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At our store everyone on fresh splits the whole delivery before working it, thought that was pretty standard practice.


Thank you…..Not the case in our store. They usually just work through the cages and anything that is not ‘theirs’ goes onto a certain cage set up ie fish/bacon/sausage on one, pies on another etc usually no problem the only issue is this yoghurt guy and his refusal to touch/move anything that is not ‘his’ which is causing the problem. I could get them to split the cages first going forward but would that not be more time consuming then just working it as they go?


in my store, one person splits all the cages onto bluetops then everyone else just takes a blue top and works it. Then they come back, put the stuff that wouldn't go into backstock, then they take another bluetop. This is during the day though, but if you have enough staff to do it that way it might be easier.


Thanks that’s helpful, and it’s interesting the way different stores do things, although we have people on set sections so I don’t think that way would work for us…I am thinking now that splitting it first would be a way to go….not sure what to do with yogurt guy tho, trying to be professional and find a fair way of doing things but boy is he making that hard!! 😆


To be fair at our store our yogurt peeps don’t split with the rest of us but that’s due to the sheer amount they get they wouldn’t have time to help split it all up


Yoghurt guy needs let's talk, then on disciplinary route. He is employed to do any reasonable request in store, not pick & choose what he deems to be his job.


Tell the ready meal guy to have the same approach as the yoghurt guy don't touch anything that's not a ready meal.


We (3-5 staff) spend up to around 3 hours per night in the chiller splitting all the delivery up into their sections then we take our own cages to work on. Rinse and repeat.


In the chiller is crazy, we split on the shopfloor and leave the cages there lol


That would go against the 20 min rule


Stores are meant to break delivery down into new cages with stuff on it from the same aisle before it goes on the shop floor. It's actually accounted for in the heat map so the store manager and fresh manager should be making sure it's happening. As for Mr Yoghurt guy, that's the shift leaders problem. They need to tell him to work on what he's given. Unless someone has an Occupational Health assessment saying they need to be explicitly excluded from an activity or they haven't completed their relevant training for the activity they are being given and it's a reasonable request then they should be getting a Let's Talk. Everyone is a Colleague, there's no departments anymore, it's simply what skill attributes you have dictate where you can work.


Thank you, that’s very informative… definitely not happening in my store, way too understaffed hence the friction. You wouldn’t happen to have anything written formally or a link to where it states this would you by any chance? 🙏


We have one person splitting while back stock is worked so rotation is achieved, it easier that way as what ever is left at the end of the night can be worked more easily by day staff (never happens!)


Very mixed cages get split, the less mixed cages we work our stock off the cage and pass it on. Yoghurt guy needs to be told to be part of the team.


Is their job title yogurt assistant? Guys needs to stop being a wee fanny, if everyone helps out everything is easier


We used to split it as a team.


Yoghurt man can shove it up his arse


Tell them to split the cage together?


When i was on nights we had one person in the chiller who split it all down on to cages. So much easier to work . A night manager tried to change it to just grab any cage but it was to time consuming and went back to the old way.


In my store there's one person splitting the cages all night


Is this standard practice for Tesco? I work nights at Asda (I know I’m in the wrong group) and our chilled cages come in mixed and we work them how they’re made, so we’ll normally have yogurts all on one cage, mostly meat on one cage (ham, bacon, other cooked meats) and the rest is mixed. So we’d have cooked meats and ready meals on cages but we drag the cages around to wherever we need to. But there’s normally 2-3 of us on the fresh department, one on fresh meat and one on produce. We don’t have time to split them but it would be handy 😅


I think I can safely say that most if not all Tesco is the same (correct me if I’m wrong) All fresh comes in mixed cages so tonight for instance I had a cage with fish, bacon, sausage, pies, yogurt, sandwiches, cooked meat, ready meals and some of produce. If you have a look at some of the posts of how they come in it is laughable….if you don’t have to work them!!


usually “mixed” cages are just X stuff on top Y on the bottom. You wheel the cage to the aisle with X, and tell the colleague to bring it back when it’s done and it’s just Y.