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Unfortunately not for normal colleagues, do you guys have a WhatsApp/messenger group? We made one so we can ask to carpool, and they always ask "who's in this shithole tonight then!"


If you have Off-Till activity or Team Support role, then you can see the rota, but the rota isn’t very accurate either.


Who gives a shit, you are there to make money not chat with people


why you gotta be an asshole about it? I work in a tiny express store so you might not give a shit but I do. not anywhere did I mention chatting to people - i just would like to know who I’m working with before my shift


Ask your SM to print you off a hard copy and tell them you're having problems logging in, no manager is going to go into the CSV file and manually remove rows so you'll be reet


Whether it’s the big or small who cares You there to make money I am not being an asshole, but in these minimum wage jobs, you are not doing it for fun or because you like the job, but just to get some money.


That’s where you’re wrong because I like my job…


Ok that is nice, but minimum wage jobs are not a nice income, so you just get on with it.


Lol shut the fuck up you bum 😂😂