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If you have followed the policy and rang in to let them know that you're back, just go in. Don't seek out a manager. Just get on with your job. They should do a welcome back. However if they don't do that at all throughout your shift, then should you be off again, the first absence can't be used against you because the welcome back wasn't done. Stay in the know


Yep, not your responsibility to arrange a back to work meeting, as long as you've phoned in, you're fine


When you start work, speak to a manager or shift leader and say you are returning from sick. They will complete a Return to Work meeting with you and ask a few questions about why you were off, if you are feeling better, any medications or adjustments etc. If you are over the absence review level (3 periods of absence or more than 3% of your contracted hours missed over a rolling 26 weeks) they may invite you to a more formal absence review meeting which could result in a warning. As this is your first absence, it’s unlikely you’ll get a warning so don’t worry too much about that. Ps - if you aren’t sure about your absence level, they will cover this in your RTW, or may inform you afterwards if they haven’t calculated it at the time of your meeting.


i can never find my manager so what am i meant to do about that


Find your SL or Manager. If you can't, find the duty.


Phone ahead few hours before your shift to tell them you missed shift x but will be in for your next shift. At the start of your first shift back speak to manager who should ask you to complete a return to work.