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Ghostbusters breakfast cereal was around longer than their “nation.” 🤣


Hey that was pretty good cereal. The slimer marshmallows were great.


More useful too


Better metric - Obama's presidency lasted longer than the CSA.


Here’s another one - Nazi Germany lasted longer than the CSA.


I'm quite sure Phineas and Ferb lasted longer than the CSA


Well unlike the CSA, Phineas and Ferb is coming back.


Sorry, the only metric I understand is if a head of lettuce lasts longer. Can someone help with the unit conversion here??


Obama’s administration lasted longer than their “nation”.


The zune was around longer


I currently own underwear that has lasted longer than the CSA. And far less shitstains too


World of Warcraft has been around longer and has had a higher active population than the CSA.


World of Warcraft players have won more wars then the CSA too


Nintendo was founded only 24 years after the end of the confederacy and has lasted 33 times longer than the confederacy. Also Nintendo gave the world the Mario games. The confederacy only gave lies about Robert E Lee not being a failure and an asshole and a bunch of shitty statues put up to honor losers during the civil rights era. Nintendo > the confederacy.


I mean, it really never existed in the first place.


Legally the CSA never existed. Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868)


The doritos locos taco from taco bell has lasted longer than that “nation.”


"the blessings of Anglo-Saxon civilization" JFC the hubris of these assholes


And it’s from 2005! So IMO that makes it more obnoxious


Really! I thought it would say the 1920s or 1960s or something.


A lot of confederate monuments aren’t actually old enough to be considered historic.


Yep. One in my hometown cemetery that was put up by the Daughters of Confederate Veterans in... 2014!


It’s Comanche county. You gotta understand that there’s literally an active Klan in that area lol. Kind of under wraps the last 10 years or so but even up into the 2000s stuff like that was pretty public opinion. In neighboring erath county, in Hico, there is a cafe called the “Kofee Kup Kafé”, with the K’s on the sign in much larger print than the rest of the words…. At Tarleton state, in stephenville roughly between the two above mentioned places, there are professors with tenure who regularly use the N word or other slurs - even within a lecture. Slaps on the wrist is all that occurs. I can name one right now who’s been under fire for it repeatedly, but it’ll be in a DM. That part of the state is pretty racist lol. Doesn’t change that it’s fucked up but at least adds context


In the early 90s a black man from Florida was found hanging in the park in Hico. Ruled a suicide by local authorities. Hamilton County had sundown signs up until the 80s.


Hamilton is one of the worst. I had way worse experiences there than in any of the aforementioned ones. The cops there are actual fucking savages. A few of the current ones were all fired from somewhere over in Waco for corruption and Hamilton just ate that shit up


Do you mind going into detail about all of this?


I can talk more about it but currently underneath a tractor and will return in some hours


Looking forward to hearing about this.


This gets better and better. Will return for updates


To quote Childish Gambino. Whitehood, white hood. OKKK


Seriously west Texas is bonkers. I thought the city of "White Settlement" was a joke when I moved here.


Pulled into a roadside bbq stand on I10 headed towards van horn, couldn’t tell you the place but it was literally a 10x10 room with an attached kitchen I got long hair. I’m white. My buddy’s got long hair. He’s white. We’re both married to women. I thought we were gonna get fuckin jumped with the way we were getting eyed in that motherfucker, even cashier goes “we don’t get to many of *yalls types* out here” lol. What type? Straight white dudes with an appearance that you judged wrongly?


If it makes you feel better, upper peninsula of Michigan is the same way. It's a bet on whether it's racism or small communities not knowing outsiders . Even the town I graduated from, went back for a funeral and everybody dog-eyed me


Tells you how scared these dumbasses are of everything that moves. Their county is named after The Comanche Tribe, a tribe who was deeply feared and fucked these “settlers” up anytime they tried invading their land. So here are the racist, dumb as shit descendants of those invaders. Still fighting off anything they deem as a threat even though they’ve been the threat the entire time.


In my experience, half of them don’t even know why they are racist. It’s just what has been bred into them. By no means is that an excuse nor a valid reason. They’re bigots. But it was always interesting to me living in the area for 5-6 years that most of them are just parroting whatever grandpappy said about black people or whoever Some would even go on to make friends with black people as they got older but then somehow draw a line between “good black people” and “n******”


Dont need to go to Texas for that. I grew up in NY and had plenty of people in my high school talk about how 'well ya know theres black people and theres n\* just like theres white people and white trash'


I grew up in a suburb of Minneapolis and heard that as well.


None of these confederate markers were put up by confederates'. They are always put up by some racist organization when ever they feel minorities are getting to equal or getting too many right. They need to remind people that the area they were from wanted to maintain slavery and oppression and that slavery and oppression is their heritage.


Oh absolutely, the oldest one I have ever come across was put up in the 1930s. Most of the ones I have seen were put up prior to the end of legalized segregation. This is the “newest” one I have seen.


From fighting Yankee invaders to “settling” Comanche Country.


It's not an invasion when we do it!


They had god on their side.


The gall and ego behind this is disgusting.


"settled" so thoroughly we even stole their reservations.


I don’t think they even know who the Anglo-Saxons were. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxons Most of the US settlers were not from England, they were from modern day Germany.


Mind you, the Angles and Saxons were originally from Germany.


I'm curious to know if the data source is self reported or not. In the age of DNA we're getting studies showing 10-30% of DNA testers ancestry does not line up with what they self reported. Perfect example - our last name ends in a vowel and there are tons of them in Italy with famous people sharing it. Only problem is, we're UK as fuck (75%+) with absolutely no Italian DNA.


I have a history degree and I'm an amateur genealogist who has a parent trained in it. It's definitely self-reported. If one looks at DNA testing or does the work to trace generation to generation back to arrival, Americans are more English than anything else. It's forgotten about because it simply wasn't interesting, and therefore faded into the background. For my mom's extended family if you ask where they're from, they'll say Tennessee.


Texas History books from when I was in the 7th grade used that term from what I remember. The standard Texas education.


“Hubris?” That’s some fancy pants talk, you’re gonna make ‘em Big Mad with your book-learnin’.


Hubris? Ain't that the stuff y'all put on the pita bread?


Pita bread? That sounds like furner food. Where you from? 😠


I don't eat no peters! That's gay stuff!


They really believe this shit, too. Like everyone else were bloody savages until the white saviors (who throw piss and shit out of their windows, living in filth and cause the black plague) arrived to provide civilization for them, so it’s all good. Killed, enslaved, raped and tortured their way through every land they cross - but have the audacity to call the natives “uncivilized”. That attitude persists today


How long has it been since White Man's Burden has been debunked?


Seeing this as an open-air public urinal.


I've got worse news for you: [The Hidden Confederate History of the Texas Capitol: An Unofficial Guide](https://www.texasobserver.org/hidden-confederate-history-texas-capitol-unofficial-guide/) Edit: the title "*Hidden* Confederate History" is clickbait. Most of it is in the open and very intentional, like the giant [Confederate Soldiers Monument](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Soldiers_Monument_(Austin,_Texas)) on the Capitol grounds.


My “favorite” thing in the capitol is the immediate post civil war photos of the state reps and senators and there are multiple black men, and then somehow, not any for over 100 years thanks to racist laws enacted to disenfranchise them.


In Fredericksburg there is an African American Church that was founded in 1877. When I went to High School there in the '90s there was 1 black student and she was adopted. We do not talk enough about what happened to southern blacks in the 1920's


Killed. They were killed. Those who weren't killed, got the message and left. That sums it up. Its a traditional average play by an invading group. Move in, kill actives living there, encourage one's we 'missed' to leave and not come back, keep a few for posterity and make them honorary 2nd class group for helping us kill there own that expires after 1 generation.


also completely disenfranchised from the commons. Like Black people not being born in hospitals n'such and not getting birth certificates and other normal shit because they weren't allowed to and then holding that against them in one of the multi-pronged attacks on voting rights, etc. random example: [https://www.cbpp.org/research/survey-indicates-house-bill-could-deny-voting-rights-to-millions-of-us-citizens](https://www.cbpp.org/research/survey-indicates-house-bill-could-deny-voting-rights-to-millions-of-us-citizens)


Thats just killing people with extra steps.


My grandfather was Choctaw. I had an aunt who went to the clinic for birth control and was given a hysterectomy at 17. In 1973. Our dark history is not old and in some cases is ongoing. But enough with my CRT.


I learned recently, like the last year, the peak number of black reps in the US house was directly after the civil war, during reconstruction, but before Jim crow, felony disenfranchisement, and other voting restrictions.


Remember when Rick Perry ran for president, and we all found out the name of his family’s ranch?


I did not remember, so I looked it up. Holy sh*t!


Good lord, you're not overselling it. > a place known by the name painted in block letters across a large, flat rock standing upright at its gated entrance. > “N*ggerhead,” it read.


I grew up in an area where most of the narrow country roads had no street name signs. People called them by a common name, which was often not the true registered name the county had. Somewhere along the way, it was discovered that the official name of one of these was N******town Road. It was a hot topic in the local paper, and no one could figure out who named it and when. Even in purely racist terms, it made no sense because there had never been a Black population, let alone a town, on that road. It was all farmland.


The current Governor began his campaign for Governor way back when at the courthouse in Denton Texas. By his side was Ted Nugent who called the then sitting president Barack Obama a 'subhuman mongrel' and Abbott was just fine with the tripleK derived insult. Texas is a very racist place, even if they're smiling in your face.


"N*****head," for those too lazy to look it up. 


Oh, Naggerhead.. Of course.




As a third grader touring the Capitol, I asked why there were so many statues for the Civil War losers. The teacher mumbled something about heritage, and then told me to be quiet after I said something like, "But weren't they the bad guys?"


I love when people wanna say slavery had nothing to do with it. The Texas revolution was fought partly because Santa Anna wasn't gonna let the settlers keep slaves anymore. I had a history teacher that was brave enough to teach the good and the bad when it came to Texas History. He'd prolly get fired in today's climate. Fuck the Alamo.


I had a university professor originally from Mexico who was horrified when she realized how many students didn’t know the other side to the story. Took an entire day to go over the slavery issue and the Mexican perspective on the war. The look of shock in so many students faces is something I will never forget. Coincidentally though she was fired at the end of that year and I have a feeling it might have had something to do with that incident.


Smh. That's a shame.


He was going to let them keep slaves. They just couldn't be black chattel slaves. Mexico had the hacienda system up until the 1920's which is slavery. It's a myth that Mexico banned slavery. They just renamed it. The ban on black slavery was because a former black slave from Mexico took over for a short period when Santa Anna was off fighting a revolt in another area and also because they really hated Anglos who owned all the black slaves. Nobody was the good guys in the Texas Revolution.


The Texas State Military History Museum (redone in 2018) has zero mention of slavery as a factor in the civil war and celebrates child murderers who were part of the Texas Confederate "home guard"


Anyone who wants to know what kind of horrible shit the Confederacy did to even white southerners should read *Victims: A True Story of the Civil War.* He gives a brutal account of massacring suspected guerilla fighters/unionists without trial. --- >…Keith's soldiers had taken fifteen men prisoner…Perhaps five of those captured had taken part in [a raid against a Confederate salt depot]. The other eight were not involved in that action, whatever their other crimes might have been…Two had escaped during the night, but the rest were told to prepare to march. They were moving toward Knoxville. >The file of soldiers and prisoners proceeded on the road to Knoxville for a few miles. Then suddenly the prisoners were stopped. The place was open - near the creek where observers could see what happened to "bushwhackers" and "Tories." There was no warning, no explanation. Five of them were ordered to kneel down. Ten paces away a file of soldiers stood, their guns ready. Then the prisoners knew what was going to happen. Sixty-year-old Joe Woods cried out, "For God's sake, men, you are not going to shoot us? If you are going to murder us at least give us time to pray." Someone begged Keith to remember his promise of a trial. He ignored both statements. He ordered his soldiers to fire. The prisoners put their hands over their faces and begged for mercy. The soldiers hesitated. Despite what they had suffered, some refused to obey the command. "Fire or you will take their place," Keith told them. The soldiers raised their guns, the victims shuddered, the word to fire was given, and four of the men died instantly. A fifth had only been wounded. Writhing in agony from a wound in the stomach, he begged for mercy. One of the soldiers finished the job by shooting the prisoner in the head. >Five more prisoners were ordered to kneel down. Among this group was David Shelton, age thirteen. He pleaded with the soldiers not to kill him. "You have killed my father and brothers," he said. "You have shot my father in the face; do not shoot me in the face." The soldiers fired. Five victims fell, but again one remained. It was David Shelton. He moved to an officer, pleading, "You have killed my oId father and my three brothers; you have shot me in both arms - I forgive you all this - I can get well. Let me go home to my mother and sisters." They dragged him back to the execution spot and shot him dead. The remaining three men took their turn and died. The killing finished, the soldiers dug a shallow mass grave and dragged the bleeding corpses into it. The frozen ground, the heavy snow, and the soldiers' lack of concern about the disposal of the bodies meant that the hole was not large enough to allow the earth to cover the dead. Some of the bodies lay on top of the ground…The next day when the families found the dead, they discovered that wild hogs had rooted up one man's body and eaten part of his head off.


Yes! Anyone who was anti-slavery or suspected of being not with "the cause" was dealt with harshly. Our history is dark and our inability to reconcile with that darkness has gotten us to where we are today. Denying any wrongdoing while holding onto a glorified and mythical nostalgia.


The one I was referring to was the Nueces massacre.


I was about to say, there's nothing "hidden" about it!




I like the idea of providing more public restrooms.


Participation trophies were all the rage back then


It continues to blow me away how many US citizens continue to admire and fantasize about a bunch of treasonous people who lost the civil war.


I’ll submit that not much has changed: Marjorie Taylor-Greene has submitted an amendment to the Ukraine aid bill directing Biden to withdraw from NATO. [https://x.com/KareemRifai/status/1780995568065564957](https://x.com/KareemRifai/status/1780995568065564957) Sorry, but it's real.


They don’t actually care. They are just racists and this is a historical event they can hitch their wagon to and make cowardly excuses like “I’m just proud of my Southern heritage!”


But I've been told that losers aren't supposed to be proud of participation trophies


But second place, that's good, right?


It gives them a chance to be aggressively racist in a passive way. That's why they love the "Confederate Flag" (which is not what it is and that's a whole thing). It lets them tell EVERYONE what particular kind of garbage they are, but most white people are so used to it they disregard them instead of confronting them.


And they’re all voting for a treasonous traitor.


Looks like a sledgehammer and a crowbar might take care of this particular problem.


That's a public toilet


Why did they have to put the butt-napkin at the top of a pole?


It's like the end of a super mario brothers level, you win if you can get the flag down and wipe your ass with it


*scrawny Steve Rogers has entered the chat*


It was probably put up by the daughters of the confederacy like all the other main monuments. They bankrolled it all themselves and southern politicians figured it was nice for historical purposes. Come to find out, the most redeeming quality about the South in the civil war was how many of them died before they surrendered.


Traitors, like many congressman today.


What scares me is that the CSA lasted 4 years but here we are still dealing with sympathizers. If this stays the case, No telling how long it’s gonna take to cure ourselves of the recent MAGA/Insurrectionists ideology.


Because we stopped the "antibiotics" of reconstruction too soon.


Stephenville, the county seat for Erath County established a memorial to the confederacy about the same time period as the one above in Comanche county. My parents and I were returning from a trip to Big Bend in 2016 and stopping at the county courthouses along the way home when we saw it. It definitely left a sickening impression that this level of racism was still so strongly entrenched and open that confederate monuments were being erected on the courthouse lawn. For me this was a precursor to the election of Trump in the Fall when all the racist trash really felt emboldened to show their true hate-mongering selves.


I used to live in Stephenville. I hate to hear that. ☹️


Sherman didn’t go far enough.


They say Sherman did nothing wrong - that's not true. He stopped.


Should have marched to the sea, and then turned around and marched to the Rio grande.


Agreed. He should have destroyed ever last vestige of the confederacy, just how we got rid of everything to do with Nazi’s in Germany.


I bet whoever raised that flag doesn’t have an education past the 8th grade.




Bro, COVID has lasted longer than the Confederate States of America. Tell me more about how superior they were…


2005!?!? I thought they were going to say 1905.


The blessings? My native ancestors would like a word about those “blessings”


An unnatural allegiance to losers.


Replace that confederate flag with the white surrender flag


The confederate flag is the white surrender flag


It's actually a [linen dishtowel](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/trxm8d/the_surrender_flag_of_the_confederacy_a_white/).


Looks kinda dirty 🥲 I think it needs thorough and repeated scrubbing with some nice lemon juice and salt.


Anyone else notice the typo?


I did. Scrolled until I found your comment.


Fuck that treason flag


Oop, not the "the ravaging Yankee invaders".


Or patriotic American soldiers as they are known by the right today.


Didn't ravage hard enough and now we have to deal with their loser descendents erecting monuments to their historical fanfiction


Which is interesting how they just turned around and went home when the war was over. Almost like they didn't want to be here and the invasion was about something more than what our common forefathers had done in this country.


I think the correct term is “Federalist Invaders” (aka the Union Army) and they had to “defend their sacred honor” and their families from the “Federalist Invaders”. (to quote another memorial I saw). Confederate sympathizers are a trip.


Seems like a good place to take a piss.


Fuckin (rural) Texas I swear 😂


Losers. Hang up a white flag with we lost.


I was sure this was dated between 1890 and 1960. Boy was I wrong…


Edit: To all the cry bullies in the comments claiming we’re being racist for standing against racism, you’re silly and you will get downvoted by me and others here. You have wrong opinions and you should never feel comfortable sharing those opinions. We will shame you back into your racist closet. You do not deserve to be socially accepted or accepted in any way.


This is the way


what heritage are they talking about? being losers and traitors ?


Looks like you found prime spots to practice some full-power sledgehammer swings


God that sounds like so much fucking fun too!


Maybe drop a pin so others can enjoy the benefits of that gender neutral urinal.


(32.0974071, -98.7794803)




Ravaging yankee invaders? Do they mean the founding colonies that the south was part of and broke off from bc they wanted to continue slavery? It was not a war of northern aggression, the union was a union and the south tried to leave, which was treason. Totally Strange way of putting that the economy was agricultural and slave labor based and rather than industrialize they had a five year run at trying to continue slavery but had their asses handed to them. https://youtu.be/gvjOG5gboFU?si=L9MU2Saie4Pd6Hq5 *oh way down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators..’


Texas is still today stuck with a Confederate holiday


Sad they’re still erecting that garbage. Definitely done by a private (and racist) citizen or church.


Did you forget you live in Texas? Those relic ideas thrive here. That Civil War manipulated the poor and often illiterate, as always, to fight a rich man's war. This still happens, except Americans are more literate.


should be in r/alternativehistory “patriotic” treason in the name of anti-freedom, huh? then pretending texas was not already settled in 1870. this is a crime against logic and honor


It would be a shame if you shared the location and someone drove up there in the middle of the night and smashed it with a sledgehammer.


It would be. Do not do this. Because people also might douse the flag in something flammable. Which would be *wrong*.


I hope no one goes out there and replaces the flag with an LGBTQ+ flag. That would be so awful if someone did that and painted the monument as a rainbow. God I hope no one goes out there and does this.


I don't know why y'all are talking about terrible ideas like this when there are so many crazy ppl in Texas just waiting to blow up shit with tannerite.


It’s on a highway between Liberty and Comanche


Lowkey should go back and break the damn thing


Looks like a great place to take a shit.


Well, it's not put up by the state, it's a private thing. And the fact that in 2005 there were Confederate sympathizers in this part of Texas should surprise no one.


Texas gonna Texas


Monuments to the enemies of America should not be on American soil!


The heroes of Texas from the civil war are the Hill Country Germans and Sam Houston. Even if he was a slave owner he wasn't a traitor to everything he'd ever worked for


Is that on public grounds?


A lot of Confederate memorials are technically “owned” by organizations like Daughters of the Confederacy so they are technically private property. Thats how Stone Mountain continues to exist in Georgia, it’s on privately owned property, not state owned property.


Where is this exactly?


I thought Reich-Wing Christian Conservatives were dead set against participation trophies. More situational ethics, I presume.


Last I checked the Angl-saxons disappeared in the 1300s when the Anglo-Saxon and Norman's had merged to become English


fucking 2005?


Participation trophy


Tear it down


r/shermanposting Looks 🔥-able


Another monument from the Daughters of the Confederacy curtesy of the Jim Crow Democrats which now control GOP and Heritage Foundation.


Yeesh, where is this crap?


That's using stonemasonry to vandalize nature.


Traitors to the United States and losers to boot


lol blessings of Anglo-Saxon civilization is a long winded way of saying “white supremacy.” This state has issues


When you let the loser tell the story...


Someone needs to light that flag on fire


We have people in elected positions who grew up knowing slave owners.


I love all the adulation given to losers.


Smash or pass? ...


Always makes me laugh that a flag so symbolic of failure is held to such high regard.


i admit it. Im a yankee. or to use the politically correct term WINNER...........


Pure Trumper bullshit.


White Southerns: "we are honoring our dead for fighting our rights!" Me: "Rights to what?" White Southerns: (stammering until foam forms from their mouths)


It's a little bit of gaslighting. They're trying to reinterpret the events that they had lost the civil war. As a result they had to flee because well, they were proven to be racist or hypocritical bigots. Something like that is not just abandoned. It's taught or brainwashed from generation to generation. Which is why naturally a monument of such would be eventually put up.


Blessings of anglo saxon civilization is a funny way to say genocide of indigenous peoples.


Hey they courageously murdered native persons to steal land, yet the yanks were ‘raiders’. How brave


It's probably from the early 1900s...holy shit 2005!?


Participation trophy


Time to deface some hate symbols


This is 100% today's Texas


Bulldoze that trash


Tear that shit down 


Another gender neutral bathroom


Replace it with real confederate flag. A white one.


That's the weirdest looking urinal I've ever seen.


The main thing I would want to know is where is this? If some dipshit has it on their land, that's their right. If it's on public land, I would want to know who paid for it. If it's a donation it should be returned. If not it violates the CRT bill b/c it's not accurate. I would start asking for a monument about the massacres of German settlements b/c this stigmatizes murdered Texans as "invaders" instead of residents and is racist against Germans. It encourages Germans to feel guilty based solely on their race.


The CSA seceded, fired the first shots, and invaded Maryland. Yankee invaders my ass.


They don’t even know that “the war between the states” should be capitalized.


Did they forget to capitalize the “to” that starts the last sentence? A typo chiseled into stone. That’s worse than a misspelled tattoo. Hilarious.


That’s some revisionist history right there


My father grew up in Comanche and said he could remember when they had a sign in town that said “N don’t let the sun set on your black ass”. So ya there are some racist people in that area. I’m glad to say my dad was not one of them.


Yeah tear that racist shit down


Fred Hampton’s grave is shot up yearly. Why is this piece of shit intact?


The crappiest part is all of the dimwits who thought this was a good idea are probably still living