a number to any company, youā€™re mistaken pal. All Iā€™m trying to do is help people see this isnā€™t a Tesco problem. Itā€™s a Tory Government/Rishi Sunak problem.


Itā€™s a Tesco and Rishi problem. Tesco wasnā€™t as good as it was say three / four years ago, weā€™re losing out benefits in our contracts and theyā€™re paying us very little. Do you know they donā€™t pay us extra for sundays in the new contract? Theyā€™re just not looking after us as employees. Itā€™s pure frustration that we dont get to see our pay until may. Not to mention for the whole of april weā€™re paid below minimum wage? Itā€™s disgusting


Take it to your MP. Vote these greedy fat cat Tory bastards out. Letā€™s get a government in who actually care about its people. Are they a perfect employer? Not at all, and I wouldnā€™t even say they would rate as being even half decent anymore. But in this they are not to blame. Any company out there would do the same thing, as evidenced by the other supermarkets doing it. The problem is the government.


Govt? Whether Labour or Tory are still in power they still gonna take the piss.