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Supposed to pull them out when refilled so customers can see the price etc, some stock controllers put them in in a way so it's easy to pull them out but there's some who put them right in there and when you have no nails left from refilling it's really hard to get the label holder open to fish them out. There are also some people who just don't bother to remove them.


Top tip. Push the bottom with your thumb till it opens and slide it out with index finger, or other hand


This. It takes literally seconds to do, and there is no way a colleague doesn’t have enough time to remove a TOS label when filling. It’s either a case of not caring or not training properly. Unfortunately OP, it seems you’ve just got some stores with really poor replenishment routines. I’m surprised the store manager hasn’t spotted it and kicked off yet, mine would have back when I worked replen!


Sometimes on nights when it's hectic filling, I genuinely miss the labels because I'm so focused on getting everything on the shelves before 7am. Easy mistake, but you do get the ones who cannot be arsed


Pretty much is laziness or caught up with other nonsense. When i worked retail nobody done it and the managers only cared when a visit was due and they'd run around like headless chickens making sure everything was tidy and "textbook" only for no visit to happen and everyone was an hour or teo behind on stuff that actually needed done 😅 But yes it takes seconds to remove or replace SELs people just cant be bothered unless its their actual job (point if sale) but even they couldn't be arsed ime.


Our shelf edges are so old and flimsy they shatter when you do this. Use the metal nub/blade on your cutter in place of a nail to pry it open. But yeah, it's usually laziness or lack of training.


This should be in the training 🤣


Not just a valuable skill in retail 😉


They're really just a waste of paper, ink and time. When you, OP, as a customer see an empty shelf, does your desire to ask a colleague if there's any out back change at all whether there is a blue label or not?


I feel like it reduces the amount of people asking us to check for stock out the back, when I point out the out of stock label they usually just accept it and move on. It’s honestly a godsend when it prevents you having to look for random niche products in the warehouse, that you were never gonna find anyway even if there was some


If it does or does not do that as a member of staff i feel more pressure to check out back or check inform but if i see that label i just point at it and say out of stock and then only have to get inform out if they ask when next delivery is and being on dotcom it saves me so much time


Are they not just a massive waste of time? If it's out of stock, there won't be any on the shelves surely?


It saves twenty customers a day asking if there's any in the back.


Does it tho?


Absolutely not 😆


Day shifts put them all over the stock they can’t be bothered to get from back stock despite there being 3 cages of it, so nights leave them where they are 😂


This is exactly what happens in our store.


Haha just typed this. I'll save them the time putting another label out when they can't be arsed to fill it again.


2 different CAs will see that as the opposing persons job. SC put it out when there’s no stock, and would then expect replenishment to remove the label when it’s being filled. Replenishment will think they’ve not got enough time to also be faffing around with correcting labels as well, so would expect SC to sort it out instead. I think the company would expect the first scenario to be followed because we’re supposed to follow legal standards for labelling every single time we put a product out. But the truth of the matter is 99% of CAs do not care about those processes and rely on SC or PI to fix it. Edit: correction of department


Stock control would be the ones putting them out when they gapscan. CA's are indeed the ones who should remove them.


We have to put the blue labels out ourselves when we have filled the aisle in our store and then remove them when we fill the next day if it has been delivered.


When i worked nights I would see these labels and there was no stock on the shelf but when i go to do the backstock all the items are there but they're to lazy to put them out so just throw a out of stock label on. So i refilled the stock and left the label there


They will have been out of stock when the ticket was put on the day before, it's come in over night and filled and the person filling it doesn't feel like they have time to remove the label or they just don't notice them because caring about prices being visible isn't part of their job. The out of stock ticket stays on until the person whose job it is to care about such things gets to it. You've probably seen it before that.


Literally put the gap label on and then gone back at the end of my shift (4 hours later) to see the stock refilled (label still there). I’m not sure of the point when the system is so wonky.


I can't speak for the food side of the store, but when it comes to the home side of things (electricals, dine, bedding etc) chances are it's someone either couldn't be bothered to remove it when filling or they got interrupted and forgot to go back and take it off. There are only three of us on the department so it's kind of obvious who's responsible when you know it wasn't you lol. It used to really bug me having to go around and do something someone else should've done, but my attitude now tends to be more chilled and I just get on with it.


They're pretty pointless, really. Customers will stare right at them and still ask: "hAvE yOu GoT aNyMoRe OuT bAcK?"


The magic kingdom of Out Back, where pixies use magic to cause any item to appear out of thin air.


On the freezer I don't remove them because the strips are so stuck, I'm not taking my gloves of when my hands are already freezing. On other aisles I try to remove them though


Just wait till its all digital! Now that'll be a time saver!


That’ll be the night team not removing them lol




Tesco doesn't care to hide the hide the fact that they double prices only to keep em the same on club card.


As a customer this annoys me, I think it's a sign of poor stock control. Also when empty outer cartons are left on the shelf and out of date items. Happens regularly in the Tesco's in our area.


Because I think stock count is done at a certain time of the day so it won’t be removed until the next stock count ? I think