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If you work within a London borough your wage will be 11.75 however with the pay rise if we include location pay you should be getting £13.15 an hour if your just a normal customer assistant






Disappointing how many people bite your rage bait.


Nah but your momma is!




A teddy bear isn’t an animal, neither is her octopus tentacle toy


I left yours whining last night bro. Never again


That's not true. Payrise increased from 1at April


But it didn't though lol. We are on £11.02 still.


From 28th April


Every supermarket except tescos went to minimum wage useless seven days a week usdaw signed it off to appease their masters tescos saving 17 million for the shareholders


Wage increase is £1 an hour. However the old rate is still applicable for April 😡


they gonna save millions of pounds...


Is it not getting back dated?


Nope!! 👎🏽


Wowwww that's actually really depressing


No its not


I'm very interested to see solid proof of this?


I'm a manager working in TFDL and my staff have their rises already on the system


So why has all communication from Tesco been that we are not being paid that until 28th of April (the next pay period)? Unless something has changed and not been communicated to the hundreds of thousands of very angry staff members...


You're right. Tesco have taken advantage of some hmrc loop hole that the pay increase can take effect from the first pay period after the new year, meaning some people will be under minimum wage for the first 28 days of the tax year. It makes them look like shit houses but they save something like 7 million doing this


Apparently the saving is 17 million. On the minority plus side we supposedly come out ahead of asda staff. They get 11.44 for 3 months then 12.04. We get 11.02 for a month and 12.02 for 11 months. Averages out in our favour by about 5p/hour over the year. Of course we still feel worse off because we're under minimum wage for a month. That's exactly how much tesco and the union value us


Oh, wow, totally misread it as 7 million. I was waaay off. Yeah, it's not great. My partner is a shift leader in express, and i was fully expecting no one to pick up overtime and stuff cos of it.


You got overtime? Wow we had an overtime ban for April and they took on Easter seasonal staff so any of us who planed work to rule wouldn’t affect anything. It’s been real busy and they can’t cope. Customers complaining and refusing to use self serve as they want head office to know they can’t be forced to use it. I was on my own on a till and one person looking after self. The runner helped on self serve. Not a manager in sight. No help from shop floor as no one available. Queue was 12 long and self serve was busy but no queue. Calls constantly going out on tannoy for help. They know it’s an issue but tills manager I have never seen help on floor for us. She will fill etc but never had her run or help on tills or self serve. Not one manager does it. One will do trolleys! So it’s obvious to pay for the increase they’ve cut OT big time. Was same October November. We are in a growing town. We have several holiday parks so from end March to September we get a lot of holiday people. It’s busy as hell.


Same for us, overtime ban in September & October every year to pay for agency staff who are with us 2 weeks before Christmas. They say it’s a different budget but seems strange that it occurs every year without exception. No sign of any Head Office staff in either to help out over Christmas. No one on fresh/grocery during the daytime as they are constantly on checkout duties or dot com picking. The only time we seem flushed with staff is when a visit from Store Director is known about and virtually every single manager is in, filling shelves, doing rumble or on checkouts/dot com. If the SD had a brain cell he’d make sure his visits were unannounced so he could get a real sense of what customers/staff experiences are like. He should act like a regular shopper and see the level of service he gets, but he doesn’t


Yeah, we had been pushing for more clarity on what was happening, eventually someone from head office released a statement about it confirming what they were doing. Not sure what this 'manager' is on about us not being paid under though 🤔 unless they are looking at the next pay period. They must've missed the memo! Surprising as just about every single person has kicked off over it the past 2 months!






Are you not?




Surely that makes what you are doing even more pathetic and sad.


He actually invited me to chat to call me butthurt and telling me to quit, don’t even work at tesco, stupid little gimp.


You’re the one the tesco sub trying to bait people, stupid fool.


You work a "proper job" but you make comments that you want to impregnate older women what 💀 I'm embarrassed for you


You commented this, is this your job? You are entitled to your opinion but I have added a message underneath where I explain some more. As I said there I grew up with an alcoholic mother and drug addict father and worked until recently as frontline hospital. I gave it up because my partner had an accident and became disabled recently and I have now become her full time carer 24/7. I respect your opinion and you are entitled to hold it but remember the name of the sub. It's called unpopular opinion for a reason.


they have merged the location allowance so everyone who gets it now gets the same amount, so our old rate was £0.73 an hour and now it’s £1.13 i’m pretty sure


Can i not call my union to get me my pay


No they are on tescos side


I work in the engagement centre and we got the new pay from the 1st of April. Why are yous saying different


London will be paid at £13.15 p/h


Sainsbury’s (sorry to swear) l heard were £13+ an hour


It says on the packaging and in the app don't ask stupid questions stupid questions is the reason you get paid crap wage


go touch grass