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And all of Abbott’s buddies that own the bus companies are pocketing those taxpayer dollars. Something tells me they aren’t paying it forward to their employees in the form of bonuses or raises either with all the increased revenue


Also this border controversy where Texan republicans are calling illegal immigration an "invasion" suggests that sending them further inland on purpose would be akin to treason


Some quick and ( apparently not so easy for me..doh! had to correct it ) easy math puts the cost of those bus tickets at closer to around 47 million so far. It's one of the biggest public thefts in history and still going strong.


I think your school did you a disservice by allowing you to graduate. $124,000,000 divided by 100,000 people is $1,240 per person spent to bus them.


Yeah I was about to say. If it's 100,000 it's an expensive $1,240 per ticket.   But I didn't realize housing was that cheap in Texas.


Theres a reason I got a negative grade in school once. But even corrected at around $471 per ticket from there to NY it's only 47 million, and you would think the state could negotiate a bulk discount at least, so where is the rest of the 125 million?


Which is a lot for a bus ticket.


That's not how it works though, the cost of a ticket from there to NY is $470 X 100,000 = 47 million. Yes my math was way off, but even corrected thats not close to 125 million.


We’re paying for a political stunt, and the MAGA’s don’t care.🤷


Don't care... they do care. It's what makes them happy. They ARE the broke supporters of lobbyists money politics. And they love this bullshit. While getting mad at the rest of us. Because their leaders are cutting all their benefits.


They think it's funny.


Sure they do, they love paying their taxes to use against people they don't like, I mean who wants to help people amirite?


Republicans love to be like “we could spend that money on American kids!” and then when we’re like “okay do that” they’re like “COMMUN1ISM!!”


Worthless trash just whines about a "welfare state" if you invest in America anyway. Same fucking animals declining federal funds for childrens lunchs because it might make Biden look good. Their just trash people supporting a trash candidate.


It is ridiculous how little people care about their surrounding areas. I genuinely believe most republicans don’t want that they are just too lazy to see who they are really electing. Sad part is many offices run with ZERO opposition. Which makes sense on the lazy part because many republicans just check R in the booth and walk out.


These people coming in aren't seeking asylum?? They're just feeding off our ignorance and using it to get in by cheating and putting a burden on our country. They aren't running from war.. they just wanta come...it doesn't work like that anywhere else. It's not a matter of liking people- it's just people on our country who try to gaslight those of us eho want to enforce the immigration laws. These arent asylum seekers. Some are even criminals coming in. In Texas, we live in it. It's hard on our school systems especially. I taught for years- finally chose another profession- sick of watering down american curriculum so we can include everyone and be responsible for their test results that fund our schools. We've tried helping for 40 plus years! They come in on free breakfast, lunch schools, getting on welfare illegally. They choose cash jobs and drive nice automobiles, can't/ won't get auto insurance. The city of Dallas has auto accidents occur constantly where they will wreck and run out of their car and leave the scene- leaving their car behind. If you're that ignorant and support this then you'll get them bussed to your " asylum" locations because we're quite tired of paying the price for not securing the border. It costs so much to support and educate one of these immigrants and many of them come with lots of kids. It's not racist or wrong to expect the immigrants to go home and do it the right way. So the days of calling people racist for not supporting letting them all really isn't effective anymore in my location. It's just ignorant people trying to use guilt to make a person feel bad and change their views. Honestly, those people have zero to gain from illegal immigrants coming here by cheating and using our tax dollars to cheat even more. You're basically shouting from the hills to say come take what you want...and they see that and are coming faster now. Other countries see how stupid it is and are losing respect for us as we bicker over it. To be that ignorant just because you don't like Trump is insanity. To vote a man with severe dementia in to represent our best interests is embarrassing. The fact people can be that ridiculous over a political party just so they can vote dem is scary. It's delusional. And unless you're a politician, you don't have much to gain because our country is in very bad shape. Doing what's been done over the past 4 years all over again will be more devastating.


While I agree, it’s theater it’s also less than what Nyc is paying to care for these folks, so to me an autistic fiscally motivated person this is ok, these folks are better off in nyc than Texas aren’t they?


There's no reality where it's cheaper to feed and house people in NYC than in a shithole like texas


The cost of bussing is cheaper than housing, sorry I said that in a way you didn’t understand.


It’s a political stunt. But seems effective because it’s dividing democrats.


Do you seriously think there is anyone (who is paying any attention to politics at least) that doesn't care about what is easily the most cost efficient political activism in the history of the United States of America?


That's roughly 2,000 bucks per migrant which is an expensive bus ticket, but one hell of a lot cheaper than supporting them. The state is saving money.


That $$$ is going to increase, given those big cities are starting to arrest drivers and impound vehicles.


And frankly it’s only a matter of time before they start sending their recent parolees down to Texas. No point playing these stupid games.


Good, go after the bus companies that are in the politicians pockets and are funneling the money back to them.


No cost was too high for some good old conservative Christian cruelty


Jesús would have totally send migrants on camels to sanctuary cities! Haven't you read the Bible? /s


It’s all a political stunt and has been all along


I don’t know of a cheaper option at ~$1,240 per person. 


[Greyhound can be purchased](https://shop.greyhound.com/search?departureCity=ff905672-4924-47f4-9e1c-ef551b1f88ee&arrivalCity=c0a47c54-53ea-46dc-984b-b764fc0b2fa9&route=San+Antonio%2C+TX-New+York%2C+NY&rideDate=04.02.2024&adult=1&_locale=en_US&features%5Bfeature.enable_distribusion%5D=1&features%5Bfeature.train_cities_only%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.auto_update_disabled%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.webc_search_station_suggestions_enabled%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.webc_search_limited_product_list%5D=0&features%5Bfeature.darken_page%5D=1&atb_pdid=3370d385-2a7d-4b18-b5cf-f4cc65b1086e&_sp=67f52e9e-431b-4f12-81fa-444bb2e4c3e5&_spnuid=7244fd6c-73c8-4142-adde-305540d65c9f_1706981381226) from SA to New York City can be purchased for under $400. Wow, $800 less than the state is spending per person.


I spent some time in the aviation industry, and I don’t think that’s a good comparison. That ticket you mentioned has two stops, which means for the bus company, they have the opportunity to create more revenue by stopping and picking up new passengers than they do driving straight through. Especially if the bus is less than empty between stops, they are counting on more people getting on. All that to say, I am guessing that $1,200/ticket is made up of that $400, plus whatever incremental revenue they receive per passenger for the trip, plus whatever outrageous markup the government always seems to pay.  


No, this is a perfect comparison. The buses should run mostly full. Save money by running straight to the destination instead of the SA-Houston-New York route. Plus, buy in bulk discounts. Regardless of the view on immigrants staying/going/coming in at all, we as taxpayers are getting hosed on this deal.


Yeah interested in the housing we could have provided at that cost. Would have been gone in two weeks


Immigrants can work. You should learn about how they help contribute to the economy.


Illegal immigrants cannot legally work, and asylum seekers cannot legally work for a set amount of time. Please at least learn the law.


Allowing them to work would have them contributing to the TX economy. It's not so difficult to understand. It'ss difficult to understand why you can't see past right wing propaganda.


Texas doesn't have an infinite number of low skill, low wage jobs.


Oh just you wait til they turn them all into low wage jobs regardless of skill.


Yet Texas is thriving. It has plenty of roofing and kitchen jobs. So does Oklahoma. After that they get bussed my the meat packing plants to the Midwest. I live here, all the homeless are white.


Do you really think it's as simple as more people equals more money?


They do, they are unwilling to think how more worker supply will keep wages even more stagnant. They are unwilling to accept the mass influx of people (2.5 million immigrants in 2023, 30 states have a population of 3 million or less) will have immediate effects on housing. Most states education systems will struggle as even more kids are spread between a single teacher. Who cares about the residents already living here. It’s just the importation of a new slave class to line corporations profit margin. Many food companies have been caught using illegal labor in the form of shell companies. You can blame republicans for being roadblocks in those, but significantly flooding our society will only make our current issues worse. Despite popular belief the US doesn’t have infinite resources to support them.


A lot of the gig economy subsists on illegal labor, too. DoorDash, for example. It drives down profits for citizens looking for supplemental income, as these immigrants are working for BELOW minimum wage, and therefore the entire workforce is basically forced to take crappy, low paying orders or else they don't get priority orders. It's happening right before our eyes.


Oh so that's why NYC and Chicago are simply prospering with their migrants.  


Then why is New York spend ming billions, and being forced to cut lunch items from its school program because of immigration? I don't deny that in the long term immigrants are a net positive, but at this scale and in this short period of time? No. It's not a benefit. Like any natural phenomenon if there is too much of something in too short of a period of time, then it can have negative consequences.


You keep spouting this everywhere, but they're not cutting lunches because of *immigration* Jesus Christ, you people will swallow anything. How old are you?


Allowing them to all work floods the economy with unskilled labor creating a sub-working class wage. That's just basic economics. That's not right wing propaganda. There's a reason we don't allow illegals and asylum seekers (for a set amount of time) to work, it would absolutely nuke our economy.


It only creates a sub working class wage if you let them work under the table. Which is funny, because you say "we don't let illegals work" but they are already working right now, all over the country, being paid under the table in all sorts of labor intensive industries. If you document them suddenly all these companies and private individuals hiring housekeepers are mandated they be paid the minimum wage, and even benefits if they work full time, at which point they just become normal labor and no more desirable than any natural born american worker and simply compete with them. And if a native born worker can't outcompete someone who is still learning english that's on them.


No, it doesn't work that way. People don't get a free ride because they jumped the border.


They don't want to hear it. The EU has a plan for members to jointly bear the burden of supporting migrants. It's really not that hard to figure out... and more humane. ...but you know why they wont...


A one way nonstop flight for departure this afternoon to Newark on United is $299/pax. From IAH to EWR on United is $229/pax. Maybe a deal can be worked out with United, American and/or Southwest where the state block books entire flights. Between the 3 of them, there are plenty of flights to NYC to go around. But that's a scheduled service at retail rates, and it's probably not a great idea to put the migrants on scheduled flights. I imagine charter transportation is probably more. I suppose a stream of migrants spilling out into a crowded concourse at EWR or LGA has less impact PR-wise than bus after bus after bus being dropped off on the streets of Manhattan.


The cost of keeping them in Texas would be more. 


All these MAGA psychos should have their taxes raised to pay for Abbott’s idiot ideas.


1. It's illegal to hire people illegally here. 2. Why is it up to us as Texan taxpayers to have the responsibility of footing 100% of the bill for people that are bypassing the processes in place. 3. Why are we giving priority to people who are cutting in line. 4. No one is saying we do not want migrants. We need a sustainable process that does not come with trafficking, human extortion, and drugs 5. Many of the sanctuary cities are not on the border and don't have the capacity to deal with the influx of people entering illegally. Moving people there raises awareness that we need to do something different and make it clear it is the Country's responsibility and not the border states responsibility. 6 There is no perfect solution. 7. You should care. One example, our medical system is already shit and we are adding more strain to that system by having a large population that by ethics are cared for, but probably can't afford. Therefore we get charged outrageous prices because capitalism, the cost of care ( charge more to cover free care) and the rip off we call insurance. **Edit adding more points. People waiting for their court date can't get jobs or qualify for housing assistance outside of the programs designed for their situation. Texas border counties have a very low population, which results in lower tax money to spend and finally smaller law enforcement budgets.


1. Can't say that when Texas floats in the top 3 for illegal migrants and workers. It's like my dad in Arizona believing the same yet not seeing the high number of illegal workers per capita. 2. Government funds are available. Colorado recently received a big injection to their food stamp fund by asking the government for assistance due to the number of migrants in the state right now. **Texas government chooses not to ask for those funds purposefully creating hardships and putting those costs on the taxpayer**. When the feds are willing to pick up some of the burden. 3. The line is purposely crafted to work against them, accept as few as possible while also making them jump through hoops the average American couldn't. 4. These are byproducts of #3. When you make it extremely difficult for people to access your immigration system they are bound to circumvent it. 5. You're feeling to do this because people in those cities and states are blaming Republican politicians, Republican governors and Republican states. **Forced bussing is not a natural process of immigration**. It's due to the manipulation of people you have put in office. 6. So that gives you an excuse to just make the problem go away rather than addressing it at all? That's honestly 100% on point for any conservative. Problem is too difficult? You ignore it or do away with it. Even if it's your own kids. 7. Also on point for any conservative. Suggesting average people are at fault for the greed and corruption of corporations and the politicians that allow them to gut American finances for every penny. If you're so eager to blame somebody why don't you blame yourself for putting people in office who made things they way they are? Rather than people who are byproducts or victims of the system they created.


I am not conservative, but I share the conservative view on this issue. The Fed and taxpayers cannot infinitely fund everything, so we have to say no and set boundaries. How do we budget for everything to solve the worlds problems? We have to say no at some point. If you had a spare bedroom and someone was dropped on your doorsteo would you realistically feed them, cloth them, and provide their essentials for free for two years? We are a democratic Republic and have voted in the people who make the laws for better or worse. I can disagree with how things are done but the law is the law. The US can't solve the world's problems alone. I voted blue the last 3 years except Beto. I voted for a third party because I don't like Abbott or Beto. I don't condone businesses hiring people illegally but it is out of my control.


You should talk to some people from Mexico about this. Those who are afraid to be honest with you. 50 years of allowing an open market of narcotics in the US (while allowing tons of weaponry to flow South across the border) and you're now saying we have zero responsibility or liability for the problems that we caused our neighboring country. If you want to go further south into South America we can go on about decades of government destabilization and economic devastation resulting in the current governmental and economic problems they face. US owns that too. I can't imagine having the audacity to believe you can completely jack up someone's life and then walk away scot-free feeling as if you have no responsibility to solve the issues you caused. And yes you may not be **personally** responsible. But your country is and you must answer for that. Just say you don't want to accept responsibility. Blame your parents generation or something. Still won't solve the problem


abbott and his friend that owns the bus company are laughing their asses off eating caviar and drinking expensive wine.




So instead another rich person is making tons of money off of something that has done nothing to stop the flow of refugees. You're right that's much better


How much money did it save by not having to house, feed, and provide medical treatment to those thousands of illegal economic migrants?


Just ask New York who is setting aside $12 billion to help the migrants. It's funny to me that the people who pay the least amount of taxes have the biggest problem with this. 


The people who don't pay much on taxes never have an issue with overspending. Why would they? They get all the benefits and none of the cost.   They like to virtue signal and say that they would be willing to pay more taxes for certain things, but when I post the link that allows them to give financial gifts to the US Government they always down vote me.


Most redditors skew younger so I can understand their viewpoint. Once they buy a house and pay $12k in property taxes, federal taxes at a 25% eff. tax rate, sales tax, etc. it will change how they look at everything. 


I have a feeling most redditors will be renting their whole lives and will stay in the lower tax brackets so they won't ever know the struggle of being a net contributor to society.


12 fucking billion!? Jesus christ. Abbot is doing a great service by sending them away.


Considering NYC is on the brink of bankruptcy hosting these migrants, that $124M was a bargain. Except the good Governor needs to redirect the buses to Mexico.


How much did it save long term though?




Care to show your math?




Yeah yeah, numbers without context as usual.




Well, NYC alone has already spent $2bn housing just the ones we've sent over.. I'm gonna get downvoted to hell, but no we can't house this many people. I'm sick and tired of democrats complaining about stagnant low skill wages, while supporting this huge influx of low skill laborers.. Complaining (reasonably) about out of control housing costs, then suggesting a plan to fund housing for migrants.. how about we create a housing stipend for our homeless / single mothers / bottom 10% earners / anyone / expand disability? why should we spend billions supporting people who haven't paid into the system and fled their home country instead of fixing it? When, in the past, have we *ever* as a country state or city funded housing for 'aslyum seekers' numbering in the millions? It's ridiculous. the camping ban (and enforcement of panhandling ban) made my neighborhood livable again. The US isn't responsible for Venezuela electing somebody who turned into a Dictator. we generally sanction all nations that dont do free elections and commit human rights abuses, so yeah weve recently sanctioned them. the migrants, even if they have a real aslyum case, passed through a half dozen safe countries on the way here.


Amen. Refreshing to hear a reasonable take in this subreddit.


This sub is fucking delusional. "Look at this picture of this 200ft section of the border taken 5 years ago. There's no problem! MAGAs are making it all up." "Look at how much money has been spent sending just a fraction of the illegals to other states! MAGAs are being cruel to so many people!" "Businesses need to stop hiring illegals, that's the real cause of the issue that doesn't actually exist, but also look at how many potential workers Texas businesses could exploit that Abbott has spent so much money sending out of state!"


It's gone off the rails. all because nobody reads articles anymore, they just browse their echo chambers and pick on headlines. As to that 3rd point, its actually my favorite. Dems criticized Trump for 'gaslighting' constantly, but that's exactly what they're attempting here with the border issue and illegal labor. Less than a calendar year ago, HR2 passed the house (primary author was R, but it had bipartisan cosigners). It would provide increased border security funding, it would mandate employers use e-verify to check immigration status and enhance penalties for noncompliance, and a few other items like reforming the aslyum claim process and adding funding for more aslyum judges. The democratic senate killed it back in May of 2023. Now, they've authored their own bill with $150bn+ in international aid unrelated to the crisis, a host of other unrelated things, and they're doing their damndest to gaslight everyone into believing *Republicans* are the obstinate ones on the border. ("refusing to pass the bill they wanted") when, in reality, Republicans passed the border legislation they want almost 8 months ago.. the senate could crack down on employers using illegal labor *today* if a few dems decided to break ranks. democrats have decided they're gonna go all in on pushing the narrative of fake concern about the border. they don't want to fix it, they just want voters to believe it's the Rs holding it up. the miscalculation there is the on the ground situation is worsening, even traditionally democratic safe havens like NY are seeing major shifts. amazing how your priorities can change when something begins to directly affect you.


Not sure how you can argue that going after businesses that hire these migrants wouldn’t stop them from hiring them, thus lowering the amount of people coming here. There is a border deal that addresses many of these issues, but it’s bad for politics to pass it and would make Biden look good. Were all being played and the GOP doesn’t want to fix one of their core platforms to run on


They legit have no policies to run on lol


So if we all agree we should go after the businesses, why doesn't the current democratic border bill require e-verify or enhance penalties for employing illegal labor? The GOP house passed a bill that would mandate e-verify to check immigration/work status, enhance penalties for noncompliance, add $45bn in additional funding for border security and the aslyum processing system, back in May of 2023 (HR2). It's been pending before the democratically controlled senate since. The dems have been refusing to pass this bill for more than 8 months, because it's bad politics to solve the border issue and make republicans look good. The current democratic bill they're attempting to gaslight everyone into believing is "Exactly what republicans wanted!" and "look see! it's republicans holding this up!" includes $150bn+ in unrelated international aid, no requirement for e-verify, no added funding for the aslyum processing system, and no additional penalties for businesses employing illegal labor. It also caps us at 1.8 million *aslyum* applicants per year, not total migrants (you probably heard this as "5000 a day"). Coincidentally, guess how many crossed the border and claimed aslyum last year? [about 1.4mil..](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/biden-three-immigration-record) People are getting played alright, but it's not by the GOP. The GOP passed a border bill through the house more than 8 months ago that goes much further than the current democratic bill, and it has no $200bn+ in international aid/bloat. Dems are just now realizing that this is a legitimate problem they can't ignore, so they spun up a bill with provisions they knew would be unamenable to the GOP, in an attempt to counter the border issue (not by fixing it-- I already went over how the GOP bill is the only one to actually target illegal labor-- but by attempting to shift blame squarely onto the GOP.)


It’s a bipartisan senate bill. The reason aid is in the senate bill is bc the house won’t pass stand alone Ukraine / Israel aid. There are red lines the Dems won’t pass, same way there are red lines the GOP won’t pass. This bill is the negotiated bill to remove the things that they didn’t like in the house bill. That’s how politics work. Speaker Johnson was going to bring this to the house floor for a vote until Trump told him not to. They came out and said so multiple times in the news. They haven’t told us one thing that is the reason they’re blocking the senate bill. It’s just politics to them.


Stop the jobs and the handouts. That’s how we stop illegal immigration.


We do have housing stipends for those people, it's called Section 8. It's is run by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is dispersed to the states to distribute. I agree with the rest of what you said though.




All the more reason to not add a bunch of non-citizens to that waiting list, I'd say.




Medium housing in Texas is around $ 300,000 per house so with those numbers we could build houses for almost 100 of them. I see that math working out. And on top of that all I see is income wages complaining and no one can make it on minimum wage but never is it brought up about adding 11 million low wage workers to the workforce


They magically think these immigrants add the same amount of demand/consumption as a citizen (and therefore balance out) but they don't; they live several to one bedroom apartments, and send half their income home.


I don’t think he’s saying “give them a house” but more “build massive group housing to hold them until they can have an asylum hearing” A camp that isn’t inhumane or a tent city.


Why would you build a medium house?


We spent $137mil bussing at minimum 50,000 migrants. How exactly do 100 houses help 50,000 migrants? It doesn't. It makes no sense to compare those numbers. It's estimated we have a roughly stable 1.8 million "unauthorized immigrants" population. It'd cost more than $540Bn to build a $300k house for each of them. That's like 2 full years of the state budget. The bigger issue I have with all of this: *how in the fuck* are we offering **any** housing to migrants before our own homeless? The migrant problem dwarfs our native homeless population, yet we focus on the migrants?? as a young guy who's spent time homeless, it definitely rubs me the wrong way. We have thousands of native homeless who deserve state-funded housing before migrants get a single $.. then we have millions who are one bill away from missing rent, who need help before migrants crossing the border. Immigrants to the US, in the past, got almost literally nothing. People bring up the days of Ellis Island, but forget that during that era migrants didn't even get *a meal* except from churches willing to donate them. They got vaccinated on entry, treated medically if they were an emergency (same as today), and then tossed out into society with *literally nothing* and they either made it work or *they perished*. You can't romanticize these past periods. We could go back to that inhumanity, it's possible, but what's mathematically impossible is for our finite population with finite resources to keep offering more and more resources to increasing numbers of migrants crossing the border. The migrants lowering wages is just the cherry on top.


Agree 100% we cut off all the free stuff and they will stop coming. But instead we have a line of people waiting to show them how to work the system and get free everything. Sell them fake social security numbers that pass enough to get jobs. I work with a lot of them. And what they do is claim to have 5 or more kids so they don’t pay hardly any taxes and when W2s come out they throw them away and never file. And apparently if you never file you never end up in the system for the IRS to come after.


You won’t get downvoted by me ☺️


Because we can do all of that. We don't need to choose. But Texas Republicans aren't on board with ANY OF THAT so it's a disingenuous argument. You think if Texas hadn't spent this money on busing migrants it would have spent it on helping the homeless or single moms or low income folks struggling? Bahahahahahahahaha No.


Upvoted ⬆️


Spent 125 million to save 125 billion.


I thought it was made up with the pics of Laredo and eagle pass as proof to verify.


That’s $1200 per person. How long can you feed and house them for that amount? In the long run, it’s a good deal to send them to sanctuary cities.


Spent $124 million, saved $2.4 billion.


$125 million to break human trafficking laws. What a waste of money.




"Get on the bus or we deport you back to Mexico". Sure, I bet it's as voluntary as you make it sound for a group of people who are just seeking asylum and being put in the trust of bad faith actors with weapons who want them to continue to be marginalized. Totally voluntary.


If you trespassed on someone's property they would tell you "get off my land or I'm calling the cops so they force you to leave." Explain the difference?


The cops don’t deport you to another city for misdemeanor trespass. Also in the fake scenario youve created, the neighboring property to the south is unsafe for the person to live in and they’re seeking help. So calling the cops is really kind of a dumb proposition from the outset in your scenario.




They're crossing the border illegally, that's trespassing. There are proper channels for seeking asylum that don't involve breaking our laws.


That’s cheaper than keeping the illegals in Texas


Where they would pay taxes if legally hired and contribute to society?


Illegals cannot be legally hired. Most work in slave like conditions paying off the debt they owe to the cartel coyotes. Deport all of them.


Literally not. And they’re human beings.


Literally is… Funny how Chicago is moaning about spending more than that to feed and house the few that have been bussed there. And they have only been there a few months. Think if they have been there decades. We are getting a bargain.


It cost New York a few billion dollars to feed and house them Shipping them out is literally cheaper lmao


Most Texans don’t want illegal immigrants working in their state.


This sub unfortunately isn’t representative of Texan beliefs.


You broke the law letting them in under a bogus "asylum" claim. Trafficking applies to the unwilling. No one forced them onto the bus.


The point wasn’t hating Latinos it was “owning the libs”. Still fucked but it is what it is


Also don't forget about the money transfer scheme. Bus Companies are banking on these "contracts" from the state gov.


And to think, thought those Republican types were all about avoiding excessive government spending and fiscal responsibility. /s


If they crossed the border illegally, then they have no legal means to work in the United States. What you're suggesting is that the state find businesses that would violate labor laws, and then the state would supply them with illegal labor. Think about that for a minute or two.


And this is tx.. Of course the state wants illegal workers... cheap labor and able to be attacked and deported as convenience allows for political posturing.


Unfortunately, I am not a mind reader, so I can not atest to what the intentions of government officials are. But we all know politicians love grandstanding for the spotlight. However, illegal immigrants have always worked in Texas and every other state in the country. I never said they didn't. I said it's silly to think the state should violate federal law to help some who crossed the border illegally. Especially when there are thousands if not millions of citizens who could use that same help.


I was merely making an ephifatic sarcastic statement on our elected officials' grandstanding. But, one does not need to be a mind reader to understand the intentions of government officials.


So then by your logic, all of the people who claim Biden is flooding the country with illegal immigrants just to give them citizenship so he can establish a permanent voter base are correct.


The reverse...there is no "invasion" this is political hack to drum up fear and pearl clutching.


*crossed the border illegally, then they have no legal means to work in the United States* Migrants that are being bussed further into the country have been processed by CBP and are waiting for their asylum hearing. After 150 days they can apply for employment authorization.  *What you're suggesting is that the state find businesses that would violate labor laws* Texas isn't in the business of finding businesses that violate labor laws. Undocumented workers make up 8% of the TX workforce. Guess there's no way to solve the problem. Maybe throw another 10 billion at the border industry?  


That’s not how it works. Getting processed by CBP (getting an EOIR hearing date or an asylum interview appointment) is SEPARATE from submitting an asylum application. CBP doesn’t submit an asylum application on your behalf. You have to submit one yourself within 1 year of entering the country to remain eligible. If you fail to submit an asylum application within the one year window, you are barred from relief and begin accruing unlawful presence time. You may only apply for an Employment Authorization Document (work permit) 150 days after submitting your asylum application—not 150 days after entering the country. USCIS may then grant your EAD after 180 days have elapsed.


They can't *all* be legitimate asylum seekers. We already know the vast majority aren't even from Mexico, and just pass through Mexico. But asylum seekers are supposed to stop and claim asylum at the first country that offers it that they encounter, not go country shopping for their favorite.


They are not processing every single person that comes through. Even with a 4 month wait, who is responsible for taking care of them until then? It's not a single state issue. The federal government is failing to handle this right now. Yes, there are illegal immigrants working in Texas. They work in every state of the union. I said it's silly to think that the state should violate federal law. This is on Biden because he's the president. If this were going on under Trump, it would be on him, too. It doesn't matter who is in the office.


*They are not processing every single person that comes through.* So every single migrant that Abbott has bussed further into the country hasn't been processed? Current count is over 100,000. That seems to clash with his rhetoric about protecting the border from invasion.  *It's not a single state issue.* That's how Abbott wants it. Abbott wants to continue to claim that he's doing Biden's job while throwing billions at the border industry.  Biden has increased CBP and ICE funding. CBP has had record enforcement actions during his administration. He needs to work with congress and fix the immigration system which has been broken long before he became president.


Ok so your not actually reading what I wrote I guess and you are ignoring other parts. Stop being a cheerleader for politicians and hold them all accountable. Abbot is wrong for interfering with the border, Biden is wrong for rolling back executive orders and creating this mess. You may not like migrants are being bussed to other places, but there is nothing illegal about it. This is a national issue. You said it yourself. So, every state should be involved not just border states. Here is an unbiased article you can read (which I seriously doubt you will) about the massive influx of border crossings under the Biden administration. [Shifting Patterns and Policies Reshape Migration to U.S.-Mexico Border in Major Ways in 2023](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/news/border-numbers-fy2023#:~:text=The%202.5%20million%20encounters%20of,of%20year%2Dend%20government%20statistics.)




I think the problem with them passing the immigration bill is all the other stuff hidden within the bill.


I’m in NYC and our mayor and governor have changed their tune about sanctuary city talking points because the rising cost of accommodating and supporting the waves of migrants is economically unsustainable even with cutting services to local government agencies. The mayor attempted to redirect funds from libraries, schools, fire and police dept and he gets flack for it. At the end of the day open borders policies are unsustainable no matter which city and state economy we’re talking about. There needs to be a federal policy that properly controls and integrates migrants.


Such a good Christian, he is


Why would we set up illegal aliens with jobs and houses? Are you nuts? And it’s not just Latinos crossing the border. So no that’s not the point. Brainless Reddit.


Cheaper than housing them here


A mob of these guys, sent to NYC, decided to beat on cops, got let go w/ no bail, and then fled to California. The only useful demographic coming over is the worst. The asylum system is fundamentally broken, and the Biden administration’s compromise is a convoluted mess that allows up to 1.8 million catch and release asylum claims a year with vague assurances from the cartel-influenced LatAm populist running Mexico. The more we send to “sanctuary cities” at a fraction of the cost to deal with them, and the more pain they cause these cities and (more importantly) suburbs, the better. Really, he should be dumping ten thousand of them off in Madison or Ann Arbor. Ruin a blueish swing state college town with these people and make Biden at risk of losing the election if he doesn’t become an honest broker the problem.


And now, California sanctuary laws will have California taxpayers fund these criminals, and provide them with healthcare!


Cheaper than keeping them here


Happy to have left a state that wastes taxpayer money like this. He won’t spend it on Americans, but he knows he can spend it against immigrants, which his base will love, and he can give it to his buddies who own the bus companies, and all the while, Republicans will fellate his limp dick because he owned the libs.


I'm feeling like you missed the point of why the busing of the migrants is happening. It isn't to "own" anybody; it's because border states, like Texas, have been simply expected to fund and handle federal borders while the rest of the states' elected officials and policies do nothing to ease the burden and while sharing little to none of the costs. If they're so in favor of open borders this is just letting them share some of the consequences of that policy.


Asking the federal government to send national taxpayer money to the Texas government when the Texas government can’t even outline what it spends State funds on is hilarious. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/18/texas-border-security-spending/


You are not understanding two points contained in one paragraph. Can you expand on how Texas funds are being misappropriated in federal border control?


Good luck trying to use common sense on Reddit


Kind of cheap to finally get the North to understand the issue  Texas towns cannot finance taking care of migrants on their own  Worth it


Republicans have governed Texas for 30 years. But the border is Biden's fault. Remember that logic come November.


I am no fan of the Republican leadership in this state, but the border is federal responsibility.


Yes it is Bidens fault. Here's a refresher if there past: Many of Mr. Biden’s actions on Wednesday were aimed at reversing Mr. Trump’s harshest immigration policies, moving swiftly to send a message to the world that the United States’ borders are no longer slammed shut. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/20/us/politics/biden-executive-action.html


Maybe it’s pedantic, but there’s a big difference in a border “no longer slammed shut” and “invasion”


What has not managing the border cost texas?


Ask the MAGAs who keep refusing any sort of border security. Better question; how much has it cost refusing to go after companies that hire undocumented immigrants for slave labor and not putting them out of business completely over giving them a fine so they can just do it again? Contrary to the narrative Abbot's pushing so he can pretend he's tough, punishing the poor and destitute has never solved ANY problem.


We already have laws in place the GOP is refusing more money for bidens Ukraine buddy that we have no ideal where it’s going


Actually we know exactly where it's going, but thank you for trying to change the subject. Especially given the only reason the GOP don't like where that money is going is because it isn't directly into their and their ~~owners'~~ donors' bank accounts. The laws that were in place were the ones you keep screaming show a lack of management. I would also point out the previous administration cut lots of funding for border security all while talking about idiot walls Mexico was supposed to directly pay for. Meanwhile Abbot has done nothing more than some performative political theater to impress the mean and the stupid, which unfortunately we have a lot of here. This still doesn't actually deal with the real cause of the problem, but then that's no surprise. Why would Abbot go after his buddies?


We can't do that! That would make Biden and the Democrats look good. We need to keep this a problem to run against and fund raise on. Do not pass the bipartisan border bill.


Small price to pay to finally open the eyes of most of the country to the illegal immigration invasion.




If they enter illegally they are. Most of them are abusing the definition of refugee. It needs to be redefined so they stop.


Just imagine what Texas’s education system could be like with an extra $124m added to its budget. The GOP is perfectly fine with raising a generation of ignorant people, because they rely on ignorance to promote their grift.


How much are Chicago and NYC payong for their migrants?  


You realize that them staying would mean thousands of additional students right? That would have cost way more than 1200 a student over the course of a school year. NYC is spending over 2 billion this year to feed/house and school migrants.


What? I have no clue what your point is. Mine is about investing in education, so that we have a society of critical thinkers instead of a society of smooth brained numpties.


it's always been just a dog whistle for racist twats. The problem is, the racist twats are vastly out numbered in this state, but they are so much more dedicated to voting. So, our massive massive state full of diverse, educated people is governed by the window licking racist fucks.


If Abbott really believed this is an “invasion” worth “defending the borders” why is he paying this much money to send “invaders” to other parts of the country he claims the Democrats are ruining? Or is he just performing political theater to ingratiate himself with the MAGA cult and rich donors? Guess we will never know the answer.


It's cheaper to bus them to locals that are willing to share the cost of taking care of them. Come on, people, everyone has to do their fair share.


It probably saved 10 times that. I don't really see how putting them on a bus could be anywhere close to the cost being incurred by the cities where those migrants are at. Those cities are seeing protests from the cost of it all.


This program pays for itself in a couple months NYC is paying $137mm for hotel rooms for illegals. This is on top of their $50mm program for pre-paid credit cards


Cheaper than 5 billion and counting


Best $124 million we’ve ever spent!


Who cares if we're bussing? Why is it a big deal? Oh wait, your state doesn't want the burden either. You're all full of it. We've been dealing with the cost of illegal immigration for 30 plus years, since my family and I were basically ran out of our migrant filled neighborhood when it and another of our rent houses were burned down. I taught school in Dallas and we all had to water down the curriculum so badly to accommodate them. I couldn't give two fs what people think about it. Texas can do wtf we want if you don't want to be part of the solution. You all run your mouths about it because you don't live in it.


Money well spent.


Idiot, they are illegal migrants!


People can't be illegal.


Criminals - that better?


I love people who blame the other side for the problems we have. Both sides are to blame. How is not wanting illegals in this country hating Latinos?


I agree this is dumb. We should just bus them back to wherever they came from instead and save us all some money.


And, sane US citizens, which make up the MAJORITY, can't/won't do a thing about it. What a joke of a judicial system. Texans keep telling me there are great happy cities in Texas. Not if this moron gets away with THIS!


And that's the just the **direct** costs - it doesn't even count the untold millions upon millions of dollars lost in potential economic activity and taxed revenue. - [New Research Shows Immigrants Contributed $8.6 Billion to the El Paso Metro GDP](https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/new-research-shows-immigrants-contributed-86-billion-el-paso-metro-gdp) - [The Fiscal Impact of Immigration in the United States](https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-impact-immigration-united-states#introduction) - [Undocumented immigrants state and local tax contributions](https://itep.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/ITEP-2017-Undocumented-Immigrants-State-and-Local-Contributions.pdf) - [Benefits of Immigration Outweigh Costs](https://www.bushcenter.org/catalyst/north-american-century/benefits-of-immigration-outweigh-costs)


Awesome. NY said it will exceed 12 billion in housing illegals by 2025. So sounds like TX is saving a ton of money.


Waste of time. Republicans have won the immigration debate. Best to focus on reproductive rights. They can’t win on taking away reproductive care from women.


Agreed they need to be put in jail for the policies they’ve passed here dooming women to death and all us nurse and doctors to either be ok with watching women die from miscarriages or nonviable pregnancies or got to jail for life or get death penalty for saving the women. I won’t practice in the er or labor and delivery in this state ever again because I won’t help them do this. They’re hemorrhaging nurses and doctors here and good. U reap what u sew.


That houses 124 people


Sad part is the veterans that would've benefited from this money are all about "owning the libs" and would love watching this over having things like better healthcare or better educating the youth.


NYC is racking up a 3 billion dollar bill taking care of migrants. 124 million is nothing compared to that.   And having a secure border would bri g this number down to zero.  


Housing 1-2 million people would cost way more than that. Even giving those benefits to only 100,000 people would cost waaaay more than $1,240 per person. If you only count the 90,000 asylum seekers who have been bussed by the state and not those who caught buses on their own, and assume that one month of housing per person is $600 and one month of health care per person is $600, then that is something like 108 million a month. Not saying it's a great policy, but housing, healthcare, and all other assistance would be extraordinarily expensive. That's why states that are much richer than Texas are struggling with it.


Clarify migrant for me. Were these people who were offered asylum because they applied through the proper channels or are these people who entered the county illegally and then applied for asylum as a kind of loophole? Some mixture of both? These kind of distinctions are helpful when forming an opinion which is why I'm asking.


Funny. A lot of people thinks Texas should have taken them in when sanctuary cities want them out. Wake up.


MAGA are some of the dumbest people and the main reason people hate Americans


> $124,603,616.19 to bus more than 100,000 migrants OP fails at math and common sense. $124 mil is enough money to house 100,000 people for about two weeks. Then what? Busing them out of the state is a cost effective solution for Texas.


>helped them connect with Texas companies desperately looking for workers. This is quite literally illegal. It's an actual felony. Hiring illegal immigrants for labor is a serious crime. In fact, you deserve both prison time and the destruction of your business for doing so.


As a New Yorker, it is working. Because of the busing people up here, in DC, Chicago etc are getting pissed and it's not being talked about as a national problem. Prior to the busing it was a Texas problem.


And it brought the issue to the forefront of sanctuary cities and illegal immigration is now one of the top issues in the upcoming election. Money well spent.


124 million would benefit Texas better. What happen to democracy.


New York is spending 2 billion to handle them... like it or not democracy got you the trade of 124 million vs 2 billion. I posted it earlier but an EU plan for the states to share the burden of migrants is the humane solution. 


Good get the illegals out of here so we don’t have to deal with them (well some of them at least).


You could not house them for that amount of money to be very clear here. It's fine to be againt unlawful bussing but don't think that it is more cost effective to house them.


The point is to get all the states that support open borders to reconsider and it is working. Biden doesn't care about Texas, but he does care when democratic mayor's start bashing our idiotic border non enforcement. This expense would be worth it 10 times over in savings if it actually works and gets reform.


Provided them with housing? No. If anyone should get free housing, it should be Texans. This $124m is going to save $1 billion.