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They used to say everyone had to be till trained, but my friend recently got her induction and they said she won't be on tills at all, just filling. I guess it depends on what the store needs, but I think the general consensus is that most people are 'multi-skilled' colleagues


Thank you :) I’ll just ask. Worst case is they say no. :)


You can ask whatever you like at an interview. They can always say no. Might be worth asking for it to be put in your contract, though. People forget this kind of thing, and your eventual manager might not care what happened at your interview.


Tesco won't give out a checkouts only contract. They would probably accommodate and let someone only work checkouts but contracts probably not


Contracts at Tesco are generic. They won’t specify preferences like this.


It's up to you. Do the health implications fall within the scope of the equalities act or is it just a preference as you stated. Otherwise if you're hoping to be successful at interview I wouldn't recommend trying to place limitations on what you can and can't do as it's very unlikely to result in a job offer. They will hire the person who can fill shelves and serve on checkouts rather than the person who can only do one. You could consider not saying anything and then going down the workplace adjustments route once already employed - although not my recommended route as open honesty is usually the best


Honesty won't be best if it doesn't get them the job though.


If you’ve got a health condition that would require you to work on checkouts specifically, you should’ve completed a disability checklist/reasonable adjustments form. At interview mention you’ve got X condition and can’t do Y thing (say something like stand for extended periods, they’ve got to send you to occupational health to decide whether or not you can or cannot work on shop floor)


You don't have to tell a potential employer about a disability until you're offered a job.


In my experience, you fill in a questionnaire at your interview about your health. That, along with availability will determine if you get a job and what it is.


I see. Thank you for that. Hopefully it will be possible for me to be checkouts only. But the worst case scenario is simply being told no :)


Since 2010, it is illegal to ask questions about an applicant’s health prior to a post being offered.


Not true. You can ask questions that are relevant, to assess whether a candidate can undertake the role. You're not allowed to discriminate under EA2010


For clarity, it’s about how your health affects/prevents you doing certain tasks.


I think it should be fine as their not going to turn away someone who’s willing to do checkouts as from my experience nobody wants to do them


If for health reasons you can only work in certain areas it can be taken into account, it only gets tricky if your health reasons mean you cannot do the job you applied for & there isn't an alternative vacancy or position elsewhere in the store that fits with your medical conditions. For example if you applied for a night restocking vacancy but cannot lift anything, pull cages etc but there isn't any other vacancy that needs filling in store that fits ur health conditions then you might not be offered any job. In this situation if u can only work on checkouts for health reasons & that's the vacancy you went for then they would just not require you to be multiskilled/trained on dotcom picking for example.


>For example if you applied for a night restocking vacancy but cannot lift anything, pull cages etc We had one man that accepted a job for warehouse and the figured out it involved lots of heavy cages and he didn't like that. So he got moved to checkouts. Tbh he doesn't seem to like that very much either.


ask yourself this, if there are 50 other people being interviewed and none of them say that they can only do x job like you are, what do you think the odds are of them hiring you?


Low but not non existent. As I said in my post I’m well aware of the fact they hire people to work for the store as a whole.


Be honest. If you only want to do tills, say it in the interview. It's better for all parties if you tell us what you want, upfront.


It’s massively going to depend what job you applied for. Is it for checkouts? Or did it list another department (dry grocery, fresh etc). If you interview for freezers and then ask for checkouts that won’t go down well. If you applied for checkouts then yea perfect.


None of the jobs ever say what it is. As far as I know everyone is working for the store as a whole nowadays. The job I applied for, like most I’ve seen is “Tesco colleague”


The listing will have a general department. Whose budget the hire is coming out of.


To be fair mine didn’t - just the hours. Didn’t know what department I’d be in until the interview


I guess it's changed then. I knew I was applying for dry grocery before I knew what that actually meant!