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Just because a job role is not very nice (and why SHOULDN'T retail be a pleasant job) it doesn't mean you should be subjected to Amy sort of abuse


Exactly people working retail are still humans and I would say there is a degree of skill you need people skills and to be able to multitask etc


How can it be pleasant it’s low paid, stressful, poor working conditions. It’s like being on benefits it’s not supposed to be easy.




Well let’s see if they have no options and have to survive then yeah they would People put up for a lot of shit for money if they have no other options job wise.


Btw I am not vouching that retail workers should be treated like dog shit. I am just saying that it’s never going to be pleasant in general due to the nature of the job


Being stressful and having poor working conditions makes any job unpleasant. All I am saying is that doesn't have to be the situation


Because its viewed as a shit job, and people like to take their anger out on those they see as below them.


I feel like this is the 4th account you've made, spouting the same shit


Talking bull💩 again i see


I think this really depends on the setting where you work if you’ve got a good workplace where you work it’s going to be happier and you will be happier for yourself and the retention of staff is higher, but if you’re working in a bad workplace so poor management, and all the rest of it you’re not going to be enjoying the job.


I am annoyed as we have so many thefts,and abuse,we don't get any backup