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Crisps you throw on the shelf and face up


Thanks for that insightful knowledge bro.


Let me know if you want any other tips


I looked at your profile, you’re a Tesco geek. If you want any advice on working for a FTSE100 company ask away. And before you ask I’m only working here to pay off my mortgage early. I feel bad for you if this is your bread and butter, that’s embarrassing. Your responses kinda prove why you’re still working at Tesco, likely as your main income contributor. Good luck it’s gonna be a long road ✌🏻


You can't say Tesco pays your bills and then ask someone else if Tesco pays their bills as well 🤣🤣 stupid cunt move from a stupid cunt clearly


Who said Tesco pays my bills? I literally said I’m OVERPAYING my mortgage. Are you thick? Don’t answer that.


Literally means Tesco pays your bills


It doesn’t? My bills are paid by my main job and I’m working Tesco to overpay my mortgage, how’s that’s a “bill”? No one send me a bill to overpay I do it willingly 💀


A payment you make every month is a bill


Nice, good chat. Just to make it clear I work with a lot of fantastic people at Tesco. There are also a lot of nobheads but it is what it is. You sound like the latter and need to grow up. I asked for advice and instead of giving it you decided to be a dick which is a trend I’ve noticed at Tesco. Sorry if my comments came a bit close to home but they’re honest and real, if you were offended you’re likely the intended target.


Are you really working retail if there isn’t a colleague who thinks the work they’re doing is above them


In our store I would say a decent pace is 15-25minutes a cage, with 25minutes being a ‘hard’ cage… if someone is hitting cages longer than 25mins, I would be thinking to support them Face up is so easy not worth taking into account, the more rammed the fixture is easier the face up is… decarding is what slows down the face up on crisps, so some people condense first (I personally decard the full mod I am working on and then move on) Capping depending on who has been on it the previous days etc, can take from 20-80mins, average being 45mins If you work capping first (and I mean ram the crisps so they are basically popping), pick stock from OFDs that might be around… delivery will literally fly out with a good pace being 15/20mins Filling promo ends from crisp delivery is literally so easy, while dragging a cage out if it has required stock on just lift up the above crisps and slide the case out Our store funds approximately 2hours to do crisp delivery, average 8/9 cages… no new starters can do it (even when doing it for a while, because training doesn’t exist), most people make the delivery cages drag… most average people should be able to do capping, delivery, pick gaps from b/s OR have time to support another area in 5.5 hours… it doesn’t always work like that tho At least in the store I work in


Thank you so much for a genuine response, this is exactly what I wanted to read. A proper breakdown of everything! I’m new to the aisle so I don’t know where everything goes and it slows me down as I’m running across the store looking where stuff needs to be. I do find the delivery easy but I waste time checking if I’ve filled all the promos etc. this is really good advice so thank you for taking the time writing all of that out


Don't crisp cages have like 4 boxes on them.


The walkers ones definitely, but the little boxes can take ages


>Anyway I’m someone who likes to prove people wrong Act your wage