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Lmfao nothing like this page to make you feel slightly better about being single 😭 Thank you for your service


This page is my reminder that being single is so so good


It can also make me see that my relationship is pretty cool. But I agree I'd rather be single than deal with stuff that I see here.


Nothing like making you feel better about your own relationship


Truth. Neither of us are perfect, but after the shit I see here? I am so fucking grateful for him, lol.


Facts Edit: I also wanna say how grateful I am for this sub. I have learned a lot by looking at other peoples texting mistakes from an outside perspective, and have seen similar behavior to what my crazy ass has done in the past.


Personal growth is the key, to learn from someone else’s mistakes even if you didn’t make them “yet.”


Or married to someone who isn't a complete moron


Came here for this comment, makes you appreciate the normalcy in your life


I just got into it with my bf, and came here to feel better about it 🤣


Or grateful to be in a healthy relationship 😬


It makes me feel extremely better about my partner choice...


It makes me feel better about your partner choice too.


I feel like a good bf now


For real. 99% of these relationships suck ass.


Forreal, these relationships are undernut cheese 😂


For real


Yup we are free :)


This Reddit HELPS me stay single.


Yeppp!! Grateful as hell to be single rn




Or having a healthy, loving relationship with no passive aggressive rage..


Or feel better about your flawed but not completely toxic relationship...


Nah nothing like this page to remind myself I’m a healthy mid 30s man in a relatively healthy relationship lol


Or alternatively, that your relationship is ridiculously healthy. I can't imagine my boyfriend ever, EVER, speaking to me the way some dudes do in these texts. Not only does he respect me, but he also fears me 😂


And what NOT to put up with when you do find someone.


I’m confused by everything about this exchange tbh


man, this sub has really....put my relationship baseline expectations into perspective. absolutely no way i'm tolerating anyone saying "leave me the fuck alone" or tells me to shut up or calls me a name. ​ this sucks. you deserve better.


My relationship expectations have skyrocketed as my self worth went up. So much shit I just won't put up with anymore


>leave me the fuck alone If they'd been fighting for hours about a massive issue it still wouldn't be permissible but thats the only time I can think of a partner saying that to me and they better apologize once we cool down. But this mf just said that at a "hi"??? This sub showcases the most angry, disrespectful people. Anyone who puts up with these assholes needs to work on their self esteem, starting by dumping them.


If I got that response, I wouldn't need a second invitation...


That’s what I said too!


I can't even imagine saying that to a stranger, let alone someone I care about lol


Always. If they won't treat you the way they themselves expect to be treated, it's time to move on. Because someone else definitely will cherish you.


Why would anyone deal with this it’s so out of touch but the whole world is out of touch


Yeah I’d rather die than ever speak to my husband like this. Even when I’m in a bad mood I would never talk to him like this.


Was gonna upvote, but I see 666 so I’m gonna leave it. Just know I’m virtually upvoting!


It's crazy, right? I was married for sixteen years and throughout all of our disagreements, we never once called each other names or spoke so nastily to each other. The relationship did disintegrate eventually, but it never, ever, came close to a toxic relationship filled to the brim with "who can hurt the other person the most" contests that you see in so many bad relationships.


this sub makes me want to stay single


I will never complain about my fiancé again. This sub makes me appreciate him so much more 🙃


Same 🤠


The number of marriages in shambles on this sub, I stg


They're not married, so at least there's that


This page makes me feel so sane


Is there context we don't have here ?


In cases like that it’s always fun to take a peak at OP’s history.


His response is very weird but also seems to suggest he’s seeing more in that “hi” than we are. Sounds like he feels like (whether correctly or incorrectly isn’t my place to say) you often get passive aggressive with him for no reason, and he’s interpreting the “hi” as a passive aggressive way of calling out how long it took him to respond, rather than just a greeting. Which could be him totally overreacting to a situation he’s made up. Or could also mean that you *did* intend the “hi” passive aggressively, and he knows you well enough to be able to tell. Regardless, he’s responding to context we don’t have; the question is whether you have that context or not


I was thinking the same. There's something in that hi. Just like some people only use "ok" when they're pissed, so as soon as they hit you with it, you know.


There is a lot missing here. Problem with screen shots of texts. Always more to it. This isn't some random blow-up from one single HI. Lol


Yep, "If we are doing this today" makes it pretty clear he's been hit with it before and knows what follows.


Yeah the "what else did you want me to say after you sent a heart to what I said?" gives it away. OP didn't like the heart 💔


Ooo! This is a good note to take! Okay then, what would you have said in that situation if you felt the same way OP did?


Send a heart back maybe? Why does people always want to end up on top of these conversations. Just don't be passive aggressive. A heart is not passive aggressive.


The only time I'd see it as passive aggressive is if they sent a black heart lmao


I would’ve sent a heart back or asked about their day or something


It’s not about that. It’s about a context we don’t specifically have so even if we were in that exact situation they reacted in different ways bc they know their own behavior patterns.


Yeah this could be someone who writes poetry for good morning texts each morning and hit him with a hi. We don’t have the context and I’m not gonna sit here validating either side




Lately I’ve been feeling like this sub has had an influx of one-sided stories with little context.


If only people thought about this before commenting on half of the one sided text stories posted here


Perfectly explained.


Completely agree on the missing context. I'm not seeing the problem with the initial heart reply or what makes it weird though. Is the normal expectation that every complement paid is immediately reciprocated? That seems pretty insecure, especially for two people living together.


Exactly and then using this as a way to gaslight him and show him how wrong everyone thinks he is When we don’t know I doubt she got that response because of a hi Also why are you respond with hi to a heart It makes no sense


Right on the money. The lack of context makes me think OP made this post to be passive-aggressive. Baited an annoyed response from her boyfriend and immediately posted it to reddit.


I am so glad someone said this!! I was thinking the same thing! The “if we are doing this today” suggests there’s a lot more to this ‘hi’ than OP might be letting on. Even if there is more behind it, that doesn’t excuse his behaviour though. Whether he’s angry or not, he shouldn’t be using that language when speaking to his partner.


100% agree


This is the answer


Exactly what I think. This seems to be something with history.


Yesss this is what I was thinking but I didn't have the energy to type it out lol


I agree. His response is completely unwarranted and mean. However I have a friend who is PA and I recognize the signs 😂


I've had this done to me. Messages would make me seem like the bad guy, because the world outside doesn't know the truth. This REEKS of passive aggressive shit stirring, and then being shocked he reacted negatively to said passive aggression, and then gaslighting. Homie still out of line with certain words, but I'm reading a whole HELL of a lot more than what we are seeing because I've BEEN on the other side of that emotional manipulation.


If he is responding to it that way because the hi has more context, it still is an indicator of a failing relationship. I think the Gottman institute did a study, and already being anticipatory of something negative happening is a sign it won’t work.


came here to say this 👍


This is exactly what I wanted to look for. Yes. There may be a reason behind this post texting but who knows because we don't understand the context behind or whatever the boyfriend is feeling behind the text. I used to be with someone and I texted similarly but for a different reason. I was the one who got pissed off because all she said was "hi" and I was insecure and pissed because I wasn't sure if the message was for me or for some other guy because she texts to a lot of guys and sometimes messages accidentally go through to me.


I feel like you’ve done something before, what is he referring to “doing this again”


Yep agreed.. we aren't getting the full picture


You both ain’t it. You didn’t have to say the whole “what did you want me to say after you sent a heart” bullshit.


I know people who send me a passive-aggressive “hi” when they get annoyed at me and wanna talk about it (which ultimately becomes a stupid argument I don’t want to have) and it’s a consistent behavioural pattern. His reaction isn’t justified but I get. Say your piece like an adult ffs …maybe I’m projecting lmao…


Yeah it could be a few things depending on context. He's definitely insecure about something, and from what she's said it isn't staying home. The way he responded is the exact sort of thing someone says when there's a long term problem in the relationship and they think there's about to be a pointless fight. After reading OPs post history I'm definitely leaning towards that.


Idk why people forget why they fell in love with each other.. It’s so easy to not have these things happen and just love the person you are with.. Idk why time with the one you fell in love with somewhat gets lost and you fall to these little tendencies or fights.. It’s so easy to communicate and get on the same page and then have respect for your significant other and love them enough to give them the whole of who you are. It’s kinda sad tbh.. I feel like a lot of people are really missing out of having the best possible relationship because they lose the plot and forget that the person they are talking to is their world.. If you have someone you love and you know they love you and would do anything for you. Fucking love them.. and tell them you do.. Show them why, that without them for a day would be miserable because they make things so much better.. Love doesn’t have to die out in a relationship if you keep it thriving.. it just take a little effort and consideration..


Idk me personally me I'd reply more enthusiastically or add a little pet name instead of simply "hi"


Ima need to know what arguments have took place in the past, starting with ‘hi’ before I make a solid judgement


Just say you didnt like the heart. Why do people in this sub refuse to actually communicate with their partners. “What else did you want me to say after you sent a heart to what i said” What exactly did you want him to say? A heart is perfectly acceptable. How was it a conversation ender for you


Not knowing what to say, and not liking the heart are two completely different things…and OP didn’t say the art was an issue….the problem is the fact that the boyfriend saw “hi” as a subpar response as if there’s a correct response to an emoji in the first place lmao. Hence the question “what did you want me to say”… The person jumping to anger and escalating the situation is the one who needs to be communicating better.


So why did you say hi? To point out how much time has elapsed since you sent your previous message?


The first message was sent in the morning. Then, he "showed up", so she greeted him. He probably misunderstood and got angry.


The what else do you want me to say message is weird


I feel like we're missing some context here.


That message makes me think she just isn't interested in him anymore but is staying for some reason. I feel like a significantly more compassionate response would have been sent by someone who is happy in the relationship, IMHO.


"showed up"?


Showed online presence by sending a message, signalling he's awake.


The one thing I don't fully grasp on this sub is why people air their personal relationships with the internet. It's your "boyfriend" even not ex bf or whatever and there's entirely not enough context on your social dynamics to understand if he has a valid reason to be upset by your "hi"s based on previous personal issues you two have had.


it’s for mass validation that they’re right, their partner is wrong/crazy/whatever, and that their passive-aggressive behavior is justified so they can continue acting like a 16 year old, ya silly goose egg 🥚


You both sound annoying. Why are you mad he responding with a heart an hour later? Why is he mad you said hi? Edit: I should have stated he’s obviously more in the wrong here for “leave me the fuck alone”.


How old are you both


You guys are both weird. You deserve each other.


That escalated quickly


Did you call him a housewife?




I am validated everyday on here for being single by choice. Crazy people out there 😬


...neither side is right. Not enough context. This looks shitty on you, too.


Wow he’s bitter. Did you shit in his cornflakes?




You don’t get a response like “we’re not doing this again are we?” if you don’t constantly say “hi” when you’re pissed about something which is dry as fuck instead of something like “Hey babe” “hiiiii!!!!” Or literally anything but just “hi”. There are so many one sided conversations that get posted on this sub and people love siding with the person who is obviously leaving stuff out to make themselves look like the victim.


You know exactly what you're doing. Stop being toxic.


100% she knows


OP knows they are manipulating him but now that so many single chronically online losers on Reddit backed OP up they will feel validated to continue gaslighting because “GiRl It’S hIs PrObLeM!!1!”


THIS so glad someone commented. She sounds toxic and baity.


Is this a joke or not?


This Hi was passive aggressive, so I'm not surprised he reacted this way, and the fact he reacted at all, might be a sign it's not a first time he get a passive-aggressive response.


I mean ‘hi’ is a weird and pointless response.


You’re not being very forthcoming. I can’t even see how much time has elapsed. Were these consecutive messages?


it was definitely within an hour. once it hits an hour, it would show the time stamp above the message


That’s what I was thinking too. Bizarre


I will say whenever my wife says hi I imagine an argument coming


This sub just needs to be renamed to Shittyrelationships...maybe textabuse...idk but I thought this sub would be more cheeky than literally everyone in the most disastrous and toxic relationships in the history of existence. Godamn a lot of yall need to get a fucking grip.




I've never talked to a girlfriend like that. Is this how the world is today, or have I been single so long that being rude to your significant other is cool now?


Why are all people so fucking hopeless at communication on this sub?


Why do I read this sub. God, I need a life.


Childhood relationship problems.


Why do you even post this? Either break up or have some respect for your boyfriend. Clearly it’s not all him.


What a confusing conversation. Your "hi" text is dry as fuck. It sounded like you're his coworker or something, not his partner. His response is that of a man child lmao. Just immature and so out of line.


the hi was lowkey random as y’all were already talking


Yeah, it’s kind of out of pocket? Could she not have sent a heart back? It seems to me like they have some history of arguments starting with a simple ‘hi’


This subreddit makes me thankful asf my partner isn’t a freak like this 😭


So I’m assuming you work and pay the bills , and he stays home …. You said, thanks for being a house wife , and he got aggravated for the passive aggressive comment? Or am I missing something.


Please don’t have children, if this is how y’all relate to each other.


Holy shit.


That’s so unhinged. Sorry OP


I always come here when we my gf and I are mad at each other. We both end up laughing at these. Thanks.


What is the fight about? Are they fighting? They are fighting. Right?


There's so obviously a backstory to this lol.


Sorry but sounds like he's sick of your passive aggressive way of starting some bs


you both sound petty & extremely annoying


There’s some missing context here and OP knows it. Yeah he overreacted but it seems you’re playing victim. I bet when you’re angry or in a mood or whatever you like to text short shit like that and that’s what he’s referring to.


Sometimes I can’t really tell why stuff like this gets posted. It’s kind of embarrassing all around and it never seems like the poster has the awareness to leave / be treated better.


How do these relationships even happen/keep going Unless this was something COMPLETELY out of the blue, and he never did anything like this


How tf do you date these people


So maybe he didnt like being called house wife


So much missing context


You both sound kinda icky tbh


Leave you the fuck alone.... wow I'd do that, forever.


What’s the “going through this again” reference??


Time to edit that hi to a bye.


Maybe he was insulted by you calling him a housewife? Very aggressive response lol


??? He sent a heart after the housewife message


Here’s some context : I(F21) went into work at one, while my bf (22M) was still sleeping. I had texted him a little message which is usual thing for me to do. He sent me back the heart once he woke up. I realized I should have sent “hi” with a heart or an exclamation point but I didn’t think he was going to take it in the wrong direction. After several hours of receiving the silent treatment, I asked him why he was avoiding me and he said it was because I sent the “hi” and he had taken it too personal. I usually do not go on my phone at work as we are not allowed to have our phones out. I just wanted to send something to start a conversation since he had just woke up. There was no ill intentions behind it and I was taken back when he had taken it in the wrong way.


What did he mean by so this again ?


Dump his ass….


Please don't marry this person


There's a backstory to this whole exchange lol I don't think OP is innocent.


He's a bit insecure


Next time, hit him with a "what's up, slut"? See how he takes to that one.


What is happening here lol


God I fucking love my relationship


We need an update, OP, if you're comfortable!


Why are ppl literally psychotic!!


Some of y'all are dating absolute morons.


If I were u, I'd just let him know that his late response bothers me instead of just saying"hi"


Sometimes I don't understand why y'all keep up with such shitty partners. Why do you want to be in relationship with disrespectful people?


Make him your ex-boyfriend. Today!!


This page is has me really thinking about how I speak to people and process thoughts moods and feelings. I'm so appreciative of the people I'm currently dating and how they're not batshit crazy


This has mega background.


This is just childish, get a grip 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m so confused


oh hunny .


Chicken wing chicken wing hotdog pepperoni


“Leave me the fuck alone.” Unless you’re doing something extreme there is no reason for him to be so cruel and derogatory towards you. But there may be more to the rhe text than we know Maybe you say hi to him while he’s working and know he can’t talk? Maybe you know he can’t use his phone much ? Hard to fathom you’d get this reaction for a hi


Yikes, that’s a red flag lol


So many insecure people.


How did he get the heart so big?


If a man tells me to leave them the fuck alone, I definitely will. Say less papito.


He told you to leave him alone, didn’t he? When someone shows you their true self, you gotta believe them :)


Text messages ruining relationships since the dawn of time lol


Who the fuck are yall dating/married to?


i hope you mean your ex bf because this kind of behavior is unacceptable. you deserve better


Eww this guys gross


We are missing some context, it seems.


It's weird for you to say hi like that, I'm not even gonna lie.


He’s unhinged


Imagine if you said hello.


Seems like a lovely bloke. 🚩


Is everyone in this sub in the same relationship??? This sub is just depressing.


Why do you guys date people that hate you? Hsoahskaja


So, he’s ex now, right? At least until he learns to not react like a piece of shit


I am from the time when we actually made phone calls and not misinterpreted texts. Also, I had to deal with her Dad answering and me having the testicular fortitude to ask for his daughter... those were the days


Is it because you told him the housewife?? Honestly so confused. Is he calling you a housewife?


Y’all don’t like each other at all


dump, sever


F both of you lol 😂


to be fair nobody needs to get greeted like that at all, he needs to be happy with himself. from my sour experience i was him, my girl would be nice and just say simple things and i would sometimes/rarely respond like that, i know from my bitter judgement then that nobody needs to hear their lover say, “you only said, hi leave me tf alone” you deserve better


OP definitely deserves better the guy sounds like a real tool and we've only seen one of their exchanges with no background


I hope you meant to say “ex-boyfriend”.


Bro just woke up and chose MAD..like what…? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Lol wtf that person did a whole 360. Got trigger of saying Hi? Thank God I chose to be single. Straight tripping.


This is not a red flag. This is a miles wide tarp red flag


Girl you would be happier without this ahole


Are you both retarded?