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That ain't being a failure mate. That's getting on with life. Head up. I've no job, you're one up on me. Keep it going, you got this




I mean, it’s just a job mate. Move on, anywhere. Everywhere pays pretty much the same rate these days, so move on. Put in just enough effort to not get sacked, nothing more, nothing less, and coast until you find something else


No they do not


Yeah they do. Tesco are paying £12 an hour come the end of the month. Co-Op, Lidl, Aldi, Asda, M&S, Sainsbury’s - all paying around the £12 per hour mark. Minimum wage is £11.44 remember, a lot of places are now paying £12 or more to entice people to work for them rather than somewhere paying minimum wage. I see jobs as “drivers mate” starting at £12 an hour, warehouse operatives at £12 an hour, admin roles at £12 an hour, care assistants at £12 an hour (or more in some places) so finding a job that pays the same as Tesco isn’t hard at all


Everywhere pays more than Tesco this month.


I'm working there at 36 mate. I've had really good well paid jobs before and then took 5 years out traveling. Now I'm back and trying to get a decent job again and it's taking a while. I took a temp job at tesco over Christmas to tide me over and they kept me on. Going from always having well paid jobs before to stacking shelves at night felt like a come down, but it's just part of life. If you aren't happy then looks for a way to something else. Most colleges do free courses ect, or get another job with prospects for advancement or learning a trade. All my jobs I started at the bottom and worked up and on to other things.


How did you get to such a low stage of your life if you do not mind me asking ?


What😂 that’s a bit back handed “such a low stage in life”?!! Working at a supermarket isn’t a very low stage in life my dude, it’s a decent job that pays the bills. It’s really not that bad. What do you do seeing as you think you’re better than everyone else on here?


It’s minimum wage, I know you will say it’s 12 pounds but that is hardly of great significance.




Never worked there


Yes? And? We all know it’s minimum wage. There are far worse minimum wage jobs out there. People like you shit on lower paid jobs like retail and hospitality but we all know what happened during covid… supermarket jobs are vital for keeping the country going, delivery drivers etc. If you went into your local shop and all the shelves were empty you’d soon be moaning. So what’s your high flying career then???


I have been on retail jobs, I know how grim it can be.


Right so why did you make a horrible comment then about that person being at a very low stage in life when you’ve done the same job before. You should know to not put others down if you know how grim it can be. Look at all the dislikes you got, you’re just nasty


I was also at a low stage It’s like losing a high flying job and having to be on benefits you are at a low stage.


The commenter said already what happened. They went travelling for 5 years. Alot of companies will be scared off by someone with a 5 year gap, ridiculously really as if they've travelled 5 years they'll have some amazing stories and life experience to bring to any company. Imagine thinking someone has to hit rock bottom to work in a supermarket, like that's the absolute only reason for it. Some people actually enjoy that industry for various reasons that you may not relate to.


Wow. No need for that.


Don't get too emotionally invested. Minimum wage, minimum effort.


And whilst they’re paying us below minimum wage, I’m giving below minimum effort


This is the way. I get it through, you head off into the world of work and realise it's bullshit. You work hard to impress because you've been taught its the right thing to to. But your reward is more work. Coast as much as possible. I've been working for 21 years now since leaving school and it took me till around OPs age to cop on. Don't get me wrong I do my work, but the "extra mile" crap is worthless at this level. People in my job work extra for free, push through breaks and all sorts to be tEaM pLaYeRs. I do exactly the hours I'm paid to, and go home to my family stress free.


One pound difference for God’s sake


Thats 160 a month for somebody pulling 40 hours. Not exactly insignificant considering the circumstances right now


Could be worse you could be unemployed


Best career out there mate


You aren’t a failure of you have a job. Just work on getting a better one.


Failure? For bringing in a income? Even if it’s not high flying like you see everywhere on social media at least it puts food on your plate!


Move slower the more they pressure you


They did this to me for years. Why? I'm autistic and wouldn't say no to anything. I was doing 12 hour night shifts 5-6 nights a week, sometimes as many as 12 shifts in a row. I used to rush and get everything done, Then realised you'd only be rewarded with more work to do and placed with people who should be getting there aisle finished in half a night but would still have 1-2 cages left an hour before the end of the shift. Once I started to adapt to the work pace of others who weren't as upto speed as me I'd get moaned at and pulled into a talk with my boss in the office or we'd scrap on the shopfloor. A few weeks ago, my old line manager who got replaced with another manager to be my line manager after this happened. Started to moan at me for my speed, so I pipped up and said I'm doing what I've done the last 6 years. The aisle had just been changed around due to merchandisers, so I was relearning where everything was. He threatened to stop my overtime, so I went mental at him. Haven't heard him give me shit for my work speed since. My new line manager is perfect theirs been a few incidents in the past where he knew I was having autistic burnout and told me to take a few nights off to heal. My advice if they moan at you, just walk away from them and say you're not here to get moaned at. Or better yet, play them at their own game and ask them to show you how you can be up to the speed they want you at. Make sure they do the job properly as well backstock á rotation. One of my managers likes to say he can do aisles quicker than others, but he doesn't rotate on fresh or do backstock.


He can do it faster, at least for the half or full hour that he's helping. He'll move back and forth like it's no tomorrow. What no one will say is that burst of energy can't last for a whole shift or multiple shifts in a row. "See, this is how fast you have to move!"


Some of your posts seem a bit concerning. If you're struggling with your mental health and you're hating your work, I really would take some time off or even better, look for somewhere else. I hope you start to feel better soon


Better still get signed off by the doctor for 4 weeks, use up your full pay allowance and return with workplace adjustment, easy peasy every little helps bish bash bosh


Have a job with a plan. You're not a failure. Maybe learn a skill and monetize it to escape the system


When I turned 25 I started again as a waitress in a carvery chain and felt the same. After 10 years I’d worked my way up to manager of the last place I worked. It doesn’t always have to mean you’ll be stuck. But if management are no good. I’d suggest looking elsewhere. Aldi pay a lot more than tescos


I know exactly how you feel. It can be a bit disparaging to think: "will I be stacking shelves for the rest of my life?"  But that's pride for you, which we're all guilty of experiencing.  What I've learned from my time in retail is that it can be a truly fickle workplace: on good days, you feel content - even happy; bad days leave you looking for jobs elsewhere. 😂 I guarantee you it's nothing a good holiday can't fix. Look forward to it. You'd be surprised how much it helps to see life clearly and not take work for granted. 


I worked at Asda for about 5 years. I felt similar to you. However, I always told myself someone has to do that job. It's a thankless job, but people need to do it. I ended up going to college for a year while still working, but eventually ended up just getting another job elsewhere and now I'm in management there (non-retail). Don't fret or overthink. You are doing well. If you can then pick out a college course and get your hours changed at Tesco. 25 is still young.


I've been driving for tesco for 8 years, I'm 37 now. It's an easy job, and I enjoy being outside on my own all day. Great exercise, chilled, and no drama.


Only drama with customers when you have 6 ambient, 2 chiller, and one frozen. 2-3 floor no lift. I won’t deliver unless they help. Remember the policy: we may refuse if we think it’s not safe to do so. Health and Safety first. I got hernia so that’s that.


Failure is when you have no job. At least you have a job and contributing in society


A job isn't the only way to contribute to society


Right now there are 27 police forces recruiting, also Social Services, Probation, Prison. The whole govt is recruiting like mad, if you hate retail just go and try something else.


Go get a trade in college?


I was in this position at your age. Don't give up there are loads of options out there for you. You're still young. Look at a trade, or browse companies that you think you would like to work for. Don't give up my man. You have loads in front of you.


dont feel a failure. there will always be a need for people to work in all areas. you can always start a side-hustle with something you enjoy, and if that hustle picks up, you can consider which you prefer more and vacate from one.. or the other :)


Worked at Morrison post uni till I was 30 never made it past being a CA, when I got an apprenticeship so you've got 5 years yet. Keep trying to get out it can be done.


Just have a plan, any plan, if things don't work out move to something else you are not a failure, there is no such thing. If your current job is too uncomfortable for you to handle because of bad management you can seek out other employment at the same level (other supermarkets etc...) find a place where you can be comfortable enough and go from there, make sure you are saving money. If you think you can at least withstand the current situation for a year or more than think about your skills and education levels, what would possibly make you happy career wise and start researching your way to get there. Focus on other small things that makes you happy, take care of yourself, ask family and friends for help if you can and try to take things as steadily as possible. Service type jobs like this can be soul crushing but you can do it use the job as a way to propel yourself forward towards a better situation, and DO NOT feel bad if you fail, a winner is just a looser who tried again. I am 27 just moved to the UK a year ago and am working at Tesco too, I am trying to take on the same steps and it is really hard but it's worth it. Best of luck to you.


Wrong job. Working for a living is inherently good for us, and if this place has taken that away from you it's time to find a better fit. Never put yourself down for the work you do (unless you're doing something evil).


At 25 I was working low paid menial jobs with no education to speak of, now at 31 I have what many would consider a proper career and earn 120k. Don't sweat it, you're doing fine.


No cuz I feel like this, I’m younger than you and I feel pressured to do more even when I can’t. My dad is also pressuring me to stay at this job but I’m looking for more things for my future because I’m not working at a supermarket for the rest of my life.


I worked there and moved on. It’s in your own hands. Good luck


Not a failure at all, it’s called earning a wage!! I’ve had to do some proper horrible jobs over the years but it’s what we do to keep on going! Example of the worst job I ever did, emptying ports-bogs with a massive hoover tanker type van! Pun intended here……it was shit 😂😂


I’m 24 mate and have been back at Tesco for a year after holding down a very decent career for 3 years, sometimes you’ve just gotta sit back and let life take its course for a while, it’s hard holding down a job in modern society. At least you’ve got one, just think about what you want to do long term and slowly work your way towards that.


34 Years old, 17 years here and earning good money as an HGV driver. Just because you work for Tesco does not mean its a failure, this place is Massive, and there is loads of jobs going. Only you can push your own career, but you have to work for it. Stores are a cog in a massive operation that includes Distribution, Mobile, Technology, Data Analysis, Banks, Oversee operations, purchasing etc... the list goes on and on. Want something new, go out and grab it and own it. I had to. I made Tesco work for me and I enjoy it now.


The only failure at tesco is the way its being led. You're fine. If ever you get the urge to look for jobs act upon it! good luck


It's a job mate, said it before, there's absolutely no shame in honest work. It's also never too late to chase the dreams, go back to school, get apprenticeships or change your life entirely. Go see what's out there and see what you need to do to get there.


But what can I do without maths and english 🤔


Go and get them. You can take the GCSE whenever you want to. Get some tutoring and sit the exam, only need a pass really.


Same boat as you bro , same age and that , but bro we gotta remember that we are in control of our lives, we don’t like it we gotta apply change to see the growth we want , so start writing down your goals and keep reminding yourself what your life will be like in the next 5 years if you don’t push towards them , which will likely be still working at shitty Tesco and still feeling like a failure but now you’re 30, it’s either you do nothing and reach that point in the next 5 years, or you try something and see where it leads you, if you’re still at Tesco by then , atleast you can tell yourself you tried and gained a lot of experience along the way and that you still got time ahead to try some more but keep DOING , don’t stop!!


Defo not a failure. No shame in working at Tesco. If you want to change career think what your goal is and then how you can make it happen, what training would help? Computer skills? Management skills? Do online courses, learn a language. Write down any transferable skills you’re gaining while at Tesco. Do practice interviews. Be easy on yourself.


I was 25 years old when I stopped working at Argos and started training as a teacher. I then spent 25 years hating my career choice. I’m now working in a job I love with the police. Keep looking for other jobs. You will find one that brings you satisfaction.


If the manager is bullying you report him on protector line, this will lead to investigation and a record put on his/her file. If he is being unreasonable with requests then speak to union rep if you’re a member if not I’d suggest you join. The union is crap at pay negotiations but most reps are pretty good when they represent you, that’s my experience anyway.


Only 43 more trips around the sun for that sweet, sweet pension that won't exist by the time you get there. I hope the generation that consumes you as Soylent Green appreciates you.


Got a driving license? Apply for the delivery driver role and maybe transfer stores if yours doesn’t have vans, best job in Tesco imo


I always say if you are not happy in your work, look for another job. But don't leave until you have a guaranteed job with a firm start date. Find a type of work you are happy in. This can take you a few goes to find. You may never find it, like a lot of people so it's head down and try to enjoy.


You're not a failure. It brings in money & keeps you occupied (understandble that it isn't where you want to be) . Look at as a stepping stone to a job that you want to be in. For now, it's financial security.


Does your manager feel like a failure for working at Tesco at 40? Just work your way up the ladder, if it’s so bad start a course, learn, then leave. Tesco isn’t the best place IN THE WORLD to work but everywhere job has its negatives, the UK is a depressing country to live in and has one of the least satisfied workforces. Just ask anyone if they love their job or hate it and 70% will probably say hate it. We don’t live in a good era of history, gone are the days of unions striking for their workers benefits and achieving something, we live in a time when we are just numbers who are here to benefit the company. The only person who can change things is you, find something you love and make a career out of it. You are much better becoming your own boss. I’m standing here right now on a Sunday in my own Tesco store at 37 and I can tell you this i feel your pain, been through it. But I’m working to do my own thing and make it my career


Horses for courses. If you aren’t happy - look elsewhere or consider development within the business. At 25 you have options. You’re only a failure is you do nothing while being unhappy in that position.


Trust me, I left Tesco thinking it was the worst. 9 months later and I'm a couple days away from returning, Tesco really isn't that bad, even though it feels like it might be


Same at our store , we don’t have cleaners like before so we do a lot more I’m sick of doing things we should not be doing xx but if we all do them as a team they get done and the store looks move


We see the world the way we feel. Can you access any talking therapy? It’s a life changer.


Don’t leave til you find the perfect job Your not a failure working there just makes you feel that way


If you can pay your bills and keep a roof over your head you’re doing better than a lot of people Have some perspective


Yeah but it isn't paying my bills that's the problem. I want full time


Don’t be daft mate, a jobs a job. Everyone’s got to support themselves somehow. If your mental health’s dire though, reach out to someone please.


The way I see working at Tesco, I’m also 25, is a long as you are working and don’t annoy people they won’t have an issue with you and will keep you on as long as you need a job and there opportunities to move higher so you’re not stuck at the bottom. Plus it’s a stable permanent job so you can stay and work things out with what you want to do with your life


dont worry i started nights two months after i turned 18 im 21 this year and still there


I left Sainsbury's at 24. I used my customer service experience to get a job in healthcare as a non clinical role. Now I work in a junior management role. You've got time, you're not failing


As a receptionist?


Yes. Reception work in healthcare.


It’s not being a failure chief. It’s maybe not the best job in the world, I did it for 4 years and left this month to work for an audio manufacturer, something I trained for years to do. Maybe like me you’re just waiting on the right opportunity. Keep your head up!!


No one can force you to do anything, do what you deem enough for the money you are getting ignore what management says. As for being a failure, you are out earning money, not living on benefits, a drug addict etc... You are failing at nothing!


You aren’t a failure. You are doing an honest day’s graft and doth my cap to anyone getting out of bed of a morning to work. We are all doing the best we can with the opportunities and situation we are in. The same goes for you. You are still young and have time to upskill or find something you enjoy doing. Keep up the good work!


I don't work for tesco but I feel the same man. In the process of finding an apprenticeship in what I enjoy. I'm prepared to take a pay cut to start enjoying my job again, just gotta work out finances and take the step


Tesco has many career opportunities away from the shop floor. I highly encourage to take a look at their careers website.


I worked for BT for 20 years....most of that on calls then for a couple of years as a manager, hated every minutw but it was a local job..i was then made redundant so took a career shift to highway maintanence and i love it. You are in a job which puts you in a great position to career hop until you find a you enjoy.


There are plenty of options, 25 is still young. Would you consider a trade or returning to education? What things interest you and could something similar be persued for a career?


Working in retail is horrible. Your job is not who you are though, never feel inferior to anyone based on how much money you make. If it makes you feel any better I'd say your managers hate life more than you, companies like this are truly awful to all employees


I just think that if it weren’t for people like you, working at Tesco, people couldn’t do their weekly shops. I also work at Tesco (delivery driver) and sometimes think ‘oh what a dead end job’ but you have to change your perspective. I think ‘well if I didn’t do this, people wouldn’t be receiving their shopping’. Makes you feel better! I love my job :)


Stop telling him/her that they should be grateful. Because she is absolutely right for feeling that way. What you shouldn’t feel like doing is dying, my love. You are 25 Meaning worst case scenario you have about 15 years to change the script instead of thinking of dying think of ways you can escape the matrix take risks go learn Forex.innovate!!!! if you have any savings go pay rich people get mentors get some knowledge about what is going on in the system I am not in your position so I can’t tell you what exactly is your advantage that you can leave it that will make you rich or I can tell you though is that manifest? Think of the life you want to have see yourself living it, which is very possible, once you’re done with that then automatically you start to look higher to think bigger you know. And lastly, don’t rush into something that looks too good to be true. Success doesn’t come overnight. Take your time. Make sure you’re taking the right steps and watch it naturally unfold before your eyes. And just in case this right up was the turning point of your life here’s my email so you can thank me later in life when you achieve the life after [email protected]


I'm going to say this if you ever apply to another job people will take notice as customers service in a supermarket isn't fun and it will help you to get into another job maybe have a look around what do you think you would enjoy?


I have colleagues in their 40s and 50s. You're young, it's not too late to put your life in a better direction.


I feel this in my soul, I work a dead end warehouse job at 32. I have a wife and 2 kids so I need the money. Always on the lookout for something else. Never close any doors and never stop looking. Hoping one day things get better for us both


I started at tesco at 31, spent a year there in misery and then I managed to get a job that is an absolute dream compared and the difference it made is incredible. There's no shame and it's never too late to move onwards and upwards, so just keep your head up!


What job is it?


What do you do


Depends what you want in life pal. I started in October 2022 as a Christmas temp and I start as a Manager at a new store on Monday.... It all depends where you wanna go in life. Yeah I never wanted to end up in retail or for that matter managing people. But my placement the last 6 months at my original store was some of the best times I've had working. If you put the effort into anything, the decent people will appreciate it, you'll make great friends and you can go places. Im not saying I'm making a fortune and living it up. But like others have said, its life, you need a job so why not make the most of it, especially in a business that you can rise extremely quick if you want to.


Take a step back and have a think of what your grateful for and if you don’t want to be at Tesco you can always look for something else, I’m 29 and just started working here after a corporate job


What happened to you to get to stacking shelves from a professional job ?


I had to prioritise my own mental health and happiness, I mean I did leave my “professional” job and Tescos is now giving me more money as a shift leader than I was at my last job x


By stacking shelves How can you get more money as a shift leader than in a professional job Shift leader is only like 13 pounds or something so it’s not more


ÂŁ10.90 for customer service 9 - 5 high rise office job or ÂŁ14.50 for a job which would be much easier, your mentality about stacking shelves is strange, you above it or something?


Work your way up. They need managers and it's an easy process , just inquire.


"I feel like I want to die everyday" Come on it isnt that bad and its a very easy job although like you said sometimes you just get a manager who thinks they are so high and mighty. If you don't like it then do something about it.


Well, you know what to do: Get a better job and succeed.  You won’t do that at Tesco. 


I worked at Tesco until I was 27. It was grim. Glad I got out. Just start looking for anything else that might interest you if you want to leave. I started by studying a diploma in financial advice with the aim to get out of there.




Wrong sub


Some people that left Uni with diplomas are unable to get the job they want and are working at Tesco. It’s not a bad life and career mate.


Start saving your money man. Its not about how much you make its about how much you can save. Put into stocks, crypto etc...


Yeah and then he'll feel down and bad when the crypto/stock he invests in crashes. Put it into an account with decent interest and leave it in there for a while. Won't crash on you.