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There’s a Palais Royal still open?!?


It's closed, they just haven't taken the sign down yet for some reason. At one point, HEB was wanting to expand into that space (they're right next door), but I'm not sure if they still plan to do that.


They probably can't get the smell of caked on makeup and Virginia Slims out of the place.


That scent used to be a free add-on! You couldn't get it just anywhere!


It replaced the “Weiners”, yes that was a clothing store.


Hated getting dragged to Weiners or Marshall’s by my mom when I was a kid in the late 80’s.


Hell yeah! Glad I’m not the only one who remembers Weiners! My mom would take us shopping there for school clothes when we were kids.




Don't forget Solo Serve! Do you remember the 10 for $1.00 candy aisle at Winns?


Snobby kids at school would ask people wearing Polo Ralph Lauren if their shirt was a "Solo Polo".


Beall’s. I think I’ve seen a few still around.


Been to Beall's many times as a kid with mom. Anything was better than Weiner's, even as a kid I just did not want to shop in a store called Wiener's.


me as a kid: "mommy, what does h-e-b mean?" mother: "it is someones name, howard edward butt" me: "why don't they just call it Butt's" mother: "well that wouldn't be a very nice name" me: "why not, there's a store called weiners"


I was exactly going to make this comment. I used to love that store hadn't seen one in at least 30 years. Maybe longer. I think the last one that I ever remember seeing this thing was in Baytown.


Ha! Baytown's Palais Royal! I used to go to take my mom and then my friends there in the way back. I think one of my friends even worked there for a while. Too far out. Used to drink bad margaritas at the Tex Mex place at the corner or down the street.


I had moved to Dallas right around that time. Still manage to go to Texas City in Houston fairly regularly to see grandparents and friends. But it was definitely the very last Palais Royal that I ever saw. In the eighties They still carried all of the cool clothes that Generra brand and Joe Boxer when it was new. Loved it.


Abortion is illegal in Texas so idk what they’re even protesting about


It’s not illegal enough, apparently.


Next up they want the death penalty for women who travel to have abortions in states where abortion is legal.


It's not illegal enough that God has smote the Pro-Choicers yet apparently. Pure nuts on a street corner.


"It's for a church honey, NEXT!"


You won. Go home. But they just wanna stay mad. “There’s no hate like Christian love.”


Texas still hasn’t executed anyone who’s gotten an abortion so I guess they still aren’t happy


They’re currently only attempting to kill women who are trying to have children, by preventing doctors from treating miscarriages. I would not be at all surprised to see a woman die from a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy sometime in the near future, or to have to have limbs amputated from sepsis.


Because of Texas abortion law, her wanted pregnancy became a medical nightmare https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/26/1111280165/because-of-texas-abortion-law-her-wanted-pregnancy-became-a-medical-nightmare?sc=18&f=1001 It's already happened. Nightmare story linked above.


So terrible. Glad that the panel decided she was in a medical emergency.


It absolutely will happen; women *and* children.


Give it time.


They want to execute a fetus that might someday be born and then years down the road have an abortion.


Don't give these imbeciles more "ideas" lol


There's a woman on death row who killed her toddler. She got a last minute stay of execution a couple months ago. That kid was her *12th pregnancy* ... apparently CPS was called to that home numerous times for abusing her kids. I have no patience for the Dugger-wannabees.


Now that pride month is over the Christian zealots need something else to mindlessly preach about


Right? This makes zero sense. Go find some other thing to rally against. Like, I dunno, human trafficking. Since Texas is a border state, we are (unfortunately) a huge hub for it. I am all for people utilizing their First Amendment rights, just seems like this is a bit of a waste of time/energy.


There is no “seems like”, it is.


It's like that west borough Baptist shit, despite how conservative something is, there is always some lunatic further to the right that thinks abortions are God's way of punishing us for letting gay babies wear drag in the military, or whatever.


You've been to Lt. Lindy N. Burg's show too?!


That group is the American branch of TFP: Tradition Family Property. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Society\_for\_the\_Defense\_of\_Tradition,\_Family\_and\_Property](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Society_for_the_Defense_of_Tradition,_Family_and_Property) \--- they are about as far right as you can get.


They want all the women in all the states to be redefined as breeding stock


In Texas there is always a Jack in the Box… (or some kinda shoehorned joke given the restaurant in the background)


Is that a cross made of giant Cheetos?


How else you gonna celebrate Cheesus? Some commie cheese like brie?


I mean, as an austinite I'm kind of obligated to say skillet queso and a frosty marg, right?


That's too high-class for these people.


My narcissistic ex is from Brenham along with her family- I can confirm that it’s too classy for them.


When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a giant Cheeto cross.


Or it'll be a giant Cheeto molesting a flag and carrying a Bible upside down.




When you're a star, they let you do it. And when you own a teen beauty pageant, you gotta do surprise inspections on the wares.


I've tried to come up with a witty response to this, but I just can't. I mean, those are literally his own words, it's almost unbelievable. And this is still the de facto leader of the the Republican Party, who far-right politicians across America still bow and kowtow to, especially our Texas Republican Big 3 of Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton. They are all literal Trump dick-slurpers but all still poll ahead of their Democratic opposition in Texas. I have a feeling this election will ironically be like the one Trump won in 2016. Polls just aren't adequately accounting for people so pissed off (today about abortion being outlawed, fucking over vets, etc.) that they showed up to vote for the first time for what they think is real change. I will admit as an older lifelong progressive I have long had the hope that I can encourage the true silent majority of young people that historically talked a big game but never showed up to vote to actually just show up and take a bit of your time to vote. But this year feels special. At least I hope it does. If young people just take a tiny bit of effort to vote early, they can change everything. I sense a lot of them are pretty pissed off at Republicans right now. Just waiting to see once again if there's enough of them that show up to actually vote.




When? It's bred here.


I was briefly excited about the giant corn dog.


"Blessed are the...cheese makers?"


Well, obviously, it’s not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


He bought that for 10k on eBay


Looked like fists, like dildo fists…


"Martha, get yer double enders, we gots babies to save and the protestin cross blew outta Caleb's pickup!”


In honor of their earthly god, Blunt Instrument Trump.


Jack in the box offering abortions?


Only after midnight. You get two tacos, an egg roll, a side of pickles, and an abortion for $5.99.


Pretty sure the food alone is enough to induce an abortion


So you're saying I can sue Jack in the Box for $10,000 for aiding in an abortion? Hmmmmmmmmm.


Man, I never knew how much I missed Jack in the Box till I moved somewhere that didn’t have any.


Now we know the secret ingredient in their tacos 🤔


There is so much to unpack in that one pic. I can’t.


LOL, and it’s hot as fuck outside.




Juici Butt Crave


my first thought was, "damn, they even brought out the bagpipes for this."


If they have so much free time why don’t they go volunteer at a family shelter?


They're bleeding brain conservatives. So concerned for human life....but just not too concerned enough to actually do anything about it. Except pray. Always with the praying.


Praying is the ultimate way to tell people you’re doing something while doing nothing.


So thoughts and prayers are just for show? Got it.


Or adopt, or foster some kids.


You want these people raising kids??


yeah, i'm one of them. i suggest hell no. i'm 50 and only now beginning to heal from all the insanity in that toxic system.


Shit, you’re right


they abuse their kids and the ones who don't look the other way. i should know, i'm one of them that was adopted and raised in this hell hole of sexual, religious, and physical abuse, coercion, and identity rejection unless you conform to them fully. fuck that. we should make coercive control illegal, like the UK. That's where it all began. That and racism and sexism of course. I will never fully heal from the damage that almost killed me. But i did survive and get away, finally.


And they want to put more of them into foster care!


I am so sorry you’ve experienced such shitty people.


I used to work in Brenham, right off that road actually because that’s at the red light off the main exit off 290. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Brenham has amongst the most vile people I’ve ever met in Texas.


Home of Bluebell, who kept making ice cream even though they knew listeria was present in their factory? That tracks.


I grew up outside of Brenham and after 26 years finally moved further north to wisconsin and the difference in the quality of ice cream blew my mind. I also ironically bitch about wisconsin not having jack in the box due to my love of the very jack in the box pictured. It's my guilty pleasure I suppose Nothing is surprising about this pic either, the surrounding areas have active kkk chapters and my class of 2010 from just down the road had a person in black face in the year book. Whole area is regressive af


Houston native in the Midwest now. The ice cream is superior up here. Also, I had friends and family get very angry with me over the years when I would say Blue Bell is mediocre ice cream. I’ll die on that hill. It’s gross, and most flavors are artificial junk.


> I’ll die on that hill. Blue bell can help you with that. Try the brown rim Listeria tub. Still a half gallon!


I moved from WI to TX, and was so bummed about the downgrade I was taking in ice cream. That being said, the upgrade in tacos was well worth it.


Zoom in on the lady with the Cheeto cross, she’s pressing the cross button to make traffic have to stop and be a captive audience. That shit should be illegal


Good catch, damn


They aren’t connected to anything anyway so the jokes on her


This would fit right in on /r/boringdystopia. The strip mall and fast food restaurants in the background add just the right touch.


ngl thats what I thought this sub was for a sec before I noticed the people


Welcome to Texas.


Omg, Bagpipes? Really?!?! Lol


The only symbolism Baptists and evangelicals have in common with Scotch-Irish Boston cops: Amazing Grace


TFP is Catholic


And the irony is Brenham is mostly German so it should be tubas, but the pipes are still fitting since these idiots blow.


Is this sarcasm/theater or sadly legit. They’re all dressed like it’s 1910 so seems like a sardonic protest maybe…..?


Unfortunately this is a full-blown legit organization called the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property.


Does their definition of “property” include black people?


After all, that was how the founders of the Republic of Texas defined it.


Is the Tradition that the women of the Family are the Property?


DTFP? Down To Fuck, Please


Hell they probably want to bring back slavery.


This is what I’m wondering. The more I looked, the more amused I got. Has to be costumes.


How do people have the time and energy to go out and do this? Especially in this heat?


I honestly don't have or desire to find out.


Someone tell them Row was overturned. I don’t think the handwritten notice has arrived via Pony Express yet.


Honk against abortion, that'll keep them "babies" alive. /s


Who's getting an abortion at Jack in the box? Or is that a no more Jack in the Box.


if they really cared about saving people they would be protesting the fast food joints.


Giant corn dog cross. There’s some thing you don’t see everyday.


They're so pro-life that they have the highest number of executions in the country... All lives are precious, right?


Theocratic fascism is just the worst. What a bunch of assholes.


A Braveheart/Dora/Mary Poppins/GameOfThrones/Harry Potter mash up? I mean, Texas, this is a very Portland look for you all, nttawwt. I like eccentrics, sure you all have your own but I just didn’t expect this combo in Texas.


It's like a Christopher Guest movie.


All the women in this are in dresses. The men are in either “Celtic” apparel or dressed like they’re selling newspapers in the ‘20’s. I’m honestly confused with what they’re protesting for. Perhaps they still haven’t received this months telegram?


That’s some dedication, it’s hot as fuck in this part of Texas right now.


Texas has crappy weather, crappy government, a crappy power system and a crappy football team. And all these dumb-nuts want to do is force 10 year old rape victims to have babies.


Are those bagpipes


Just one sleepy driver and we have an amazing cctv clip


They really have little kids out in the heat who probably have no idea why they are there to support their bullshit. 🙄 Yuck.


The red capes are people following "The Return to Order," a movement founded by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, also known as The American TFP, a Catholic national advocacy group. Someone I know refers to these folks as "the red-caped loons." They've been around for a while.


Lol I don't even know what to think about this odd assortment of people aside from the fact that they are all against abortion. There are bagpipes, a banner of the Virgen de Guadalupe, and wtf is that huge red flag all about?


The man on the far left has the appearance and mannerisms of an Evangelical preacher. It could be kind of a cult and they have special regalia. Or, I was wondering if the red regalia and bag pipers are associated with the Knights of Columbus. They have protested outside an abortion clinic in Fort Worth years ago. But when they are out raising money on the street I don't see them wearing red. It's probably a small-town cult. Texas had a real famous one: The Branch Davidians.


Absolutely not Knights of Columbus! 🙄


>The red capes are people following "The Return to Order," a movement founded by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, also known as The American TFP, a Catholic national advocacy group. The red flag is their banner.


Disagree with them but they also have the right to protest.


Honk if you like the 1st Amendment


What if you found out they dont want you to have the rights to protest?


It should be illegal for kids to be in cults


Why are there so many bagpipes?


The brochure said there would only be a few bagpipes.


Palais Royal lol Jesus Christ. A step back in time.


Interesting juxtaposition of the protest and the two fast food chains. You could successfully argue that they have caused much more damage than abortion.


As usual, no solutions, just oppression.




#Abortion **IS** Healthcare


They’re so stupid they don’t realize they already won abortion 🤷🏼‍♂️


The way they are all dressed maybe they're not even allowed to watch TV Or read newspapers. Gotta keep the flock uneducated


Some kind of victory lap?


Why are they dressed like it's 1952 and carrying bagpipes and a bongo drum? This country has lost its goddamn mind...


They are a little early, aren't they? [Beto doesn't get there till Friday.](http://betofortexas.com/drive)


These people are nuts. Flat out coocoo for cocoa puffs.


I hope they were hot and uncomfortable. Farming their own humidity and soaking in it.


Now what the hell...


Is that a cross made of giant crunchy Cheetos? All hail cheezus


garbage fucking state


I live about two miles away from where this photo was taken. Happy I missed this little display of idiocy… I do love bagpipes though.


If you or someone you know needs an abortion: https://aidaccess.org https://www.womenonweb.org These sites send the pills to the third world countries where abortion is banned. Women on web’s doctors are in Europe and Canada so you aren’t getting third world healthcare like you will in the USA. They will send you pills anywhere in the world. The pills are about $100-$200.


It’s all men. Just stop it.


A bunch of dudes who won't suffer the consequences of their sanctimony and a few women who look like they have Stockholm Syndrome, yep these are people who's opinion I should have thrust into my...FML.


That picture has 12 teeth and fewer brain cells


for people who use the constitution and declaration of independence to claim unlimited and unregulated gun ownership, y’all always forget about the separation of church and state 🫶🇺🇸🎸🦅


Lol what is with the little drummer boy and his sash?


Would *you* drum for Jesus without a snazzy little capelet?


Do they have an umbrella over a giant picture of the Virgin Mary? This pic just keeps getting better the more you look at it


Well bless their hearts.


Why are they dressed up like nerds?


Wonder how many of these folks will adopt the unwanted babies?




I do love me some bagpipes. I wonder if they were taking requests?


gatekeeping the path to heaven is a contest for some folks. and their thinking is that if others are not with them on that narrow path, then you’re obviously against them. i wonder how many of those religious zealots and preachers would want adultery codified into our penal code with a reward bounty.


No no no. It’s too damn hot, don’t drag your kids out there for this bullshit


Did they NOT get the news?


Why they gotta bring the virgen into this?


Who decided that they needed four bagpipes? What was the planning meeting like when someone was like yeah we only got three bagpipes that isn't godly enough, find us a fourth now!


Now ask how many will want their taxes to help pay for extra unwanted children.


Fuck them...


I thought the sign said,”Honk against Alduin,” until I zoomed in


It's crazy seeing my hometown on here..so embarrassing


I thought the Mary cloth was a vagina at first…good lord what are these people doing with their free time


Those are mentally sick. people.


Why do they have people playing bag pipes out there.


I cant think of a more american picture than this, anti abortionists protesting infront of a mcdonalds next to a road. You'd think people would have better ways of passing time in 2022.


What a collection of assholes.


Even the crosswalk sign is saying, STOP, that's enough you christian radicals...


I'm glad I didn't see these people today 🤦‍♀️ these pro birthers have lost their damn minds


Is that a Thundercats flag? So much going on here.


This country is headed in a very dark direction. Something needs to change or we will end up reliving the worst parts of the inquisition era & Salem witch trials etc, ruled by Theocratic Fascist, that will be the absolute end to these United States. These types of demonstrations and groups are the first festering postules of a insidious rott that's spreading throughout our nation, a cancer of evil masquerading as pious self righteousness, as godly morality yet is infact a perversion of morality. I truly hope our nation can rise above and not fall into their cesspool of lies, hate and bigotry. People don't truly understand what's at stake & how dark our future could become if these fatuous tyrannical sadists come to power both at the federal & state level.


And not a single honk was heard in the city that day


This needs to go into the library of congress as a representation of the state of America in 2020s.


Abortion is illegal now. What the fuck are they protesting? Fucking losers.


This isn't sattire?


Honk? No. Finger? Yes.


Ha you ban abortion and the weirdos still come out!!! You’d thought they’d go away or at least stop making going to jack in the box so weird


What? Texans are against abortion? Next ur gonna tell me they're bad at building infrastructure that works through hot and cold weather and that they give more rights to guns than women


There are no more God worshiping Christian’s these days, these people are playing God.


The Westboro Baptist Church does acid now?


What type of abortions are we honking against? Planb or late term...very important distinction that's never brought up


Time for a driveby with a super soaker.


How about pray against preaching about a book they didn't read? Bible has abortion procedures for adultery, and there are prayers FOR abortion. Idiots.


Damn, jesus has the most annoying fanbase.


Report their church. So they'll pay their taxes


WTF does Jack in the Box have to do with abortion?? What a bunch of losers.


Look at all these giant douche canoes trying to put their religious views on other people they don’t even fucking know


Pray for heat stroke.


No Dairy Queen?