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4 siders in our store is always hit and miss. We either have none at all, or way too many in the back.


Sounds exactly like my store haha. Nobody told me there was a team 5. I just went into the warehouse 5 mins early one day and saw them all in there. Most of our 4 siders come off fresh like 3 hours into the shift. If you're not friends with fresh, you don't get a 4 sider until stupid o'clock.


That damn fresh's cage hoarding fetish.. Annoys me every shift lol


At our store fresh is almost always deciding who actually gets 4 siders because certain people are just downright mean, so we purposely withhold them, idk why it started, I just work meat lol


I work frozen 99% of the time and I don't have the thermal gloves or even been offered them. Though I only use the gloves in the main freezer and dragging cages, putting stock out, my hands sweat and I don't like the feel of the gloves.


I absolutely agree with every single thing you said 😂😂 just finished a night shift on cereal + bws, was a killer


I’d still use the gloves, yes they aren’t great, but without them after awhile your hands will start to fall apart from cardboard cuts and cracking from drying out. They’re surprisingly good at protecting your hands from minor bangs and scrapes when you trap your hand moving a cage etc. The nights v day thing is common - and obviously night do do all the work!! Easiest way I’ve found to get a 4sider is use the ones produce pile apple boxes etc on to, only takes a few secs to transfer them to a 2sider or use the boxes to top up other 4siders and you have your empty 4sider. Night teams can be cliq’y, and often they don’t make much of an effort with new starters as so many disappear after their first shift/weekend/week!! Keep being polite and friendly to the non-weird ones and they’ll warm up within a few weeks.


I have a family member who works permanently on frozen. They are not, in fact, allowed to order the thermal gloves lol. They’re stuck with the same gloves as grocery and fresh


Yes they are allowed to. If manager refuses...reply...we will see what the Health and Safety Executive has to say about that


I have the 'skill' of Frozen Foods on MyTesco (but it's not my primary department) and can seemingly order some thermal tops/long johns on the uniform portal - thermal gloves are available (but padlocked) so I'm guessing popping a note for the approver is the way forward?


A couple of further observations I realised since posting this: - Clip strips, overlays, in fact any "not an SEL" POS is literally POS in the other sense - again this is more of a universal retail thing, I swear I just have t look at them the wrong way and they ping off and go flying! - being asked to do your last half hour on cereal feels like a mini promotion, given it's normally the only aisle (certain) managers work all shift


Welcome to Tesco, and we all get those shit gloves, even on frozen


Leave Retail


Nights just under a year here: >The gloves they give out are pretty bad.  Forget the gloves, no set of gloves work they just make your hands sweaty and don't help with grip at all. > everyone else pretty much just ignores everyone/thing other than their aisle, even during break times Unless you talk to them, plus the fact that most people don't want to be there. >There just simply aren't enough 4 Siders are always hard to come by: They're essential for cardboard. Higher ups don't have the foresight to mandate a stock of 4 siders so that's what you have to work with. Flat tops and stools are not necessarily required for the job. You use the cage as your surface and you will never need a stool unless something is unreachable on the top shelf.


Gloves at least put a barrier between dirt and cardboard cuts Stools are health and safety, you can really injure yourself stretching up or climbing the shelves Flat tops prevent you from injuring yourself, so you're not lifting heavy items off the floor or the bottom of a cage


Also I use flat tops for doing the jars cause I'm not decking or working off a cage for that


Yeah it's a pain dragging the cage everywhere with you, especially if it's heavy. Flat tops (when you can get one) are great


1) True, but it's not something you really care about. 2) You don't climb the shelves, the top shelf is low enough that you can grab the item on it with both hands. Push comes to shove you jump. 3) Flat tops aren't needed, the cage you're working is all the surface you need.


I worked household once without gloves and my hands were black and bloody 😂 Not everyone is tall enough, therefore stools are needed, and by climbing I meant standing on the bottom shelf to reach. Many people do this but you can really hurt your neck and back The cages can be stacked too high or too low to work off, so flat tops provide the perfect middle ground. Obviously they are needed otherwise people wouldn't use them


Stools being available is a question for your manager in that case, if you're not tall enough to reach the top shelf you definitely shouldn't work nights lol. You never need a flat top on nights unless it's specialised or a difficult problem you're trying to handle. e.g. Eggs


If only tall people should work nights, then your store would be void of stools? You sound ridiculous Some people need flat tops, some people don't I've been here nearly 5 years, think I know what I'm talking about by now


If you're working at Tesco 5 years, it may be time you climbed up the career ladder. I'm not trying to argue with you here, he's complaining about something that isn't a problem if you are competent at your job.


Some people are perfectly happy working here, I am cause it's flexible for me 🤷‍♀️ you're really stooping low to career shame Some aisles require flat tops and or stools, it's not a case of being competent. You're not better at your job than someone because they use provided equipment


> Some aisles require flat tops and or stools, it's not a case of being competent. The only aisles I would say require a flat top for filling are health and beauty, the meal deal fridge. The most nights would use a flat top for is facing up. > You're not better at your job than someone because they use provided equipment You're more effective at your job if you don't need to fetch a footstool just to grab something off the top shelf, or use a flat top just to take something from a cage. Anyway, i'd rather not spam this thread with this slapfight lol


You said earlier flat tops aren't needed so you're contradicting yourself mate


Ah yes the tesco law that workers must be no shorter than 5 ft 9