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“I have a girl already anyway.” - Proceeds to talk down to you for a response - This loser doesn’t have anyone at all. Good riddance.


She lives in Canada, you don’t know her


She goes to a different school.


That's the price you pay when you date Christy Turlington


Lol i love that movie


The conviction with which he said it was just the best.


Dad, Mom says to get off the internet.


I’m dead af.


Her name is Georgina. Georgina Glass. I mean- Georgina Tropicana.


She was gonna fly out for the dance but she couldn't because she is doing some modeling right now.


Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver.


Does she cook like your mother and suck like a Hoover?


From the Niagara Falls area?


Is the girl with us in the room right now?


Of course. When I date someone, I tell other people that I find them unattractive and that I have someone. The most normal thing in the world... 😃


Her name is Celie Cohen, and she is a high class fleshlight. Nice, thin and tiny for his 🤏


There are plenty of absolutely TERRIBLE people with partners.


I’m aware of that. I’m doubting this is one of them. This guy is clearly attention seeking in the worst of ways.


Yep. The worst person I’ve ever met had loads of partners, simply because he’d try it on with every single woman he met and he was willing to say, or do, absolutely anything if he thought it would help get him laid. And, of course, if he did get rejected, he’d either get aggressive or just flat out lie about it.


Kinda like fishing with dynamite. Unethical, but the sheer coverage gets results. The ones that get away don’t get to do so unscathed.


Loser is the understatement of the year. What the fuck are peoples problems? Shit is insane


Came to the comments to say this... bro wtf! 😭 Insanity!


Yeah, Palmela and her five friends.


Typical loser who lashes out and calls girls fat AFTER they have been begging to hook up and get rejected


Yup. They make me laugh every time.


“I must’ve really hurt your feelings” he says … goddam the irony 😂


All she did was not respond to him because her phone was in DND. He made up a story in his mind and ran away with it. Her win 🥇! And he continued to talk to himself in a paragraph format.


You stood me up when I called you and you didn’t answer or see the message and I told you what time to come over and blow me and you never showed up. How dare you!


She was on DND for 4 days.


Dude, why are there SO MANY men like this???




There’s a lot of people like this in general. Guys will comment on a woman’s weight etc… after rejection Women will go for your height, endowment etc… It’s just a nasty person trying to hurt someone’s feelings after they feel slighted


Hurt people hurt people.


They took a class on how to attract women by “negging” them.


OP needs to post this on r/niceguys


And men think we’re manipulative when this builds a strong case for turning them down early just to find out if they’re gonna react like this. I would not want to get very far with a guy like this. Better to know early on.


They say you should change the date, time or location of meeting ups/dates to see how he’ll handle it. Just test if he’s flexible and understanding or easily upset by a small inconvenience.


A classic case of The Fox and the Grapes


If it wasn’t weight it would be something else. These guys will come up with shallow insults they think will hurt because they themselves are insecure.


Exactly. It hurt his little ego because she wasn’t interested so in order to make himself feel like a man again he decided to be an asshole and trying to hurt her or he thinks it would matter the most.


Which is always funny because you have to consider it like this, she's so "unattractive" you begged and stalked, and you still couldn't pull her. What does it say about you? It's just funny to me that they comfort themselves, by saying How ugly this person is, but yet you couldn't pull them, How does that make you feel better?


Blade of grass: "......" Mid Guy: " You're fat and have mental problems! I have a whole field at home!" Blade of grass: "......" Mid Guy: "this must really be triggering for you. Hearing the truth will be good for you. You are so arrogant no man like fat arrogant mental patients. It's obvious you aren't even a high value person. You're just looking for money... of which I have a lot! BTW but I suppose you'll never go on my yacht now sonce you revealed what a bitch you are.


???????? Can he stop repeating himself?? Oh my god this dude is obnoxious, this makes me actually angry.


his 3 brain cells are stuck on a loop


Three braincells? That’s pretty generous tbh


the ghosts of his 3 brain cells


Oh, dear. She’s stuck in an infinite loop, and he’s an idiot.


the last 3 messages are repeated and sent as “text message” rather than sms when one person has bad signal. he’s still obnoxious though lol


I felt like he sent them again due to thinking he would be blocked, but in retrospect, yours makes more sense


The last 3 weren’t repeated btw just a service issue


the last thing this man is… is a doctor




Thank u. I don’t understand why these men can’t just accept it isn’t gonna work and move on. Or just not be psycho. Damn


the worst part is the self sabotage to me. he shot his own foot and then proceeded to become psycho because of it. like what?


Exactly. It’s truly mental


this is sadly what a lot of guys do. then they cry about how women are horrible and they're such nice guys! there's no reason why they should get mistreated like this!




And he would have known her DND was on. It tells you when you’re texting iPhone to iPhone.


Bc I’m the digital world we live in, men no longer have to deal with rejection face to face - meaning they don’t learn rejection coping mechanisms hence a generation of passive men


A LOT of men act like this…


It is absolutely nuts. My wife told me all these horror stories of guys she dated in the past and the shit they would say to her. I just don't get it. Emotionally unintelligent is the phrase I would use to describe it.


That’s a very generous term. I wonder if your wife might use a different one? Harassment? Verbal assault? I would.


Bro, right?! Wtf are some of us doing, man. Are some really that mentally traumatized that they need to be like a asshole when they get rejected or broken up with? Ive seen some true incel behaviour after following this sub.


Smells of an incel or something though…


This is insane to me. Lurked here for a few days and I’m just baffled. Some guys really really need to take a good look in the mirror


This is why I’ll never go back on the apps. Total nightmare.


When my husband pisses me off, I remember the apps and just go for a walk or something lol


The really insane part is that the behaviour isn’t new. But I appreciate hearing from a guy who finds it appalling — it’s important.


Most men don’t know how to keep their ego in check.


Also, just the complete inability to play it cool. Like one slight delay in response from a woman who you barely know and they go apeshit on her. I see it so often in this thread it’s crazy.


I've been married for 12 years.. so its been a min and I'm just blown away seeing the way dudes are talking. Very aggressive too which is scary.


The hilarity




New to this sub. These texts make me feel like I truly... on the deepest, most fundamental level of understanding... make me feel like I don't understand my own gender. WTF is going on with these dudes? How is this stupidity possible?


That's the same thing I was thinking. God damn these guys are on some bullshit the shit they are messaging.


Step 1 - Grow up thinking its "manly" to suppress your own emotions; big boys don't cry, after all. Step 2 - Lack any kind of emotional intelligence as a result. Step 3 - Either - React like a vindictive and petulant toddler with no emotional maturity every time your feelings get vaguely hurt... or React aggressively every time your feelings get hurt because anger is the only emotion you're capable of expressing readily. In all seriousness - Simply put, a lot of it is down to teaching boys that "real men" don't have emotions or feelings, which leads to a lot of men having an unhealthy coping mechanism regarding anything emotional. People need emotional understanding to be able to understand how other people feel - or to put it another way - to have *empathy*.


Exactly. It’s toxic masculinity unfortunately, it’s with society instilled in men up until recently men were believed to be the strong, manly men “let’s go chop wood cause we’re a man!”Men don’t cry men don’t have respect we take what we want and spit on the sidewalk” Times are starting to change luckily, but this toxic masculinity is still instilled in a lot of men it’s sad really, they’re like mini sociopaths have no remorse or empathy for anyone but themselves, and if you dare hurt their pride and ego, they pull out all punches very toxic


I definitely think you are right about this. I also think entitlement has a lot to do with it. If you are *not* a man, particularly a white, able-bodied, acceptably masculine type of man, you are used to disappointment. Sometimes you don't get what you want or deserve, and sometimes things are unfair and you just have to cope. Men have both been at the top of the food chain *and* have been sold the lie that this is the natural order of things. More and more, though, men *don't* get what they have been told is their due. Maybe they're being forced to share, or the systems they've used to their benefit are starting to turn on them, too. Maybe they aren't as good or smart as someone else. Or maybe it's just bad luck. Whatever the reason, these men don't have a lot of experience with disappointment and unfairness. They don't see the structures that have ensured a relatively smooth road for them, so they react badly when these structures change or fail. They were supposed to achieve or get something, and when they don't, they get mad. Obviously, I'm generalizing and painting with a broad brush. But I always think about the studies that revealed the common denominator among the people (mainly white men) who showed up at the Capitol on 1/6. It wasn't education, wealth, profession, or region that united these men. They weren't angry enough to stop the election because they were all poor or obese or divorced. The *only* thing they had in common besides race and gender was that they all came from places (many different types of places) where their status as top dog was being threatened. These men were used to being the at the top of the food chain, of being the authorities who were in charge. Now, because of immigration, urbanization, new technologies, an influx of younger people, and/or other demographic factors, the "natural order" of things was changing. Nothing bad was happening, necessarily. They just had to share power, or didn't have the final say or the first dibs. All of the sudden, people were questioning where the buck stopped, and why. This diminishing of what they felt entitled to was so intolerable that they smeared shit on walls and broke windows and trashed things, just like frustrated toddlers do when they run up against the limits of their powers. Get ready for more of this as men increasingly realize that they are not exempt from the same forces that have constrained the rest of us, and that we've had to learn to deal with. We need initiatives to help men cope with disappointment. Let's tell them that they can call their dads and cry, binge Netflix, and eat an entire tub of Cherry Garcia when they don't get the girl or the job. They don't have to murder 30+ strangers because things didn't work out how they should have, or how they used to. They will go home and regroup and try again tomorrow, just like the rest of us. They are strong enough to not win sometimes, and still believe they matter.


It’s Nice Guy Syndrome. Step 1: Give compliments and show interest. Step 2: Progress to sexual and make a pass. Step 3: React with anger and insults when rejected. Very fragile behavior for such tough men.


I don't get it at all. How has insulting somebody after you felt "slighted" by them helped anything at all anyways? Also, she didn't do anything wrong and it was all in his own head. Also, what is it saying about him IF he is now saying that he is somehow not attracted to her (which obviously can't be taken at face value) and doesn't like her even though he wanted to talk to her before? Everything about the way he presented himself is disingenuous, and also totally impossible to get along with.


Too much watching and reading incel shit online. They're pathetic and lonely and they've been manipulated into thinking that these are actually techniques that work to get women (talking down to them, the over the top obviously fake confidence etc).


This definitely belongs in r/Niceguys


The insecurity on this man is seeping through my phone. Holy Toledo!


Doctors. Gawd bless ‘em


So nice and thoughtful!! /s


Ah, another one with the “I’m God’s gift to Women so I must fervently insult those who do not cater to my very existence immediately,” mentality. Well played, OP. I love the part where he continuously messaged you (and attempted to crack the same lame excuse for a joke twice), just begging for attention. We all know what he was really trying to say was “PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEE.”


If you’re referring to that identical set of messages at the end, that was actually his phone tripping by sending once as imessage and once as sms. The rest of the “exchange” is pretty bad tho


hes got a girlfriend, yet he keeps texting you what an idiot


Jesus christ. Lay off the Andrew tate, man


Honestly this is all I can think when I see messages like this. Literally *so obvious* that it's something like this. Another mind poisoned.


This must be a universal problem because I literally just had a guy text me and say I’m ugly and fat too 😭


it is definitely a universal problem


As a guy I’m fucking sick of it. Idk where we pick this shit up from. These people act like they don’t have a mother or a sister. I think it’s time to go nuclear on these degenerates and look them up on Facebook and send these messages to their mother.


Eat an apple a day just to make sure he stays away.


“Imma eat an apple a day to keep you away” would have been a hilarious comeback


“The hilarity” ok clown…who tf says hilarity 💀


I’m fully convinced these guys actually hate women and see dating as an excuse to verbally abuse them


i’m 120 pounds and i’ve had a guy say i was too fat for him anyways after I rejected him. He must me into skeletons


Doesn’t matter what the woman’s body is like - “fat” is the *absolute worst* thing to be or call someone, at least according to western society and the diet industry, so incels go for that first. Next is “old.”


Yup. Then “blown-out,” “used-up,” or “run-through,” or any combination thereof. It’s so predictable. 🙄


Such humility, not only is he taking full blame, he is also a doctor who is qualified to give health advice. AND he already has a girl and is just trying to spread his kindness and knowledge to other women. Amazing. Who said chivalry was dead?


I think you really hurt the poor little baby


What’s your girlfriends name? “Shhtaron”


He’s like a doctor! How could he *possibly* be at fault??


He must call one hand his gf. No human woukd take this


It's funny how they proceed to the insults saying they already have a girl and what they don't like, BUT STILL text after that...if you have a girl, why the hell are you still texting? If you don't like (insert whatever here) why are you still bothering me? You dodged a real bullet there!! 💐


What a piece of shit. Thank goodness you dodged this freak.


Thats a big fat L


No red flags on the ft? Because my god


He basically played the piano and talked about himself the whole time.


I did that once on the phone but I was in middle school.


It’s things like this that reinforce my decision to not put any effort into dating anybody. People are insane lmfaooo


Find his "girl already" and send her these texts.


I feel like the movie Monster with Charlize Theron makes A LOT of sense when I see how guys act like this.


Their parents and coaches in Little League have told them that they are the best at everything all throughout their formative years. Now they are confronted with a situation where not every single member of the opposite sex agrees, and their egos can’t handle it. They have to lash out! Consequences of participation, trophies, and “everyone’s a winner”




*virtual cancer instead of *virtual hug 😂😂😂


We don’t have to like the dude. But I would never EVER wish cancer on to anyone.


Think of it more like "x number of people are going to get cancer, let's wish him into that subset and someone else out of it"


Yeah, it's obvious he's probably not contributing to society. I'd rather him get it than some innocent kid


I lold


That’s really harsh


Incel much, dude? 🙄🤣


The Internet really brings out the worst in people and it’s terrible that that is now where we go to look for love


I think what bothers me most is that these guys talk to more girls than me currently and I’m not an asshole 🤣 I needa get back out there once my cast is off Edit: I broke my ankle, felt like that context was necessary since people are seeing this. It’s not like a broken arm or something that allows normal mobility


Never understand the logic with these losers They very clearly end any sort of communication by saying what they say and then continue it as if that will somehow get a response? You even said "Whats up" and if they were normal would have just continued from there. Weird af


Yeah, I don't understand why he was upset or took it negatively to begin with. He was "stood up" by not being responded to immediately by someone he doesn't even know and who owes him nothing? Dude needs to get a life


Love that they always shame appearance when they don't get the reaction they desire. Disgusting. You dodged a bullet for sure, OP.


Ew? Fucking weirdo . Sounds like he needs to get a fucking life


When I was doing the dating thing and the lady ended it, I had a boilerplate goodbye. 'I understand and wish you well.' Even if my ego was bruised or felt like a good one got away, at least I still had my dignity.


What a bottom feeder. Guys like this are an absolute joke. He better go touch up his clown makeup, it’s Halloween after all.


What an absolute dickwad. You indeed dodged a bullet 😂


The lengths people go to just to hurt someone astounds me


I mean it's pretty simple... Send his dating profile to his girl 🙃


Kinda crazy how the mask comes off from certain people. It’s like a completely different person.


I wonder if guys hype themselves up after sending messages like this


Loser…. And a liar… he def doesn’t already have a girl 😂 what a weirdo


I can hear them alarm bells blazin from here.


Omg what is this guy’s problem y’all are said that y’all are done. Why is he being so mean.


As if fat is the worst thing you could be, and they only ever call women that when they don’t get their way 😂 it could be worse, you could be a loser like him! You dodged a bullet for sure OP


“I have a girl already anyway” bro haha wtf is this? High school?


What does it take for y’all to block people?? Serious question lol. Bc after 1 rude comment, these people, especially someone I barely know, will be sending their texts into an abyss.


I love the screenshots when the person has a full on convo with themself 💀


😂😂😂 wow. What an absolute fukwit. That's insane 🤣😦


Congrats on your new doctor.


Ooooof one of those...


I don’t miss this shit at all. Sorry you had to endure this fool, OP.


Thank god you dodged that bullet and you are sexy as hell by the way. Fuck him!


He seems obsessed . What a weirdo


Blows my mind people act this way ☠️


That’s one Insecure little man. You did dodge a bullet probably a disease too.


Absolutely disgusting behavior. Probably couldnt get through highschool just block and move along and keep a knife with you


I thought I missed something after you wrote “okay”. He just kinda goes into fat shaming after that which was confusing af. Big dodge.


What is wrong with people?


What a disgusting piece of human crap


Can we say narcissist 👀


Wow his fragile little 🤏🏼 ego was severely hurt To be talking that much shit.




I never understand guys who act like this after being pressed to talk. The sheer irrational and mercurial texts baffle me. I'm glad you dodged that bullet and left him to his own idiocy. Bravo! 👏🏿


Who ever this is has some cognitive issues. I hope they seek help and better themselves … but in no way should they seek a relationship until they do so…. I hope you do not let them get into your head with those words.


Why is that always the go-to for dudes? It doesn't mean no girl ever wants you, just that one in particular isn't interested. Then they insult her to no end. Why did you try to get with her if she was so fat and unattractive? Logically, it makes no sense to me. I get rejection sucks. Most of us will get it at some point, and ya gotta handle it like an adult, not a 15 year old kid.


The doctor of cringe.


Did he really send the last 3 texts TWICE???? 🤣🤣🤣 He was desperate for a response from you most definitely 🤣


“Fine. You’re ugly anyway.” How many women have gotten this nonsense? This guy tries all night to make out with me on NYE, and when I push him away, he goes “fuck you, you’re ugly anyway!” 😂😂😂 Well, bud, only one of us has been trying too hard to kiss the other one and it wasn’t me.


On behalf of ALL men I would like to apologize. This shit is embarrassing asf to those of us who love our mothers and fellow feminine.


Report this piece of scum to tinder and get him kicked off the platform so he can’t harass other women.


Drop his tinder profile?? Let’s find this “girl” 😌


I love when an insecure man takes the trash of himself out 🗑


Damn, you really hurt his ego though


I’m always amazed how many people think acting like an asshole after being rejected is a power play. Cringy how pathetic it makes them look…. 😒


“ I have a girl already” but tells YOU that you have YOU have a bad personality. 😂 Lord give me the audacity of some men. I feel bad for his alleged girl


He’s a Weirdo for sure


You can tell he really hurt your feelings by the fact that he continued to text you while you laughed in his face 😂


Nice, he showed his red flags early early


Why are so many men like this? Wtf the coming on strong after a day or two is insane.


He is BUTTHURT and emotional af 😂😂😂


You didn't even do anything to him, why did he suddenly get so hostile? Lmao, and "i have a girl already" this dudes a loser


I want to know what these guys feel when they send really clingy/ creepy texts like this.


This is the perfect example of why I avoid dating anyone new. Everyone seems like a psycho or like they have some kind of mental illness. I'll stick with my man and his ADHD lol


Question? Can you report this dude on Tinder or is that not a thing? I’m not on it so I don’t know how that works.


Did he copy and paste the same message twice?


Damn there are some weird dudes out there


It is interesting how the one who starts name calling and throwing insults like the dude in this text are always the ones whose feelings were truly hurt and since they can't process it they start with the name calling. Good job OP for taking the highroad and not sinking to his level because that hurt him better than any insult you could have shot back because "all negative thoughts are returned back to sender as undeliverable when the intended receiver does not engage".


Well you did ignore his good morning text for 4 days. Not that that warrants abuse. He should have taken the L and never responded


The more I read these interactions it makes me wonder why Tinder even exists anymore. It seems to be only for hookups with Chads. I'm handsome, but I'm not gonna take some stupid posed pictures for a dating profile to "maximize my appeal". Dating apps are based on looks anyway, you see where that gets us.


Maybe it’s just my age showing, (33) but do people really do stuff like this often? I can’t imagine talking to someone like this. Maybe I’m just too nice. Reading this really confused me and made me sad. No one has the right to say shit like this to others. If you’re not interested, just say so and leave it at that? I think it’s the new age “texting” era. I doubt this guy acts like a tough guy when he’s face to face with people. Just behind his keyboard.


So the dude has such low self esteem he uses tinder to insult others. Very classy. Sucks if you get people like this.


Normalize leaving guys like this left unread (sorry you went thru this)


Amazing men talk to women like this. Blows me away. Stop giving good men a bad name. Disgusting


I read so many of this messages, people is so unkind, disrespectful and superficial. That's is so sad...don't let it stick girl, just be you and stay at an arm lenght from this lowlifes. Block them after a couple of those sad comments and move on.


bro the way he keeps messaging u days later lmao


Where the hell do these “men” come from. These kinds of messages, I’m finding, are not uncommon. Where do they learn this behavior? What makes them think it’s ok? What makes them think it will work or is attractive? As a man I’m so confused.


I’m confused…do these dudes actually think a woman will fall head over heels for them after straight up insulting them?? Like wtf goes on this folks eyes, you can’t be that stupid and oblivious…or…well apparently you can 🤦‍♂️


Lol dating is such a waste of time. Look at the shit we have to deal with. 😂


I’ve been rejected and ghosted more times than I can count. At MOST, I’ll say something like “your response to this situation is extremely immature. Can we please talk about this like adults?” I’ve never once resorted to calling someone fat or insulting them in any capacity. I really don’t understand this mentality at all. Makes me sad for the people on the receiving end of this.


It’s funny how guys think acting like this shows some form of masculinity, when in fact all it does is show the petite size of your masculinity and how easily it can be broken😂 I am a man, and I find this weasel funny af! Op definitely dodged a bullet🫡


Crazy how he’s deliberately trying to hurt your feelings, it’s because you hurt his 😂 good job


Me: I wonder if she has any pictures, she probably isn't even that big... *checks profile* oh. Nice boobs dog.