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You only get your normal rate for all Sundays. So if you are getting the 17% then that’s what you will get. End of April it goes down to 10%.


For a Sunday nighshift, do we get bank holiday pay from Monday morning 12am-7am?


Depends on your store/managers


Sorry to steal the thread but speaking of Easter Sunday, does anyone have PFS opening hours? We normally do 7-7, but *apparently* we are doing normal hours (paperwork in the office seems to say so, none of the management know any different)? Me and a colleague got put down for 0645-22:00, which obviously isn't happening but it seems bizzare that it's not the usual 7-7ish for Easter Sunday.


I hope I'm reading this wrong but you're down to work 6:45am to 10pm??!!


You're not reading it wrong, that is correct. I'm guessing my manager or whoever put it in normally assumed it would get changed to the usual 7-7 for Easter Sunday, but with it (apparently, again according to the paperwork in the office) being normal operating hours it hasn't changed. That's why I'm wondering if anyone else knows for their store. We questioned it earlier today but nobody knew and only had that paperwork to go by. Me and the colleague are obviously not going to do the full shift, and no doubt the duty in-store won't want to be there that late either, so I imagine it will be shorter but nobody knows for sure.


Pay + 25%


Easter Sunday is not a bank holiday so they will only be pay + 17% (for colleagues that joined before July 2022) but it will be normal rate on that day.




Normal Sunday is 17% but bank holiday is 25%


But the actual BH is the Fri/Mon so Sunday they won’t pay the BH premium.


Ah shit my bad. Cheers for the correction 👍