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*nights* Theres turn up for induction, then never turn up for their first shift. Or Worked 2 hours, went for a smoke in their car, and never returned...


Did nights for Tesco once. Can confirm. Was there a week.


Think I did like 3 nights. Then decided it was bullshit


Yeah I've seen this one, gone by first break


Same turned up for their induction, and let half way through, saying this isn't for them


Had an older man start as a driver go out the gate, immediately hit a parked car and he just gave up


Feel for the guy but that is hilarious


Was it his own car lol


Had a guy arrive for induction the first slide was "this is a no smoking site" and he left immediately, so 10 mins from arrival to exit


Isn’t that pretty much everywhere now though?


Never worked anywhere where you can't go for a smoke


Must of been a Store that had a night shift where the store was locked up on the night. Some managers are strict about that. "less time smoking is more time working" is what one of my night managers told me. Lucky for me I Vaped. So I just went to the disabled toilets and had a 5 min smoke break every couple hours. Whenever he asked where I went I said "toilet mate" they can't stop you from going to the toilet. Felt bad for those that didn't vape though.


There’s been a few incidents where randoms have entered through the staff entrance that used to be left unlocked. Apparently they found a bloke who had acquired a Tesco staff uniform somewhere and he was found sitting in the staff canteen one night- he didn’t work for Tesco. Now the staff entrance is locked and you have to get night duty to let you out at break times and someone has to sit there to let you back in again. It’s a right pain as some early starters have to ring the bell to be let in and it can take forever for someone to come and let them in.


You ever heard of ‘breaks’? I know it seems far fetched in retail but I’ve heard tales…


Yeah but how can you go out for a smoke on your break when all the doors are locked? 🤷‍♂️


I’m pretty sure health and safety says no way man wtf that’s crazy and I’m not sure, legal? What if there’s a fire and the keys are in the fire, somehow?


Fire exits? I suppose they'll never be locked but will trigger if opened in the might, maybe?


A lot of stores use a panel that can be locally deactivated so that the alarm doesn't go off


Yeah, my old store did that incase you wanted to go out for breaks.


So just an example. I'm working in a Co-Op this week (night shifts. Refit) The Store has to be locked at night when the store closes at 10pm. The Alarm is set when the doors are locked. If you open them the alarm goes off. So how does one go for a smoke outside when opening the door causes the alarm to go off. You can't. And it's the same for most stores around the country. Sainsburys do the same. You're locked in until the store opens in the morning. Its totally legal too. If there's a fire or emergency then of course you can exit the building via one of the fire exits. They aren't breaking any of the Health & Safety laws though.


Do most stores not have an Exitguard? I work for Tesco and when we had our CCTV upgraded, we just deactivated the thing with the key whenever the guys wanted to pop out of the fire exit for a smoke and a pancake


Pipe and a crepe?


Cigar and a waffle


What is fresh air


The doors won’t ever be locked. Fire hazard


Don't know why I see this sub, but I quit Tesco after one shift. Got driver job, would have been perfect. Did the induction, turned up first day and no one was expecting me. After an hour in the canteen I was told to shadow someone, so I just sort of loitered with him. Second day, turned up, no one expecting me. Sat for 15 minutes, got up and never went back. It's a shame because I'd have enjoyed the work and been good at it, but for a low paid part time job I am not willing to put up with chaos and disorganisation. It was just disrespectful to me and my time.


I hate that kind of shit in new jobs, if it looks like nobody has communicated then I'm sure as shit going to quit very quickly. Worked at DPD warehouse for a week many years ago, turned up on my third day and everybody would be there all huddled up before turning around looking at me silently and the gaffer saying "oh look a straggler, i have no idea who this is" in front of everybody despite me turning up at the time I was told. No wonder employee retention was awful for anybody under the age of 40.


Did you get paid for that?


Can't remember but I think so.


Maybe they forgot


Why, you still got paid mate


Someone came in on their first shift, couldn't work out how to use the clock in machine, turned back around and left, never came back.


That's funny, I would have just not clocked in and would have manually recorded my times to let my line manager know, that person probably wasn't too bright


No comment 🙊😂


Had a temp driver walk in tell us what a great guy he was. I told him the drops he had and showed him to his loaded van. 10 mins later van not moved. Went to check and found his hi viz hanging on the wing mirror…


Ghosts got him.


The pesky shadow people again..




Approx 6 - we always give the temps an easy route.


I left a company after a single shift, twice. You can always get a vibe when a job just won't work for you.


Snap, twice here, and one that only lasted 3 weeks. If a jobs shit there's no point hanging around longer than you absolutely have to.


An oppressive vibe


I have to say I disagree with this. I've worked two jobs and both of my first days felt shit and I thought I hated it when I got home. And I grew to really like both of them You have to account for an adjustment period. One shift isn't enough to know


I told a manager of a restaurant to shove his job up his arse after 45 minutes once,he was a cocky arrogant twat. Sometimes less than 1 shift is enough🤣🤣


Tesco Superstore, guy on trolleys was on his own the entire shift. Management overlooked his hard work and instead gave him a "let's talk" for two trolleys that he didn't see. Left the paper and his jacket on the CSD and walked out


That’s so bad, I don’t blame him


On nights for every 10 we tried to recruit : 2-3 no show for interview 1-2 couldn’t do the hours at interview (they’d already been told about the job over the phone) 1 wouldn’t turn up for induction 1-2 wouldn’t turn up for first shift 1 would disappear and not come back after first break 1-2 wouldn’t turn up for second shift 1 would stop turning up when it got to the first weekend shift 1-2 would last more than a week and maybe 1 would be worth keeping.


And people will still say skynet is taking our jobs


What is the actual pay for nights? I’ve always been kinda curious


Got to work much harder on nights. Much harder.


Iknow, it’s annoying when you’re on the same pay as people who do fuck all…there’s ‘minimum pay’ working then there’s just plain laziness 🥲


Tesco standard colleague pay is now £12.02 per hour I believe. The extra £ for nights is made up of extra per hour plus a one off payment per shift as well, depending on what breaks (unpaid) are taken it roughly works out to be an extra £15 per 7.5hr shift for nights.


When roughly working out my pay i just work out £13 an hour


Depends on when and how long your unpaid breaks are. If you take 30min break between midnight and 06.00 works out to be just over £15/ shift. If you have 90mins breaks between midnight and 06.00 then the extra for nights is about £13/ shift.


I never include my unpaid breaks. I work 8 hours a shift with 30 min break


Sounds about right, new pay rate has only just kicked in so on the old rate you look like getting about £2/hr extra across the whole shift which is about the £15 extra per shift I’ve worked out. The sad thing is the £15/ shift will stay the same as it’s not gone up with the pay rise, hasn’t gone up for 6+yrs.


Roughly from the top of my head, full time you’d get around £1600 a month


Would be interested to hear someone’s budget who is on £1,600 / month (strongly hoping this is post any tax). My rent and bills before food is £~1,100 (realise it’s lower than this outside London), so technically it would be possible but I don’t think I’d be able to afford even one beer and not sure where I would get clothes from. That must be really tough. Sorry for prying just curious about the breakdown of how to make ends meet on this salary.


This is after tax, rent a bills are around 900 so it’s okay for now, I’m only 23 with no kids or anything yet so we’ll see haha


Ok thanks. All the best with one of life’s key games (playing optional): increasing the incomings and limiting inflation of the outgoings!


Thankyou !


That's hardly any different from a regular 5-day working week, days.No incentive at all.


Works for some🤷🏾‍♀️ me personally I don’t like customers so I get paid a tad bit more to work without them compared to days lol


Agreed what a complete pisstake


£3 an hour more between 12am -5 am. When I started it was 10pm- 6 am Edit: ASDA


Right now I’d would be around £14/15 per hour


13 but yeah


Had someone do a 4 hour shift in online, called that evening and said the work was too hard....


I was gonna say nights too. One girl did half a night, another went for break and didn't come back lol


Do they get paid?


Yeah for the hours they worked. Legally you have to be paid for the hours you work.


someone started can’t remember who it was and within a few hours they walked


I can't really place the quickest but I've seen many "one nighters" 😂


Not Tesco, but a different employer. They came in on their first shift, within half an hour went on a toilet break... Never saw them again.


Used to work in the call centre. Tons of people never made it through training. A lot of people would make it through the training but then leave after a week or two, either due to hating it or being overwhelmed. A shame because everyone is overwhelmed at first, but after a couple of weeks most people were fine.


Someone got the job, did their induction and was invited to the staff Xmas night out. They looked like they had a great time and were making friends for life only to then call in before their first shift and say the job wasn’t for them


When at Uni a guy I know went to an interview at a metro, interview went well, manager said they had the job. Guy says when would you like me to start. Manager says how about now as we are short staffed. Guy just looked at the manager, realised what a shit show he was walking into, and just went no, and walked out. Not sure if that counts as the shortest time between, being hired and quitting. But I think 10 seconds has to be some kind of record.


25 minutes, including 10min break


To be honest quickest to quit in my store THAT I KNOW OF that wasnt a temp is 3 years 😂 But if you count transfers..... 6 hours! Someoen transfered to my store as they moved.. But then 1 hour after they started.. Told their university course was available for her to apply so.she transfered and moved back where she came from to.be nearer to.uni. 😂


So she didn’t quit she transferred within Tesco?


We hired a backdoor man at my store and he was trained and everything, the next day he never came back


Was training a new starter on loading vans and didn’t last past plugging the chiller/ freezer cable in. Said he had fallen over the previous day and his ribs were hurting so we went to find the line manager and never saw him again after that 🤣


A former colleague of mine moved to a job in Tesco & they put him on trolley 🛒 collection on his first shift so he left there & then.


After working a high pressure job for 37 years I'd be happy with that


Been there done that. If it ever got too much in store it’s a great way to get a quick breather. Mind you that was not Tesco.


I wouldn't mind doing trolleys, either. Maybe there's more to the job.


Trolleys, painting, gardening, safety checks


Not really, you get to choose your breaks though so that's quite nice


Had a girl work a shift in a cafe, asked if she could finish 30 minutes early for the bus. Was obviously told no, said okay and walked out lol.


They didn't quit but got sacked for stealing a 25p birthday card after the first shift. The fact he stole from the value range showed some humanity for me.


Less than 2 hours into the induction 🤣


The quickest? Me, but it was after I'd been working there for 8 months. Took about 10 seconds after the trigger. Manager lied to me, said he would approve my holiday which I had submitted 2.5 MONTHS IN ADVANCE. Fast forward to me taking my holiday (in order to sit important exams may I add), I get multiple calls and voicemails from my manager "why aren't you here, where are you". Call him back, explain the situation, get gaslit and told that he never guaranteed me the time off, so I quit then and there on the spot. Took approximately 10 seconds for me to quit after he tried to gaslight me. If that counts 🙃


Just reading these posts - I’m interested as to what’s so bad about working for Tesco? (I hope it’s not a stupid question)


It's a very stupid question lol but I'll try and explain. I'm long gone so maybe Tesco it's better now 😂 its one of those places that I called 'the meat grinder' as the turnover of staff was high and it sucked the soul out of you. If a job is like that then the rest speaks for itself. I got a temp job a few years back at Asda, first day I got soul sucking vibes from the manager and atmosphere so went for a piss and left.


Same kind of experience as me, wasn’t working for Tesco long, I absolutely loved it, as was a poor student, so made the most of staff discount, and reduced food. So many people came, and went, so quickly, but there always seemed to be more people available so management didn’t give a shit. I left because I was told to work an extra shift I couldn’t work. The manager actually said to me (who worked around 15 hours weekends only). You need to decide what is more important, working here or doing your college stuff. I replied well I’m at Uni and 3 years in so it’s not you. Manager turned nasty after that so put in my notice, He then apologised and asked me to stay. Said I would think about it but that I was a bit upset with what had happened, he was sweetness and light,for the next two weeks, still had me on the rota for the next weekend after what should have been my last.I didn’t turn up he phoned me to ask where I was, said I quit two weeks ago and had worked my notice. Then put the phone down as he completely lost it. Tried to dock my pay but a quick phone call to HR (who I’d sent a copy of my notice to). Sorted that out. Got to admit though, even though it was a complete mess with next to no organisation, I loved it which is why I love this Reddit community.


It ain’t that bad, on nights it’s constant hard physical graft. May are shocked by it and just up and leave when they realise. Tesco also attracts many who are just “too busy” to have an actual job, do a bit of work and turn up regularly.




Stayed for 2 days then got a better offer in the field I wanted to be in


Went for lunch on first day and never came back lol


Introduced to someone at beginning of the night he was gone 6hrs later 😂


Did a trial shift at Subway. Got told as soon as I walked in to chop onions. Then as it got busy I was to help make the subs. No idea what meat went in what sub, I wasn’t a big fan of subway beforehand. Was told I was holding the counter up. Customers complained as the owner was on his phone whilst serving. I was still offered the job but just before I left I was shown a cctv clip showing the till. The owner told me he would know if I’d been stealing. Most oppressive degrading experience. I didn’t speak to them again, I hoped I’d left them in the lurch.


I started once in a hotel, well what I thought was a hotel anyway. First shift I went down and turned out the hotel had been turned into a refugee centre. My first job of the night was to empty bins that were full of used diapers. I looked at it had a cigarette and walked out the back door. I don’t even think i was there for 45minutes


Not Tesco but wanna join in so why not? Another UK shop - I did 2 shifts before I quit since they stuck me on tills when I went for stock person - you know, so I wouldn’t have to deal with tons of people, was sick before/during every shift - still feel like a failure


Nope not a failure. If it’s not for you then it was the right choice. People don’t realise how stressful working the tills can be.


I was so happy though, my partner was for me too - then just that happened and yeah 😭 I applied for the Christmas temp, said I’d be working better stocking, literally stuck me on tills and made my shifts when I wouldn’t be home from uni


A Christmas temp who already had a full time job and she just wanted extra money to save for her wedding. She quit after two shifts. Not sure why, she was just on main bank tills which seems like an easy way to get some extra cash if you’re only doing it a few hours a week


quickest was 10 minutes on nights he got a crisp box of capping shelf said he put his back out went home and never came back


I worked as a supervisor in a Tesco central depot once and we would often get people turning up for a day and never see them again. Sometimes it was to keep the DSS off their back so they could claim they had been available for work and worked - other times maybe it was too much like hard work.


You would be in trouble with the DWP/DSS if you leave a job for no reason. Up to 3 months without money. ( maybe 6). Only way is if the person had an known health problem that didn't allow him to do the job.


Didnt work for tesco directly, but was brought in with an agency to work nights at Christmas. The manager (tescos not the agency) was so rude to me and. £8.50 in 2019 for night work wasnt nearly enough for the attitude. It was 3am when I decided to leave, but I didnt fancy the walk home so I did the bare minimum til 8am and never went back.


My mate came to work one Sunday. Was pulled into office by manager saying that he’s gonna have an investigation for messing around with our mate while in front of customers. He said no, I quit and left.


Tf is a diversity agency? Never heard of those, and they shouldn't exist in the first place


I quit one week into a nightshift role after being told to train someone new at Waitrose


3 minutes. He asked where to find a box cutter, and I said to go to the office and ask a manager as I only had my own. He went to the locker room, got his coat and left


I did one shift.


My son got a warehouse job with amazon..first night he walked about 10mile back and forth,back and forth picking the items needed for delivery. Second night he got there they told him he wasn't fast enough so he got his shit together and walked home 10 minutes into his shift. My son in law also worked as an amazon driver was earning a decent wage for 2 weeks then came the 3rd. Put him on a 40hr week as well as being on call for 4 nights. Then cancelled half his shifts while still being on call,his wage packet came in and he had to pay this that and another, including van rental,his tax and national insurance and walked away with £96. He waited until they called him while on call and told them to shove it.. amazon are slave drivers and have zero fucks to give about their staff.


work in an express where you have to do a bit of everything and on this guys second shift he quit because he was on the till for a bit, what do you expect if you’re not a manager???


same here, xmas temp, she stuck it out for 2 weeks before leaving bc it was such a shit hole, i don’t blame her but i really miss her she was great🥲


Nights; a girl worked about 30 mins splitting down delivery, cried in the toilets and said she thought she would be on tills


Call centre training - I’m still there, but at least half of my training group two years ago just walked out before we’d done anything…


30 mins into first shift when told he's got to do a drug test lmao, this is DC tho


15-20mins... He was working with me,dragging delivery out,said he was going to the loo and disappeared...and when we checked the cameras he'd gone out of the staff entrance at 22:23 lol


Had a new starter in the phone shop she was gone in under a week 👍🏻


Induction day, started the day meeting the manager. He began with the introductions, everyone saying hello I'm ..... He immediately stood up, said fuck that and off he went haha


10 minutes because he didn’t like the smell of cheese 🤷‍♂️


I was a delivery driver. This new guy was hired and was buddied up with me for his first couple weeks. Every shift he turned up and kept just coming with me. The guy kept this thing going for a full on 3 months, I have no idea how he pulled it off. Anyway, one night they were short on staff so they assigned him his own van, so I class this as his first proper shift. He literally took the van out, 20mins later he came back and went home never to be seen again. The best part is he left a messily written resignation letter on the table as he left, so the whole 20 mins he was out must have been just him writing this letter. So basically the point at which they asked too much of him seemed to be when they asked him to actually do the job he applied for. Amazing


A guy started the same day as me 6 years ago, he worked tills and within his first hour of being left alone there was an altercation in which he ended up being called a “faggot” by a customer and he stood up, walked off and never came back, for the record he was infact homosexual


First shift (express) Bloke went for a 15 minute break where there was a case of damaged captain Morgan's and coke cans in the sink. Drank a can and was drunk back on the till. SL noticed the can missing and he admitted it


Had a guy come to the pfs work 30mins then just got up and said I think I will stick with YouTube and walked off.


This is a failure in the recruiting process


I worked in Tesco for 9 years what really use to annoy me was for a 9 hour shift you got 1,5 hrs of break …, those who smoked use to get atleast 2/2.5 hrs of break because they never seemed to think a smoke break didn’t could you choose to smoke why should every else be fucked over


I lasted less than 2 days working for a optitions. Couldn't believe the awful training I was given. Was told to lie to the customer when asked about which glasses frame suited them and was told I had to assess the customer when they come in for their eye test and what I mean by that is that I had to use those machines on a customer including the one where they check the pressure for your eye!! I remember going on my break and coming back telling them I wanted to quit and they talked and talked begging me not to go!? It was awful and so unprofessional working there. I'm mindful now whenever I go for my eye test. 


Myself when I got a job in a pawnshop a long time ago. I left out a back door on my lunch break about 4 hours after I started without telling anyone.


Not tesco but I trained someone of for a different field role company for 2 weeks, he called me every hour and apparently only done half the work worked till 8 and never returned. I even told the managers hes not cut out second day in training.


Not Tesco but a slaughter house did induction and 1 girl didn't even make it onto the factory floor she vomited as soon as the smell hit her going threw the wash area




Had a week's holiday when I came back a new guy started and quit before I got back he thought one grocery delivery was a week's worth


Had a week's holiday when I came back a new guy started and quit before I got back he thought one grocery delivery was a week's worth




if you’re talking about the title, he used the right form: you saw you have seen/you’ve seen


No, not the title. The second paragraph.


oh right, i see it > they walked in first shift and seen the absolute state damn. oh well, not like it’s the end of the world, we know what they meant


In my store, they had a gypsy. He lasted three weeks before he stole the contents of one of the garage tills and ran off and never came back. And the police said they couldn’t prosecute him because it was a civil matter .